Showing posts with label writing prompt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label writing prompt. Show all posts

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Mama's Losin' It Writer's Workshop: October 29th is National Cat Day. Write a poem about your cat

If you are coming over here for the National Cat Day Blog Hop, click HERE! (or continue to read, then scroll back and click...)

And if you're here from Mama's Losin' It... You, too, can click on the above link (I did a little something crafty...) OR just continue on reading. Either way, you're good to go on. And either way, it's National Cat Day! So... I chose... of course! "October 29th is National Cat Day. Write a poem about your cat!" Duh.

Except... Duh. I don't have a cat.
But I used to, so... Imagine that?
What happened you ask?
What happened to your cat?

My cat. Was all Black.
But not all.
She had a spot.
A spot of white upon her chest.
Like a ball.

White, too.
At the tips of her paws.
But not her tail.
She was Boo Boo Kitty.
Didn't scare me.
Like the Stuffed Cat
on Laverne and Shirley.

Maybe imagined the spot.
My Cat. Has a Spot.
Boo Boo Loved.
I loved her.

She disappeared.
And came back HUGE          <===== I was in 5th grade, folks, chill...
Out came little Cats.

Lots of colors.
Some the same.
Others different.
Six Little Kitties.
I loved them all.

From School I came.
All gone.
Boo Boo and Kitties
Were gone... to a "Good Home?"
Mom said they did.

Never forget.
Boo Boo Kitty.
I love you, forever.

So now. If you're here, you could've come from a good many of places, seeing as it's National Cat Day and all. I've been trying to keep busy busy. If you're here from Haidee's National Cat Day Blog Hop, just scroll down and check out my crafty post. (But yeah! You can comment first, here, if you'd like!) And if you're here from Mama Kat's, feel free to continue on down, as well.

But if you came from somewhere else... Feel free to join in on the fun! Mama Kat hosts a great Writer's Workshop full of prompts and positivity to keep all of us going. Please stop by over there to read some more awesomeness. And don't forget to comments. Everyone needs a "pat, pat" now and then.

Thanks for stopping by! And pet your cat today. If you don't have one, there are several shelters with lots of cats to choose from. Have a great day and a healthy life.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Writer's Workshop: Make "last" Last.

4. Write a blog post inspired by the word: last.

At this time last year, we had our family reunion. My husband's side. Lots and lots of people. Our son (my stepson... but that doesn't matter) was there.

He didn't bring his girlfriend... She didn't want to come. We'd never met her. She felt that it was too big of a step. That in her "culture" (she was Vietnamese), it was a huge deal to meet parents. Forget the fact that our son was LIVING with her and HER SON was calling him "Dad" and had even given him a Father's Day card. So... he sat in his chair. For most of the day. His cell phone on his ear. Arguing with her about what he did wrong this time. He was so occupied with her. It was really sad. He said goodbye to us all and told us he loved us. And then he left.

Little did we know.

It was the last time we saw him alive and talking. It was his last good bye.  It was his last, "I love you."

Less than a week later, he swallowed his last cocktail. It was a corrosive. It gave him his last breath on his own.

And less than a week after that horrible day, he took his last breath on a ventilator. We said our last good bye.

RIP - Jr. I know this was one of your proudest moments.
We love you and this of you every day.

Please visit Mama Kat and check out other posts. There were lots of prompts to choose from, and much happier ones, too. I'll post another tomorrow that's more upbeat... but this is where my mind was today. Sorry for the bummer...

Saturday, December 21, 2013

MamaKat's Losin' It Writing Prompt: 1.) Write a blog post inspired by the word: pajamas

Wow. That was the easiest writing prompt that ever came to mind... at least to this family's mind. If you haven't seen this viral video, you really do need to take a minute and do just that. It will definitely bring the fun back into this hectic time of year.

I am completely awed by the creativity this family has shown. They are all over YouTube, all over the national news, all over Facebook, and... just ALL OVER THE PLACE. And I never tire of it. In fact... I find myself singing that song over and over. And then... I go put on my own... Christmas Jammies! That's right... uh, huh... you got it now... get it on...

When I saw that writing prompt, I just knew I had to share. I've been so overwhelmed and pre-occupied Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Words With Friends, Blogger have all taken a ton of time from me... oh! And don't forget Instagram and texting, the majority of my cards are going out... um... when I get to them. But. I did check out Mama Kat's Losin' It (Writers' Worskshop...) and you can too! Please leave a comment and pass the love on to other's blogs, as well.

Have a Merry Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Winter Solstice, Happy New Year hopefully I'll get on here before then... , and any other holiday you may celebrate religiously, or not religiously. For anyone that may not celebrate anything... Have a great day, every day! But whoever you are and whatever you do... PEACE!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Mama Kat's Losin' It: Writing Prompt 1.) A bad habit you'd like to break.

