minor comments for UA Guidelines and Techniques 20000310

For the UA Guidelines' Proposed Recommendation Last Call, these are a 
few minor editorial comments for the Guidelines [1], Checklists 
[2,3], and Techniques [4] "work in progress."

Three notes on style:

1. Personally (and I did not list them here), I try to eliminate 
"slash/pairs" when possible; this joining/construct may mean 
something for "and/or", but choosing the most pertinent term, or 
combining terms with hyphens or conjunctions strikes me as a more 
precise way to express a pair of ideas.

2. Contractions seem a bit colloquial for a formal specification. If 
you agree, the one instance each of "can't", "hasn't", "don't" could 
read "cannot," "has not", and "do not."

3. I wasn't sure if you wish to cut down on markup overhead by 
eliminating links to the glossary from the checkpoints, so I didn't 
list those links. For many of the checkpoints, glossary items are 
anchors without class .dfn-instance markup. For example, in 2. 
Guideline 1 checkpoint 1.1, API is <a href="#def-api">API</a> but in 
the paragraph before the checkpoints, API is <a href="#def-api" 
rel="glossary" title="Definition of  Application Programming 
Interface (API)"><span class="dfn-instance">APIs</span></a>.

 From here on, a section number is followed by a paragraph or list 
item number, then a quote, and then some idea of a suggestion. 
Comments are in brackets [].


1.2 Ensure that the user interface is accessible - 2nd to last par., 
and 1.4 par. 1 (twice), 2. par. 1, 6.1 Note, and 3. Recognize, and in 
Techniques Appendix 6 for Recognize
Techniques Document
Techniques document [This is my best guess for capitalization.]

1.2 Help orient the user - list item 1
stalled, etc., Graphical
stalled, etc. Graphical

1.2 Help orient the user - list item 2
an audio clip the structure
an audio clip, the structure

1.7 Well-formed conformance claims - last par.
[somewhere.com is a registered domain. You could consider using 
example.com, example.net, or example.org instead, which IANA reserved 
for examples. See RFC 2606 section 3 [5].]

3. Events and scripting [also in Techniques glossary]
a script, called an event handler),
a script, called an event handler,

3. Properties, values, and defaults [also in Techniques]
"...Style information (e.g., fonts, colors, voice inflection,
     etc.) may come from the elements themselves (e.g.,
     certain style attributes in HTML)..."
[Not sure, but could read:]
     Style information (e.g., fonts, colors, voice inflection,
     etc.) may come from the elements themselves (e.g.,
     certain font and phrase elements in HTML)

3. Focus, content focus... [also in Techniques]

3. Selection, current selection... [also in Techniques]

3. Views, viewports... [also in Techniques]



Checkpoint 11.1
<a href="#ref-WCAG10" title="Link to reference WCAG10">[WCAG10]</a>

Checkpoint 5.3 is repeated.

Checkpoint 5.5


At least the first time it's mentioned, "Internet Explorer [IE]" 
maybe could say "Internet Explorer for Windows 95, Windows 98, and 
Windows NT [IE-WIN]". There is a Macintosh version (5.0 ships this 
month) and I presume Windows and Unix versions.

2. Checkpoint 1.2 - list item 4
API are
APIs are

2. Checkpoint 1.2 - list item 5
and for the X Windows System or Motif it is the X library (XLIB).
[to match the others in this sentence you could say:]
and the X library (XLIB) for the X Windows System or Motif.

2. Checkpoint 1.2 - 2nd to last list item
graphical cue
graphical cues

These queues
These cues

2. Checkpoint 2.1 - 2nd to last list item
10.5 )"Server Error 5xx")
10.5 ("Server Error 5xx")

2. Checkpoint 2.5 list item 6
"...Automatic setting of accept-language the operating system
     language may result in the user receiving messages from
     servers that do not have a match to this single language
     although they have acceptable other languages to the
[could read:]
     Automatic setting of Accept-Language as the operating system
     language may result in the user receiving messages from
     servers that do not have a match to this single language
     although they do have other languages acceptable to the user.

2. Checkpoint 5.5 - list item 1
Java Code
Java code

2. Checkpoint 5.7 - last list item
Internet Explorer [IE].
in Internet Explorer [IE].

2. end of Guideline 5.9, and Appendix 9.1
"Microsoft Active Accessibility" [MSAA].
apparently moved to http://www.microsoft.com/enable/msaa/default.htm

"The Inter-Client communication conventions manual" [ICCCM].
[Might help to know which file to look for in this FTP directory.]

"Accessibility for applications designers" [MS-ENABLE].
[The first link (http://www.microsoft.com/enable/dev/apps.htm) moved 
with no forwarding address evident. The second link (as listed in 
Appendix 9.1), "Built-in accessibility features", connects.]

