Showing posts with label Locales. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Locales. Show all posts

Friday, July 20, 2012

It Luxuriates in the Great Caldera

1. Gestating giant sun-dweller egg
2. Ice titan on holiday loosens up strained muscles, sips drinks
3. Anaerobic bacterium the size of a house
4. Smoldering coal-cranes hunt flame-tongued cinder frogs
5. Blossoming garden of silicon-based vegetation including several black trees full of cherry-bombs
6. Team of lava dogs harnessed to sledge await the return of their master
7. Huge flaming ape
8. Antediluvian sorcerer-king in stasis, suspended in semi-permanent globe of invulnerability
9.  Sentient vapor: uses caldera as base of operations for terrorizing surface dwellers
10. Super-colony of adamant wasps
11. Colossal manta ray-like thermophage prevents massive eruption by constant feeding, defends self with jets of volcanic gases via dorsal vents, extrudes raw gems
12. Giant fire god dying of old age: immobilized by the ravages of eons, willing to whisper secrets to the reverent

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Haunting the Skies

1. Unidentified flying discs: actually bioluminescent aero-mollusks
2. Majestic mega-condor: soars at dizzying heights, domesticated for troop transport by the mountain lords
3. Cloud striders: like daddy-longlegs on a titanic scale
4. Eclipsers: swarms of bat-like spirits ready, willing and able to create artificial eclipses when the mood strikes them
5. Colossal aero-virus: patrols territory, spewing its foul seed on passing flocks of birds, aerial creatures
6. The stratopus: octopoid creature of tremendous size, suspended aloft by inflated gas-bag head, genius intellect, excellent camouflage
7. Ghost cloud: aggregate of disgruntled spirits joined together for maximum mayhem
8. Storm seeders: flying reptiles, capriciously issue loads of silver iodide bile into cloud banks
9. Sentient satellite: larger than average asteroid in low orbit, composition rich in living metal, overwhelming multiple personality issues
10. Cirrocumulus formation of flying skulls, hallmark of the death god ascendant
11. Vicious falcon-man pterodactyl wranglers
12. Sky barge drawn by one million individually tethered hummingbirds in a perpetual nectar-mist

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Occupants of the Colossal Ancient UFO Anchored to the Mountaintop

1. Bat-winged dwarfs stream out at night fall to forage for raw materials, scrap heap of ship's walls, superstructure forms on the slopes below, they've got some kind of weird project going on
2. Sorcerer's bio-lab: on board technologies retrofitted into Frankensteinian operation, results of experiments teleported to surface for eco-trials
3. Colossal spacemen inert upon their jump couches, may be revived by lightning bolt defibrillation
4. Haunted by ghosts of space-weary sojourners, delighted to impart cryptic knowledge
5. Warring deities from competing pantheons hoping to gain neo-Olympus-style HQ
6. Hopeful sky pirates and hired arcane talent work to gain control of ship's functions: planning careers as bungee raiders
7. Taken over by necromancer and his all-skeleton crew who hopes to drag Earth into the sun
8. Craft filled with water, set up to sustain aquatic life, original crew dead but their native bacteria fared better, have made bold evolutionary moves
9. Countless broomsticks hover nearby: site of the First Annual World Witchcraft Convention, by clandestine invite only
10. Interior filled with alien atmosphere: dire environmental consequences if released
11. Ship's anchor line enveloped in spider silk, every exterior nook and cranny acrawl w/giant arachnids drawn by a mysterious intelligence within
12. Occupants unknown due to ship's defenses automatically disintegrating anything that gets close

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Unexpected Intrusions into the Standard Orc Lair

"Me stole helmet fair and square."

