THEY are the evil women of war - Adolf Hitler's fearsome female murderers who committed concentration camp atrocities.

Hollow-eyed and with cold, unrepentant expressions, they stare glumly into the camera before learning their fate. They were guilty of cruelty beyond belief - torturing, beating and shooting prisoners and sending them to the gas chamber.

The starkly revealing shots have been released to mark the 60th anniversary yesterday of the Nuremberg Trials - the first time in history that war criminals were tried by an international court.

Twenty-one former Nazi leaders - including Hitler's designated successor Hermann Goering, Deputy Fuhrer Rudolf Hess and Auschwitz camp commander, Rudolf Hoss - stood in the dock charged with a sickening list of cold-blooded killings and abuse.

The pictures offer a rare glimpse of the final sessions of the trial. They are among more than 30,000 photographs, documents, film and sound recordings being digitalised by the Imperial War Museum and made available online in a #500,000 project.

They provide a dramatic snapshot of the pivotal events across Europe following the end of the war on May 8 , 1945 and victory over Japan that August. And they give today's generation the chance to stare into the eyes of evil.

In a portrait never published before, Irma Grese, the most notorious of Hitler's women, defiantly refuses to meet the photographer's gaze.

Despite being dressed in drab prison garb, vain Grese - dubbed "the beautiful beast" by inmates - used rags to put ringlets in her blonde hair.

The daughter of a dairy farmer, she was the youngest and cruellest guard at Ravensbruck concentration camp, aged 19. Later, at Auschwitz, she rose to senior SS supervisor, the second highest rank a woman could attain.

Grese always wore heavy boots and carried a plaited whip and pistol. She had a reputation as a nymphomaniac who sexually abused male and female prisoners. Among her many lovers was brutal camp physician Josef Mengele.

Camp survivors testified to her pure sadism. She used emotional and physical methods to torture captives, beat women to death and enjoyed randomly shooting prisoners.

She half-starved her dogs, training them to savage captives, and selected hundreds of people for death in the gas chambers. The skins of three inmates that she had made into a lampshade were found in her hut.

Grese dreamt of being a film star after the war, but was captured by the British in Bergen-Belsen on April 17, 1945. Still only 22, she was sentenced to death by hanging at the end of the Belsen trial, held between September 17 and November 17, 1945.

The night before her execution Grese laughed and sang Nazi songs with fellow SS torturer Elizabeth Volkenrath.

Even at the gallows at Hameln Grese showed no remorse. Her final words to her British executioner, Albert Pierrepoint, were: "Quick, get it over." In her mug-shot Volkenrath, an SS supervisor, wears her hair scraped up into a ugly quiff and dons patched and ripped prison rags.

She committed merciless murders at Ravensbruck, Belsen and Auschwitz, where she oversaw hangings, selected gas chamber victims and kicked and beat prisoners.

H ER defence at the trial was a flat denial of everything. But she was handed a death sentence and was hanged on December 13 1945, aged 26.

Camp guard Herta Bothe was little better. Bothe - whose heavy jaw is set with determination in her picture - was described as the "ruthless overseer". Witnesses said she beat countless prisoners and enjoyed firing her pistol at female inmates.

The former nurse, who denied all charges, was jailed for 10 years. In a rare interview this year, Bothe - now remarried and living under the name Lange in north east Germany - was defensive when asked about her past. She said: "Did I make a mistake? No. The mistake was that it was a concentration camp, but I had to go to it, otherwise I would have been put into it myself. That was my mistake."

In another picture, Czech surgeon Dr Franz Blaha take the stand to describe the atrocities he witnessed as an inmate at the Dachau concentration camp.

By the time the trials ended in October 1946 with the execution of 19 defendants they had set an important precedent for future international tribunals, introducing concepts such as "crimes against humanity" involving mass terror and genocide.

And these chilling pictures will help ensure that the Nazi evil is never forgotten.

[email protected]

THESE images are taken from A selection of 30,000 images, documents, materials and artefacts are being digitised this year by the Imperial War Museum as part of Their Past Your Future - a year-long programme of events commemorating the 60th anniversary of the end of the Second World War, supported by the Big Lottery Fund.