
この邦訳は、私 SUGAI, Manabu が私的な勉強のために作成したものです。訳文の正確さは保証できません。この翻訳には誤りが含まれます。この点をご理解頂いた上でご利用下さい。本邦訳は依然改稿中であり、決定稿ではありません。

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<<BACK | last modified: 20th/Dec./2002 | Translated by SUGAI, Manabu.






Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL)
Version 1.0

W3C 勧告 2001 年 10 月 15 日

( PDF by RenderX, XML file, HTML (one large file), ZIP file )
Sharon Adler (IBM) <[email protected]>
Anders Berglund (IBM) <[email protected]>
Jeff Caruso (Pageflex) <[email protected]>
Stephen Deach (Adobe) <[email protected]>
Tony Graham (Sun) <[email protected]>
Paul Grosso (Arbortext) <[email protected]>
Eduardo Gutentag (Sun) <[email protected]>
Alex Milowski <[email protected]>
Scott Parnell (Xerox) <[email protected]>
Jeremy Richman <[email protected]>
Steve Zilles (Adobe) <[email protected]>


本仕様はスタイルシートを表現する言語である拡張可能スタイルシート言語 (XSL) の機能とシンタックスを定義するものである。これは次の二つの部分からなる:

  1. XML 文書の変換のための言語

  2. フォーマッティング・セマンティクスを指定するための XML ボキャブラリ

XSL スタイルシート言語は、クラスの実例がどのようにフォーマッティング・ボキャブラリを使った XML 文書に変換されるのかを記述することで、 XML 文書のクラスの表現を指定するものである。


本セクションは本文書の原版が公開された当時のステータスを記述している。他の文書が本文書に取って代わっている可能性もある。本文書群の最新のステータスは W3C が維持管理している。

この文書は、 W3C メンバー、および他の関係者によって検討されて、 W3C 勧告として議長に採択された。この文書は、安定的な文書であるから、参考資料や、他の文書で規範的参考として引用しても良い。勧告を策定する W3C の役割は、この仕様への注意を喚起し、その広範囲な受容を促進することだ。こうすることで、ウェブの機能性および操作の互換性を高めることになる。

この文書は、 W3C Style Activity の一環として、 XSL Working Group (関係者のみ) によって策定された。

XSL に関する一般的な公開された議論は XSL-List メーリングリストにて行われている。

本文書(英語版)に関するエラーは [email protected] へ報告してもらいたい。コメントのアーカイブが入手可能だ。本仕様書における既知のエラーは http://www.w3.org/2001/10/REC-XSL-20011015-errata で入手可能だ。プロパティの定義において、或るテキストは CSS2 勧告からコピーしたものであり、CSS2 仕様書における既知のエラーは http://www.w3.org/Style/css2-updates/REC-CSS2-19980512-errata.html で入手可能だ。

SUGAI, Manabu による本邦訳上の誤りについては、 SUGAI, Manabu. までご報告くださいますよう、お願い申し上げます。

最新の W3C 勧告のリストと他の技術文書は http://www.w3.org/TR/ で見つけることができる。

目次 (Table of contents)