1. Ogre bounty hunters happily smashing their way to the chieftain's quarters to serve warrant from former employer for dereliction of duty: they will consider any bribes or interesting offers
2. Black pudding invasion: acting in concert as if directed by some remote agency, puddings choke the halls, killing and moving on w/out pause for digestion
3. Giant sub-draconic reptile has unintentionally wedged itself in a too-narrow passage, orcs contemplating the best approach, discussing recipes
4. Three infuriated stone giants concoct plans to extract kidnapped giant infant from the uncomfortably small spaces of the lair
5. Out-of-control local giant rat population has once again despoiled the entire stock of provisions and scamper about the lair w/impunity, hungry orc tempers flare
6. Chief's cousin and impoverished survivors of neighboring complex line the halls looking pathetic, granted temporary refugee status after adventurers trashed their lair, tensions rising between factions
7. High elf zealot, leader of separatist movement w/squad of kick-ass bodyguards, plots anti-elf treason w/orc chief
8. Barbarian whose dinged-up-but-still-magical helmet remains in the possession of orc warlord finds himself surrounded and half-filled with arrows, but still holding his own in an ultimately hopeless tactical position
9. Sorcerer and chiefs of staff pop in for a surprise inspection: orcs scramble to and fro in mad panic, tidying up, trying to look organized
10. Burrowing monstrosity breaches deepest area of lair, allowing access to abysmal depths and vice versa, disembodied spirits streaming in 
11. Partial corporeal manifestation of minor deity, taking time out of busy schedule to address the terrified troops
12. All the orcs are dead at the hands of marauding dopplegangers, now busy amusing themselves with a bit of (legitimate) cosplay

Monday, July 2, 2012

Stalking the City by Night

1. Sewer dragon (flightless): like a giant hellbender with dagger-like fangs, expels paralysis-inducing plegm through nostrils in gouts of surprising range, astonishing treasure hoard
2. Gaggles of young aristocrats on a binge escorted by bloodthirsty and entirely competent body guards
3. Demons of revelry: seem suave, pally, affable fellows, always buying until you're drunk and helpless
4. Street slime: opportunistic predator able to flawlessly mimic cobblestone (or whatever)
5. Swarm of sub-miniature stirges: warded off by expensive caustic balm, cash reward available for extermination
6. Ravishing ogre maiden and brutish entourage seeking former suitor now in hiding
7. The Midnight Sage: dispenses all manner of esoteric knowledge, charges exhorbitant fees, protected by local crimelord
8. Diminutive alley troll: adapted for ambush-and-flee urban predation, solitary, lair in carefully concealed burrows beneath out of the way alleys
9. Talent scouts/recruiting agents for newly formed Cutthroats Guild
10. The Vampire Dandy and his hench-fops: a blast to hang out with, obvious risks notwithstanding
11. The Invisible Drunkard
12. Partied-out party of adventurers finally deciding to find a safe place to stash their loot

Monday, June 25, 2012

Features of the Eccentric Plutocrat's Mansion

1. Torture chamber w/discretely curtained observation lounge, master torturer's quarters adjacent
2. Private art gallery w/half-devil curator: works carefully selected to slide poisoned blade between the ribs of the human spirit
3. Hall of taxidermy: highlights include several specimens whose gaze might still turn you to stone
4. Elaborately appointed summoning chamber and reception area for dignitaries from Hell
5. Surgical suite for extracting adrenal glands and other essential bodily fluids for artificially prolonging life
6. Secret cemetery where victims of the plutocrats various eccentricities are respectfully interred (once stripped of usable parts)
7. Hedging bets: multiple shrines and mini-temples (some with hired clerical staff) honoring incongruous gaggle of gods, demons and cosmic entities throughout manse and grounds
8. Row of guest rooms designed to accommodate startlingly alien requirements
9. Secret costume room w/variety of outfits designed for impersonating prominent public figures
10. Grand ball room w/elevated stage currently occupied by inhuman troupe of travelling performers preparing for the bloodiest and most realistic Grand Guignol production yet attempted
11. Fenced enclosure housing captive population of debased halflings
12. Secure area (including deluxe quarters) where multi-disciplinary think tank pits dark intelligence against the plutocrat's entirely petty personal concerns, employing a private force of assassins (also luxuriously housed) as needed

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Under the Paleogean Serpentine Mound

1. Giant mummified serpent demigod: remains inert until the stars are right
2. Emptied of original contents centuries ago, currently occupied by a witch's workshop dedicated to creating intriguing new life forms using recycled parts
3. Somewhere within the entirely earthen mass a single enchanted gem links the site to a particularly snaky dimension: luminous spirit snakes in their thousands writhe about the environs nightly
4. Entire membership of ancient vampire cult entombed within in quasi-dead  condition, seals regularly re-sanctified by snake god-worshipping zealots in nearby enclave
5. Imprisoned spirits whose magically preserved bodies must be destroyed before they can rest
6. Spectacular weregild offered by an extinct people to appease the gods of the serpent men, undisturbed for 1000 years
7. Time capsule of the ancient ones: strange and incomprehensible arts, magics, and technologies stored here until scheduled opening in 499 more years, giant auto-snake throws flames, launches explosive projectiles, bombards with deadly radiance any who dare break the seal
8. Fancy mausoleum for royal houses of the serpent men: every trap sprung, thoroughly looted, now a breeding ground for slimes, oozes and jellies
9. City of the mound devils: tiny entities of unquenchable malice and irony decorate the interior with furnishings crafted exclusively from human bones
10. The ancient earthwork merely serves as a corner in a continent-spanning pentangle that will one day call down the Missing Gods from their long sojourn among the stars
11. High priestess of the serpent folk abides in stasis with several drones, mated pairs of now-extinct antediluvian species awaiting the next Swamp Age
12. Snake-shaped air/sea/spacecraft covered in naturally accumulated turf

