Jared Diamond meets Stephen Hawking in a book that fits human history into the history of the universe, by an American Book Award winner.
An epic for our time, Big History begins when the universe is no more than a single point the size of an atom, squeezed together in unimaginable density, and ends with a twenty-first-century planet inhabited by 6.1 billion people. It's a story that takes in prehistoric geology, human evolution, the agrarian age, the Black Death, the voyages of Columbus, the industrial revolution, and global warming. Historian Cynthia Brown visits the Vikings, the Mayas and Aztecs, the Incas, the Mongol empire, and the Islamic heartlands. Along the way she considers topics as varied as cell formation, population growth, global disparities, and illiteracy, creating a stunning synthesis of historical and scientific knowledge of humanity and the earth we inhabit.
Big History represents a new kind of history, one that skillfully interweaves historical knowledge and cutting-edge science. In an age of global warming, when the fate of the earth hangs in the balance, scientific advances permit us to see the universe as never before, grasping the timescales that allow us to understand the history of mankind in the context of its ecological impact on the planet. Cynthia Brown's lucid, accessible narrative is the first popularization of this innovative new field of study, as thrilling as it is ambitious.
Stokes Brown claims that this is the first truly comprehensive survey of Big History, but at the same time she recognizes openly that she is very indebted to David Christian and his Maps of Time: An Introduction to Big History, which was published 3 years earlier. With the exception of the first chapters on the origin of the cosmos and life on earth, however, Stokes Brown mainly follows the chronology and periodization of father and son McNeill (The Human Web: A Bird's-Eye View of World History, 2003) and her account becomes a classic world history.
Positive is the attention she gives to ecological aspects, and also the didactic part at the end of each chapter with a list of unanswered questions is initially very inspiring. But plainly annoying is that Stokes Brown regularly displays very outdated views (about the Celts for example) and pays attention to controversial theories such as the Black Athena of Bernal, the Nazca lines in Peru by Von Däniken and the books of Gavin Menzies. She is also often very careless in her formulations, for example in the first chapters her word usage shows that she did not really understand Darwin's theory of evolution. And as we get closer to the present time it gets worse: naming the chapter about the period 1500-1800 "one world" is really incredible, or stating that the collapse of the Soviet Union, in 1991, is due to the "party leaders who longed for the material benefits of capitalism", is a banality that makes you speechless. In short, this is clearly a failed attempt at Big History, it never comes near the level of the works of Christian or McNeill.
يعرض هذا الكتاب لمحة عن التاريخ الإنساني، ولكنه على غير عادة الكتب التاريخية الأخرى، لا يبدأ من التاريخ المدون، أو العصور التي تسبق ذلك، بل يذهب أبعد فيبدأ بنظرية الانفجار الكبير، ونشوء الكون ومن ثم نشوء الأرض، وكذا ظهور الكائنات والإنسان حسب النظرية التطورية، ليلي ذلك ظهور المدن والحضارات حتى عصرنا الحديث، كل هذا في 400 صفحة تقريباً، وهو إنجاز عظيم، وخاصة والكتاب يعرض ذلك بأسلوب جميل ومفيد لمن يرغبون في التعرف على التاريخ الإنساني بشكل عام، الكتاب لن يفيد المتخصصين ولن يضيف لهم جديداً، ولكنهم مفيد للمبتدئين.