2. Checkpoint 6.2 - list item 2
a W3C specification do not
a W3C specification does not

2. Checkpoint 7.3 - list item 3

2. Checkpoint 7.6 - list item 2

2. Checkpoint 9.5 - list item 4
a variable pitch audio signals
a variable pitch audio signal

2. Checkpoint 10.9 - list item 4
and users navigate
and users who navigate

2. Checkpoint 11.3 par. 1
It show
It shows

3.1 par. 1
Braille stream).
Braille stream.

3.1.1 par. 2 Note
header [three times]
[I'm not sure if you mean table "headers" or H1-H6 "headings".]

3.1.2 par. 1
can help them decided
can help them decide

3.1.3 - 3rd to last list item
[Looks like it needs a References link. Could be 

3.2 par. 2 list item 2
user style sheets with "!important"
user style sheets with "!important" declarations [or rules]

3.3 par. 2 list item 2
order alphabetical order,
order, alphabetical order,

3.4 par. 2
Use compound numbers (or letters, numbers, etc.) to introduce each list item
[You may have discussed this and I missed it. Would this principle 
apply to Checkpoints in the table of contents for UA Guidelines and 

3.5 par. 3
For both of these situations,
[Three situations are listed.]
For these situations,

3.5 par. 4
"reads" a table is from its
"reads" a table from its

3.5.3 list item 5
In a table with leading row and column of TH cells
In a table with a leading row and column of TH cells

3.5.4 list item 2
how the header cell contributes the text header:
[Sorry I didn't understand this one. Maybe, "how the header cell 
presents its text"?]

3.5.4 list item 6
has a value for the "headers" attribute, then insert these
[If "value" is singular, then "these" would be "it."]
has a value for the "headers" attribute, then insert it

3.5.4 - 3rd to last list item
"...An internal TH in a row surrounded on either side by TDs
     has no means to specify to which (row or column) that TH
     overrides what existed to its left or above it."
[Sorry I couldn't follow this one. Maybe remove the parentheses? 
Could "overrides what existed to its left or above it" mean "labels 
cells to its left or above it"?]

3.5.4 last list item
"...A TH with "colspan" set needs to be included in the list
     of TH for the N-1 columns to the right of the column in
     which the TH is found."
[could be:]
     A TH with "colspan" set needs to be included in the list
     of THs for the N-1 columns to the right.

3.6 par. 1
allows benefits users
benefits users

3.6 last par.
suppress shrink and expand
suppress, shrink and expand

3.7 - 3rd list - list item 1
the author-supplied to frame equivalents
the author-supplied frame equivalents

3.7 - 3rd list - list item 10
when an action one frame causes
when an action in one frame causes

3.8.4 par. 1
an in particular
and in particular

3.10 par. 1
Not only must user agents must make
Not only must user agents make

3.12 list item 1
"header" before the text content of a header
[if this means HTML H1-H6 (otherwise no change):]
"heading" before the text content of a heading

3.12 list item 3
This user
The user

3.12 list item 5 - 2.
the headings of each column
the headers of each column

each heading
each header

3.12 list item 5 - 4.
heading [twice]

3.12 list item 5 - 6.
If table
If the table

4. - RepeatKeys
turn of
turn off

4. - ShowSounds
"...ShowSounds are user settings or software switches that
     the user wishes audio information to be presented
     graphically as well."
     ShowSounds are user settings or software switches that
     present audio as both audio and graphics.

4. - TimeOut
turns of
turns off

4. - Apple Macintosh
OPEN APPLE (Command), OPTION (Alt)
[Not sure but maybe:]
Command (open apple), Option (Alt)

5. par. 3
similar, differing is
similar, differing in

5. Loading part... par. 1
"...You can use this feature to gain access to the object
     model of a particular running instance of Internet
     Explorer. You can also use this feature to get events
     from an instance of Internet Explorer 4.0."
     You can use this feature to gain access to the object
     model of and to get events from an instance of IE.

I. Jacobs, J. Brewer, The
I. Jacobs, J. Brewer, 4 August 1999. The

M-R. Koivunen, I. Jacobs.
M-R. Koivunen, I. Jacobs, 21 September 1999.

8. [UAAG10]
at http://www.w3.org/TR/UAAG10-TECHS/
at http://www.w3.org/TR/UAAG10/

"Software Accessibility" IBM Special Needs Systems.
"Software Accessibility". [or ,] IBM Special Needs Systems.

9.2 [AMAYA]
testbed browser/editor.
test bed browser and editor. [Or, "test-bed browser and editor." As 
far as I know, "test bed" is two words; they could be hyphenated 

For reference
[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/PR-UAAG10-20000310/
[2] http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/PR-UAAG10-20000310/uaag10-chktable
[3] http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/PR-UAAG10-20000310/uaag10-chklist.html
[4] http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/WD-UAAG10-TECHS-20000310/
[5] http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2606.txt

Best wishes for your project,
Susan Lesch
Intern, W3C

Received on Friday, 24 March 2000 05:13:57 UTC