purple eggs???


All eggs have bloom. You mean after you wash the bloom off, it is lavender???

I only washed one, but yep. Stayed that color. I actually just wiped on with a damp paper towel. The one I took the ic of has a slight smear of brown where the Marans showed a bit. Two eggs were gray and they had a blue fadding into lavender on one side and the other was light brown fading into almost pink. I'll see if I can locate those two to show you.

sorry my "p" sticks
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I saw that in another thread - perfect nail color match!
OK best I can get. Sorry. These are from the last 2 days before the lav really showed. I hope you can see this. Small blue smudge, small light brown patch and the bloom is still on them, which is more white than anything.

ha ha what can I say? I think my girls can produce some amazing things!
I couldn't match that color if I TRIED, and Jasmine gets it down by sheer chance!

LOL....Now send some of those this way to I get better purple splashes! I've never noticed any of my birds doing anything like that. Maybe I should buy them Footloops! LOL

So, ok....am I on the right track here????
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lol Usually if I toss them one of those little pints of blackberries, the next day I get at least one egg with purple/lavender freckles on it! I have also noticed large quantites of live mealworms will affect the color of the egg shells too. It tends to make them richer in color.
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