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* Ihre Aktion  verknüpfte Veröffentlichungen 
Online-Publ. (ohne Zeitschriften) 1.  The descriptive set theory of Polish group actions
/ Becker, Howard Paul. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1996Zusammenfassung
Bücher 2.  The descriptive set theory of polish group actions
/ Becker, Howard Paul. - Cambridge [u.a.] : Cambridge Univ. Press, 1996
Bücher 3.  Howard Becker on education
/ Becker, Howard Paul. - Buckingham [u.a.] : Open Univ. Press, 1995
Bücher 4.  Sociolgical trends throughout the world to the start of the twentieth century's seventh decade
/ Becker, Howard Paul. - 3. ed., reprinted - Gloucester, Mass. : Smith, 1978
Bücher 5.  A history and interpretation of man's ideas about life with his fellows to times when his study of the past is linked with that of the present for the sake of his future
/ Becker, Howard Paul. - 3. ed., reprinted - Gloucester, Mass. : Smith, 1978
Bücher 6.  A history and interpretation of man's ideas about life with his fellows to times when change and progress deeply concern him
/ Becker, Howard Paul. - 3. ed., reprinted - Gloucester, Mass. : Smith, 1978
Bücher 7.  Through values to social interpretation : essays on social contexts, actions, types, and prospects
/ Becker, Howard Paul. - Greenwood reprint. - New York : Greenwood Press, 1968
Bücher 8.  Primäre und sekundäre Individualität : die soziologischen Konzeptionen von Talcott Parsons und Howard Becker unter dem Gesichtspunkt ihrer Erfassung einzelmenschlicher Autonomie
/ Schlottmann, Uwe. - Stuttgart : Enke, 1968
Bücher 9.  Modern sociological theory in continuity and change
/ Becker, Howard Paul. - New York [u.a.] : Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1966
Bücher 10.  For a science of social man : convergences in anthropology, psychology, and sociology
/ Becker, Howard Paul. - 4. print. - New York, NY : Macmillan, 1961
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