Showing posts with label I am. Show all posts
Showing posts with label I am. Show all posts

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Thriving and 55-ing

Today I get to celebrate my 55th birthday! In honor of this momentous occasion, I'm sharing 55 of my favorite things in life so far.

I have loved:
  1. birthing and raising a child
  2. being Carrie's mom
  3. being Doug's wife
  4. being Marti's daughter
  5. being friends with my three amazing siblings
  6. having Andrew and his boy Aaron in our lives
  7. happy mail
  8. hula hooping
  9. blowing liquid soap bubbles
  10. sparklers
  11. practicing and teaching yoga
  12. bubble gum
  13. pet turtles
  14. pet cats
  15. Lucky the Dog
  16. sitting on a mountainside
  17. sitting on a beach blanket near the ocean
  18. camping in a tent
  19. breakfast burritos at camp
  20. heart shaped rocks
  21. drawing mandalas
  22. teaching others how to draw mandalas
  23. sewing quilts
  24. painting
  25. sketching
  26. writing blog posts
  27. being a homemaker
  28. growing sunflowers
  29. fresh flowers in my home
  30. photography
  31. dark chocolate
  32. pizza with extra cheese
  33. red wine
  34. camo pants
  35. yoga clothes
  36. tattoos
  37. sunshine, with a side of white puffy clouds
  38. living in Arizona
  39. baking cookies
  40. frosting cupcakes
  41. making a nice meal for people I love and not having to do the dishes
  42. crafting with friends
  43. coffee in the morning, made by Doug
  44. being barefoot
  45. the color blue
  46. and red, orange, yellow, green and purple
  47. traveling to England
  48. meeting blog friends in real life
  49. live music (especially acoustic guitar)
  50. singing
  51. the sound of Om
  52. downward facing dog
  53. nieces and nephews
  54. 55 trips around the sun
  55. being me.
To all who have loved and supported and lifted me up, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

With so much gratitude from me to you,

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

It's November and I am...

Painting a big mandala on the wall of my new craft/yoga space;

Wishing I'd had Doug put a smooth texture on that wall;

Half-planning on covering it up and starting over, but I'll keep

plugging along to see where it takes me. {Edit: I started loving it last night!}

Settling in to our new home. We love it!

Enjoying our cool fall weather. Arizona this time of year = awesome!

Wearing boots to work! (Dear Santa, I need want new boots...)

Making lists. A grocery list for Thanksgiving, Christmas shopping lists, mandala workshop lists, house-remodeling priority lists... Sigh. I love list making. :o)

Looking forward to having my sister and her family here for Thanksgiving!

Planning our Thanksgiving menu (though it's the same every year);

Baking cornbread for the freezer to use for my mom's dressing recipe for Thanksgiving;

Watching grocery store ads for the best deals on turkeys and hams;

Wishing some people weren't so selfish and hurtful. Humans are an interesting lot.

Missing my mom. I miss her all the time, but the holidays are a whole different deal!

Dreaming about a really cool yoga retreat I'm going on in April 2016!

Breathing deeply.

Practicing an attitude of gratitude.
What are you up to this month?

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

It's September and I'm...

Sporting #TealToesForMarti ~ September is ovarian cancer awareness month, so we paint our toes teal in support of that cause, and also to remember my mom's fight against it. It's hard to believe it's been almost three years since her passing. I miss her every day.

Packing and purging and organizing for our upcoming move.

Planning what to do with our turtles at the new house.

Shopping online for new light fixtures, blinds, pull-out garbage cans, a sunflower doorbell cover...

Taking a chance with a whole new color scheme for the new house.

Dreaming of the great big mandala I plan to paint on a wall in my new yoga/craft space.

Reading anatomy books for yoga teacher training.

Practicing yoga more in my mind than on my mat. That's better than not at all, you know?

Breathing super deep and slow on a regular basis.

Preparing for my next yoga/mandala workshop scheduled for October 10th.

Looking forward to having the remodeling process behind us and settling into our new home.

Taking a week off from work to move at the end of this month. :o)

Asking you to join in support of ovarian cancer awareness this month by painting your toes teal. If you do that, and if you post a photo, please use the hashtag #tealtoesformarti so we can appreciate you.

