
Our teams aspire to make discoveries that impact everyone, and core to our approach is sharing our research and tools to fuel progress in the field.

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Our teams aspire to make discoveries that impact everyone, and core to our approach is sharing our research and tools to fuel progress in the field.

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    Preview abstract A product manager’s specific role varies from one company to the next. Still, all product managers balance many aspects of their job, including customers’ needs, a vision for new products, and the project team. So what tools and strategies are needed to create a successful career as a product manager? What are the “5 Things You Need To Create A Successful Career As A Product Manager”? Authority Magazine speaks with Aqsa Fulara, a product manager at Google to answer these questions with stories and insights from her experiences. View details
    Preview abstract This paper reflects on work at Google over the past decade to address common types of software safety and security defects. Our experience has shown that software safety is an emergent property of the software and tooling ecosystem it is developed in and the production environment into which it is deployed. Thus, to effectively prevent common weaknesses at scale, we need to shift-left the responsibility for ensuring safety and security invariants to the end-to-end developer ecosystem, that is, programming languages, software libraries, application frameworks, build and deployment tooling, the production platform and its configuration surfaces, and so forth. Doing so is practical and cost effective when developer ecosystems are designed with application archetypes in mind, such as web or mobile apps: The design of the developer ecosystem can address threat model aspects that apply commonly to all applications of the respective archetype, and investments to ensure safety invariants at the ecosystem level amortize across many applications. Applying secure-by-design principles to developer ecosystems at Google has achieved drastic reduction and in some cases near-zero residual rates of common classes of defects, across hundreds of applications being developed by thousands of developers. View details
    Thesios: Synthesizing Accurate Counterfactual I/O Traces from I/O Samples
    Mangpo Phothilimthana
    Soroush Ghodrati
    Selene Moon
    ASPLOS 2024, Association for Computing Machinery
    Preview abstract Representative modeling of I/O activity is crucial when designing large-scale distributed storage systems. Particularly important use cases are counterfactual “what-if” analyses that assess the impact of anticipated or hypothetical new storage policies or hardware prior to deployment. We propose Thesios, a methodology to accurately synthesize such hypothetical full-resolution I/O traces by carefully combining down-sampled I/O traces collected from multiple disks attached to multiple storage servers. Applying this approach to real-world traces that a real ready routinely sampled at Google, we show that our synthesized traces achieve 95–99.5% accuracy in read/write request numbers, 90–97% accuracy in utilization, and 80–99.8% accuracy in read latency compared to metrics collected from actual disks. We demonstrate how The-sios enables diverse counterfactual I/O trace synthesis and analyses of hypothetical policy, hardware, and server changes through four case studies: (1) studying the effects of changing disk’s utilization, fullness, and capacity, (2) evaluating new data placement policy, (3) analyzing the impact on power and performance of deploying disks with reduced rotations-per-minute (RPM), and (4) understanding the impact of increased buffer cache size on a storage server. Without Thesios, such counterfactual analyses would require costly and potentially risky A/B experiments in production. View details
    Preview abstract Large Language Models have been able to replicate their success from text generation to coding tasks. While a lot of work has made it clear that they have remarkable performance on tasks such as code completion and editing, it is still unclear as to why. We help bridge this gap by exploring to what degree do auto-regressive models understand the logical constructs of the underlying programs. We propose CAPP, a counterfactual testing framework to evaluate whether large code models understand programming concepts. With only black-box access to the model, we use CAPP to evaluate 10 popular large code models for 5 different programming concepts. Our findings suggest that current models lack understanding of concepts such as data flow and control flow. View details
    Preview abstract The evolution of AI is a pivotal moment in history, but it’s not the first time we have experienced technological advances that have changed how humans work. By looking at the advances in automobiles, we are reminded of the importance of focusing on our developers' needs and goals. View details
    Preview abstract Motivated by recent advances in large language models for NLP, we design a time-series foundation model for forecasting whose out-of-the-box zero-shot performance on a variety of datasets, matches the accuracy of state-of-the-art supervised forecasting models for each individual dataset. Our model is based on pretraining a patched-decoder style attention model on a large time series dataset, and can work well across different forecasting history lengths, prediction lengths and temporal granularities. View details
    Preview abstract WindowMirror is a framework for using XR headsets in productivity scenarios. The toolkit provides users with a simulated, extended screen real-estate. It allows users to interact with multiple desktop applications in real-time within a XR environment. Our architecture has two main modules: one a Unity package and a Python backend, which makes it easy to use and extend. WindowMirror supports traditional desktop interaction methods such as mouse, keyboard, and hand tracking. Furthermore, it features a Cylindrical Window Layout, an emerging design pattern which is particularly effective for single-user, egocentric perspectives. The introduction of WindowMirror aims to set a foundation for future research in XR screen-focused productivity scenarios. View details