The writing prompt for this Thursday (probably the DAY you're reading this, as it is the day it's actually posted...) is 1.) A bad habit you'd like to break.

Please note: The prompt read, "A". That means ONE. Not two, or ten, or thirty... I'm sure I can think of so many more than ONE. Wow. Holy cow. Only one. And so... even though I read this on Monday, it took me until today (Wednesday! - night...). But hey... it's one step towards the topic.

Because, you see... My ONE bad habit that I would like to break more than any habit I have is...

Drum roll...

"... such a hard habit to break..." (Can you hear Chicago singing it in your head? Yeah... You know it'll be stuck there all day... a-yup...)

Um... I'm sure so many other people picked the same thing...

Can I hold it off any longer?



Here we go...


So... How do you think I did? I think I got past it... at least for this week...

But seriously. I procrastinate (dunno why... and I know it's a bad habit... I've written about it before... at least 9 times that I labeled in the past) and miss out on those rebate offers that are supposed to save me so much money. Not all, mind you. but lots. and lots. Ugh! I also miss out on lots of contests and such because... well... I put it off until "tomorrow". And "tomorrow" never came, and then... I missed it. It was "yesterday" or "the other day" or "last week". No matter what it was, it was too late.

I have good intentions, as I'm sure most post people do, but... When it comes down to it, I just don't want to do it. Sure... "something" always comes up, too. But... I didn't really need to do that something. Apparently. But my mind and my heart just aren't in the thing I am/was procrastinating. And that's a bummer.

I'm okay, in the long run. I just could be better. Then again, I'll get to that... tomorrow...

If you'd like to share in the writing prompts, please head on over to see Mama Kat (click on the badge below...)! Please be sure to comment and give a holler to everyone else (at least 3, please...) while you're there. We'd all love it! Thanks again for visiting here...
Mama’s Losin’ It

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Mama Kat's Losin' It! Writing Prompt 5... It's a Doozy!

This week, up at Mama Kat's Writer's Workshop, there's a whole bunch of prompts to choose from.

I could... write about summer where I'm at. Um... it would be too simple... and boring. It's hot. I run the kid around most of the day and cater to my husband. Oh. And do normal household chores. Not much to tell...

I could... write about what I've done on Pinterest (one of my FAVORITE time-sucking sites!). I've done so much and (unlike Mama Kat) don't have a board of "What I've Tried", although... NOW I'm going to start one. It's such a fabulous idea. And so... I'd have to search through literally THOUSANDS of pins to find them, so I won't... today. Another day... maybe. It's a new goal. 

As a writer that needs some push sometimes, I felt the need to go with something that I might not want to do. It might hurt. Heck, it will hurt me. So... here we go. 

5.) When you were your youngest child’s age, what were you like? Would you have been friends with your child? Why or why not?

My youth has a lot of memories. Memories that I remember and cherish, and memories I'd really really like to forget. Pinpointing an age brings those harsh memories flooding back.

I was 8. I was in third grade. I wasn't perfect, but I was compassionate. I read a lot. My friends and I were all "smart". School smart. We all got straight A's and we read. We used big words that a lot of 8-year-olds don't even know, but we did... and we knew what they meant. And we sang LOTS of folk-type songs (music was a big thing in my school... you know before the horrible budget stuff all happened).  We respected all adults.  I had a few really close friends. We'd go stay the night at each other's houses, brush each other's hair. We shared our hopes, our dreams... everything... almost. But... I didn't share my secrets. My secrets would make me different. My secrets would make my friends think I was weird... or so I thought...

My secrets, even as an 8-year-old, were very dark. Things were going on in my life that I wasn't supposed to tell anyone. I'll simplify it to say like many many children, all over the world, I was  abused as a child. I was told not to tell anybody. I loved the person who abused me and didn't want that person to be in trouble or "go away forever". And so... I didn't.  I'm sure because of this secret, I appeared "weird" anyway. I'd always think that everybody knew. And they just were my friends out of pity, that they felt sorry for me. (and just so ya know... I've had "the talk" with all my kids. They know that if anybody touches them in an inappropriate place or manner or says anything to that affect, to tell me or someone else with authority. It's not their fault.)

Another secret was that I was "adopted". Not in the "full" sense, but by my step-father. Why nobody was supposed to know... I'll never understand. It's really not that big of a deal. But when you are the only blond person in a brunette family, and you say they're your parents... people, especially kids, just kinda don't believe you.

So, in a nutshell, I hid a lot of things. I still do. But... I was a great friend, as were my friends. We supported each other, very rarely had any type of argument, and agreed on so many things.

My daughter on the other hand...