1 導入と概観
    1.1 スタイルシートの処理
        1.1.1 木変換
        1.1.2 フォーマッティング
    1.2 XSL の利点
        1.2.1 ページ送りとスクロール
        1.2.2 セレクタと木構造
        1.2.3 拡張ページ・レイアウト・モデル
        1.2.4 包括的な領域モデル
        1.2.5 国際化と記述モード
        1.2.6 リンク
2 XSL Transformation
    2.1 Tree Construction
    2.2 XSL Namespace
3 Introduction to Formatting
    3.1 Conceptual Procedure
4 Area Model
    4.1 Introduction
    4.2 Rectangular Areas
        4.2.1 Area Types
        4.2.2 Common Traits
        4.2.3 Geometric Definitions
        4.2.4 Tree Ordering
        4.2.5 Stacking Constraints
        4.2.6 Font Baseline Tables
    4.3 Spaces and Conditionality
        4.3.1 Space-resolution Rules
        4.3.2 Overconstrained space-specifiers
    4.4 Block-areas
        4.4.1 Stacked Block-areas
        4.4.2 Intrusion Adjustments
    4.5 Line-areas
    4.6 Inline-areas
        4.6.1 Stacked Inline-areas
        4.6.2 Glyph-areas
    4.7 Ordering Constraints
        4.7.1 General Ordering Constraints
        4.7.2 Line-building
        4.7.3 Inline-building
    4.8 Keeps and Breaks
    4.9 Rendering Model
        4.9.1 Geometry
        4.9.2 Viewport Geometry
        4.9.3 Visibility
        4.9.4 Border, Padding, and Background
        4.9.5 Intrinsic Marks
        4.9.6 Layering and Conflict of Marks
    4.10 Sample Area Tree
5 Property Refinement / Resolution
    5.1 Specified, Computed, and Actual Values, and Inheritance
        5.1.1 Specified Values
        5.1.2 Computed Values
        5.1.3 Actual Values
        5.1.4 Inheritance
    5.2 Shorthand Expansion
    5.3 Computing the Values of Corresponding Properties
        5.3.1 Border and Padding Properties
        5.3.2 Margin, Space, and Indent Properties
        5.3.3 Height, and Width Properties
        5.3.4 Overconstrained Geometry
    5.4 Simple Property to Trait Mapping
        5.4.1 Background-position-horizontal and background-position-vertical Properties
        5.4.2 Column-number Property
        5.4.3 Text-align Property
        5.4.4 Text-align-last Property
        5.4.5 z-index Property
    5.5 Complex Property to Trait Mapping
        5.5.1 Word spacing and Letter spacing Properties
        5.5.2 Reference-orientation Property
        5.5.3 Writing-mode and Direction Properties
        5.5.4 Absolute-position Property
        5.5.5 Relative-position Property
        5.5.6 Text-decoration Property
        5.5.7 Font Properties
    5.6 Non-property Based Trait Generation
    5.7 Property Based Transformations
        5.7.1 Text-transform Property
    5.8 Unicode BIDI Processing
    5.9 Expressions
        5.9.1 Property Context
        5.9.2 Evaluation Order
        5.9.3 Basics
        5.9.4 Function Calls
        5.9.5 Numerics
        5.9.6 Absolute Numerics
        5.9.7 Relative Numerics
        5.9.8 Strings
        5.9.9 Colors
        5.9.10 Keywords
        5.9.11 Lexical Structure
        5.9.12 Expression Value Conversions
        5.9.13 Definitions of Units of Measure
    5.10 Core Function Library
        5.10.1 Number Functions
        5.10.2 Color Functions
        5.10.3 Font Functions
        5.10.4 Property Value Functions
    5.11 Property Datatypes
6 Formatting Objects
    6.1 Introduction to Formatting Objects
        6.1.1 Definitions Common to Many Formatting Objects
    6.2 Formatting Object Content
    6.3 Formatting Objects Summary
    6.4 Declarations and Pagination and Layout Formatting Objects
        6.4.1 Introduction
        6.4.2 fo:root
        6.4.3 fo:declarations
        6.4.4 fo:color-profile
        6.4.5 fo:page-sequence
        6.4.6 fo:layout-master-set
        6.4.7 fo:page-sequence-master
        6.4.8 fo:single-page-master-reference
        6.4.9 fo:repeatable-page-master-reference
        6.4.10 fo:repeatable-page-master-alternatives
