Showing posts with label Cthulhu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cthulhu. Show all posts

Monday, 22 October 2018

Shoggoth from RAFM

My daughter gets to choose models from the tin- and plastics-mountain for me to paint now and again. 
This one, Shoggoth from RAFM, she selected quite a long time ago and it has been a very slow project, mainly because all of those eyes.
It’s another one of those models that has been standing there and that I have decided to finish once and for all.
It's a resin model with metal tentacles, and you decide which tentacles to use and where to put them.
Once I started on it again it all went rather fast. I just had to decide to prioritize it.
I’m really satisfied with the result. Not something I would like to meet in a dark alley or an abandoned house.

Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Star Vampire from RAFM

After far too much hassle I finally got the last missing figures from RAFM and their two terribly late and missmanaged kickstarters. Well, it was mostly everything but they failed sending one of the missing figures - after I had waited for three months for them to even acknowledge that they had read my mails to them (one mail per month and not a peep) and they then sent two of three missing minis. Annoying and certainly a company that won’t see me as a customer in the future but I do have quite a lot of unpainted resin and metal from them.
Anyway, one of the minis I got from their Cthulhu kickstarter was this one, a Star Vampire. A very strange creature that I wasn’t even certain I would paint. I let my daughter pick monsters and characters now and then for me to paint just for the fun of it and this was the first of the monsters. Well timed as it turned out.
This is actually a four-part metal model, but I skipped the strange arms that came with it and just pinned and glued the tentacle-foot-thingie in place and did a rather fast paintjob. It’s also pinned to the transparent base from Sally 4th.

It saw action in yesterday’s Pulp Alley game, of which you will learn more shortly.
Update. I see it is called Star Leech on the RAFM webshop.

Friday, 30 January 2015


I found this in a bargain bin many years ago and it sedimented into the bottom of the tin and plastics mountain and laid there, forgotten. Found and retrieved now.
It’s a Hellshrieker from Wizards’ Dreamblade pre-painted miniatures range. Originally with a square base but I sawed that off and used one of my 25mm crystal clear Sally 4th bases instead.
Repainted in different pinks and rotting flesh tones, washed with Citadel Baal Red and lightly drybrushed with Formula P3 Thrall Flesh. Teeth Bone White with Army Painter Strong Tone wash. Finally a coat of gloss varnish.
Icky thing, looks like a mound of intestines. Will probably see action as a Cthulhu monster or maybe in a game of Open Combat.
Sweet dreams...