My youngest child is 8. She's beautiful, she's fabulous, she's very outgoing. But... she's a brat. So are her friends.

In today's world, kids are a bit different. 

They are so much more competitive. "I call that!" OMGosh! It gets on my nerves. Things they can't even touch, things on the tv. Apparently, only one kid at a time can "like" something. Because... someone already "called it". So weird. They are always all trying to compete with each other for who did what the most or who knew who longer. Like it even EVER matters...

When times were different...
I still love the crap out of this little girl!
Then there are the parents that pretty much let their children do everything. My kid is NOT perfect, by any means. But... I had a parent and child come over once. The child decided to bounce and throw a ball in my house. The ball hit a glass globe (and that's how I found out... by the "clink"). I quickly came out of the kitchen and said, "There's no ball-throwing or bouncing in the house. You guys can go in the back yard and do that." I am not kidding, the child wrapped her arms around the ball, turned to the mom and said, "Mom..." (Total lack of respect here, huh?) And the mom replied, "It's one of her rules. I guess her house isn't child-proof." Umm... Wow. As far as I know and knew (at the time), it's a staple rule in most homes. It's just not something you DO! Anyway... getting to my point...

My daughter is surrounded by this type of disrespectful attitude and often has to be reminded to respect adults, opinions, and people, in general. (At least when I'm around. I sure hope she acts better when I'm not.)

All these kids argue a lot. They pick little things about each other and "not like" each other anymore. All. The. Time. There is more drama in an 8-year-old's life today than I ever remember. Someone will start a "group" and have all those kids "not like" someone because they are wearing ugly shoes that day. My kid gets her feelings hurt easily and a lot. I try to toughen her up, but it still happens. No... I'm not saying she gets bullied, by any means. I just see that she can't take it very well. But I know that she does it too. She gets the "talk to" all the time from me. About how to treat people. About how to be a good friend. About how not to spread rumors and start them, too. (I volunteer a lot at the school and am amazed by the gossip these kids generate. It is craziness, I tell ya!)
There are times, though, when my daughter is very caring... very loving... very compassionate... a very good kid. But it's all the times that she's not which makes me say...

In another nutshell.  No.  I would not be my child's friend. Then again, I wouldn't be friends with MOST of these kids today. I wouldn't "not like" them, I just wouldn't be friends with them. It blows me away. I'll continue to counsel and teach my daughter about friendship and other replationships. I hope it's within her to be the person I'd like her to be, instead of the majority of the time being a little Diva-ous Brat. And make no questions about it. I love my daughter. It's just the journey to her becoming a grown-up that is frustrating.

Thanks for visiting and getting the inside scoop of my head. I said this post would hurt. It hurts in more ways than one. Re-living my childhood and admitting I wouldn't be my daughter's friend. One day, I hope things will change on the latter. 

Getting off that topic, please go visit Mama Kat and visit all the other wonderful writers who inspire me all the time and help me to want to keep writing, as well.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Mama Kat's Losin' It Writer's Workshop 1.) List 6 random facts about you and your husband.

Um yeah... Juan. and Me. We're a crazy mis-matched pair of complete opposites... Go figure...

Random Fact Numero Uno.) I tan. He burns... and he's the Mexican side of our twosome. Weird, huh?

Random Facto Number Two.) I'm extremely opinionated and research... like EVERYTHING! He wonders who talked me into the ideas or mindsets (has he even met me?), yet he's the one who was CONVINCED that Michael Moore was completely right and not at all one-sided or biased in Fahrenheit 911. I'm going to go with... he's the one who believes nearly everything he hears. (and if it's on You-Tube... it must be true... lol!)

Random Fact Tres.) I taught him the rules of various sports... apparently, it's NOT a guy thing. I thought he was joking at first, when he asked me why a person was called out or a penalty made. Yes, seriously.

Random de-Facto Four.) Juan knows crafting, cooking and writing are important to me. I'm glad he does. He even built me the craftroom I designed because he wanted ALL of it out off the dining room table and other stashable places because he cares about my passion. By the way... only recently, he has let me know that, "Nobody cares," and "It doesn't matter to anyone; they're only going to throw it away," in regards to my card-making, gift-making, and gift-wrapping. Ugh! But I've been assured by others this isn't true... people PAY me to do it. Hahaha! Joke's on him, right?

Random Fact 5.) We really do love each other. I know it sounds crazy funny, but we do. I'm constantly asking him if he's happy, and if he's sure. And he always provides the correct right answer. He is! He's perfect in every other way that he isn't. And I've always been perfect. There are no questions about that!

And the finale Fact SIX!) I'm always right. He's always wrong. Simply put. It's just the way it is. He knows it. I know it. And who in their right mind is going to argue with that?

