SNGR: Scalable Name-Based Geometric Routing for ICN

Yanbin SUN
Binxing FANG
Hongli ZHANG

IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Communications   Vol.E99-B    No.8    pp.1835-1845
Publication Date: 2016/08/01
Online ISSN: 1745-1345
DOI: 10.1587/transcom.2015EBP3513
Type of Manuscript: PAPER
Category: Network
scalability,  efficiency,  geometric routing,  name resolution,  Information-Centric Networking,  

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Information-Centric Networking (ICN) treats contents as first class citizens and adopts name-based routing for content distribution and retrieval. Content names rather than IP addresses are directly used for routing. However, due to the location-independent naming and the huge namespace, name-based routing faces scalability and efficiency issues including large routing tables and high path stretches. This paper proposes a universal Scalable Name-based Geometric Routing scheme (SNGR), which is a careful synthesis of geometric routing and name resolution. To provide scalable and efficient underlying routing, a universal geometric routing framework (GRF) is proposed. Any geometric routing scheme can be used directly for name resolution based on GRF. To implement an overlay name resolution system, SNGR utilizes a bi-level grouping design. With this design, a resolution node that is close to the consumer can always be found. Our theoretical analyses guarantee the performance of SNGR, and experiments show that SNGR outperforms similar routing schemes in terms of node state, path stretch, and reliability.