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Planets in the Vicinity of the Campaign World

1. Planet of gold: plague of element-eating space worms devouring it rapidly
2. World of ruins: once a D&D-like world with shining cities, etc. until the monsters won, currently in Monster Manual-derived analog to Earth's Age of Reptiles, human survivors reduced to cave dwelling
3. Planet made up of towering spiny protuberances with deep seething bio-valleys between: cliff-dwelling aerial creatures predominate
4. Monad's world: single super-powerful god jealously maintains illusionary monotheism for sheep-like population, hosts of terrifying winged servitors enforce commandments, root out interlopers
5. Perfect duplicate of the current campaign world, complete w/PC doubles driven by uncontrollable urge to destroy the originals
6. Fortress world: leftover death star from some ancient space war, now occupied by devolved descendants of original crew, still practice the art of blowing up planets only now as a holy day ritual
7. Flaming sphere: spawning grounds for the sun-dwellers, titanic salamanders, home of the socialist utopia of the lava men
8. Gas giant w/solid islands, ramjet propelled space crustaceans, inscrutable gas bag beings
9. Planet of milk and honey: fresh and new, savagely protected by young feral gods, current population: 2, garden contains plant species with miracle properties that need stealing
10. Automatonica: irresponsible god creates artificial intelligence then abandons experiment on this silicon-rich planet, weird mechanical replica of planetary ecosystem results, still coming online, may soon decide that the universe would be cleaner without all the biological units scampering around
11. The (wide) world of sports: highly competitive population of sentients work hard, play harder, fields, tracks and arenas everywhere in the capitol megalopolis, Championship City
12. Spheres of desolation: wiped clean of life by vengeful gods and left in their orbits as a testimony to their power and authority

Monday, May 7, 2012

Lesser Known Pocket Universes

1. The Seventeen Swamps of Serenity: voted down repeatedly for incorporation into the Seven Heavens, afterlife reward zone for all good sentient amphibians, reptiles, jellies
2. The realm of chrome and steel: shiny, highly polished 1980's airbrush-world w/liquid steel flora and fauna
3. The Hell of Bitterest Regret: the whiniest, mopiest most depressing zone imaginable filled with totally self-absorbed spirits all trying to out-suffer each other
4. Sorcerer/scientist's control group universe: proving ground for new and improved technologies and magics, introduced populations of clones of various species, starting to develop independent cultures (driven by inter-species warfare)
5. Epidermia: rolling plains of flesh under blood-red skies, happy grazing grounds for all manner of intelligent mites, ticks, chiggers and other parasites
6. Sphere of lucid dreams: terrain, events and denizens shaped by whatever minds might enter
7. Halloween world: populated entirely by goblins, witches, villains, movie monsters and horror hosts, every house is haunted, every cauldron bubbles over with evil
8. Mischievia: a spiritual realm whose impish occupants speak nothing but jokes, plot nothing but pranks
9. The Cosmic Hive: an insect heaven of perpetual blissful buzzing
10. Sphere of internment: a truly maximum security facility housing troublemakers from a million universes, can be entered by powerful sorceries but no one has left yet
11. Domain of the First Cause: infinite thrumming being of white light in repose, due to singular nature will immediately annihilate the current reality to set off big bang if somehow awakened
12. The Dungeon-verse: near infinite network of doors, corridors, rooms, tricks, traps, monsters, and treasures without intelligible purpose, the sub-creation of a capricious god since assassinated by his peers