With this week back on the writing wagon down... I'm hoping to continue on during the summer. Hoping I got my mojo back.... Please go visit all the other WONDERFUL writers at Mama Kat's Writers' Workshop. It funny. It's awesome. It's a great place to be.  Thanks for visiting me!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Mama Kat's Losin' It Writing Prompts: 1.) A mom fail moment.

First of all... I'd like to say to you (and have you realize) that I have a lot, and I mean a lot of mommy fail moments. Don't know what these are? Um... right... In case you're serious (which I doubt...), a mommy fail moment is that moment when you realize that YOU as a mommy (or other parental-type) failed. You or your kid did something bad (or just not good or rude or...) and you realize it's your fault because the example you set wasn't so hot.

If you don't have a lot, or at least some, then you should write a book. And the rest of us would buy it, because... we want to see how to raise your child perfectly. Uh, huh. Yeah...

Anywho... it was hard for me to pick just one. ONE that wouldn't totally embarrass my kids. ONE that wouldn't totally embarrass me. ONE that wouldn't be judged so harshly (because we have those, too!). ONE that I really didn't mind blogging about. It was really hard. So... here goes!:

The Fart Fairy
Once upon a time, in a land far, far away... a little girl was passing gas (quite a lot) on an ordinary Springtime Day.
The girl was super sad and felt rumbly in her tummy; she didn't like the way it smelled. It made her feel crummy.
Her loving mother assured her to all beings it was inherent and that the smell wasn't quite always apparent.
And so her mother sat her down and told her a fairy story... full of breaking wind and all the glory.
Of witches, goblins, fairies and fairy dust, the tale cast a spell while the little girl fussed
And pouted and cried and shouted
But then her mommy told her about the Fart Fairy... a wing-ed chubby chick, who was slightly hairy...
Who came in the night and waved her wand, taking farts from all the children as they yawned
While they were sleeping, she'd poof them out and take the gas to prevent the children from weeping.
The girl laughed and giggled, guffawed and wiggled
And wanted to hear more... Her mother was just happy that she was back to before
To happiness and peace in the air; previously she'd thought she'd pull out her hair!
And so it goes... that every time the young girl farted, the giggling fits and laughing started
And then one day, she went to school and there was nothing in the golden rule
About not farting, not passing gas, and when the children gathered in mass...
Someone tooted! They all laughed and made awful an awful joke, then the little girl up and spoke...
"Don't worry, I guess the Fart Fairy didn't visit you last night. Don't worry. Sleep tight tonight and all will be right.
The Fart Fairy will come. She'll wave her wand and take your farts away. And when she does, you won't have much gas that day."
Needless to say, the mommy has had many teachers and parents calling and asking lots of questions where EVERYBODY mentions...
The moral of the story? Be careful what you stories you share. They go around. Any time. Any place. Any where...

And that, my fellow failing friends (or non-failing!) is a Mommy Fail Moment! Ta-da! and should you want to check out what others wrote about, or join in yourself, please check out Mama Kat's Losin' It. We'd love for you to share, too!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Feed Me Friday!!! and the Proposal of other Days...

Yes, I know today is Saturday, but meh... Whatcha gonna do 'bout it? huh?

And I thought of this late last night... so the thought process was still working and here's my thoughts written down.

Starting THIS coming week... (can I get a drumroll, please?) I'll be writing/posting MORE! Woohoo! I'm thinking I'm going to have "days" (and hopefully... when I can... posts in between, as well). But, someone had commented to me (on another post I posted... of all things! YES! I totally DO read your comments and take them to heart!) that she specifies a certain day for a certain thing, and this sort of keeps her on a schedule.

School has started back, and I'm seriously trying to get on a schedule for ME! Yes... I said ME! ME does exist, it's not just for the kids or the hubs, ya know...


Mondays - Queen of My Craftroom's Monday Mojo - where I post Design Team challenges that I've linked to her blog. By all means, please feel free to go to the Queen's blog as well, and see what the other designers and challenge-takers have done, as well!

Tuesday - Tip-sy Tuesday - where I post tips whether they be crafty, gardener-esque, shopping-esque, cooking-esque, or just general-wannabe-knowledge-esque. Pretty much what I've learned or found out through experience or others. And I totally love to give credit where credit is due, so if you'd like to share a tip, send it HERE (please... no SPAM!) I'd love to give you a shout-out and link up to your blog or website as well, so let's open the communication lines and begin a wonderful relationship! And I may even feature tipsters who haven't sent me anything... my friends and lovely/loyal followers and commenters... I love you all!