بانورما تاريخية سريعة ورائعة تاخذك منذ البداية , البداية المطلقة للكون , لحظة البداية مروراٌ بالاحداث الهامة والفارقة فى تاريخ كوكب الارض الي ان ظهر البشر وبعد ذلك كان البشر هم محركوا التغيير علي وجه البسيطة ومعالمها الاكثر وضوحاٌ واهمية كتاب رائع يعطيك الخطوط العريضة والعناوين ويمكنك انت بعدها انت تبحر فى كل هذا من مصادر أخري
النجمتين اللي طاروا علشان شرح نظرية الانفجار العظيم غلط خالص وكفاية الجملة الرئيسية "كتاب ملحمي يبدأ عندما كان الكون مجرد نقطة وحيدة في حجم ذرة ، مضغوطاً بدرجة لا يمكن تخيلها" انا لا مؤاخذة فى الاساس راجل بتاع فيزياء والحاجات دي متتبلعش قال ذرة مضغوطة قال
In 1989, an American history professor named David Christian was teaching at Macquarie University in Sydney when he offered a course entitled Big History. Rejecting historians’ definition of the discipline as beginning with the advent of written records just 5,500 years ago, Christian’s course began with the Big Bang, 13.7 billion years in the past. He invited colleagues on the Macquarie faculty to lecture on astronomy, physics, geology, biology, and other scientific disciplines to fill in the billions of years that transpired before any human set foot on our planet. Christian’s course proved popular, and the idea spread to historians in other countries. A new sub-discipline was born. There is now an International Big History Association.
Big History in print
Nearly two decades later, another American historian, Cynthia Stokes Brown, took up the challenge of writing a book about history as Christian had re-conceived it. She had recently retired from Dominican University in California. The result was Big History: From the Big Bang to the Present (2007). While Christian leaned on colleagues in the sciences to carry the story for its first 13.65 billion years, Brown took it all on herself. With a good deal of simplification but relatively few apparent errors, she surveys the prehistorical past with great skill. For anyone who thinks history is the story of wars and generals and presidents, Big History is a worthy remedy.
Responding to overspecialization
Big History is a belated response to the extreme specialization that now characterizes virtually every academic discipline. It’s no longer enough to specialize in world history, or even ancient history. A scholar needs to specialize in a particular era in the history of Greece. Candidates for Ph.Ds in history need to go even further. For example, a dissertation might be written about women’s role in Spartan society during the Pelopenessian War. Just take a look at the titles of recent doctoral dissertations in nearly any field, if you don’t believe me. I, for one, think this is tragic. God may be in the details, but even She could get lost there.
Other works on Big History
By the way, Christian himself didn’t write this book because instead he approached the topic differently. He wrote two textbooks, Maps of Time: An Introduction to Big History, and Big History: From Nothing to Everything, in collaboration with Craig Benjamin. His more accessible treatment of the subject is a 48-lecture course he recorded for Great Courses. The title is simply Big History. Bill Gates was so impressed by it that he reportedly financed its distribution to schools to the tune of $10 million. I’ve listened to all 48 lectures and loved it.
There are only so many events in history for which I have a keen interest to learn more about. I'd much rather have a broad, comprehensive view of history than know specifics. If you're like me, then you will love the hell out of this book. Cynthia Stokes Brown reduces the exploits of empires into mere paragraphs. Don't care about the human sacrificial rituals of the Incas, or the proliferation of tobacco, cocoa, tea, and coffee during industrialization? Great! Those topics (among vast others) will only take about 20 seconds of your time.
Of immense importance is the fact that this book is written by a woman (too few history books are). Never is the reader burdened with the high-horsed vision of humanity as the great conqueror. Instead, events are examined for their true significance and Cynthia succeeds in revealing the all-important connections between the cultures, technologies and events of the world. She remains unbiased toward all groups throughout the entirety of the book and remains properly skeptical when delving into questions of why.
Most commendable of all is that this book takes into account the ecological process and ecological effects of human growth. It does this not because of any agenda, but because it is necessary to know these things in order to develop an accurate picture of the future, and what is the purpose of history if not to help guide us toward a better future? Sure, these parts can be sad and cynical (particularly the last chapter, which speculates on the immediate future), but that's because they reflect the truth about the properties of the Earth and of the human race. Yes, 2/3 of Africa's forests have been destroyed since 10,000 years ago. Yes, humans are the cause of a sixth major period of extinction in Earth's history. Yes, if we don't curb the trends of the human "experiment," we in for some rough times. If you can't handle the truth, go watch some TV.
