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Package Summary
rosserial_xbee provides tools to do point to multipoint communication between rosserial nodes connected to an xbee. All of the nodes communicate back to a master xbee connected to a computer running ROS. This software currently only works with Series 1 Xbees. This pkg includes python code from the python-xbee project:
- Author: Adam Stambler
- License: BSD
- Repository: ros-pkg
- Source: hg
Package Summary
rosserial_xbee provides tools to do point to multipoint communication between rosserial nodes connected to an xbee. All of the nodes communicate back to a master xbee connected to a computer running ROS. This software currently only works with Series 1 Xbees. This pkg includes python code from the python-xbee project:
- Author: Adam Stambler
- License: BSD
- Source: hg (branch: default)
Package Summary
rosserial_xbee provides tools to do point to multipoint communication between rosserial nodes connected to an xbee. All of the nodes communicate back to a master xbee connected to a computer running ROS. This software currently only works with Series 1 Xbees. This pkg includes python code from the python-xbee project:
- Author: Adam Stambler
- License: BSD
- Source: hg (branch: default)
Package Summary
rosserial_xbee provides tools to do point to multipoint communication between rosserial nodes connected to an xbee. All of the nodes communicate back to a master xbee connected to a computer running ROS. This software currently only works with Series 1 Xbees. This pkg includes python code from the python-xbee project:
- Author: Adam Stambler
- License: BSD
- Source: hg (branch: default)
Package Summary
rosserial_xbee provides tools to do point to multipoint communication between rosserial nodes connected to an xbee. All of the nodes communicate back to a master xbee connected to a computer running ROS. This software currently only works with Series 1 Xbees. This pkg includes python code from the python-xbee project:
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Paul Bouchier <paul.bouchier AT gmail DOT com>
- Author: Adam Stambler
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: hydro-devel)
Package Summary
rosserial_xbee provides tools to do point to multipoint communication between rosserial nodes connected to an xbee. All of the nodes communicate back to a master xbee connected to a computer running ROS. This software currently only works with Series 1 Xbees. This pkg includes python code from the python-xbee project:
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Paul Bouchier <paul.bouchier AT gmail DOT com>
- Author: Adam Stambler
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: indigo-devel)
Package Summary
rosserial_xbee provides tools to do point to multipoint communication between rosserial nodes connected to an xbee. All of the nodes communicate back to a master xbee connected to a computer running ROS. This software currently only works with Series 1 Xbees. This pkg includes python code from the python-xbee project:
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Paul Bouchier <paul.bouchier AT gmail DOT com>
- Author: Adam Stambler
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: jade-devel)
Package Summary
Allows multipoint communication between rosserial nodes connected to an xbee. All nodes communicate back to a master xbee connected to a computer running ROS. This software currently only works with Series 1 Xbees. This pkg includes python code from the python-xbee project:
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Paul Bouchier <paul.bouchier AT gmail DOT com>
- Author: Adam Stambler
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: jade-devel)
Package Summary
Allows multipoint communication between rosserial nodes connected to an xbee. All nodes communicate back to a master xbee connected to a computer running ROS. This software currently only works with Series 1 Xbees. This pkg includes python code from the python-xbee project:
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Paul Bouchier <paul.bouchier AT gmail DOT com>
- Author: Adam Stambler
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: jade-devel)
Package Summary
Allows multipoint communication between rosserial nodes connected to an xbee. All nodes communicate back to a master xbee connected to a computer running ROS. This software currently only works with Series 1 Xbees. This pkg includes python code from the python-xbee project:
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Paul Bouchier <paul.bouchier AT gmail DOT com>
- Author: Adam Stambler
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: melodic-devel)
Package Summary
Allows multipoint communication between rosserial nodes connected to an xbee. All nodes communicate back to a master xbee connected to a computer running ROS. This software currently only works with Series 1 Xbees. This pkg includes python code from the python-xbee project:
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Paul Bouchier <paul.bouchier AT gmail DOT com>
- Author: Adam Stambler
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: noetic-devel)
rosserial_xbee provides a simple way to wirelessly connect custom sensors and actuators to ROS. It creates a point to multi-point network using XBees. Each hardware node uses an XBee and a microcontroller running rosserial to communicate to a network coordinator XBee connected to a ROS computer.
Example network diagram. Each hardware node could be a separate temperature sensor, rfid reader, ultrasounic ranger, clap detector, etc...
Using rosserial_xbee, you can set up a network of sensors around your home to report back to ROS or just use it to wirelessly control a homebrew robot.
There are two main tools provided : and xbee_network. is configuration script for Xbees. It takes factory fresh xbee and programs it to work with your rosserial network. If XBee is not factory fresh, use Digi's X-CTU software to program it.
./ [options] port my_adr port : serial port of port of the xbee (/dev/ttyUSB0) my_adr: MY address is the 16 bit address of this xbee in the network. This must be a unique address in the network. This address is always 0 for the coordinator. Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -P PAN_ID, --pan_id=PAN_ID Pan ID of the xbee network. This ID must be the same for all XBees in your network. -c CHANNEL, --channel=CHANNEL Frequency channel for the xbee network. The channel value must be the same for all XBees in your network. -C, --coordinator Configures the XBee as Coordinator for the network. Only make the XBee connected to the computer a coordiantor
This node connects to the master xbee, takes the rosserial communication from all of the rosserial devices and forwards it to the rest of ROS. It subscribes / publishes any topic requested by its hardware nodes
./ <xbee_serial_port> ID1 [ ID2 ID3 ....]
To run, supply as arguments to the scrip the xbee's serial port and the ID # of all of the hardware node xbees. These IDs were programed into the xbee using or Digi's X-CTU software.