Virtual Viewing

Bear photo taken by trailcam

Welcome to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game’s Trail Camera Gallery.

These images were all taken by remote, motion-triggered cameras. Some images have been contributed by scientists and others by the public. For more information on trail cameras, see the Alaska Wildlife News Trail Cameras article.

ADF&G invites the public to submit images for display in this online gallery. The gallery offers a way to share images. Photographers retain all rights to their pictures. Send images and information to Riley Woodford at [email protected]. For questions, e-mail Riley or call 907-465-4256.

Photo Galleries

  • Wolverines
    An assortment of wolverine images taken by remote, motion triggered trail cameras.
  • Kodiak Mountain Goats
    Robin Overall of Kodiak shared nine pictures of mountain goats, all but one taken in the spring of 2014.
  • Juneau Wolves
    Olivia Fletcher of Juneau began a science fair project looking at red squirrel habitat use and preferences. To her surprise, she captured numerous images of wolves.
  • Kodiak Brown Bears
    Robin Overall of Kodiak places her trail cameras on established bear trails, in view of rub trees, and near streams. She provided an amazing assortment of images featuring the famed Kodiak brown bears.
  • Prince of Wales Island Wolf Study: Hair Snare Trail Camera Photos
    State wildlife biologists on Prince of Wales Island in southern Southeast Alaska are using “hair traps” to learn about wolves and wolf numbers. Ten trail cameras were set up to monitor activity at the trap sites.
  • Prince of Wales Island Black Bear
    A black bear explores a snare on Prince of Wales (POW) Island. This bear manages to trip the snare without getting caught. A trail camera catches the details.
  • Kameron’s Marten
    Night pictures of a marten near Sitka.
  • Skunk Cabbage and Deer
    These images of Sitka black-tailed deer in a patch of skunk cabbage were taken between June 20, 2010 and September 18, 2010, on Rivellagigedo Island in southern Southeast Alaska. Thanks to Joseph Piston for contributing this series.
  • Live Trap Camera
    ADF&G wildlife technician Chad Rice sets a wolverine live trap north of Juneau in spring. A brown bear with bald patches on its flanks investigates.
  • Dead Goat Cam
    ADF&G biologists and wildlife technicians discovered a dead mountain goat north of Juneau and placed a remote trail camera near the carcass in early spring, drawing eagles and a GPS-collared wolverine.
  • Logtrap Series
    ADF&G biologists are monitoring animal activity at the site of wolverine live traps and documenting some unexpected visitors, including marten and brown bear.
  • Wolverine and Bear
    A wolverine live trap draws a wolverine and later a brown bear.
  • Dead Moose Bear
    ADF&G wildlife technician Jeff Jemison aimed a remote trail camera at the carcass of a dead moose north of Juneau in the spring of 2010 and drew in a bear that had recently emerged from hibernation.
  • Bill Stannard
    Bill Stannard posted a Moultrie Game Camera at his cabin in the Talkeetna Mountains and contributed these pictures to the trail camera gallery.
  • Audrey Magoun
    Biologist Audrey Magoun uses trail cameras in her wolverine studies. Magoun published a how-to guide for researchers and documented her recent wolverine work with ADF&G near Petersburg in Southeast Alaska.
  • Jeff Jemison
    ADF&G wildlife technician Jeff Jemison is working on several camera trapping projects, including Diana Raper’s project. Some images were taken on the Gustavus Forelands, others north of Juneau.
  • Scavenger Study
    Researcher Diana Raper has “camera-trapped” wolves, bears, coyotes, eagles, ravens, marten, and moose and works with ADF&G to monitor scavenging in the Gustavus Forelands-Glacier Bay ecosystem.
  • Glacier Bay Whale
    Biologist Tania Lewis with the National Park Service and Oregon State University graduate student Diana Raper aimed a motion-triggered camera at a humpback whale carcass in Glacier Bay in spring 2010.