I believe that this is the most compact yet comprehensive description of the past and (immediate) future available. If you have any desire for a comprehensive and accurate worldview, do yourself a favor and read this book.
في بانوراما امتدت منذ لحظة الانفجار الكبير الذي وقع منذ ملايين السنين، يبدأ الكتاب في سرد للتاريخ البشري. في 400 صفحة تلضم الكاتبة كل مكونات الحياة و التطور البشري حتى تصل إلى القرن الحادي و العشرين. الكتاب ممتع جداً و الترجمة نجحت في أن تحتفظ بتلك المتعه .. و بالطبع سيطرح الكتاب عليك بعض الأسئلة، لكن ككل أسئلة التاريخ، تظل معلقة بين اللا يقين و اللا شك
وجدت أن العناوين الرئيسية لمن يريد قراءة تاريخ العالم من الصفر الى النهاية تقريباً .. فعليه ان يبحث في تلك العناوين التي سأسردها تباعاً من البداية الى النهاية …
أفضل من وجهة نظري قراءة كتاب او كتابين في اطار عنوان واحد فقط …
طبعاً من المستحيل جمع التاريخ جميعه في عناوين صغيرة كتلك .. لكن برأيي أن العناوين شاملة … و عامة و محايدة لتاريخ العالم
أتمنى من أصحاب الخبرة اضافة عناوين و احداث يجدونها رئيسية من وجهة نظرهم …
ok. five stars as in "this gave me a lot of information", not as in "omg the writing was just mind-blowing and the characters were so well written"... yeah, no.
but! i could eat books like these up! so many facts, from every possible domain: chemistry, phisics, medicine, philosophy, religion etc. i am a sucker for books that contain trivia because besides school, documentaries and works that happen to contain valid facts of history, i really have nothing to rely upon.
what I learned from this:
- what the word "hinduism" means - what the word "barbaric" means - i got reminded of Broca's area - Corpus Callus, the same - Godwana - the different emergence of humans as a species in the world
احد اروع واجمل الكتب يعطي نبذه من تاريخ بدايه الكون الى احداثنا حاليا كتاب رائع وجميل واشبه بالقصه يبدا من الانفجار الكبير مرورا ببدايه الحياه على سطح الارض والانسان الى وقتنا الحاضر من اجمل الكتب انصح به مايعيب الكتاب هو عدم ترتيب الاحداث بشكل زمني متزن
تاريخ الأحداث الكبرى من الإنفجار الكبير إلى الزمن الحاضر سينثيا براون
يميل العلم بشكل عام للإختصاص، وذلك للكم الهائل مما يتوجب على المرء دراسته ومعرفته في كل مجال فإنه من غير الممكن أن يلم الإنسان في كل شيء في ذات الوقت. لذا نجد إختصاصات كثيرة ولكل مختص فيها الكثير مما يتوجب عليه فعله في ذلك المجال.
ثم جاءت نظرية الفوضى التي أزال النقاب عن تلك الخطوط التي تربط كل التخصصات ببعضها البعض.. ونرى في هذا الكتاب "تاريخ الأحداث الكبرى" الذي يربط الكثير من الإختصاصاب ببعضها ليعطينا تلك الإمكانية لأخذ صورة شاملة عن النظرة الحديثة لكوننا وكل ما حدث له وفيه.. بصورة موجزة ومذهلة، حيث يغطي هذا الكتاب فترة زمنية لا تقل عن 13 بليون سنة في حياة هذا الكون.
تحاول براون في هذا الكتاب في وضع أفضل النظريات التي تفسّر الوجود والخلق وتلك السلسلة من الأحداث التاريخية والحضارية التي أوصلت الجنس ال��شري إلى ما هو عليه الآن.. وهو بالتالي لا يعطينا صورة قاطعة عما حدث.. لكنه يعطينا التخمين الأفضل لما هو من الممكن أن حدث. لكنه رغم ذلك شيء عظيم.
