Urge Congress Oppose Defunding Public Media


The Fiscal Year 2025 House Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education (Labor-HHS-Education) Appropriations Bill eliminates core public media funding, jeopardizing your access to vital and vibrant public radio and television stations.

Without federal funding, stations may be forced to reduce valued programming, services, or shut down entirely, hitting rural and Native American communities the hardest.

Protect your public media. Urge your Representative to oppose the FY 2025 House Labor-HHS-Education bill and request full funding in the Senate bills.

Email Your Members of Congress

Ways To Take Action

Federal funding ensures that your local public radio and TV stations can continue to give you access to essential educational, local, and cultural programming; trustworthy, in-depth news; and emergency and community-based services. Here are three things you can do today to keep public media strong.

Tell Congress: Invest in Public Media

Public media is not just another channel, it’s a lifeline for communities across the country. Your advocacy can ensure that this indispensable service continues to thrive.

Email Your Members of Congress

Call Your Representative: Oppose Defunding Public Media

Urge your Representative to vote against the FY 2025 House Labor-HHS-Education bill and its proposals to defund core public media programs.

Call Your Representative

Protect Local Public Media: Sign the Petition

Federal legislation threatens to restrict and eliminate public media funding, endangering the future of your local public radio and TV stations.

We’re collecting signatures to show Congress that the American people strongly support public media funding – and are ready to oppose any legislation that would jeopardize local public media stations.

Add Your Name

Sign up for email updates to learn how you can protect your local stations.

Ensure Americans have access to local public media for generations to come. Join our Action Network and be the first to know about funding threats, how to take action, and other news.

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