        6.4.11 fo:conditional-page-master-reference
        6.4.12 fo:simple-page-master
        6.4.13 fo:region-body
        6.4.14 fo:region-before
        6.4.15 fo:region-after
        6.4.16 fo:region-start
        6.4.17 fo:region-end
        6.4.18 fo:flow
        6.4.19 fo:static-content
        6.4.20 fo:title
    6.5 Block-level Formatting Objects
        6.5.1 Introduction
        6.5.2 fo:block
        6.5.3 fo:block-container
    6.6 Inline-level Formatting Objects
        6.6.1 Introduction
        6.6.2 fo:bidi-override
        6.6.3 fo:character
        6.6.4 fo:initial-property-set
        6.6.5 fo:external-graphic
        6.6.6 fo:instream-foreign-object
        6.6.7 fo:inline
        6.6.8 fo:inline-container
        6.6.9 fo:leader
        6.6.10 fo:page-number
        6.6.11 fo:page-number-citation
    6.7 Formatting Objects for Tables
        6.7.1 Introduction
        6.7.2 fo:table-and-caption
        6.7.3 fo:table
        6.7.4 fo:table-column
        6.7.5 fo:table-caption
        6.7.6 fo:table-header
        6.7.7 fo:table-footer
        6.7.8 fo:table-body
        6.7.9 fo:table-row
        6.7.10 fo:table-cell
    6.8 Formatting Objects for Lists
        6.8.1 Introduction
        6.8.2 fo:list-block
        6.8.3 fo:list-item
        6.8.4 fo:list-item-body
        6.8.5 fo:list-item-label
    6.9 Dynamic Effects: Link and Multi Formatting Objects
        6.9.1 Introduction
        6.9.2 fo:basic-link
        6.9.3 fo:multi-switch
        6.9.4 fo:multi-case
        6.9.5 fo:multi-toggle
        6.9.6 fo:multi-properties
        6.9.7 fo:multi-property-set
    6.10 Out-of-Line Formatting Objects
        6.10.1 Introduction
        6.10.2 fo:float
        6.10.3 fo:footnote
        6.10.4 fo:footnote-body
    6.11 Other Formatting Objects
        6.11.1 Introduction
        6.11.2 fo:wrapper
        6.11.3 fo:marker
        6.11.4 fo:retrieve-marker
7 Formatting Properties
    7.1 Description of Property Groups
    7.2 XSL Areas and the CSS Box Model
    7.3 Reference Rectangle for Percentage Computations
    7.4 Common Accessibility Properties
        7.4.1 source-document
        7.4.2 role
    7.5 Common Absolute Position Properties
        7.5.1 absolute-position
        7.5.2 top
        7.5.3 right
        7.5.4 bottom
        7.5.5 left
    7.6 Common Aural Properties
        7.6.1 azimuth
        7.6.2 cue-after
        7.6.3 cue-before
        7.6.4 elevation
        7.6.5 pause-after
        7.6.6 pause-before
        7.6.7 pitch
        7.6.8 pitch-range
        7.6.9 play-during
        7.6.10 richness
        7.6.11 speak
        7.6.12 speak-header
        7.6.13 speak-numeral
        7.6.14 speak-punctuation
        7.6.15 speech-rate
        7.6.16 stress
        7.6.17 voice-family
        7.6.18 volume
    7.7 Common Border, Padding, and Background Properties
        7.7.1 background-attachment
        7.7.2 background-color
        7.7.3 background-image
        7.7.4 background-repeat
        7.7.5 background-position-horizontal
        7.7.6 background-position-vertical
        7.7.7 border-before-color
        7.7.8 border-before-style
        7.7.9 border-before-width
        7.7.10 border-after-color
        7.7.11 border-after-style
        7.7.12 border-after-width
        7.7.13 border-start-color
        7.7.14 border-start-style
        7.7.15 border-start-width
        7.7.16 border-end-color
        7.7.17 border-end-style
        7.7.18 border-end-width
        7.7.19 border-top-color
        7.7.20 border-top-style
        7.7.21 border-top-width
        7.7.22 border-bottom-color
        7.7.23 border-bottom-style
        7.7.24 border-bottom-width
        7.7.25 border-left-color
        7.7.26 border-left-style