البداية كانت بالحدث الأبرز "نظرية الإنفجار العظيم" النظرية الأكثر إحتمالاً بأنها حدثت ونتج عنها هذا الكون الآسر.. وبكل تأكيد التحوّل الذي لم يبدو مقنعاً من عدم وجود أشكال حياة إلى وجود أول الكائنات الحية من جراثيم والتي حتى السيدة براون تؤكد أنه لم يثبت بأن تلك التفاعلات الكيميائية في الحساء البدائي للمحيطات أن أنتج كائنات حية في المختبر. لكنها أوجدت أحماضاً أمينية والتي تدخل التركيبة الجينية في كل الكائنات الحية والذي قد يوحي بأنه وبشكل ما قد تحوّل إلى كائنات حية حقيقية فيما بعد.. ومن المثير أنها لم تتحدث عن نظرية "البذور الفضائية" والتي وضعت لتفسر ذلك الإنبثاق المفاجيء للكائنات الحية الجرثومية على الأرض في الحساء البدائي والذي يؤكد العلماء أنه من السخافة السؤال عن مصدرها !
وكان ليس من بد أن تشرح وبإسهاب لا بأس فيه التطفرات الجينية والتي كانت سبباً في تطور تلك الجراثيم إلى كل تلاها من كائنات حية، حسب نظرية النشوء والإرتقاء لدارون والإنتقاء الطبيعي وغيرها. وأصل الإنسان والجنسين الأهم له النيانتدرنال والهوموسابينز والذي لربما كانت هجرته إلى أماكن تواجد النيانتدرنال سبباً مباشراً في انقراض الأخير.. رغم أنه كان يملك جمجمة أكبر مما يوحي أنه يملك دماغاً أكبر ولربما ذكاءً أشد.. لكن التموضع التشريحي لحنجرته لا توحي أنه كان يملك القدرة التي يملكها الهوموسابينز على الكلام وهذا لربما ح��ّ من قدراته على التواصل مع بني جنسه.
ومنذ انتشار الهوموسابينز على أرجاء الكوكب حتى بدأ يسود.. ولا بد من لفت النظر إلى التأويل العلمي لما يحلو لهم تسميته بالأساطير الدينية من جنة عدن والتي لربما تكون منطقة الوادي المتصدع في شرق أفريقيا التي كانت ولا بد جنة للهوموسابينز لوفرة الغذاء والذي لم يجعل الحصول عليه جهداً أكثر من عدة ساعات في اليوم الواحد لا تتجاوز ال 5 ساعات. والطوفان الذي جاء بعد ذوبان جليد الفترة الجليدية والذي أدى إلى ارتفاع مستوى البحار 180 متراً وبلع دون شك مساحات هائلة من اليابسة. وحادثة هابيل وقابيل والتي تفسّر بأنها ترمز لاحتقار الهوموسابينز لمهنة الزراعة بما أن قربان قابيل الزراعي لم يقبل من الله. حيث يعتبر المؤرخون بأن التحول إلى الزراعة وعلى الرغم من أنه أحد أهم التحولات الحضارية في تاريخ الإنسان إلا أنه كان يعني الخروج من جنة عدن التي لا تتطلب العمل لفترات طويلة إلى حياة تتطلب العمل معظم الوقت وتلك هي حياة الزراعة.
بعد ذلك، كان تسلسل الحضارات الإنسانية التاريخية والتي بدأت بالسومر إلى يومنا الحاضر فيما كانت بينهما أكبر الإمبراطوريات التي عرفها التاريخ المكتوب –مرتبة حسب التسلسل الزمني لها- المغول ثم المسلمين وأخيراً الإمبراطورية البريطانية والتي تمثل أكبر إمبراطورية عرفها التاريخ المكتوب على الإطلاق.
