Showing posts with label 063 Harry Potter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 063 Harry Potter. Show all posts

Thursday, July 26, 2007


I was considering the 7th book in the Harry Potter series (having just read it), and Severus Snape, and thought "What would he look like?" Well, roughly, this is it. Not the Alan Rickman Snape from the movies, but the Snape from the book.

Since it took me under 30 minutes to finish this I figured I'd post it.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Ten Points to Slytherin!!!

Well, the gossip around town is that I'm slacking. It isn't true.
The truth of the matter is that I've been THINKING about art a lot. It's pretty much like drawing, but less productive and fulfilling.
So, yeah, here's a sketch I did on Photoshop on my lunchbreak.
My wife has read all the books about twenty-four times. Me, well, I've read the first one-and-a-half books. Don't get me wrong, I love the books, but I'm an art nerd so I'm always drawing.
I've heard that Hermione falls for RON at some point...what the?!!
Ron's hair is a little longer than hers, and he likes to gulp, a lot. Oh, and with wide eyes. Ron's a likable fellow, but he's no match for Harry. Harry took on a dragon. Ron, well, he watched.

Mooney, Prongs, Wormtail & Padfoot

Yikes! I posted this in the nick of time! Here's a page from the 1978 Hogwarts yearbook.


Who's hairier than Harry? Hagrid! Someone must've slipped some Love Potion into Umbridge's pumpkin juice, 'cause she's blowing him kisses from her office window.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Conjuring a Patronus

Voldemort shmoldemort, right Ron?

I just realized I forgot Harry's lightening scar. Ah well. Maybe it's under the hair somewhere.

Friday, June 29, 2007

The topic was "Hairy Potter", right?

Only had time for a quickie but who can resist a bad pun.

Harry Potter

This is the cover of the final book
in the series: "Harry Potter and the
Worthless Education." It's a shame
that potential employers care so
little about the good grade you got
in "Spell Casting." Way to prepare
your students for the real world,

Thursday, June 28, 2007

First Post!

Hello everyone! I finally get to post some art on Toon Club. It's a great honor. I missed the last two topics due to relocation, but I am now settled in to my new home on the West coast. Looking forward to posting more often.