End Times Views
The Return of Jesus, Great Tribulation, Millennium, etc.

Many differing views exist as to the order of Biblical end-times events.  In no particular order, the following charts are an effort to briefly summarize some of the prevalent views throughout church history (including some that are quite recent history).  Each image can be viewed in its full size of 1024 x 768 by clicking on it.  Use your browser's back button to return to this page.



First promoted by Augustine (circa 400 AD) who refined the allegorical approach of Origen in regards to Eschatology.  This is the standard view of most Roman Catholics, and was the continued view of many reformers (i.e. Luther & Calvin).   This is the most common reformed position to the present.

Promoted and developed by John Darby and the Brethren movement (though some attribute it to another contemporary of Darby's), widely circulated by C.I. Scofield in the 20th century, focus of widely read book series such as Salem Kirban's (666/1000) and Hal Lindsey (The Late Great Planet Earth) and Tim LaHaye & Jerry Jenkins (Left Behind).   Many of the ideas utilized in this belief were first proposed by the Jesuit Francisco Ribera (1537-1591) who published a book on this in 1590.  John MacArthur is a rare well-known reformed theologian who espouses this view.

Forms have existed from at least the 1300's onward.  Many reformers used aspects of this even while adhering to an Amillennial overall view.  (i.e. Pope is anti-Christ).

Accepted by generations immediately following the apostles, including Justin Martyr (circa 120 AD) and Irenaeus (circa 150 AD).  View became scarce following the time of Augustine (circa 400 AD) but was readopted by the Anabaptists during the Reformation.  Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892) held to this view (though virtually all other positions have tried to claim him, especially post-millennials - see http://www.spurgeon.org/eschat.htm).  George E Ladd (1911-1982) is a well-known commentator holding to this position in modern times.

A nondispensational eschatology forms its theology from the explicit teachings of the New Testament. It confesses that it cannot be sure how the Old Testament prophecies of the end are to be fulfilled, for (a) the first coming of Christ was accomplished in terms not foreseen by a literal interpretation of the Old Testament, and (b) there are unavoidable indications that the Old Testament promises to Israel are fulfilled in the Christian Church. - G.E. Ladd

Forms have existed alongside Preterism. Some call this Preterism and disparage the full form as hyper-preterism.  Adopted by theologian R.C. Sproul (formerly Amillenialist).

Forms have existed primarily from the 1100's until the early 1900s, though Tychonius (circa 350 AD) appears to be a relatively early and isolated proponent.  Some Puritan settlers to America held to this view.  Jonathan Edwards was a well-known Postmillennialist.  Pretty much died out after WWI and the Great depression.  More recently new forms have gaining popularity in late 20th and early 21st centuries (i.e. Theonomy, Dominion Theology, etc).

Promoted in the late 20th and early 21st centuries by Hank Hannegraf (Christian Research Institute's "Bible Answer man" and Jay Adams (Nouthetic Christian Counselor).  Perhaps the earliest promoter was Spanish Jesuit Luis De Alcazar (1554-1613).

Forms have existed from the time of Origen (circa 200 AD), who had a very allegorical approach to interpreting Scriptures.

Author and editor Brent MacDonald personally holds to a form of Historic Premillenial with small, yet significant, clarifications.  For the record, this is his adapted chart...

(c) 2011 Brent MacDonald, LTM.