        7.7.27 border-left-width
        7.7.28 border-right-color
        7.7.29 border-right-style
        7.7.30 border-right-width
        7.7.31 padding-before
        7.7.32 padding-after
        7.7.33 padding-start
        7.7.34 padding-end
        7.7.35 padding-top
        7.7.36 padding-bottom
        7.7.37 padding-left
        7.7.38 padding-right
    7.8 Common Font Properties
        7.8.1 Fonts and Font Data
        7.8.2 font-family
        7.8.3 font-selection-strategy
        7.8.4 font-size
        7.8.5 font-stretch
        7.8.6 font-size-adjust
        7.8.7 font-style
        7.8.8 font-variant
        7.8.9 font-weight
    7.9 Common Hyphenation Properties
        7.9.1 country
        7.9.2 language
        7.9.3 script
        7.9.4 hyphenate
        7.9.5 hyphenation-character
        7.9.6 hyphenation-push-character-count
        7.9.7 hyphenation-remain-character-count
    7.10 Common Margin Properties-Block
        7.10.1 margin-top
        7.10.2 margin-bottom
        7.10.3 margin-left
        7.10.4 margin-right
        7.10.5 space-before
        7.10.6 space-after
        7.10.7 start-indent
        7.10.8 end-indent
    7.11 Common Margin Properties-Inline
        7.11.1 space-end
        7.11.2 space-start
    7.12 Common Relative Position Properties
        7.12.1 relative-position
    7.13 Area Alignment Properties
        7.13.1 alignment-adjust
        7.13.2 alignment-baseline
        7.13.3 baseline-shift
        7.13.4 display-align
        7.13.5 dominant-baseline
        7.13.6 relative-align
    7.14 Area Dimension Properties
        7.14.1 block-progression-dimension
        7.14.2 content-height
        7.14.3 content-width
        7.14.4 height
        7.14.5 inline-progression-dimension
        7.14.6 max-height
        7.14.7 max-width
        7.14.8 min-height
        7.14.9 min-width
        7.14.10 scaling
        7.14.11 scaling-method
        7.14.12 width
    7.15 Block and Line-related Properties
        7.15.1 hyphenation-keep
        7.15.2 hyphenation-ladder-count
        7.15.3 last-line-end-indent
        7.15.4 line-height
        7.15.5 line-height-shift-adjustment
        7.15.6 line-stacking-strategy
        7.15.7 linefeed-treatment
        7.15.8 white-space-treatment
        7.15.9 text-align
        7.15.10 text-align-last
        7.15.11 text-indent
        7.15.12 white-space-collapse
        7.15.13 wrap-option
    7.16 Character Properties
        7.16.1 character
        7.16.2 letter-spacing
        7.16.3 suppress-at-line-break
        7.16.4 text-decoration
        7.16.5 text-shadow
        7.16.6 text-transform
        7.16.7 treat-as-word-space
        7.16.8 word-spacing
    7.17 Color-related Properties
        7.17.1 color
        7.17.2 color-profile-name
        7.17.3 rendering-intent
    7.18 Float-related Properties
        7.18.1 clear
        7.18.2 float
        7.18.3 intrusion-displace
    7.19 Keeps and Breaks Properties
        7.19.1 break-after
        7.19.2 break-before
        7.19.3 keep-together
        7.19.4 keep-with-next
        7.19.5 keep-with-previous
        7.19.6 orphans
        7.19.7 widows
    7.20 Layout-related Properties
        7.20.1 clip
        7.20.2 overflow
        7.20.3 reference-orientation
        7.20.4 span
    7.21 Leader and Rule Properties
        7.21.1 leader-alignment
        7.21.2 leader-pattern
        7.21.3 leader-pattern-width
        7.21.4 leader-length
        7.21.5 rule-style
        7.21.6 rule-thickness
    7.22 Properties for Dynamic Effects Formatting Objects
        7.22.1 active-state
        7.22.2 auto-restore
        7.22.3 case-name
        7.22.4 case-title
        7.22.5 destination-placement-offset
        7.22.6 external-destination
        7.22.7 indicate-destination
