Showing posts with label 047 Imaginary Friends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 047 Imaginary Friends. Show all posts

Monday, March 12, 2007

Imaginary Nerd

Between the 8th and 12th grades I had an imaginary nerd. He was created for the sole purpose of doing my homework -because I certainly wasn't going to do it. Unfortunately he only gave me imaginary answers for everything. I then created my imaginary excuse maker guy to help me cover for the imaginary nerd. It turned out that he was terrible at coming up with good reasons why I didn't have my assignments...but that imaginary diploma sure looks good on my wall.


This is Larry. He has dreams of accountancy. He keeps trying to convince me that he can do my taxes, but I just can't trust him after that time he convinced me to order that hover craft in the back of the Boys' Life magazine.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Imaginary Friend

This is my buddy Stillson. He startles easily.

Video Game Friends

This is Alida. She's a dragon hunter.
I guess she's an imaginary friend because I made her up in one of those online video game worlds. I take control of this character one or two nights a week and she interacts with other players on the internet in a game called Monster Hunter on Playstation 2.

The game has a more realistic look, but I've cartoonized it myself.

I met this other guy named YuM_TaCos in the same world. He's really high level and a nice guy; always helping me take down the big wyverns. I can almost always find him playing the game.

So I guess he's my imaginary friend, too.

YuM_TaCos... What a name.

Friday, March 09, 2007

The Professor

"The Professor" was a cross between Commander McBragg and Mark Twain. I would talk with him at chain link fences and by tile walls, wherever there were nine squares on point it created a portal through space and time where his head would appear and give me advice and confidence. He was especially good at multiplication.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

An Eclectic Mix

Lumpy was more of a nemesis than a friend, but I think he'd haunt me if I didn't include him here. Lumpy is made entirely out of mashed potatoes, with the exception of his pea eyes and dark gravy tongue.

Lumpy is the starchy vegetable treat that chased me, horrifically, in my fevered nightmares. I'm sure if he had ever caught me, he'd have eaten me alive with steak and carrots.

Mr. Cheese
Mr. Cheese was actually my little brother's alter-ego. The only difference between Mr. Cheese and my bro was a voice like Froggy from Little Rascals. I imagine this is what Mr. Cheese would have looked like if he hadn't been trapped in a ten year old boy's body.
The Dragicorn
The Dragicorn is the magical half dragon/half unicorn that I used to imagine myself being friends with when I was playing outside as a child. I'm not sure what transpired to cause a dragon and a unicorn to fall in love, but their child sure was cool.
Freddy Frog
I created Freddy Frog as a comic strip in fourth grade, and drawing literally hundreds of comics about him and his adventures got me through some tough times, including moving to a new town in the middle of the school year. I debated posting him here, as he's very much still alive in my mind and I plan to do something with him eventually, but he is probably the best imaginary friend I ever had. There wasn't a notebook or textbook or coloring book cover or post-it that was safe from a Freddy doodle. He was a constant companion, and, trust me, he had some totally rad skills. (To quote my younger self.)

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Imaginary Backup Band!

I never had an imaginary friend, but I ALWAYS have an imanginary backup band! Alternative, jazz, folk, & rock - they're all great & always in tune, even when I'm not (which is always). They usually follow me around the office as well as to & from work..... Fitting a 16-piece swing band into the backseat of the car can get a little crowded, however.


Although my brother and I had loads of fun with our imaginary friend, we forbade our sister from having one.

We were jerks!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Friend or Servant?

2 Imaginary Guys

Thought I would double up seein as Ive been slackin.

My Imaginary Friend

I wanted to try to design my imaginary friend as though he were a resident at Foster's. That's me in the Lakers attire... which I wore every day for about four years in a row. And, or course, my buffalo/chipmunk friend.