Wednesday - Wordless Wednesday - where... yeah... I post a picture that's worth more than words. I usually link up to Two of a Kind Working on a Full House, where she's got great tips and contests (win some FREEBIES everyone!) on everything from parenting to just life in general, and the Wordless Wednesday "HQ". Lots of my following friends (including A Nut in a Nutshell - another awesome friend with contests and tips!) It's fun to see what everyone's been up to and what thoughts/pics they have on the brain... Click around and check their posts out. Make some friends... I do! AND PLEASE!!! Leave comment love for peeps. Everyone needs a scratch on the back!

Thursday - Mama Kat's Losin' It Writer's Workshop (Writing Prompts) - on Sunday or (sometimes) Monday, Mama Kat posts some writing prompts, and a bunch of us "writers" post, based on these prompts. They are often fun and sometimes humorous, but sometimes sad, so... grab some tissue and jump around, because the tears will be flowing, either by hilariousness or compassion. And once again, this is a great way to visit others, leave some comments, and make new friends.

Friday - Feed Me! Friday - I'll either post a recipe that I've tried out with a photo tutorial and/or *gasp* maybe even a video or... a review of a restaurant or food product I've tried and what I opine about it... and for those of you who know me... I have LOTS of those! As a matter of fact, last night, we went to a "new" restaurant (new to me, but has been there for years, and I'd just never visited... huh?) and I was being me... analyzing everything. (Yeah... I do THAT!) He told me he didn't want everything to be analyzed... but then proceeded to hand me over a piece of fried tortilla from a chimichanga and asked me what I thought. Well... without "thinking" I started to tell him, then stopped, apologized and said, "Nevermind..." My 17-year-old daughter started cracking up. He didn't get it. Um... yeah... don't tell me NOT to do something and then ask me to do it! Very confusing for the blondness!

Saturday and Sunday are currently freebies for whatever I might decide to do. As... well... I haven't decided just yet. But hey! leave me a comment and tell me what you think of my lineup!!! I totally love that you leave me ideas and such and comments just totally rock (makes me feel like I'm NOT talking/writing to myself so much... hee, hee!) Blast 'em out, Baby!!!

Mama Kat's Losing It Writing Prompts: 5.) The perfect hiding spot.

Where NOT to Go?

If you're a fly
or a teensy little ant
Stay still
Stay quiet
And hide inside my plant

If you're a child
Playing hide and seek
Go into a closet
Close the door.
Don't laugh
Don't peek!

But if you're me
Trying to get away
From the things that bother you
Every. Single. Day.

Don't go into the Craftroom
They'll find you there.
They know you...
Yes, I know... It isn't fair.

So smile and take
Your purse and the car keys
Go to the mall...
And only answer the cell phone

Yes, you've found it!
The perfect hiding spot
Can they find me or you?
No... I think NOT!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Mama Kat's Losing It Writing Prompts: 1.) A list of 10 old TV shows you’d like to make a comeback.

Okey dokey. Let's take me back... to tv. (Like I don't watch enough already!) My top pics, because it DOESN'T say they have to be kids shows, adult shows, family shows, non-reality shows... are a bit all over the place. Just. Like. Me. (see previous post about me being all over the place!) And it all really depends what your definition of "old" is. (hee, hee!) Some are a little more recent, because... well, let's face it. Don't YOU get tired of investing your time into the characters and story line, only to have then snagged from you midseason or never to return the following season? Me, too!

1) The Facts of Life... You take the good; you take the bad; you take them both and there you have the Facts of Life, The Facts of Life... Seriously, who wouldn't want an awesome second Mom like Mrs. Garrett? Everyone loved her. She was wild; she was crazy, she was unpredictable, and most of all... she taught us all great life lessons, the true Facts of Life.

2)  Fantasy Island... Ohhh, yeah... yum... My seven-year-old self lusted after Ricardo Montalban. To this day (at the ripe old age of forty!) I still think he's hot. Romantic, suave, classy... and then there was the show. I loved staying up on Saturday nights to watch people pay for a fantasy... and have them learn a lesson. To me, it was a lot like a different-type version of the Twilight Zone.

3) The Love Boat... promises something for everyone... Yep. Yessiree! It promised a seven-year-old an hour of romance and sailing the seas. Vicki was the luckiest girl alive... and I think every young girl aspired to be a cruise director... Calling Julie to the Promenade Deck!

4) Magnum PI. I have only two words for this one. Tom Selleck. (now I watch Blue Bloods!)

5) MacGyver... Kids today don't realize where the terms they use really came from. This one carries on...

6) Land of the Lost (the TV series... NOT the Will Ferrel movie!!!)... My 6-year-old loves it. We TiVo it whenever it comes on. Granted, the effects aren't that great (anymore), but this ancient series still has it's charm.

7)Will & Grace... one show that had absolutely everything. Humor. Fun. Wildness. Drama. Poignant moments. Romance. Heartfelt warmth. And a cast of actors that beat them all. I will always love this show... and I miss it so...

