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Long Way Round Map

Long Way Round Interactive Map
Webdesign & User Interface
This project was inspired by theseries of longway down and long way round, which is a documental
about the actors Ewan McGregor and Charlie Borman traveling Europe andAsia by motorcycle. The route on “Long Way Round” is from London, UK to NewYork, USA. However I decided to keep the America part off of it.
Anywho, this would be an interactive map where people can find out data about thistrip and one could use to do the same route.
Long Way Round Webdesign ewan mcgregor charlie boorman
This is the index, the start and end points can be dragged through the map and the miles counter would change.
There is zoom buttons on the right side.
A Navigation bar that has the countries on the route.
Long Way Round Webdesign ewan mcgregor charlie boorman
Once the user is focused on a specific place, one can hover over the city and a box with GPS cords will appear, for the true adventurers that get lost out there, this would be an easy way to find your way back. Pie Charts on the top right corner allow the user to know in advance how are the roads of this place and the languages spoken.
Long Way Round Webdesign ewan mcgregor charlie boorman
The same as above just another example.
Long Way Round Webdesign ewan mcgregor charlie boorman
This is the area on the website that shows the "Things to do" in a certain place with browsable pages.
Long Way Round Map

Long Way Round Map

Long Way Round Interactive map
