Its botanical name is Selencereus grandiflorus (or is it Epiphyllum oxypetallum? Or Saussurea
obvallata?) We in India know it by its Indian name of Brahma Kamalam. It is commonly known as Night Blooming Cereus.
Last year, on 13th June to be exact, the Brahma Kamalam
bloomed late in the night and we were treated to a rare sight which lasted for
just a few hours. After that, the blooms closed up. Soon, the plant went back
to being an ordinary, anonymous, cactus-type pot dweller.
Last night, close to midnight, this once-a-year night bloomer chose to open up and
give us a repeat performance. Fourteen days short of one Gregorian calendar
The plant is of the cactus variety, with narrow, elongated leaves. The
blooms are large and pearly white in colour and their stalks grow out from the
leaves. The flower starts to bloom late in the night. When in bloom, the flower
gives off a heady aroma.
Au revoir! Until next year!
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