I hope whatever you're doing in September turns out awesome for you!

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

It's August and I'm...

Looking forward to getting the keys to our new house {less than two weeks now!} and making it our home.

Anticipating a whole lot of work related to previous entry, but that's ok by me.


Drawing mandalas. Still.

Enjoying Mandala Monday's with my friend Barbara. We've been meeting at Whole Foods on Monday evenings when I get off work where we sit and sip wine, chat about our lives, and draw in our journals. I love Mandala Monday.

Participating in Louise Gale's Mixed Media Mandala class over the next four weeks and looking forward to some new mandala inspiration. {Barbara's taking the class with me too. Yay!}

Wrapping up a birthday package for my sweet Grandma. I need to take it to the post office today so she'll have it by Monday. She'll be 95 this year.

Reading "Key Muscles of Yoga" for my yoga teacher training coming up at the end of this month. The next three-month module will focus on anatomy which I find fascinating!

Writing several yoga blog posts that are sitting in my drafts not knowing what to do with themselves, and

Thinking about the direction of PaperTurtle. She's really YogaTurtle these days...

Creating music playlists for yoga classes. It's harder than I thought it would be. Or maybe I'm making it harder than it needs to be...

Adjusting to Carrie's schedule. She's busy with work and her beau so there's less time for Momfriend. I love this way of life for her, but I miss our time together too.

Praying for Doug's knee. His surgery is scheduled for noon today so big prayers and good wishes for a surgeon's steady hand and Doug's speedy recovery.

Feeling a little scattered but oh so grateful for this life.  :o)
What are you up to these days?

Friday, June 19, 2015

Me, June 2015

Feeling pulled in several directions right now, but so grateful for this life I live.

Loving my life as a yoga teacher. It gives my life meaning and purpose, truly.

Reading yoga anatomy books as part of my continued teacher training.

Drinking coffee by morning, water by day, red wine by night.

Anticipating the next few months of Arizona heat. Ick. We know it's coming every year and somehow we always think it's not going to be so bad. It's bad. Sooooo hot...

Listening to yoga music. Man, I need to crack down and organize some playlists for my yoga classes. I’m tired of the same songs over and over and over…

Watching nothing much right now. All my favorite shows are on break until the new seasons begin. (Love “Survivor,” “Amazing Race,” “Dancing with the Stars.” “Married at First Sight,” “Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt”)

Planning a move of households. Although we haven’t found a place to move yet so this feels very much on hold. I have started organizing my craft supplies but it’s hard to get too fired up about things until there’s a definite date on our calendar for a move.

Looking forward to finding a new house.

Creating mandalas, mandalas, mandalas!!! And I have some ideas for creating a mixed media mandala canvas that really needs to get out of my head and out through my hands. But first I…

Need to finish my friendship quilt!

Wishing for more free time to do the things I love.

Main goal spread the word about the benefits of yoga by continuing to do what I do.
PS: I was surfing the other day and came across this list, copied and pasted it but closed my browser before I captured a link to the original source. If this is your list of prompts please let me know and I will give proper credit. In the meantime, thanks for the fun list!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

It's May and I'm currently...

Soaking up Arizona's beautiful May weather by drawing mandalas outside.

Purging stuff from my craft space. Holy cow! HOW have I collected so many fun and amazing supplies?!?! And, does anyone want some of this stuff? For free? Anyone?

Starting to pack boxes in preparation for our move.

Feeling excited about an upcoming road trip to California for my nephew's graduation.

Looking forward to celebrating Carrie's birthday. She loves it, and so do I!

Going to Disneyland for Carrie's birthday - I think it's been about 20 years since I've been there, and even longer for Doug.

Listening to Meghan Trainor's song "Dear Future Husband" on repeat. Ok, I'm singing along too. Ok, ok...dancing to it too but you didn't really need to know that. ;o)

Reading cards from the yoga deck I've had for...oh...I don't know...15 years? It's like they are totally new again!

Enjoying the benefits of a morning meditation practice - just 10 minutes a day = happy me.

Researching new yoga poses and breathing techniques to keep things interesting for my Saturday morning yoga students.

