The war of the World
The war of the worlds is a plot involving romance and science fiction. The central space of events is in London, the story begins when the narrator goes to a center space of a friend and there he saw explosions on the surface of Mars until derrepente he notes that something falls on land next. The object was a kind of Martian ship in cylindrical so that the crew left the ship that killed all the humans were surrounded the ship, they were very advanced technology for the human beings of that time. From this moment new ships begin to arrive, the Martians begin to dominate the Earth.Your bodies was like bacteria that have adapted quickly to the environment and desenvolviam.But if they can not have a immunity for oe kind of bacteria and they beginning to die. Throughout history there is a sense of romance between the narrator and his wife where they are separated by problems during the alien invasion.
Written by Herbert George Wells in the year of 1898 was seen three times in the movies the last time was in 2005 simply directed by Steven Spielberg and by star Tom Cruise.