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Sunday, August 24, 2008

ProProfs Invents Free Quiz Tool For Educators

Sameer Bhatia, founder and president of ProProfs, has been in touch to reminds us about the launch of the next generation of ProProfs Quiz School , a free, easy-to-use quiz creation site that offers an electronic repository of quizzes ranging from SAT preparation to Hollywood trivia.

ProProfs Quiz School allows users to create a quiz for their classroom, company, blog or friends. Users can make these quizzes accessible to the entire web through widgets, and have a social network interaction around them.
In addition, it maintains a quiz history, complete with interesting aggregate analysis & trends, down to snapshot of each attempt. In otherwords, the site empowers users to create, manage, share and take a widely varying array of quizzes.
Our goal with the new Quiz School was to create a 'YouTube' for quizzes of sorts," said Sameer Bhatia, founder and president of ProProfs. "We wanted to create a social environment around quizzes, where quizzes can be easily created, tagged, shared, discussed and integrated with the new web, the blogosphere, and the social networks, much like YouTube allows for video.
The updates reflect increased emphasis on social interaction and self expression, offering users customization controls for color themes, content & style ."Besides offering users the ability to easily embed quizzes as widgets on blogs, forums, social networks and course management systems, users can then display quiz scores and certificates of completion on their respective sites.
Furthermore, user profiles can be utilized to store quiz history, comments, or network with other users. As evidenced by the new design, the user experience is the prime focus of the new ProProfs Quiz School.
The entire user interface has been revamped to make quiz creation and completion streamlined and simplistic. Quiz color and style customization is easier than ever before and image upload has been integrated with Yahoo's Flickr API, giving users access to a limitless library of images for the quizzes. At the same time, new question types, including free response and fill-in-the-blank, have been added to grant flexibility to quiz creators. Users who create quizzes on ProProfs Quiz School can in turn use new features such as Google Maps integration, graphical stats, scoring options, customizable result types, geographical data and quiz analytics to assess how users are faring on their quizzes.
Powerful customization controls for scoring, visuals and quiz styles ensure that Quiz School caters to educators & learners across all domains, along with users looking to just have fun with easy to create quizzes.

ProProfs Invents Free Quiz Tool For Educators

Sameer Bhatia, founder and president of ProProfs, has been in touch to reminds us about the launch of the next generation of ProProfs Quiz School , a free, easy-to-use quiz creation site that offers an electronic repository of quizzes ranging from SAT preparation to Hollywood trivia.

ProProfs Quiz School allows users to create a quiz for their classroom, company, blog or friends. Users can make these quizzes accessible to the entire web through widgets, and have a social network interaction around them.
In addition, it maintains a quiz history, complete with interesting aggregate analysis & trends, down to snapshot of each attempt. In otherwords, the site empowers users to create, manage, share and take a widely varying array of quizzes.
Our goal with the new Quiz School was to create a 'YouTube' for quizzes of sorts," said Sameer Bhatia, founder and president of ProProfs. "We wanted to create a social environment around quizzes, where quizzes can be easily created, tagged, shared, discussed and integrated with the new web, the blogosphere, and the social networks, much like YouTube allows for video.
The updates reflect increased emphasis on social interaction and self expression, offering users customization controls for color themes, content & style ."Besides offering users the ability to easily embed quizzes as widgets on blogs, forums, social networks and course management systems, users can then display quiz scores and certificates of completion on their respective sites.
Furthermore, user profiles can be utilized to store quiz history, comments, or network with other users. As evidenced by the new design, the user experience is the prime focus of the new ProProfs Quiz School.
The entire user interface has been revamped to make quiz creation and completion streamlined and simplistic. Quiz color and style customization is easier than ever before and image upload has been integrated with Yahoo's Flickr API, giving users access to a limitless library of images for the quizzes. At the same time, new question types, including free response and fill-in-the-blank, have been added to grant flexibility to quiz creators. Users who create quizzes on ProProfs Quiz School can in turn use new features such as Google Maps integration, graphical stats, scoring options, customizable result types, geographical data and quiz analytics to assess how users are faring on their quizzes.
Powerful customization controls for scoring, visuals and quiz styles ensure that Quiz School caters to educators & learners across all domains, along with users looking to just have fun with easy to create quizzes.