Gearing up to add another yoga class to my teaching line-up. I'll be teaching on Wednesday evenings for our local parks and recreation department starting in June.

Being inspired by people I love who are sharing their mandala designs and experiences with me. It's just the coolest thing ever!

Planning another mandala/yoga workshop for fall 2015.

Letting go of stuff that hurts and finding forgiveness by believing everyone does the best they can with what they have to work with. Maybe someday someone will choose to forgive me by using this same thought process.

Loving my life and everyone in it.

What are you up to this May?

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

It's February and I'm...

Loving all things Valentine and hearts and loooovvvveee... ♥ ♥ ♥

Celebrating the completion of a quilt top I've been working on (here and there) for over 8 months now!

Planning my next quilting project with Friendship Quilt Squares.

Looking forward to a road trip with my girl C next weekend to meet the new baby in the family.

Remembering that I need to figure out a birthday present for a one-year-old we'll be celebrating next week too...

Practicing yoga more at home and loving it. My home practice has really come a long way in the past few months.

Gearing up to teach a weekly yoga class at my chiropractor friend's office - every Saturday morning beginning March 14th!!! :o)

Drawing mandalas. {I know, big surprise...}

Enjoying the hint of spring in the air, and

Dreaming of a spring garden.

Reading "You Can Heal Your Life" by Louise Hay. Highly recommend!

Finding great inspiration daily from this "Own Your Awesome" affirmation deck. {LOVE the design and the words and everything about these.}

Nurturing my heart and soul and spirit in every way I can.

How's your February shaping up?

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

I am _____. And that's exactly what I am.

If you had 15 seconds to tell someone about yourself, what would your story be?

At a recent yoga workshop we paired off into groups of two and our teacher timed us. The first 15 seconds one of us told our story, and the next 15 seconds the other person told theirs. Then we'd switch and do the same thing all over again with a new partner.

My first partner began telling her story by mentioning her profession. I was impressed when she said she'd been an intensive care nurse for the past 30 years! And she was a mom and the owner of two dogs... I'm a little embarrassed to admit that from that point forward my mind kind of wandered. Instead of giving her my undivided attention, the chatter in my own mind took over. What was I going to say when it was my turn?

When it was my turn I followed suit. "I'm an office manager," I began, "and I'm married to a great guy and I have one grown daughter. She's here in the workshop with me..." I added, and pointed proudly in Carrie's direction. I stammered...what next...what next... and then rattled off, "I'm a yoga teacher, a blogger, an artist, a seamstress..." Ding. Time's up. Switch partners and tell your story again.

With the next partner I said almost the exact same thing, but it felt different when I repeated it that time. I became keenly aware of how I was labeling myself, so by the time I made it to my third partner I dropped the office manager gig and went straight to, "I'm a yoga teacher and an artist. I've been married to an awesome guy for 10 years and my daughter is here in the workshop with me. I'm a blogger and photographer and I love to sew and make quilts, I love to bake..."
The point of this exercise was to become aware of the stories we tell about ourselves, but there was more to learn and lots more to think about once we'd made our way back to our own yoga mats. We were asked to consider what our inside story is. How did we complete the sentence, "I am ____" inside our own minds?

The words "I am" are such powerful words - they define who we believe we are, deep in our heart and soul. I thought about how I finish that sentence in my own mind about myself. Those statements are much different from the ones I tell the outside world about myself - beyond how I earn a living and what hobbies I love.

Here are some of my typical inner I am statements: "I am nervous and can't find the right words so I'll surely stutter." "I am not worthy - I could never be successful with that..." "I am afraid you won't like me." "I don't deserve to follow that dream." "I am fat." "I fall out of yoga poses and therefore I am weak." "I am SOOOOO busy." "I look old...ugh! These wrinkles..." But when I take a step back, really think about those things and take a close look at each of them...none of them really define who I am. In fact, none of those things are true at all. So why do I repeat them and own them with a deep sense of feeling and attachment? Why, indeed.

I realize that those negative beliefs about myself have been so stifling. Once I became aware of them, I was shocked to learn how many different stories I tell myself about me. Quite frankly, it was a bit overwhelming. Recognizing those thought patterns is the first step to being able to change them. Changing those thought patterns is the first step to being able to move forward on some things that I've been holding back on. It was overwhelming, but very liberating as well.