    Secure by Design at Google
    Google Security Engineering (2024)
    Preview abstract This whitepaper provides an overview of Google's approach to secure design. View details
    Hardware-Assisted Fault Isolation: Going Beyond the Limits of Software-Based Sandboxing
    Anjo Vahldiek-Oberwagner
    Tal Garfinkel
    Deian Stefan
    Michael LeMay
    Evan Johnson
    Mohammadkazem Taram
    Chris Fallin
    Ravi Sahita
    Joey Rudek
    Shravan Narayan
    Dean Tullsen
    IEEE Micro (2024)
    Preview abstract Hardware-assisted Fault Isolation (HFI) is a minimal extension to current processors that supports secure, flexible, and efficient in-process isolation. HFI addresses the limitations of software-based isolation (SFI) systems including: runtime overheads, limited scalability, vulnerability to Spectre attacks, and limited compatibility with existing code. HFI can be seamlessly integrated into exisiting SFI systems (e.g. WebAssembly), or directly sandbox unmodified native binaries. To ease adoption, HFI proposes incremental changes to existing high-performance processors. View details
    Preview abstract A vast amount of human discussion, storytelling, content creation, and reporting now occurs on social media platforms. As such, social media posts are often quoted on web pages as context. In this paper, we argue that these quotations and their surrounding page context provide a rich, platform-independent source of data for studying the intersection of natural language and social media. We introduce a taxonomy of quotation roles that categorizes how social media posts are used within content. We release a dataset of 38M social quotes derived from the Common Crawl, and role labels for a subset assessed by human raters. We show that the interplay of accounts, roles, and topics across the web graph reveal valuable social diffusion patterns, and that roles can be predicted with fine-tuned large language models from web context. View details
    CALRec: Contrastive Alignment of Generative LLMs For Sequential Recommendation
    Yaoyiran Li
    Keyi Yu
    18th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2024) (2024) (to appear)
    Preview abstract Personalized recommendation requires understanding both the candidate items and user preferences. Traditional collaborative filtering approaches rely on embedding users and items in the same representation space while recent efforts formulate the problem into sequential user activity modeling and future activity prediction tasks. Some of the most recent efforts leverage autoregressive large language models to directly generate the recommendation. This work proposes CALRec, a sequential recommendation framework aligning the generative task based on PaLM-2 LLM with contrastive learning tasks for user/item understanding. To leverage the strong generalization capabilities of the state-of-the-art pretrained LLMs, our input consists of pure texts following differentiable text templates for user inputs and item inputs. We propose novel ways of combining generative loss and contrastive losses in multi-category joint continuous pretraining, followed by domain-specific finetuning. During training, the LLM backbone trains in a two-tower fashion to comprehend users’ consecutive behaviors and descriptions of individual items. Our model outperforms many state-of-the-art baselines significantly especially in ranking tasks. Our systematic ablation study reveals that (i) multi-category pretraining and domain-adaptation finetuning are both important and deliver better performance when combined, and (ii) contrastive alignment further improves the quality among many categories of the Amazon review dataset. View details
    Preview abstract While most transliteration research is focused on single tokens such as named entities -- e.g., transliteration of "અમદાવાદ" from the Gujarati script to the Latin script "Ahmedabad" -- the informal romanization prevalent in South Asia and elsewhere often requires transliteration of full sentences. The lack of large parallel text collections of full sentence (as opposed to single word) transliterations necessitates incorporation of contextual information into transliteration via non-parallel resources, such as via mono-script text collections. In this paper, we present a number of methods for improving transliteration in context for such a use scenario. Some of these methods in fact improve performance without making use of sentential context, allowing for better quantification of the degree to which contextual information in particular is responsible for system improvements. Our final systems, which ultimately rely upon ensembles including large pretrained language models finetuned on simulated parallel data, yield substantial improvements over the best previously reported results for full sentence transliteration from Latin to native script on all 12 languages in the Dakshina dataset (Roark et al. 2020), with an overall 4.8% absolute (27.1% relative) mean word-error rate reduction. View details
    On the predictability of turbulent fluxes from land: PLUMBER2 MIP experimental description and preliminary results
    Gab Abramowitz
    Anna Ukkola
    Sanaa Hobeichi
    Jon Cranko Page
    Mathew Lipson
    Martin De Kauwe
    Sam Green
    Claire Brenner
    Jonathan Frame
    Martyn Clark
    Martin Best
    Peter Anthoni
    Gabriele Arduini
    Souhail Boussetta
    Silvia Caldararu
    Kyeungwoo Cho
    Matthias Cuntz
    David Fairbairn
    Craig Ferguson
    Hyungjun Kim
    Yeonjoo Kim
    Jürgen Knauer
    David Lawrence
    Xiangzhong Luo
    Sergey Malyshev
    Tomoko Nitta
    Jerome Ogee
    Keith Oleson
    Catherine Ottlé