آخر الكتاب كان عن التحديات والمستقبل الذي ينتظر جنس الهوموسابينز على كوكبهم الأرض.. عندما تستنفذ موارد هذا الكوكب المتواضع أو عندما تبدأ الشمس بتمددها الأخير عندما تستنفذ ما لديها من مخرون الهيدروجين. وغيرها الكثير من الأخطار التي قد يكون الهوموسابينز نفسه السبب فيها.
باختصار، كتاب جميل يلخص للمرء النظرة الشمولية لتاريخ الكون والإنسان حسب النظرية المرجحة والأكثر إحتمالاً علمياً حتى اللحظة. من الجيد الإطلاع عليه.
كتاب مبهر الي حد الاندهاش .. اخذت في قرئته الكثير والكثير من الوقت كي استوعب القليل من هذا الكم الزاخر بالمعلومات القيمة.
كما حدثنا ماركس ( التاريخ يبدأ بمأساة ويكرر نفسه كمهزلة) .. عمر البشرية هو 30.000 عام حسب تقديرات البشر وما ما يسواي شعرة مقارنه بتاريخ الكون المقدر بحوالي 12.5 مليار سنة.
تطور الانسان لم يكون تطور بيولوجي كسائر الكائنات ولكن تطور في نمط الحياة واسلوبها الهدف منه هو الحصول علي الرفاهية.
لم تختلف الهجمات بين السامورين او استلاءات الفينقيون علي المدن الساحلية او حروب الاغريق والامبراطوية الرومانية او الموج الاعظم للمغول او الزحف الاوربي علي الامريكيتن مروراً بالحروب العالمية وانتهاءاً بالحرب علي العراق التي لم يذكرها الكتاب .. الهدف والغاية واحدة الحصول علي الموراد والبحث عن المجد .. الانسان هذا الكائن التعس والعبثي الاناني استخدم عقله لتخريب الكون والقضاء علي مظاهر السلام بهذا الكوكب الامن بدونه حتماً.
الاديان بأختلافتها التي وصلت اليوم الي نحو 10.000 عقيدة كلها تسمو الي هدف واحد وهو الترفع عن الدنيا في سبيل الجزاء المتوج بالاخرة .. استغل الرجال الاديان من اجل منافع خاصة فنقتل ونعذب ونحرق بأسم الدين ومن اجل ارضاء الرب سواء أكان شمساً او نهراً أكان واحد ام ثلاثة .. تاريخ كل الاديان مدان بلا استثناء بهذه المعضلة الاخلاقية.
من يقرأ التاريخ سوف يسهل عليه التنبوء بالحاضر القريب وليس بصورة كامله عن المستقبل المتقلب للكون
Această carte mi-a trezit curiozitatea despre istoria universului, care a fost de mult îngropată în lecțiile de istorie de la școală. Tare as fi vrut să o citeasc vre-o 5 ani in urmă, dar cred că va servi drept punte pentru studiul mai detaliat al unelor evenimente istorice cât și o punte în viitor. Recomand tuturor cu mare încredere.
This one has been on my shelf for years, a book I read in a piecemeal fashion. It is written in a loose, breezy style, and, like most works of popular history, it is not the kind of book you would ever cite in serious research.
... but, I still liked it. Certainly there are details (like how the collapse of the Bosporus land bridge and the subsequent flooding of the Black Sea is what probably inspired the flood narratives commonly encountered in ancient literature) which are, at best, speculative, but speculation is still interesting. (Likewise, I thought Brown's interpretation of the Garden of Eden story - that it was a metaphor for the abandonment of foraging lifestyles in favor of settled, urban, agricultural life - compelling, but also unlikely / impossible to prove.)
As a reader with a scientific bent, big history (i.e. history from a cosmological perspective) has always been my preferred approach, and this will not be my last book on the subject. You start with the Big Bang and cover topics as diverse as astronomy, paleontology, environmental science, anthropology, and epidemiology. (It was in this book where I first encountered the Great Oxygenation Event in our early history; in short, our oxygenated atmosphere is anomalous, and its oxidizing potential caused mass extinctions.) The perspective is a disinterested one, and little attention is paid to individuals, ideas, or events (although Brown does strike a good balance here).