When we understand that thoughts that are connected to feelings become who we are, we can begin to work on changing those thoughts. We become more mindful about the stories we tell ourselves over and over, day after day, like a broken record.

What if we started paying attention to the little lies we tell ourselves? Just start to notice them. And what if we turned those unkind and untrue "I am" statements into more positive ones? Then we can begin to write new and more accurate stories about ourselves - ones that move us forward instead of holding us back. Stories that allow our light to shine like it was meant to do. True stories that help us to grow ourselves and in turn, inspire others. I am worthy. I am kind. I am generous. I deserve this. I deserve that...

I'm a blogger and a writer and a mandala lover.
I am joyous. I am peaceful. I am love.
I am working on believing in me.

"You are the way you are because you tell yourself you are that way."
~ Don Juan to Carlos Castaneda

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

This January I am...

Freezing. It's winter time in Arizona. And yet...

Watching the greens of spring flowers beginning to appear in our yard. Already!

Checking Instagram and Facebook constantly, hoping to see the latest photo of the brand new baby in our family. My nephew and his wife have a beautiful and healthy baby boy. {Carter}

Planning a trip to California next month to meet baby Carter.

Also planning a trip to Seattle in April for our 10th wedding anniversary. {I Doug.}

Feeling accomplished - I turned in my completed yoga teacher graduation package last weekend!!!

Looking forward to my next round of yoga teacher certification. I'm adding to my 200-hour certification with another 300 hours.

Sewing a quilt top and getting really close to finishing it!

Planning our fifth annual Valentine Crop with Carrie.

Baking nothing. Man I did a ton of baking in December so I'm kind of taking a break. But then...

Deciding what kind of cupcakes to make for our Valentine crop. {Probably red velvet...}

Decorating for Valentine's Day. {Ok, I hung a banner. The end.}

Reading "The Mandala Workbook" and really, really loving it. {Christmas gift...thanks, Carrie!}

Drawing mandalas instead of taking care of other responsibilities...

Learning to relax and be still once in a while. {A challenge!}

Gearing up to officially teach yoga. I'll be teaching regularly scheduled classes at a chiropractor's office beginning in March. Eeeep! :o)!!!

Taking one day at a time, but feeling super excited about the future.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

There's something happening here...

Lately I've been...

practicing yoga instead of blogging in the morning.

reading yoga homework instead of friend's blogs.

preparing to teach my 4-minute section of a 20-minute group project next week.

realizing that four minutes isn't a whole lot of time, but in some ways it feels like forever. I do know how to say, "Inhale and extend your right leg behind you" so why do I stumble on that?!?! ~sigh~

knowing that my jittery nerves are normal and that the people I'm presenting to don't mind if I stumble.

loving my classmates who attend yoga teacher training with me. We are building such a wonderful and interesting bond within our group.

planning a private yoga class for a few local friends as part of my graduation package.

drawing mandalas and really loving the process!

singing Sanskrit chants in my mind {ok...and in my car and in the shower...}

learning that I love learning about yoga. My 200-hour certification will be done on December 21st and I want more. Just like they said I would...

reminding myself that just because I totally dig yoga doesn't mean that everyone I know is open to it (bummer).

feeling so grateful for my yoga practice.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

This week, I am...

letting go.

Monday, September 15, 2014

My life, currently...

These days I am:

Reading "Yoga Anatomy" and "The Bhagavad Gita." Deep.

Practicing yoga. Yoga. Yoga.

Feeling strong and sore and tired and energized. I think my body is a bit confused these days.

Thinking. Thinking. Always thinking. About yoga philosophies, yoga poses, and what needs to be done at work and home in the midst of my yoga commitments.

Looking forward to finishing my yoga teacher training at the end of this year but knowing I'll want more when this phase is complete.

Settling in to this new routine I've signed myself up for. This is week number six (of 19) and for whatever reason the adjustment period has been slow for me. I think I wasn't really prepared for the time commitment of yoga teacher training. And while I absolutely love it, it feels like every little bit of my daily life and routine has shifted.