    Phillipe Peylin
    Patricia de Rosnay
    Heather Rumbold
    Bob Su
    Nicolas Vuichard
    Anthony Walker
    Xiaoni Wang-Faivre
    Yunfei Wang
    Yijian Zeng
    Hydrology and Earth Systems Sciences Discussions (2024)
    Preview abstract Accurate representation of the turbulent exchange of carbon, water, and heat between the land surface and the atmosphere is critical for modelling global energy, water, and carbon cycles, both in future climate projections and weather forecasts. We describe a Model Intercomparison Project (MIP) that compares the surface turbulent heat flux predictions of around 20 different land models provided with in-situ meteorological forcing, evaluated with measured surface fluxes using quality-controlled data from 170 eddy-covariance based flux tower sites. Several out-of-sample empirical model predictions of site fluxes are used as benchmarks to quantify the degree to which land model performance could improve across a broad range of metrics. The performance discrepancy between empirical and physically-based model predictions also provides a potential pathway to understand sources of model error. Sites with unusual behaviour, complicated processes, poor data quality or uncommon flux magnitude will be more difficult to predict for both mechanistic and empirical models. Results suggest that latent heat flux and net ecosystem exchange of CO2 are better predicted by land models than sensible heat flux, which at least conceptually would appear to have fewer physical processes controlling it. Land models that are implemented in Earth System Models also appear to perform notably better than stand alone ecosystem (including demographic) models, at least in terms of the fluxes examined here. Flux tower data quality is also explored as an uncertainty source, with the difference between energy-balance corrected versus raw fluxes examined, as well as filtering for low wind speed periods. Land model performance does not appear to improve with energy-balance corrected data, and indeed some results raised questions about whether the correction process itself was appropriate. In both cases results were broadly consistent, with simple out-of-sample empirical models, including linear regression, comfortably outperforming mechanistic land models. The PLUMBER2 approach, and its openly-available data, enable precise isolation of the locations and conditions in which model developers can know that a given land model can improve, allowing information pathways and discrete parametrisations in models to be identified and targeted for model development. View details
    Preview abstract Help documents are supposed to aid smartphone users in resolving queries such as "How to block calls from unknown numbers?". However, given a query, identifying the right help document, understanding instructions from the document, and using them to resolve the issue at hand is challenging. The user experience may be enhanced by converting the instructions in the help document to a step-by-step tutorial overlaid on the phone UI. Successful execution of this task requires overcoming research challenges in retrieval, parsing, and grounding in the multilingual-multimodal setting. For example, user queries in one language may have to be matched against instructions in another language, which in turn needs to be grounded in a multimodal UI in yet another language. Moreover, there isn’t any relevant dataset for such a task. In order to bridge this gap, we introduce UGIF-DataSet, a multi-lingual, multi-modal UI grounded dataset for step-by-step task completion on the smartphone, containing 4,184 tasks across 8 languages. The instruction steps in UGIF-DataSet are available only in English, so the challenge involves operations in the cross-modal, cross-lingual setting. We compare the performance of different large language models for this task and find that the end-to-end task completion rate drops from 48% in English to 32% for other languages, demonstrating significant overall headroom for improvement. We are hopeful that UGIF-DataSet and our analysis will aid further research on the important problem of sequential task completion in the multilingual and multimodal setting. View details
    Optimizing quantum gates towards the scale of logical qubits
    Alexandre Bourassa
    Andrew Dunsworth
    Will Livingston
    Vlad Sivak
    Trond Andersen
    Yaxing Zhang
    Desmond Chik
    Jimmy Chen
    Charles Neill
    Alejo Grajales Dau
    Anthony Megrant
    Alexander Korotkov
    Vadim Smelyanskiy
    Yu Chen
    Nature Communications, 15 (2024), pp. 2442
    Preview abstract A foundational assumption of quantum error correction theory is that quantum gates can be scaled to large processors without exceeding the error-threshold for fault tolerance. Two major challenges that could become fundamental roadblocks are manufacturing high-performance quantum hardware and engineering a control system that can reach its performance limits. The control challenge of scaling quantum gates from small to large processors without degrading performance often maps to non-convex, high-constraint, and time-dynamic control optimization over an exponentially expanding configuration space. Here we report on a control optimization strategy that can scalably overcome the complexity of such problems. We demonstrate it by choreographing the frequency trajectories of 68 frequency-tunable superconducting qubits to execute single- and two-qubit gates while mitigating computational errors. When combined with a comprehensive model of physical errors across our processor, the strategy suppresses physical error rates by ~3.7× compared with the case of no optimization. Furthermore, it is projected to achieve a similar performance advantage on a distance-23 surface code logical qubit with 1057 physical qubits. Our control optimization strategy solves a generic scaling challenge in a way that can be adapted to a variety of quantum operations, algorithms, and computing architectures. View details