Saturday, April 06, 2024

Update: I've uploaded my artwork to Artstation and this link will take you to my new portfolio. 

Friday, April 05, 2024

P is for Poses

These are some poses I created for the Angry Beavers Sisters pilot for Nickelodeon. 

N is for Nickelodeon

These are some of the main character designs, turnarounds, and mouth charts I created for the Angry Beavers Sisters Pilot for Nickelodeon.  

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Z is for Zach

My friend Zach needed some art to help him visualize his idea. This is what I came up for him and below is the rough version.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

B is for Baby

Wow, I am going to be a grandparent soon and I'm so excited! My daughter Hannah asked if I could create a piece of art for the baby's room. She wanted something with a monkey, elephant, and giraffe so above is what I came up with. Each square is a separate piece and was printed on a 14x14 canvas frame. I had Costco print them out and when they arrived I was impressed with the quality and how nice they looked. Definitely using them again!

P is for Practice

I wanted to get back into sketching and had asked some of the animators at work if they would like to work on a drawing exercise together. The exercise has you work with 3 basic shapes and 3 basic colors that are assigned to each shape. Everyone had to choose a theme and make sure they used all the space inside the shapes. For my theme I chose Guardians of the Galaxy and the art piece above was my completed assignment.

After the shapes had been completed the next part of the exercise was to break the character out of its shape and design it. Part of this exercise was to use the same monochromatic palette for the color that represented the shape you were using. Above is my character design for Ronan the Destroyer and I referenced the old clone wars cartoon to for the specific art style. 

Wednesday, January 08, 2014

W is for Whisky

This is Casey's last week working on our team. He was a lot of fun and a great animator. I wanted to give him a sketch as a going away gift so today I quickly put something together...hope he likes it, heh.

You will truly be missed Green Knight, CHEERS!

Monday, December 30, 2013

T is for Totoro

My daughter requested a drawing of her and Totoro. I thought it would be best to combine the character and Dylan's favorite place...Hogwarts. Of course she had to sport her Slytherin scarf and Deathly Hallows T-shirt. I imagined Dylan showing off her fuzzy friend while they flew around the school.

Monday, April 09, 2012

B is for Burton

This is a development piece for a co worker its a fun project that I'm helping him develop. The pine air freshener helps Burton see through dark places and the scent helps to ward off the undead.