Blogging differently these days. My blog has had to take a back seat on my list of priorities.

Trying to not feel guilty for my lack of participation in blog land. I just haven't had time for blog reading and commenting.

Missing Douglas. It's hunting season and he's been away a lot, but he's coming home today. Hooray!!!

Cooking hardly anything these days and buying lots of frozen meals for Doug to have on evenings when I'm at yoga class.

Taking hardly any photos - partly because I'm busy and partly because I'm a little bored with the same ol' stuff to photograph.

Sewing here and there and getting close to finishing September's square for Fiona's Friendship Quilt Exchange.

Listening to "All About That Bass" by Meghan Trainor. Over and over and over.

Being super happy even though this blog post sounds like I'm a bit worn out.

Happy new week, everyone!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Right now I am...

Wondering if I should nip that little bud off my coleus plant like I do with basil. Does anyone know?
Packaging up a Mother's Day gift to be mailed to my sweet Grandma today, and
Looking forward to spending Mother's Day with my own sweet girl this Sunday.
Working on decorations for next week's party to celebrate my nephew's college graduation;
Making lists for said party; and
Reviewing cupcake recipes for same. {yum!}
Sketching as part of this class and loving it.
Reading "Body of Work" by Pamela Slim and nodding in agreement as I go.
Watching Dancing with the Stars - oh my gosh, Amy Purdy is so inspiring!
Walking a thin line between helping and overstepping boundaries with a loved one who is in the middle of some awesome changes.
Sewing quilt squares for Fiona's Friendship Quilt exchange, and
Feeling so very grateful for the kindness and generosity of blog friends.
Bracing myself for summer. It's heating up in these parts!
Planning a beach-y getaway for August...
What are you up to these days?

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Fill in the blanks...

If I could I would… quit my job and create stuff all day every day.
My favorite childhood movie… Mary Poppins

I’m inspired by… light and color and happy people.

My celeb crush is… Robert Downey, Jr.

Obsessed with… checking Instagram and Facebook hoping to see a new photo of my baby niece, Olivia.

Listening to… cd's in my new car! The cd player in my old car didn't work so I'm totally digging listening to music I haven't heard for a while.

Thinking about… my mom. Always thinking about my mom.

Watching… "Amazing Race" and "Survivor"

Excited about… seeing my family and meeting sweet Olivia soon!

My fave app… Instagram

Dream getaway… some place tropical with Doug, or some place for sight-seeing with Carrie.

Thanking... Cate for this fun list.
How would you fill in the blanks?

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Currently I am...

Feeling happy that it's February;

Thinking about buying a new car;

Waiting another six-months(-ish) to buy a new house;

ReadingFinding Your Own North Star” by Martha Beck;

Dreading dental work next week;

Enjoying Arizona weather {love this time of year!};

Learning new stuff at work;

Looking forward to meeting a new baby niece next month!

Loving the name Olivia;

Sewing something for Olivia;

Realizing “it’s all about Olivia” right now; :o)

Missing my mom;

Face-timing with my nine-year old niece Presley {love that she randomly calls me!};

Making something for our Valentine crop 5-favorites gift exchange, plus one for a blog giveaway;

Designing a quilt in my head;

Planning a party {in addition to the V-day crop};

Searching for the perfect vanilla cupcake recipe {Anyone?};

Trusting that everything is falling into place; and

Breathing deeply.
Oh, February.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Currently ~ Tea with Abi

Today I'd like to tell you what I've been up to lately, over a {virtual} cup of tea.
{this month's quilt square was made for Abi}

I've been baking goodies for Doug’s upcoming hunting trip.

Listening to my nephew Ryne’s new CD.

Sewing up a storm! I’m getting ready to finish putting Carrie’s quilt together.

Planning another sewing project for a certain baby girl who will be a sweet new addition to our family in 2014.

Prioritizing projects – coming up with ideas for a baby shower for said baby girl but trying to plan Christmas first…

Yelling at one little dog for darting out the front door, across the street, and in the face of another innocent doggy who was minding his own business on his morning walk. Bad Lucky dog.

Loving our cooler temps and this lovely Arizona fall weather.

Wearing tops with sleeves for a change, and also boots. Hooray for boots!

Participating in Cathy Zielske’s 30 Days of Thankful, Fiona’s Friendship Quilt project, and Miriam’s Christmas Ornament Exchange.

Preparing for a holiday party at our house at the end of November. We’re going to have live entertainment this year!

Having so much to tell my mom and missing her a lot. Here come the holidays…

Drinking tea {albeit virtually} with the lovely Abi.
{visit her here}

Thursday, October 10, 2013

This, that and the other

I had a post scheduled for today but it was kind of a sappy story, and I think there’s been enough sap on this little blogspot this week, so I thought I’d throw together a random post with a few tidbits.

My camera: Thanks for the comments on my post the other day about my camera behaving crazy. After the camera lady did her magic on it during my lunch hour on Monday, I brought it home and it worked like a dream that night. Took it out Tuesday night…nothing. Gr!!! Sooooo, I took it back to the repair shop on my lunch hour yesterday {seriously, the trip to the camera shop takes up my entire lunch break}, handed it to her and what do you know? It worked just fine. This time I was a bit wiser and asked her to please keep it and have the guys in the shop look at it anyway. “Oh,” she replied, “It’s probably the shutter button. Those do wear out after a while.” You think? {Reformat the disc every time, my foot.} Anyway, I’ll know tomorrow afternoon if it can be repaired and what the cost will be. How inconvenient.

My nephew: I’ve talked about my musician nephew, Ryne on my blog before, and I’m super proud to announce that he has released his first solo cd.  I received my copy in the mail on Tuesday, and I listened to the whole thing with a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes – especially the song about his Great-Grandma Bessie and how his dad (my brother, Tim) and our cousins loved being at her house. My brother sings harmony on that song, and it was so awesome to hear a recording of their voices blending so beautifully. Carrie and I are going to his release show this weekend (Doug’s attending a high school reunion) and I plan to pick up another copy of the cd to give away on my blog soon. I’ll also let you know when the music becomes available on iTunes. {You can like Ryne on Facebook by clicking here.}

My new niece: Well, there's a new niece in the making. My brother Ron and his wife Ryann are expecting a baby girl next February. I thought all the baby-makers in our family were done, so I’m super excited about welcoming this little peach into our family. Anyone who knows me is fully aware of how much I enjoy being an aunt. Oh my gosh, my mom would have been so excited to have another little granddaughter!

Blog friend visit: Some of you may know my blog friend Cheri who lives on the other side of the US from me. I’m excited to say that she’s going to be our house guest at the end of this month. Some may think it’s strange that I’d feel comfortable hosting someone in my home that I’ve never met in real life, but blog friends will understand the comfort level. I have plans for a fun and busy weekend for us so, Cheri, I hope you’ll arrive well-rested.

And in other news:

I’m participating in Fiona’s Friendship Quilt and have mailed my first completed block to our sweet Abi in the UK. I’ll share more about the project, as well as photos of the square I made once I know that Abi has received her package.

I can feel myself slipping into holiday mode and I'm starting to dream about treats that I typically only make in November and December. {Douglas, I know you don’t want a lot of sweets around but, sorry dear, it’s about to happen.}

With the absence of my DSLR I’ve been using my iPhone camera a lot and actually enjoying the challenge. It’s allowed me to concentrate more on composition without worrying about other settings and that’s kind of a fun change. For a while. Until my good camera is fixed.

My weekly yoga class is awesome and even though my shoulder is sore as a result, it's a different kind of sore. I think it's helping! And after six weeks of practice I'm feeling so much stronger, and so very happy that I made the decision to go back to a regular practice.

I made it through my mom’s anniversary yesterday with flying colors. I’ve found that it’s almost impossible to remain really sad when there are all kinds of amazing vibes being sent in my direction. Blog friend comments, some sweet emails, tons of love on Facebook, texts from my siblings and cousins… I swear I know the best people on the planet.

And there you have it.
All happy, no sappy.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Lately I've been...

Dreaming about seeing the ocean with Doug. We’re going to make that happen in August!

Looking forward to having a blog friend {or two} pay a visit to my home in the next few months; (Eeeep!)

Sweating. It’s so dang hot here;

Preparing for Carrie’s dog Marcus to visit while she’s away at her work’s annual convention. And by "preparing" I mean that Doug is dig-proofing areas in our backyard. Marcus is not a digger, but when he and Lucky get together…well…The Luckster is a bad, bad influence. Plus, they have treats and bones to hide from each other;

Thinking about my mom and wondering if she's ok/at peace/still "around" me;

Knowing the answer to the previous entry - just missing her and thinking about her a whole lot;

Sewing a quilt for a special girl and loving the juxtaposition of the blocks in the pattern I’m using;

Gluing the last of my blog-friend-mini-book together. Gosh that has been a long, drawn-out project! I printed the photos in the wrong size-format and was able to trim a few down, had to re-print some, and then my paper choice changed when I received some lovely Union Jack paper from Lisa-Jane, and then Whiskers knocked my labels off the table and some could not be found so I had to reprint and cut those…sigh…

Waiting to begin a weekly yoga class at our local community college - class starts August 17th!

Searching for dinner ideas that don’t heat up our kitchen; and

Keeping up with Project Life. Kind of. Photos are printed, but I need a solid Saturday to embellish and journal the past several weekly spreads.

What have you been up to lately?

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Tea for Two (or more!)

Hello, everyone!
Today I’m linking up with my sweet blog friend Abi
for her monthly chat over a cuppa. So if you were really
here at my house, here’s how it might go down…

I'd invite you in quickly ~
Come in from the heat! Lucky, stay back…it’s ok… So sorry… Lucky, get back! {sigh}  I’m in the middle of making cookies, so come on into the kitchen while I finish mixing this batch.

Who are the cookies for, you ask? They're for my step-dad, Rod. He's on his way to Arizona as we speak this morning. He’s coming for a quick visit today, and bringing the collection of items that my sister and I set aside from our mom’s personal belongings back in January. I’m emotional about the thought of receiving these things into our home, and also excited to have these bits of my mom incorporated into my own belongings.

Are you doing much crafting lately? Wow – I am. I seem to be in a creative frenzy with several projects going on at the moment as well as several in the pipeline (aka: my head). I’m promising myself that I will not start sewing this quilt I have in mind until my blog-friend-mini-book is complete. Believe me, once I start on the quilt, all other projects will be temporarily pushed aside!

Aw, thanks for asking about my sweet little garden. You know, the Arizona heat and our digging dog have definitely taken their toll, but I’d love to show you the sunflowers that are just about to burst. These are my favorites – grown from seeds and highly photographed.

Hey, how are you doing with Rinda's Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt? I'm taking it slow and steady, turtle style. So far I have six of the 21 items, with a potential three more that I'm holding out on for a better photo opp. Like this airplane (item #4) flying over us... They come from Sky Harbor Airport in Phoenix - the one you flew in to this morning. ;o) And just how am I supposed to find a cloud shaped like something in this clear Arizona sky?!?!

Oh, what’s that I hear? The kitchen timer? Ah, cookies are done… C'mon, I’ll bundle up a few for you to take along with you.

Oh and here - since you're on your way to Abi's, take a few for her as well.

Thanks for visiting me this morning!
Don’t be a stranger…

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Currently, I am...

Thinking about my mom.

Losing sleep over an upcoming trip out of the country, and work junk.

Sewing little strawberries to take to England – Carrie and I have a plan.

Dealing with abrasive and cranky people. {Really, planet alignment? What the…?}

Trying to not let the aforementioned rub off on me and being semi-successful at it.

Learning to live with a dog and really loving it.

Deciding which camera to bring on a big trip. I really don’t want to lug my big camera around, but I’m afraid I’ll regret it if I don’t have it with me. {What to do…what to do…}

Waiting for the weather app on my phone to show a current view of London as warm and sunshiny. {Hey, a girl can dream…}

Planning what to pack and being confused with “pack light” versus “dress warmly.”

Catching up on Project Life this week.

Missing my girl C and needing some catch-up time.

Hoping said girl C and I can wing our way through England and come home still friends. {I know we will, but 10 days is a long time to expect pure bliss…}

Looking forward to meeting a few sweet blog friends in real life at the end of this month.

What are you currently up to?
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