This verse was the verse that Joyce Rogers shared as being her favorite verse in the Bible. I fell in love with it.
I've been taking some time to step away and simplify a lot of things in my life. I hate having to let things go, but it is necessary sometimes. I may not be blogging or being on Twitter as much. I may not be able to make it to every social event.
I hate that I haven't always had enough time to make those who I love feel loved. I don't mean my close family or close friends, but extended family that I love or friends that I'm just not able to keep up with as much. I'm making more of an effort to invest in people/relationships. I love blogging simply because it preserves memories. So many times I've looked back on a post and it brings memories back to mind that I had forgot about.
To most people, this blog is probably pretty boring. I just talk about my life. I hope it helps keep family and friends involved in our lives when they can't be here with us.
So, here is our past week in bullet points and pictures:
- Mon Sept 30- C Girl went on a field trip to see a play written by the mom of one of her friends, Bear State of Mind!
- Tues Oct 1- I had a great visit with Amber, my best friend from high school. The government shutdown. I found out that my brother, Kevin is furloughed.
- Wed Oct 2- I decided to start eating gluten free for at least a couple of weeks to see if it helps me feel better.
- I had great talks with Kelly this week and I am thankful for 14 years of friendship and encouragement in good times and bad.
- I've been a crafting fool this week- I finished the gallery wall in B's room, made a Hog wreath for the front door, redid a canvas in C's room, hung a shelf and hung clothespin art underneath in the playroom, organized all my many craft supplies, worked on C's Halloween costume.
- C girl's Parent-teacher conference was so, so good! We are SO proud of that girlie! She is growing in every level, reading at end of 2nd grade level, and is excelling in math! Her teacher said that she wished every student was as great as C and she could tell that we were raising her in faith. That compliment meant the world to me!
- Thurs Oct 3- I've been working at the library to stay in focus. I get so distracted at home! In the afternoon, Tim stopped by and finally got to see C at gymnastics.
- Fri oct 4- We went to a birthday party for one of B's friends. It was so hard not to eat the pizza there! Great to see friends though! Afterwards, we walked around the square at first Friday. The theme this month was Oktoberfest.
- Sat Oct 5- We had rain and cold front! Saturday morning we had Mugs and muffins at church: Lauren Greenhaw and her husband led worship and we heard a wonderful word from our speaker, Joyce Rogers, wife of the late great pastor, Adrian Rogers. I enjoyed it so much! And they even had GF muffins! We had other plans for Sat. afternoon but it rained most of the day! We went and watched the first half of the Razorback game at Chili's. The kids were getting tired by that point, so we headed home to listen to the rest of the game on the radio. Another sad ending for the Hogs.
- Sun Oct 6- We made gluten free waffles for breakfast and they were so good! We had a lovely service at church. Joyce Rogers shared her testimony and sang for us. I pray that I am as spry and passionate as she is when I am in my 80's. We went to a little pumpkin patch that is downtown in the afternoon. I took a few pictures of the kiddos while we were there choosing pumpkins. I'm so thankful that they will sit and pose for pictures. The last few years have been great as far as that goes! After that, we hopped over to the small airport in town where they were having an airport open house and Aerobatics show. We got to see a ton of planes! The kids even were invited in to see the inside of a plane! The planes were resting when we got there, but right before we left, a plane went up and put on a show!
- Mon Oct 7- B Boy's class led Rise and Shine! He had a long speaking part (a quote of Martin Luther King Jr.) and he did AWESOME! We are so proud of that boy! I visited the gentlemen that I visit for our women's ministry. He turned 97! He still works at the jewelry store that he founded and goes to church every Sunday! He's a blessing to me. I also had a mammogram and thankfully, it turned out fine. We thought I had a cyst, but it is just a deep band of tissue that gets sore. I'm glad that I wasn't prepared for what to expect with a mammogram. They are intense!
- So far, eating gluten free has seemed to help me feel better. I probably have eaten 95% GF. I'm sure some gluten has snuck in since I'm new at this. This is only day 6, so time will tell better if this is what is going to work for me.