8)Moonlight... oh another YUM! Vampires... the adult kind that aren't so totally off-kilter and racy that they are rated R and on paid cable channels. And adult enough that you don't smack yourself for fantasizing about them... Totally taken before it was ready to go. I love you Alex O'Loughlin!

9)Women's Murder Club... another one that left us hanging. Out of sight Lindsay Boxer (Angie Harmon) and her other kick-ass-figure-it-out group solving murders and having romance (let's not forget Lindsay's ex-husband-turned-BOSS [Rob Estes... can we say YUM!!!! again?]) But we never knew if the Kiss Me Not Killer was ever caught, and he was after Lindsay... I guess if I really want to know, I can read the books... and add that to the long list of summer/everyday reads... ugh...

10) Samantha Who? Where? What? Happened? ugh! We all fell in love with the charming used-to-be-total-bitch-that-only-cared-about-herself-and-threw-everyone-else-under-the-bus-and-hurt-them-spitting-them-out but is totally sweet know because she was hit by a car and has amnesia. It's too bad she's gone...

There's a whole lot more I could add... and then some. As you can see by my sidebar, I'm a junkie... a tv addict, I was back then, and I always will be. Seasons and shows come and go and somewhere, somehow... the television gods have massive control over it all, including us (me). This alone, makes my list of shows-gone-bye grow... up into that great tv set in the sky...

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Mama Kat's Losing It Writing Prompts: 3.) What do you find most challenging about blogging?

Wow! Where do I start? Everything is challenging, at times!

I'm not sure where my voice is sometimes. I'm not really sure who or what I wanna be when I grow up, so I just stick with being me. I'm a little bit all over the place. And that's why there is the name "Lisa's Little Bits". Yeah. Because... that's who I am.

But the most challenging? Hmm... it's remembering or having the time to actually post. Sure, I take lots of pictures of everything that I do, that my kids do, that my friends do, that I see other people do, etc. I also take lots of pictures of just about every. little. freakin'. thing. And... they actually do get put into the computer. But what doesn't always happen is a post.

Like most people, there isn't enough time in my day. By the time I'm done blog-hopping (please see the give-away - blog CANDY!!! on Scrapping at the McCalley House for the All American Blog Hop!!!) and reading other people's blogs and comments and all that other stuff, I seem to forget to do mine, or think that mine is less important... that those other people have better stuff or something more important to say or their story is better than mine, and HEY! who's reading it anyway? And so... I put it off to go pay homage to other people. (Please see blog candy reference in parentheses in this paragraph to believe me! lol!)

If... if I could get a focus or design team or something like this that would "require" my input? Yeah, sure! I'd totally do it in a heartbeat. I love writing for other people or with a commitment or goal in mind. And yeah! I'd find the time and totally make the effort.

So I guess, by reading my own post... my most challenging thing about blogging is actually myself. I need to make sure I put the time in and make sure that I have confidence that what I have to say/do/be is important!!!!

So, thank you, Mama Kat! One day soon... I'll get there again...

*** NOTE! If any of you came here after 7/4/11, OOPS! I posted the WRONG link. Please go to today's post HERE. Thank you and have a wonderful day!!!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Mama Kat's Losing It Writing Prompts: 2.) Write a poem inspired by a picture you took last week. Share both! (and SOS Challenge 5)

um... In my busy-ness these days, I barely remembered to take a photo of a card I made. Scratch that. I didn't remember, so I asked the receiver if I could "borrow" the card back to take a photo. She understood. She's my friend, and she knows me well.

Here's the card:

But of course! I went to a baptism.

This is more of a close-up... There are two foil layers, and OMG! Those were hard as heck to get. A full sheet of 8-1/2 x 11, and only those two came out all right. The others were bent, crinkled, or puckering. Ugh!

I seriously believe this was the hardest card I've ever done in my life. I couldn't think of what to do, what to say... without it sounding like a heavenly-joining-God-type of sympathy card. And it was for a kid. So... I spent more time on the poem. And then I dashed to my Gypsy, and got the card pumped out. Martha (my favorite friend... you know, the one with the last name Stewart?) helped me out a tad with the awesome butterfly punch. This is a wonderful tool that was STILL in the packaging. EEK! And so... I decided to put it to some good use and loved the intricate wings it gave me. Vellum is my friend, too, as it makes those little flutterbies (yes... I did that intentionally...!) look delicate and kinda real, no? Just stick glue on the "body" and fold them up a bit, and they look like they're flying into Heaven, itself! and it just wouldn't've (like that conjugation? hahaha, thought so!) been complete without a little bit of Stickles down the body, to make them golden.

