About Christmas TV History

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Christmas in July 2019: RECAP

Did you check out all the responses by our Christmas in July participants? In case you were late to the party this summer, here's your chance to catch up. Below is a complete list of links to each of our guests who participated this year. It goes by quickly, doesn't it?

If you're curious, there wasn't much consensus on answers this year. Favorite Saturday Night Live sketches ranged throughout the series' forty years. The most popular soundtrack was Vince Guaraldi's A Charlie Brown Christmas, however many other responses were also provided. And, I heard you all with your suggestions for future discussions for the website. Thanks for contributing your ideas and I'll see what I can do :)

Thanks to everyone who participated in Christmas in July and to all who left comments. If you would still like to leave comments, please feel free to do so--the discussion doesn't have to end just because the blogathon is over. Merry Christmas in July!

Original Introduction--answers by Joanna Wilson
Tom Beiter
Hugh H. Davis
Cathie Kahle from Christmas Movies and Music
Drew Flowers from Christmas Movies and Music
Skyler Harvey

Sleepy Kitty Paws
Sean Sotka (e_xander) at My Merry Christmas.com
Kevin Bowman
Randall Buie

 Dominic Caruso from 1701 Press
 Adam Parker from Merry Britsmas
 Rick Stoneburner
 Lisa Iannucci from the Virgin Traveler
 Linda M. Young from Flying Dreams

Travis Van Hauen
Jim Inman from Christmas Movies and Music
Donna Bock
Martin Johns from Stubby's House of Christmas
Ed South from What's Your Favorite Movie podcast

Ronda Roxbury
Jonathan Sowers
Laura Rachel from What to Watch
Jeff Fox, from Name That Christmas Special
Patrick Labelle

Chantelle from All Things Christmas.com
John D.
Sally Silverscreen from 18 Cinema Lane
Anson Sage Jr.
Jim Fanning at Tulgey Wood 

Tony Scotto
Aaron Henton (Der Bingle)  www.merryandbright.blogspot.com
J.A. Morris and RigbyMel from Holiday Film Reviews
D.X. Ferris, from "Suburban Metal Dad: Christmas Sevenfold"

If you're interested in our mini-questionnaires from years past, here are the links:

Christmas in July 2018

Christmas in July 2017

Christmas in July 2016

Christmas in July 2015

Christmas in July 2014

Joanna Wilson is a TV researcher and book author specializing in Christmas entertainment. More about the TV programs mentioned on this website can be found in her book "Tis the Season TV: the Encyclopedia of Christmas-themed Episodes, Specials, and Made-for-TV Movies." Her latest book "Triple Dog Dare: Watching--& Surviving--the 24-Hour Marathon of A Christmas Story" was released in 2016. Her books can be found at the publisher's website: 1701 press.com

*Support this website and its research by purchasing the books at 1701 press.com

1 comment:

  1. Thanks again for letting me participate in this blogathon! I wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the Blogger Recognition Award! Here's the link to my award post:

