An object identifier (OID) is an extensively used identification mechanism
jointly developed by ITU-T and
for naming any type of object, concept or "thing"
with a globally unambiguous name which requires a persistent name (long
life-time). It is not intended to be used for transient naming. OIDs,
once allocated, should not be re-used for a different object/thing.
It is based on a hierarchical name structure based on the "OID
tree". This naming structure uses a sequence of names, of which
the first name identifies a top-level "node" in the OID tree,
and the next provides further identification of arcs leading to sub-nodes
beneath the top-level, and so on to any depth.
A critical feature of this identification mechanism is that it makes
OIDs available to a great many organizations and specifications for
their own use (including countries, ITU-T Recommendations, ISO and IEC
International Standards, specifications from national, regional or international
organizations, etc.).
Random OID
OID flyer
OID handbook
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
![Bullet](/https/oid-rep.orange-labs.fr/images/bullet.gif) OID helper