Friday, April 27, 2012

In the Blasted Lands of the Fallen Moon

1. Anaerobicites: photon eating plankton of the moon
2. Ruined outpost of the observer aliens
3. Molten pool of space gold
4. Astral moon-folk, downcast and forlorn, gather the fossilized remains of their bodies
5. Demesne of the currently inert moon god
6. Crater-dwelling moon crabs: huge, well-armored, extremely hardy, notably sluggish in atmosphere
7. Sub-surface steam rooms of sea urchin-like star beings, highly intelligent, involuntarily murderous
8. The Dark Siders: agency responsible for the moon-fall, strike from hidden sphere astride land lobsters
9. Huge claw protruding from surface may reveal location of pre-moon-fall dragon's lair
10. Spontaneous emissions of moon radiation: promotes lunacy, triggers latent lycanthropy, increased risk of lethal moon fevers
11. Ruins of pyramids revealed as laboratories for the creation and transmission to earth of terror monsters
12. Small breeding population of Light Siders in stasis, protected by death-dealing automatons

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Horrors of the Slough-pit

Yes, this is highly irregular, but today's table can be found embedded in the one-page-dungeon-type deal linked below. With the OPD contest underway, I thought I'd take a crack at the format (this is not an entry, just a tryout). I invite all to download and have a look. Perhaps I can entice you with the map....

Imprint One Page Wilderness
Released under the Creative Commons license used by the OPD contest.

Friday, March 16, 2012

More Wonders of the Underworld

1. The Abyssal Caldera: sight of multiplanar collision and consequent reality breakdown
2. Great Migration of the Cave Worms: annual event marked by festivals and strange observances
3. Non-Euclidean complex of the multi-dimensional ones
4. Niagara-size waterfall that goes up
5. Cave-sepulchre of dead gods: super-powerful agents of divine decomposition pose chief threat 
6. Sculpted halls of the art-beetles (extinct): baroque alien aesthetic mildly mind-bending
7. Mountain of bones, personal collection of the death god
 8. The Grand Chasm: staggeringly vast, spanned only by the Gondola of Peril
9. Mecca of the giants: near-continual stream of giant pilgrims
10. Ruined war-demon factory and test arena: access forbidden by sentry-tribe of subhumans
11. Hanging garden of slimes, puddings, jellies and ooze
12. Life-size statue of incomprehensible god Thloo-huloo exposed by tidal cycle of the Lightless Sea

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Obstacles and Hazards Indicated on the Treasure Map

1. The Exploding Fen
2. Tombland: landscape dominated by towering cairns of an extinct sentient species
3. Ferociously defended grazing lands of the bison men
4. The Great Mother Pudding
5. Head-hunter infested banks of Shark River
6. Blighted plain: a blasted moonscape teeming with ghosts
7. Semi-impassable Razor Cliff and the Poison Jungle beyond
8. Fog bank of bewilderment
9. Barrier rift featuring vertical ecology (alpha predator: giant dragonflies)
10. Savages whose stock-in-trade is man-leather
11. Plateau of extreme elevation, passable by strapping oneself to specially adapted snow beasts
12. Steaming lava plain: mating grounds of the fire elementals

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Weird Underworld Locales

1. The Invisible City
2. Fungus Island on the Sea of Protoplasm
3. The Halls of Tedium (devoid of both monsters and treasure)
4. Divine Singularity (The Swollen God has gone supernova and collapsed)
5. Worm land: ruled by the immortal Lord Fluke
6. Pocket solar system in 0-G spherical cavern
7. The University of Madness
8. Time-slip River: upstream = back in time and vice versa
9. Dissolute Sea: entropic demi-matter, adamant-hulled vessel required
10. Hidden Retreat of the Blind Cave Philosophers: perpetually debating the laws of chaos
11. Spirit cauldron: boiling over with spiritual remnants and fragmented files
12. Fertile chasm: seething chaos-fueled engine of creation continuously spews forth novel life forms

Monday, March 5, 2012

Near the Hovering Archipelago

1. Cloud terraces of the Wind Sultans
2. Locust-like swarms of sky krill
3. Ram scoop-feeding aero-rays
4. Gas-bladder jellies w/ miles-long tentacles
5. Demi-material sky manse of the alien observers 
6. Web-parasailing giant spiders
7. League of sorcerer's dirigible laboratory
8. Way station for the Sun Chariot
9. Cloud-hive of the hornet-men
10. Domain of Miasmus the Mist Lord
11. Sky mine of the bat-winged dwarfs
12. Air elemental's bacchanal: where hurricanes are born

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Additional Nuisances in the Frozen Wastes