        7.22.8 internal-destination
        7.22.9 show-destination
        7.22.10 starting-state
        7.22.11 switch-to
        7.22.12 target-presentation-context
        7.22.13 target-processing-context
        7.22.14 target-stylesheet
    7.23 Properties for Markers
        7.23.1 marker-class-name
        7.23.2 retrieve-class-name
        7.23.3 retrieve-position
        7.23.4 retrieve-boundary
    7.24 Properties for Number to String Conversion
        7.24.1 format
        7.24.2 grouping-separator
        7.24.3 grouping-size
        7.24.4 letter-value
    7.25 Pagination and Layout Properties
        7.25.1 blank-or-not-blank
        7.25.2 column-count
        7.25.3 column-gap
        7.25.4 extent
        7.25.5 flow-name
        7.25.6 force-page-count
        7.25.7 initial-page-number
        7.25.8 master-name
        7.25.9 master-reference
        7.25.10 maximum-repeats
        7.25.11 media-usage
        7.25.12 odd-or-even
        7.25.13 page-height
        7.25.14 page-position
        7.25.15 page-width
        7.25.16 precedence
        7.25.17 region-name
    7.26 Table Properties
        7.26.1 border-after-precedence
        7.26.2 border-before-precedence
        7.26.3 border-collapse
        7.26.4 border-end-precedence
        7.26.5 border-separation
        7.26.6 border-start-precedence
        7.26.7 caption-side
        7.26.8 column-number
        7.26.9 column-width
        7.26.10 empty-cells
        7.26.11 ends-row
        7.26.12 number-columns-repeated
        7.26.13 number-columns-spanned
        7.26.14 number-rows-spanned
        7.26.15 starts-row
        7.26.16 table-layout
        7.26.17 table-omit-footer-at-break
        7.26.18 table-omit-header-at-break
    7.27 Writing-mode-related Properties
        7.27.1 direction
        7.27.2 glyph-orientation-horizontal
        7.27.3 glyph-orientation-vertical
        7.27.4 text-altitude
        7.27.5 text-depth
        7.27.6 unicode-bidi
        7.27.7 writing-mode
    7.28 Miscellaneous Properties
        7.28.1 content-type
        7.28.2 id
        7.28.3 provisional-label-separation
        7.28.4 provisional-distance-between-starts
        7.28.5 ref-id
        7.28.6 score-spaces
        7.28.7 src
        7.28.8 visibility
        7.28.9 z-index
    7.29 Shorthand Properties
        7.29.1 background
        7.29.2 background-position
        7.29.3 border
        7.29.4 border-bottom
        7.29.5 border-color
        7.29.6 border-left
        7.29.7 border-right
        7.29.8 border-style
        7.29.9 border-spacing
        7.29.10 border-top
        7.29.11 border-width
        7.29.12 cue
        7.29.13 font
        7.29.14 margin
        7.29.15 padding
        7.29.16 page-break-after
        7.29.17 page-break-before
        7.29.18 page-break-inside
        7.29.19 pause
        7.29.20 position
        7.29.21 size
        7.29.22 vertical-align
        7.29.23 white-space
        7.29.24 xml:lang
8 Conformance


A Internationalization
    A.1 Additional writing-mode values
B Formatting Object Summary
    B.1 Declaration and Pagination and Layout Formatting Objects
    B.2 Block Formatting Objects
    B.3 Inline Formatting Objects
    B.4 Table Formatting Objects
    B.5 List Formatting Objects
    B.6 Link and Multi Formatting Objects
    B.7 Out-of-line Formatting Objects
    B.8 Other Formatting Objects
C Property Summary
    C.1 Explanation of Trait Mapping Values
    C.2 Property Table: Part I
    C.3 Property Table: Part II
D References
    D.1 Normative References
    D.2 Other References
E Property Index
F Changes since the Proposed Recommendation (Non-Normative)
G Acknowledgements (Non-Normative)

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