Here is a resource-rich source for math and science curriculum.

It can be found at Curriki, an interactive open-source online service containing peer-reviewed K-12 curricula. Curriki (short for curriculum + wiki) comprises a community of educators who voluntarily create and post "quality" education materials for sharing with teachers and students around the world. Membership is free. Simply complete an online form.
You can use the site's search tool to locate resources for teaching or instruction, contribute curriculum materials for use by community members, and connect with other educators. You can also modify existing content to suit instructional needs.

About Carol S. Holzberg, PhD
She is an anthropologist and computer journalist. She writes for several publications, works as a technology consultant, teaches computer classes to adults and kids, and serves as technology coordinator at three schools in western Massachusetts.
As a technology journalist, she covers the latest and greatest Macintosh and Windows products. As technology coordinator, she plans engaging computer activities to enrich conventional classroom instruction, troubleshoots ornery installations, maintains Macintosh and PC networks, and tinkers with Internet connections (It's a thankless job, but someone has to do it!).
She also writes technology grant applications (several of which have received funding!). When she's not tech-coordinating at school or writing magazine articles in the home office, she takes long walks on the country roads of western Massachusetts, reads poetry, bakes fabulous chocolate brownies (recipe available upon request), and copes stoically with the newly foundfreedoms ofan empty nest.

Tech & Learning's August 2008 Issue


Here is a resource-rich source for math and science curriculum.

It can be found at Curriki, an interactive open-source online service containing peer-reviewed K-12 curricula. Curriki (short for curriculum + wiki) comprises a community of educators who voluntarily create and post "quality" education materials for sharing with teachers and students around the world. Membership is free. Simply complete an online form.
You can use the site's search tool to locate resources for teaching or instruction, contribute curriculum materials for use by community members, and connect with other educators. You can also modify existing content to suit instructional needs.

About Carol S. Holzberg, PhD
She is an anthropologist and computer journalist. She writes for several publications, works as a technology consultant, teaches computer classes to adults and kids, and serves as technology coordinator at three schools in western Massachusetts.
As a technology journalist, she covers the latest and greatest Macintosh and Windows products. As technology coordinator, she plans engaging computer activities to enrich conventional classroom instruction, troubleshoots ornery installations, maintains Macintosh and PC networks, and tinkers with Internet connections (It's a thankless job, but someone has to do it!).
She also writes technology grant applications (several of which have received funding!). When she's not tech-coordinating at school or writing magazine articles in the home office, she takes long walks on the country roads of western Massachusetts, reads poetry, bakes fabulous chocolate brownies (recipe available upon request), and copes stoically with the newly foundfreedoms ofan empty nest.

Tech & Learning's August 2008 Issue

New students, new tools, new possibilities

Today’s students grew up with technology and expect to use it to get information, solve problems and communicate.

These are the very skills they need now and in the future. When classrooms are equipped with the right combination of technology tools, students can learn all the skills they need to prepare.
Take a look at the The Digital Learning Environments Website. It is your guide to digital learning, dedicated to demonstrating how the technologies available in a digital learning environment can be the catalyst for teaching and learning in an era where new skills - and the ability to change as times demand - are paramount.

Related links

New students, new tools, new possibilities

Today’s students grew up with technology and expect to use it to get information, solve problems and communicate.

These are the very skills they need now and in the future. When classrooms are equipped with the right combination of technology tools, students can learn all the skills they need to prepare.
Take a look at the The Digital Learning Environments Website. It is your guide to digital learning, dedicated to demonstrating how the technologies available in a digital learning environment can be the catalyst for teaching and learning in an era where new skills - and the ability to change as times demand - are paramount.

Related links