Showing posts with label dick figures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dick figures. Show all posts

Friday, July 27, 2012

Olympic GOLD!

The 2012 Olympics open today in London. That is, unless the UK's finest felon is there to steal all of the gold medals!

For more Dick Figures shenanigans, check out their website,

0 days...Let the OLYMPICS begin!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Fart Knight Rises

Sure, The Avengers and Spider-man were fairly eagerly awaited. But there's one super hero finale that we've all been foaming at the mouth for: DICK FIGURES.

Tomorrow marks the season finale (and last episode ever) of the YouTube phenomenon Dick Figures. I will be making my return as Earl Gray, the dastardly ne'er-do-well with a penchant for the finer things in life (you can catch my previous episode on YouTube).

If you dig tomorrow's episode, you can stop by the Dick Figures Kickstarter and fund the feature film. If the project is funded, I'll be back for the third time as Earl Gray, and we all know great things come in threes! Okay, so do not-so-great Star Wars prequels.

0 days...Comic Con Begins!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Dick Figures on the Big Screen!

My pals Ed Skudder and Zack Keller over at Six Point Harness have wrapped production on the fourth and final season of the international web-sensation/religious experience of a generation, Dick Figures. As with all great series (X-Files, Firefly, Alf), Zack and Ed want to end Dick Figures with a silver screen finale. Preferably in 3D. On IMAX. At theaters with live organ players.

If you share the burning passion that may be gonorrhea, but is most likely an urge to see Dick Figures on the big screen, contribute a buck or two to their Kickstarter account. Pitch in $100 and you even get a free ringtone!

A $10,000 contribution will get you lunch with the creators...

A personal tour of Six Point Harness Studios...

And an original piece of art by Zack and Ed!

So please contribute! Zack and Ed will stare at you till you do.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Earl Grey

My doppleganger, Zack Keller (co-creator of Dick Figures), informed me that my Dick Figures character, Earl Grey, has his own wikipage. I noticed the trivia section on this character is a little sparse, so let me shed some light on this monochromatic mastermind:

-He spells "grey" with an "E" for the same reason he spells "colour" with a "U": because he's not a knuckle-dragging commoner.

-Earl Grey is the mixed-race sire of two royal families, Black and White.

-This supervillain does not move objects through telekinesis. Rather, he "elevates" objects from their working class to a higher station in space/time.

-Aside from high concentrations of colour, Earl Grey's one other vulnerability is a weakness for Twiglets and Pickle.

-Earl Grey has a similar affliction as his cousin and fellow land-holding title-bearer, Lord Tourettes. He suffers from narcolepsy, and must constantly imbibe tea or else pass into a deep REM state.

-And finally: in Season Four, Earl Grey may or may not make an appearance in a Christmas episode entitled "Dickens Figures."

I hope that slakes the wiki admins' thirst for Earl Grey.

27 days...

Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Adventures of Batman and the Bloser

As promised, here is the season three premiere of Dick Figures, complete with their new nemesis, the maniacally monochromatic mastermind, Earl Grey (voiced by yours truly).

Thanks to my pals Zack Keller and Ed Skudder for letting me contribute a character to their sick little world. I'd love to make this guy a reoccurring villain, so be sure to leave plenty of YouTube comments demanding more Earl Grey. Hot.

39 days...

Monday, September 19, 2011

Dick Figures, Season Three

This Thursday, the world as we know it will forever be changed by the season three premiere of YouTube's No. 1 animated series, Dick Figures.

This Thursday, folks. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll hear my awful British accent.

42 days...

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Dick Figures "Bath Rhymes" Music Video

The Dick Figures Bath Rhymes music video is up, and my scene along with it, in all it's Jurassic Park/Masters of the Universe-ish glory.

Zack and Ed (the Dick Figures creators/voice actors) sent out this thank you to all the animators who participated in the Season Two finale. Can't wait for Season Three season premiere--when a certain Pixar animator may or may not be lending their vocal talents to Red and Blue's first villain...

12 days...

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Dick Figures

Remember music videos? Yeah, neither do I. But apparently they were once a method of promotion. My friend Zack Keller has resurrected this prehistoric medium for the next episode of his web series Dick Figures, and he's asked the interwebs for help in completing the task.

Everyone is invited to submit a shot, and the song mentions dinosaurs, so naturally I had to partake. If you're interested in contributing, check the Dick Figures music video website for guidelines. The deadline is tomorrow, so if you'd really like to participate, you'd best get on it!

The episode airs next Thursday, August 25th. Can't wait to see what everyone comes up with!

19 days...