Anywho... part of this prompt is a poem, too. Um... gonna cheat a little here, as I actually wrote a poem for the card. Seriously, it took me FOREVER, sitting in front of the computer and changing words and fonts, and such, but... I got it done, and I don't believe it sounds like "death", so I went with it. (Since the card is in cream, white, and gold... the font was in a chocolate script.)

And here goes...
Welcome, Loreli
To Jesus’ world
With your bright smile
And your hair all curled

Now you are blessed
As blessed as can be
We watched you be baptized
We came to see

We watched you anointed
And welcomed you to the fold
Becoming a part of
The Greatest Story Ever Told

Where the butterflies fly
In the Heavenly Land
And you walk by God
As he holds your hand

There are many folks who thought I might've found this on the internet. Uh, nope. I did it all by my lonesome. I always do. And these same-type folks believe I should sell this kind of stuff. Truth is, folks, I'm not that confident in what I do. In "my" world... the world of bloggers (writers and crafters and paper people makers, etc.), everyone can do this. And many do it much better than me. *sigh* It's a competitive world out there, and I really can't handle rejection. I simply do it for my friends and family, so that I can share a part of myself with them.

Now... if I knew I could make it... I'd take a chance and do it... Yeah... I'm fickle like that.

And yeah, I'm trying to get back into my blogging, my writing, my crafting, etc. Part of how I plan to do this is... CHALLENGES! and here... I fit in two birds! (um... I mean BUTTERFLIES!) Woohoo! If you're into making cards and have lots of stash (or don't...), check out S.O.S. (Shopping Our Stash) to enter into the weekly challenges and USE some of the hoarding we all do...  If you're into writing, check out Mama Kat's Losing It for her writing prompts each week, and join in! Maybe, just maybe... you'll wanna do BOTH!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Mama Kat's Losing It Writing Prompts: 3.) What I know for sure.

I know lots of things. I'm one of those people. Yes. I am.

I read a lot of books. And if I hear about something that I don't know about... I research it. Because, well... I like to be one of those people.

I'm not a know-it-all. Because, I don't know everything. Nobody does. I know lots of things, though. And I put it together. I figure it out.

But what I know for sure is... I am one of those people. I'm proud of it. I like to be one of those people, because, well... I don't like having to ask everyone else everything else.  No, I don't.

I like to have one of those other kinds of people ask meI like to feel... mmm... not like I know more than others, but like I have a some-type-of-purpose-other-than-merely-existing sense to my being. Because... people like me have a paranoia about them. People like me feel like they have no purpose in life, at least not a significant one. So... people like me... those kind of people feel somewhat important, like they do have a purpose in life.

And you know what I know for sure, even more than what I knew for sure just a second ago? Um... I'm really kind of silly. And nobody knows anything for sure, huh? Even those kind of people... people like me!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Mama Kat's Losing It Writing Prompts: 2.) April is national poetry month...Write a poem about hope.

Something that fills us
Makes us all warm and fuzzy
Gives us insipiration
And mystery

A feeling
A joy
A psychic ability
Premonitions moving strong

Propelling us
Keeping us

Thursday, February 3, 2011

A Letter to a (My) Teenager

Dear Future Teenager,

While the world is growing and things are advancing, like technology... you might come across this letter and think, "How the heck did she write this?" and "What the heck does she mean?"

I know, because, well... I thought those things, too.

Language uses change, as does meanings of words. People change, as they get older, becoming less tolerable.

If I say you are sick... it doesn't mean it is fabulous. It either means you are being disgusting or you have an illness.

If I say something is ridiculous, it doesn't mean fabulous, either. It means it is stupid, preposterous, or laughable.

If I say you are beautiful, that doesn't mean sarcastic, as I would never tell you that with sarcasm and have it mean the opposite.

When I say, "I love you", it means what it is. Love from me that is there for you. Please hold this in your heart forever.

So... if ever I say things to you that you might find offensive or embarrassing, please remember, in my time, they weren't offensive, but meant something that I would want you to be or believe that you are. So, in my own way... don't take it the WRONG way. I don't mean to embarrass you. I just mean to tell you the honest truth, and have you keep it with you, as a memory in your brain.

Love always...  Mom

This post is courtesy of Mama Kat's Losin' It Writers' Workshop, Weekly Writing Prompt: Write a Letter to Your Future Teenager.  Thanks, Mama Kat!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

I don't like CRAP!

Last time I wrote about pets, I didn't have anything other than two cannibalistic fish (read about them here). But, as some of you know, shortly before Thanksgiving 2010, my husband gave in to our wildest wishes and let us get a dog, Xanny.

Xanny is short for Xanadu. Xanadu is the 80's movie with Olivia Newton-John... you know, where it's like a fantasy and awesome place, and just a great movie in general... Xanadu is also a legendary, ancient, heaven-like Chinese city, pronounced Shàngdū, once visited by Marco Polo. It has a lot of history and even more meaning.