Pretty good for what I was expecting to get out of it. I definitely enjoyed the sections about ancient civilizations and the transition from hunter-gatherer life to agricultural society.
Not my fav. This was assigned in my freshman year honors class, but I never got past the first few chapters. Having read the whole thing, it was interesting to get a (widely generalized) history of the world, and to have more context for events that have a lot of awareness, but it also reminded me that I don’t like learning about the mainstream perspectives of history. There is so much behind which stories we hear, but I’m much more interested in the more nuanced experiences than description of colonialism and industrialization 🫠
I found the first third of "Big History" fascinating because Cynthia Brown told our Universe's story using the language of science. I'm simply a sucker for cosmology and astronomy. I was therefore disappointed when her narrative turned to more modern times and began sounding like a boring history book. Nevertheless, Brown must be commended for condensing the history of homo sapiens from the point of our birth to the present trouble we're in as population and industrial growth outpace the planet's natural resources. This book is replete with facts and I would dare almost anyone to not find something personally marvelous or interesting as they read.
I'm fully behind the the idea of "Big History" because most people tragically lack the context and perspective to meaningfully understand our universe. Young people especially would benefit from exposure to the "From the Big Bang to the Present" narrative. Their understanding of the universe on a grand scale could only benefit everyone.
If you like premise of Daniel Quinn’s Ismael but found the tone somewhat off putting, you might want to try Big History. Instead of beginning with mankind’s recorded history, this historian starts her story 13.7 billion years ago with the big bang and string theory and dark matter.
We learn to appreciate the Gaia theory as all life forms on earth share the same genetic code, the same biochemical network. If we telescope the age of the earth to one 24 hour period, humans would appear less than two minutes before midnight and agriculture and cities would appear just a few seconds before midnight.
The rise of man was fueled by agriculture, cities, and later industrialization and technology. The major unresolved challenge obviously is how do to keep our growth from outstripping our finite resources.
For those who don't know, "Big History" (the concept) is the history that takes a mega-macro approach to history, starting with the "big bang" and trying to put humanity in perspective in terms of the, well, the long-term. This book is a summary of history including prehistory, from the beginning, and even though I was familiar with the main outlines of certain historical periods, this book helps put the whole span in perspective. Unlike many histories, China and India are included as part of the greater picture, which is as it should be. European history would not be complete without the Mongols, for example. I enjoyed this book, not as a sit-down-and-read from start to finish, but as a bit-at-a-time read before bed.
باستثناء الفصل الأول الذي لخص الانفجار الكبير بشكل شائق ومترابط (كنت قد قرأت الكون لساجان، وأدت الترجمة إلى نفوري أكثر من الفيزياء والفلك بصفة عامة) فإن باقي فصول الكتاب جاءت بما هو أشبه بمقرر دراسي، هناك قيمة وجيهة في اختزال وربط تاريخ العالم أجمع، واستفدت بفصل حضارات الأمريكتين، لكن يغلب التفصيل السردي الممل على غرار: ويتميز شعب الكذا بزراعة كذا وكذا ثم تعدد الكاتبة عشرين محصولاً! وأكثر ما أعجبني هي الأسئلة في نهاية كل فصل، حيث تحاول استثارة القاريء للمزيد من البحث، دون أن تقدم إجابات واضحة على أسئلة لا تزال تشغل بال العلماء والباحثين.
The history of our planet in 248 pages. The last two chapters on the rise of the modern world and, because of what we've done to the planet, how difficult the next 100 years will be are sobering.
A quick smart retelling of our history really shows how unprecedented the last 100 years have been. I think I may start storing food and fuel on my Dad's compound in northern Michigan.
Did you realize that the Mongol empire controlled the largest land area of any of the ancient empires?
