The Utah Surface Design Group is a group of artists dedicated to the principles of surface design and fiber art. Their exhibit at the Brigham City Museum included fascinating 3D ssemblage pieces made with fabric, string, beads, and 'found' objects.
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Mannequin Head (2023) by Quincy Davenport.
This is a truly fascinating piece! Quincy Davenport says, "Mannequin Head embodies an intersection of inspiration and materials,
sparked by a simple gift - a tiered gold headband. Placed upon a
mannequin, it transformed into a regal symbol, prompting the addition of
gold, black, and white beads."
Rhinestones, mirror tiles, and pearls
followed, enhancing its sparkle and allure... Each bead and embellishment
reflects not only creativity but also the serendipitous nature of
artistic creation." The embellished Mannequin Head was set on a
brass candlestick. We love the pearl choker necklace placed around the neck.
The Vast Man (2022) by Julie Strong.
We found this piece to be both beautiful and evocative. Julie Strong explains the title of the piece: "Khalil Gibran's Vast Man is a wandering being who is open to the opportunities of each moment, unafraid of the intersections in life that may lead to a new road. He is open to the direction of the winds, travels with the sun and the moon, and moves through outer and inner realms."
Made with a found wooden head and hands, the armature is hand made. The gown is made from linen and embellished with hand embroidery and hand beading. Passages from Kahlil Gibran's The Farewell were hand lettered on the wooden base.
Marking Time with a Mud Stone (2024) by Kim Deneris Brown.
This framed piece is minimalist in its conception yet it highlights the beauty of the natural materials, including the stone and the string which has been woven to embrace the rock. The stone comes from a unique and ancient geological formation in north-central Utah. Kim Deneris Brown says, "Over 720 million years ago, mud and clay particles were deposited in shallow waters near the shore of an ancient sea. The sedimentary layers were compacted and over time and movement along the Wasatch Fault, elevated to the mouth of Big Cottonwood Canyon."
Repeat by Lone' Vilnius.
This assemblage art piece was made with old books and antique collectibles. It was fascinating to see the materials take new appearances within the overal design. Many intriguing details can be seen in the closeup photos.
Image credits: Photos were taken by Quilt Inspiration at the Brigham City Museum, Brigham City, Utah, August 2024.