Tribute in Music: 'Ten Years On'

Album cover featuring a print donated by Calirornia-based Japanese photographer Hiroshi Watanabe.

For the 10th anniversary of 9/11, people across the globe are looking for ways to connect and commemorate.  Not only will some share in moments of silence, but also in prayer and in remembrance.  Others, still, may find solace in music and in song.

For those looking to commemorate 9/11 through music, platinum-selling Welsh recording artist Jem has compiled an album from a group of artists in commemoration of the 10th anniversary of 9/11 and to support the National September 11 Memorial & Museum. The album titled “Ten Years On” comprises moving songs by a range of talented artists whose heartfelt lyrics and music will bring people together in remembrance on this monumental day. 

Jem was inspired to create something special and memorable that would connect people across the globe on this landmark anniversary.  The album is available on iTunes, Amazon MP3 and at, with 100 percent of proceeds going to the memorial and museum. 

“Ten Years On” includes songs donated by Bob Dylan, Pink Floyd, John Legend, Alanis Morissette, Johnny Cash, Simon & Garfunkel, John Lennon, Stevie Wonder and others.  Find a full list of the artists and songs here.

Jem’s decision to compile this album is deeply personal.  She was working on her debut album “Finally Woken” in Park Slope, Brooklyn in September 2001. While in New York, she met David and Paula Berry, who kindly agreed to let her stay in their basement. 

After a late 4 a.m. studio session, Jem awoke at their home on 9/11 to learn David Berry tragically died in the south tower.  Jem immediately stepped in to help his wife and her three young boys. Jem was inspired to produce "Ten Years On"  through the close bond she has with the Berry family and New York City. 

By Sarah Lippman, Communications Manager for the 9/11 Memorial

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