أربعة أنجم لهذا الكتاب الشيق الذي ينظر إلى التاريخ من بداية الكون و ليس منذ ظهور الكتابة كما درجت العادة. معلومات موسوعية (إجبارية: يتعين على الجميع معرفتها) نقيصته الوحيدة هو أنه تناول التاريخ بشكل عام دون الخوض في التفاصيل فمثلا تم إغفال الحروب البونيقية تماما و كذلك أحد أطرافها (القرطاجيون) وحضارتهم مهمة جدا في التاريخ القديم كما يعلم الجميع.
I've actually read this book three times so there's isn't much else I have to say except it's a review of all history from the big bang to present, it's short, fast, and comprehensive in an abbreviated way. LOVE IT.
Đại Sử là câu chuyện về Trái đất của chúng ta từ Vụ Nổ Lớn qua những chặng đường của sự sống và lịch sử loài người cho đến nền văn minh ngày nay, phác thảo những kịch bản tương lai tùy theo con người có kiểm soát được sự tăng trưởng quá nóng để phát triển bền vững hay không.
Try this. Skip to the last chapter and see if you like how the author presents her points. I tend not to like authors who insert (debatably) grandiose positions and (arguably) pretty far flung theories after very little data to support their position, but some people like this kind of presentation of history. I’ll explain that last point in a moment, but first I’ll just say that essentially this book is a collection of the first paragraph of every Wikipedia article followed by a post-modern apologist interpretation of history. It didn’t do the trick for me. I got through this book by constantly trying to learn interesting facts embedded somewhere in the opinion paragraphs, but what I really didn’t like was hiding a rather radical point until the end and trying to slowly build to that by mentioning the human environment on Earth throughout history. About the last chapter, and about the preface. In the preface the author states she is “I strive to keep the story as simple as possible…as unopinionated as is humanly possible…I am telling a story, not making an argument.” That’s three parts, simplicity, unopinionated, and telling a story not making an argument. In terms of simplicity, she achieves her end (just copy and paste any Wikipedia introduction paragraph into one giant one document and you’ll essentially have the bulk of this story). Too basic, I'd argue. To say she’s unopinionated is laughable, if you are promoting Ghenghis Khan as a moral shining star and Chrisopher Columbus as the greedy, blood hungry Catholic it’s fine to just admit that’s liberal post-modernism. For the record I think Howard Zinn’s People’s History is a fantastic book, but, be up front. It’s a bit like when someone says “look I’m not trying to sell you anything, but…” or “not that I’m telling you what to do, but…” you know what follows is exactly that. Of course she has an opinion. It’s rather stark. If you interpret the story of Adam and Eve as a subconscious lamentation that we are no longer chimps in the forest, you most certainly have an opinion (no I’m not making that up, check out the end of the chapter called “Early Agriculture” for some literary interpretation I’d hand back with a chuckle and an F to a high school freshmen). You just happen to present your opinion as fact. Which brings us to the last point, telling a story versus making an argument. I think the story about history is rather surface level and not that exciting, and then we arrive at the final chapter called “What Now? What Next?” Break out the crystal ball everyone, time to make predictions about the future (I thought this was a history book, but oh well, let’s take a peek). Back in the preface the author (and I’ll give her credit she admits this in the preface) wants to discuss the “impact of humans on the environment…I found that the actions people have taken to keep our offspring increasingly have put the planetary environment and its life-forms in grave jeopardy.” The last chapter essentially lays out a plan for global population control based upon a rather cursory projection that we won’t have enough food to feed the planet therefore we’ll have to limit everyone’s families. She points to the Chinese government’s success with population limits and says that “1 billion people in the most industrialized countries have already done.” Sounds eerily similar to civilized Western countries have already limited their families to me. Then she talks about the ban on chlorofluorocarbons in the 1970s as an example that “the process of cooperation” (about stated goals of “people would need to act immediately in three dimensions simultaneously, namely to limit population, to limit industrial growth, and to improve technologies” could happen. It’s simply absurd to compare the process of no longer producing a dangerous chemical to limiting worldwide population. Oh, the next section is titled “The Universe Abides,” a reference to The Big Labowski. Really? In a book that you’re laying out facts and right after a subtle suggestion that we should decrease the population? Well, that’s when I became a nihilist on believing her. I believe in nothing, you’re saying Cynthia, nothing! In terms of a summary of historical knowledge, there are better books (Short History of Nearly Everything). In terms of learning about early humans, there are better sources (Scientific American’s 2014 special edition on evolution). I wouldn’t say the book was a waste of my time, but I will say it’s important to question your sources and I guess I’ll end this with a quote from Beck. “Don’t believe everything that you read, you’ll get a parking violation and a maggot on your sleeve.”
