July 25, 2018

Starting points after Braztesol 2018

Some people go to conferences such as Braztesol to come back with new ideas for their classes, others go for networking and others for inspiration.

Besides all the reasons I've mentioned, attending Braztesol can be an excellent way to observe the directions ELT is moving to:

- What are most talks about?
- Are there more talks or workshops?
- What about the plenaries? Are they full, what are they about? What kind of plenaries people liked the most?
- What do people comment about in the corridors?

I saw many people talking about teacher development, learner's autonomy, topics related to language learning (such as pronunciation, grammar, fluency), active methodologies, educational technologies and bilingual education. But this post is not a description of what I saw during the conference. Instead, it's what I intend to do from now on.

What am I taking from this experience?

My take-aways are quite simple. I usually like recording them in order to remind myself of the insights I had during the conference and what I wish to do next. The names between brackets or the people I mention are the teachers who were responsible for inspiring my thoughts.


Of course, I attended several other great sessions, and I apologize in advance if I don't mention your name.  My aim here was to recap my starting points after the conference.

So, feel free to explore each and every link I've added to the post and please, leave a comment if you also wish to share your insights with us.


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