Anonymous asked:

Hello, Do you ever put your patterns on Ravelry? I very much like this one: your scarf from June 2013 but don't think it's on Ravelry?Thanks!

Unfortunately, I haven’t been on tumblr in many years. I would be happy to try to point you in the correct direction of a pattern but I’m having difficulty finding the exact scarf you’re referencing. Can you copy a link for me?

This is my beautiful friend Krista. After fighting childhood cancer and losing her leg, she continues to live each day to the fullest. By advocating for those less fortunate she brings positivity and light into this world and now she is reaching out...

This is my beautiful friend Krista. After fighting childhood cancer and losing her leg, she continues to live each day to the fullest. By advocating for those less fortunate she brings positivity and light into this world and now she is reaching out for help from others. I understand that donating is not the only way to help and spread her message. So please read about her story and if you could pass this along. Thank you so much.

Leg up for Krista

cancersucks cancersurvivor gofundme help best friend prostetics running learning to run

“The sleeve pattern came out a little overbearing, but if you don’t like subtle sweaters this guy should be ready soon!


The sleeve pattern came out a little overbearing, but if you don’t like subtle sweaters this guy should be ready soon!

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