Quotes / Facts This is a summary of cool facts, for example, monkey eyes lead to bigger brains. Guess the % of slaves that the US got from Africa compared to the rest of the Americas? (answer in the quote section, it’s the one that’s starred.) The gold in the ring on your finger has to be more than 4.5 billion years old. 10 Monkeys also had eyes that faced forward rather than to the side, for more overlapping fields of vision. Since their brains had to coordinate the overlapping fields to produce depth perception, they developed larger brains than other mammals. [by the way today at the zoo I learned that monkeys have tails, apes do not…also her knowledge of our ape ancestry is not quite to par. Poor understanding of Neanderthals, completely wrong in her assertion that we probably did not mix.] 33 As one might expect, the domestication of cars occurred much later, even though cats evolved into their present state as long as 3.4 to 5.3 million years ago. 78 (watch your anti-cat tone there Brown, cats are rad) One hunter-gatherer needed about ten square miles of favorable territory to collect enough food to live. One square mile of cultivated land, however, could also support at least fifty people. Hence agriculture could support a human density fifty to a hundred times greater than hunting and gathering could. 80 Out of approximately 200,000 species of flowering plants, only about 3,000 have been used extensively for human food. Of these, only fifteen have been and continue to be of major importance: four grasses (wheat, rice, maize, and sugar), six legumes lentils, peas, vetches, beans, soybeans, and peanuts), and five starches (potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams, maniocs, and bananas). 83 As people settled down and reduced the portion of wild meat in their diet, they had to look for supplies of salt. The body of an adult contains three to four saltshakers worth of salt. The body loses salt through perspiration and cannot manufacture it but must replace it to live. 87 In the hot, wet tropical forests and humid savannas of sub-Saharan Africa, all goods that were traded had to be carried on the heads of people. No other pack animal could survive. This fact favored the lightest, most valuable commodities, particularly gold. 142
Their culture was distinguished by the scale of human sacrifice, something that began with the Olmec practice of bloodletting to the gods. But the Aztecs…transformed this practice into the central element of their ideological system. In the process of doing this, the Aztec promoted the worship of Huitzilopochtli (literally, hummingbird on the left), the god of war, over the worship of Quetzalcoatl (feathered serpent), the god of agriculture and the arts. Huitzilopochtli had earlier been a minor god among the hundreds worshiped. 155 The Aztecs believed that warriors who died in battle and women who died in childbirth earned the most glorious life after death. 156 Surpluses of food, however, quickly led to organized robbery and the need for professional warriors. Power went to the leaders who could organize fighting forces and protection payments. Hierarchies of elites emerged as food surpluses increased. Military elites entered into coalitions with priestly groups that had closer relationships with ordinary people. This seems to be the common pattern in the development of all human societies. 164 * During the 350 years of the Atlantic slave trade, an estimated 12 to 25 million enslaved people were shipped from Africa for the Americas, of whom some 85% survived the terrible six to ten week voyage. About 40% went to Brazil, 40% went to the Caribbean, 5% went to what would become the United States, and the balance to the rest of Spanish America. By the 1820s five times more Africans than Europeans had come to the Americas. 199 The use of fossil fuel helps explain why slavery has officially if not completely vanished. 218