Friday, March 6, 2015
Just a Quote for Friday
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
When all else fails, do this:
This little boy was one of the guests at his grandmother's 75th birthday party where I took pictures last Saturday night. When I came home that night and uploaded all the photos, this shot was the last one I had taken, and when I saw it I laughed out loud.
In fact, there were several shots of little boys doing crazy things. I thought about doing a post called "Boys will be boys" but getting permission to use the photos of a whole bunch of little boys I don't know would have taken a while. Carl's mom graciously said yes when asked if he could appear on my blog.
I had fun taking pictures at that event on Saturday, and I ended up with some really nice shots {if I do say so myself}. My favorite out of almost 400 photos? Carl.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
A little funny...
This one did. :o)
May your day be filled with belly laughs.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Excuse me, Mr. Weekend...where do you go?
Saturday was busy with Doug and I both working in our respective home areas - me cleaning inside and him working outside. Then Saturday night we headed to Scottsdale to meet some good friends for dinner. The weather was perfect and we had dessert and a glass of wine {ok, two glasses...} while sitting outside along the "River Walk" {which is actually a canal all fancied up} waiting for the Super-moon to rise.
After dinner we enjoyed a nice stroll around the area and took a bunch of photos that mostly didn't turn out very well {point-and-shoot along for the ride}.
Sunday morning found Carrie and I in front of my computer for two hours chatting with some lovely blog friends on Skype. I had to borrow Rhona's photo {I hope you don't mind, Rhona!} because I accidentally deleted mine before I was able to upload it. Gr!!!
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Some Things About Candy Corn
I'd share a few things about candy corn.
H A L L O W E E N ! ! !
* It's a sure sign that fall is upon us.
* It's a candy treat of solid sugar that {honestly?} isn't really all that great tasting - it's the texture I like.
* You have to eat it one section at a time: bite off the white tip...then the orange middle...and the yellow base gets eaten last. It's just the way it's done.
* Until this year I thought candy corn was enjoyed around the planet. Come to find out, some of my international friends have never tried it. {I should have done a blog giveaway for candy year!}
* I used it as a decoration last weekend when my SIL's came over. The photo above is of our table centerpiece and we picked at the candy corn throughout the night. The next morning there was one lone "kernel" by the spider. :o)
I did a little internet search and found these facts {the source}:
* October 30th is National Candy Corn Day
* One serving of candy corn contains only about 140 calories
* Candy corn has 3.57 calories per kernel
* More than 35 million pounds of candy corn will be produced this year. That equates to nearly 9 billion pieces -- enough to circle the moon nearly four times if laid end-to-end.
* Halloween accounts for 75% of the annual candy corn production
* A cup of candy corn has fewer calories than a cup of raisins. {who knew?}
* Candy Corn was invented by George Renninger and produced by the Wunderlee Candy Company in the 1880's. In 1900, the Goelitz Candy Company, now Jelly Belly Candy Company, started mass producing the candy, but, due to the lack of machinery, it was only made available seasonally from March to November. Its recipe has remained unchanged.
♥ ♦ ♥
There you have it. Don't you feel
really smart about candy corn now?
♦ ♥ ♦
PS: I hope everyone is having a fantastic weekend. Doug and I are hosting a "chili cook-off" tonight at our house. We're expecting 25 guests and about 9 different kinds of chili. We'll do a taste test and vote for the winner. Our weather is beautiful so our back patio will be buzzing with activity, fun, libations, food, friends/family, laughter... {mmm...probably should have invited all the neighbors...}
Sunday, September 26, 2010
I wouldn't have missed it for anything...
Me: "Ugh. I'm totally unprepared and I have some other obligations..."
Doug: "Get ready, let's go."
Me: "But I have to wash my hair..."
Doug: "I'll wait."
Me: "And I was going to mop the floors this weekend...they're a mess..."
Doug: "The floors will wait."
Here are some photos of what I would have
missed if I had stayed home and cleaned our floors:
I was tip-toeing around trying not to step on flowers and
I had to give that up after a while. They were solid all over
the place!
and let me hold before we released him.
these because apparently deer love to eat this stuff!
Where there's cactus fruit, there's wildlife.
This is the Sunday Tree where Doug's mom's ashes are laid
to rest. It's a few miles from our property and the view there
is spectacular. We visit every time we go to our place.
some sort of sunflowers. They were everywhere and I took
about a hundred photos of them. LOVE these!!!
I'm so glad I listened to Doug.
If you visit my house this week, don't look at my floors!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
The Candy Factory Episode ~ "I Love Lucy"
I thought of this bit from "I Love Lucy" the other day while I was making ice cream sandwiches and chuckled to myself - this is kind of what I felt like while racing against the melting ice cream!
If you've never seen it, you have to watch this. And if you've seen it a million times like I have you will probably still laugh out loud. Enjoy!
Monday, July 5, 2010
Ice-cream, you scream...HELP with sandwiches!
in the summertime in Arizona.
5 - Tie up in celephane bags with festive ribbon and put them back in the freezer to harden once again.
6 - Pack in an ice-chest for the 20 minute trip to SIL's house, drive fast and make a bee-line to her freezer when you arrive.
7 - Pass them out after dinner and bask in the glow of having created something that everyone is enjoying. :o)
8 - Say you probably won't make them again because they were kind of stressful to make, but know you'll do them again someday...probably with chocolate sprinkles the next time.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Happy 234th Birthday, U.S.A.!!!
You're a high flying flag
And forever in peace may you wave.
You're the emblem of
The land I love
The home of the free and the brave.
Every heart beats true
'neath the red, white, and blue
Where there's never a boast or brag.
Keep your eye on the grand ol' flag.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
What I did this weekend:
In our little building where we store our supplies {and also where we sleep} we have this little mirror that I painted a few years ago.
We had a picnic lunch by "The Boulders."
So there's my weekend re-cap. The upcoming week will be a busy one for me and it includes several craft projects (hooray - I'll have crafts to share on my blog!!!). I have two birthday gifts to put together, a 4th of July banner to make, and ice cream sandwiches to make with a red, white, and blue theme.
How was your weekend?