This is a drum we need to bang until it’s deafening

Via several sources, but here’s the Bitch.

Some pharmacies are now refusing to fill prescriptions for post-abortion vitamins and antibiotics.

Because “pro-life” means “pro-bacterial infection”?

Nah, because pro-life means pro-fetus and anti-woman. Because pro-life is code for “if you have sex, bitch, we’ll punish you. With forced pregnancy, with HPV, and with infection. You deserve it, slut.”

That’s what it means. Nothing else. If they have any story about pro-life they would be furiously against this. And we need to bang this drum. Loudly. Everywhere. This needs to be the poster child of pro-choice, pro-woman sanity. Because these people are insane and if the HPV vaccine battle hasn’t proven it (which of course it has) this is the nail in the coffin of their frickin crazy-ass movement.


  1. karen m says:

    “Nah, because pro-life means pro-fetus and anti-woman.”

    Yes. Yes, yes, yes. I wish that all of us who are pro-choice would just go ahead and call those miserable sacks of protoplasm what they are. They’re not pro-anything. They’re anti-woman, anti-sex – just anti.

  2. Amy says:

    How can you demand the cold-blooded execution of bacteria?! They have life, woman! They have dignity! At night I hear their cries…

    And yet, no matter how hard I bring the snark, I can’t quite match the hysteria of the wingnuts.

  3. deblipp says:

    I kind of feel like, ‘Aha! We’ve got you NOW!’ Because this shit is SO far from anything acceptable to most Americans. That’s why we need to TELL EVERYONE.

  4. Amy says:

    Karen, not true — they are pro-something. As long as they are blocking the HPV vaccine, they are PRO-CANCER.

  5. Jaspenelle says:

    “pro-life means pro-fetus and anti-woman.”

    I could not have said it better myself. Sometimes it feels like the rights women have fought to hard to get are trying to be stripped away from us all over again. And like you said this is what we need to tell everyone.

  6. karen m says:

    “As long as they are blocking the HPV vaccine, they are PRO-CANCER.”

    Point taken! ;D

  7. celyn says:

    It wasn’t post-abortion vitamins. The vitamins in question were pre-natal vitamins for a pregnant woman. The antibiotics were for a patient who had just had an abortion. The responses of both pharmacists are reprehensible from a moral perspective. The former is utterly absurd on top of it.

  8. deblipp says:

    Celyn, thanks for the clarification.

  9. Cosette says:

    And they call us radical?! Seriously. What’s more radical, more extreme, than denying half the population health care? What the hell is wrong with these people?!

  10. Dan says:

    What realy makes me sick is that these folks do these thing in the name of family values.

  11. […] As Deborah Lipp says, this is a drum we need to bang until it’s deafening. Some pharmacies are now refusing to fill prescriptions for post-abortion vitamins and antibiotics. Obviously I appreciate that numerous people have different morals than I do. Though I vehemently disagree with them, I respect pro-lifers’ right to believe what they believe. When those beliefs interfere with one’s ability to do one’s job, though, there’s a problem–and in this case they are willfully endangering a woman’s health. To be perfectly honest, I believe that if you have moral objections to dispensing certain medications, then perhaps you should reconsider your choice to be a pharmacist. Washington’s Governor Christine Gregoire put it nicely: “It is inappropriate for pharmacies or pharmacists to interfere with [the] established patient-doctor relationship by granting or denying prescriptions based on their personal objections.” […]