So, we call our wonderful miracle that we ever got her Xanny, pronounced Zan-nee. She embodies all that we have ever wished for and suits her name, as it is as close to anything heavenly will see on this earth. It was also better than the girls' other choice, Odette, as Xanny looks nothing like an "Odette." And so her "look" chose the name.

But... if you read my previous post (the one mentioned above...), you know I have issues. With Xanny, some of my issues have been taken care of.

She is a poodle mix. Aha! Yes! You can have a dog without fur issues! Hahaha! Neener, neener! And you all thought it wouldn't happen. And so, our dog barely sheds. She sheds MUCH less than us girls and is small and furry and cuddly and all that. She even listens to me ramble and loves me unconditionally, like every daughter dog should. She is one of my best friends and stays quiet for my our walk in the mornings. And I like it like that.

Oh! You remembered I have other issues? Oh shit crap! That's exactly what I'm talking about... C.R.A.P., POOP, that is. And that's the question, if you could change anything about your pet, what would it be? I would either make her crap smell like roses... well, not roses, because those really don't smell very well and can be totally overly pungent and leave me with a heady-passing-out-type of feeling. So... let's go with honeysuckle. I'd like her crap to smell like honeysuckle, which is mild and slightly sweet to the nostrils.

And if my doggy's crap smelled like honeysuckle, then maybe I wouldn't have to hold my breath and puff out my cheeks when I picked it up, because... like my other post said, you knew the kids weren't going to do it.

And another thing... I'd make those little shitty crappy useless organs that dogs have (renal glands) gone... POOF! There you have it. A completely gross thing that needs to be done every couple of weeks... expressing the renal glands... Do you really want to know? Then go here to see a video on youtube... It's pretty gross!

But, no matter how her crap smells, and what glands I have to express, I will continue to do what I need to do for her, because I love her... unconditionally, just like a mom owner should love their daughter dog.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Mama's Losing It! Writing Prompts: "4.) Your pets least likable character trait."

We don't really keep pets in this household. For various reasons...

I have an issue with hair.  With myself and three girls having long blond hair (so some of us lighten it, big whoop...) and the hair falling out whenever and wherever, I really can't handle all of the hair around the house (and neither can my vacuum).  So, enter a cat or dog... Simply ick.  Don't get me wrong... I love animals, I would just have a massive coronary if hair floated into my kitchen or food or my craft room. (I use glue/adhesives and fluffy hair-attracting fabrics all the time.) I don't believe animal hair would be an additive that would be well-received.

I also have an issue with feces, POOP, that is.  It was hard enough for me to change children's diapers. I am a total gagger (if that even is a word), and the sight and/or smell of crap - no matter the source - sends me into fits of involuntarily air-vomiting. Another ick. So, simply put... You KNOW the kids aren't going to clean up after a pet (no matter how much they lead you to believe the contrary). Sure, they might do okay for a couple of days or even a week, but after that? Mom ends up picking up the slack, or someone steps in it, and then it is everywhere, including inside your house, on the carpet, etc.

And so... with all of my "issues"... We have fish.  We had a pretty full tank. And then they started dying... or so I thought. (This leads into the writing prompt... hee, hee!) We currently have two fish. And I'm not getting any more (until these two either die off or kill each other). Why? Because the other fish didn't die of their own accord... they were killed, and some were partially eaten! So... that being said, my pets' least likable character trait is... CANNIBALISM! Another ick to add to my issues.

These fish are African Cichlids. Ok, okay, alright... I know they are aggressive fish. BUT, I was told (by "experts" trying to sell me fish) that they are 1) territorial (so move things around when adding more fish); 2) aggressive (so add equal amounts of new fish to not single any fish out); and 3) they won't attach fish of same type and/or size.  This is W-R-O-N-G, people!

1) I totally got that. I re-arranged ALL of the plants, rocked, shells, hiding places... even gravel.

2) I had three fish and added three more (who ALL came from the same tank... so they were "used" to each other).

3) All of the fish purchased and blended were two inches long AND African Cichlids.

Guess what? I have two remaining fish. One is from the first batch, the other from the second batch. I had to dig for little fish bodies, because well... my fish are serial killers and HID the bodies (under a rock, in gravel, etc.) THEY ATE THEM, TOO! I feed these fish (and they eat what I feed them), but I guess that wasn't enough.

If I didn't believe in life (and saving money, too), I'd simply flush them down the toilet and send them to Little Fishy Heaven. I'm just biding my time, and waiting for them to duke it out. And next time, I won't count on a salesperson (no matter how expert he/she is!) to tell me all about the fishes of the sea (yeah, yeah... lake, river, stream... whatever).