1. Militaristic society of ice fairies hatching scheme to purify region by magically depopulating it
2. Ancient army of a forgotten culture frozen in its tracks while on the march (trajectory points to ruined city)
3. Hunting grounds of the wooly tyrannosaur (prey:  the ferocious land walrus who in turn feed upon ice lemmings)
4. Elevated outpost of the imperial war-tobogganeers
5. Frost giants rounding up mammoth calves to train
6. Crevasse entrance to the Forbidden Pleasure Dome of the Snow Gods
7. Towering snow colony of the giant white magpies (collectors of bright and shiny objects)
8. Lost City of the Glacierites: blue-skinned denizens devolved remnant of an advanced pre-human civilization
9. Recently escaped fire giants flee pursuing Glacierites captors while slowly perishing of exposure
10. Ice labyrinth of the deranged cryomancer
11. Volcanic steam garden: populated by savage wooly neanderthals
12. Ghost pack of the Wolf King who once ruled these lands

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Strange Doings in the Rain Forest

1. Luminous mosquito-like jungle spirits: suck the spells from magic-users
2. The understandably Lost City of Myopia
3. Silken meeting hall of the giant spider collective
4. Bio-sorceress' expedition to catalog extant species: mobile laboratory tests for arcane applications of discoveries
5. The Canopy Highway: thatched, lashed and magically preserved untold centuries ago by vanished race of arboreal engineers
6. Hidden library of the Ape Scholars
7. Heavily armed imperial expedition hunts bio-sorceress (who escaped from previously scheduled public execution): now lost, starving and perishing of disease
8. Psychic monkeys: torment sensitive minds with capricious thought intrusions
9. Extremely elusive clan of humans with prehensile feet and innate arcane abilities
10. Clear cut carrion field w/ herds of wingless giant flies: tended by giant spider proletariat
11. Pharmocopia: stone age enclave of folk w/ unsurpassed knowledge of plant chemistry, among their many achievements: functional immortality
12. Giant spider forces drilling: weaponized spider knights practice charges atop domesticated mantid mounts

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Dwellers in the Lightless Pits

1. Land-bats
2. Sonar men: unsightly echolocation sensilla replace eyes
3. Feelers: badger-like solitary hunters covered with thin extensible tentacles in place of fur
4. Giant naked mole-rats: aggressively territorial, commanded by psychic queen
5. Behemoth snail: broadcasts fear-inducing stimuli from radar dish-like protuberance on shell
6. Stinkmen: communicate via pheromones, perpetual state of warfare with the Sonar men
7. Terrestrial angler fish
8. The Light Eater: sentient demi-material shadow form, sustains self by consuming photons (or phantasy equivilent)
9. Bioluminescent flying prawns attracted to heat
10. Huge blobs of edible anaerobic bacteria
11. Barnacle fungi: spread themselves by adhering to passersby with strong bio-glue, accumulate rapidly
12. Oh hey, the floor is moving- no, wait, it's just one zillion bugs

Monday, January 30, 2012

Wasteland Attractions

1. Travelling gruel salesman: protected from harm by invisible spirits of former customers
2. Wizard's fireball/lightning bolt practice range and retreat
3. Paleogean quarry currently worked by hulking mummies (aided by unseen monstrosities below ground)
4. Pilgrimage of the Death God's acolytes seeking the ultimate enlightenment
5. Lizard farm and tannery operated by degenerate clan
6. Horde of vicious sub-humans with camel-like humps
7. Mighty lord and company gathering sub-human specimens for unspecified experiments
8. Clandestine fossil hunting expedition funded by sorcerer's league, concealed by massive illusions
9. Heavily fortified supply depot of the Imperial army: they shoot first, questions later
10. Mad wizard's experimental dirigible facility
11. Cliff aerie of the condor-dogs
12. Procession of hulking mummies carrying massive blocks of granite to pyramid construction site

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Beyond the Cosmic Portal

1. Translucent bubble adrift on the tides of space
2. Surface of a strange planet bathed in caustic super-heated gasses
3. The Moon Library (librarians: inverted rugose cones on shocks of hair-like tendrils w/ reading monocles for single eye spot)
4. A small rocky island in the Acid Sea kingdom of the Siliconians
5. Mind-bending trans-planar vortex
6. Wind swept plateau with dome: private spell component greenhouse
7. Box seats for the pre-creation God War
8. Cushy habitarium in the menagerie of the Colossal Spacemen
9. The demi-plane of Pure Effect
10. The offices of Hell's quartermaster general
11. Storage closet in Sorcerer's Guild subterranean laboratory complex
12. Pleistocene Island