
Advancing democracy, youth leadership and international cooperation

We build on Kofi Annan’s legacy for peace, working for a fairer and more peaceful world, where no one is left behind, democratic principles and the rule of law are upheld, and divides are bridged through dialogue and international cooperation.

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Peace and Security First published in October 2024
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Mary Robinson: “The current failure of leadership is not gender neutral”

Mary Robinson, Chair of The Elders, delivered the Kofi Annan Peace Address during Geneva Peace Week 2024. Reflecting on Kofi Annan’s legacy and the current global leadership crisis in peace efforts, she called for greater respect for humanitarian law, and advocated for gender parity in leadership, emphasising the need for women’s inclusion in peacebuilding. Full Remarks from Mary Robinson […]

Peace and Security First published in September 2024
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Appel d’urgence pour la paix

À l’occasion de la Journée internationale de la paix et avant le Sommet pour l’avenir, la Fondation Kofi Annan et Interpeace lancent un appel d’urgence pour la paix. Cet article a été publié dans Le Temps le 20 septembre 2024, sous la plume de Corinne Momal-Vanian et Itonde Kakoma. Nous vivons en temps de guerre. […]

Publications and Reports First published in July 2024
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How to Foster Democratic Practices for Multilateral Climate Action

The challenges posed by climate change and the erosion of democracy are closely connected. Climate change threatens not only the environment but also the stability and prosperity of nations, exacerbating social and political tensions that can undermine democratic institutions. Conversely, transparent, inclusive, and accountable governance will be indispensable to reaching and implementing multilateral accords in […]

Discover our fields of work

Teacher with sutdents playing music for the project Acordes in Colombia.

Empowering youth, to build a peaceful, sustainable future

Securing the Digital Environment for 2022 Elections in Kenya, Post elction review group

Turning back the tide of democratic erosion

Olivier Chamard Photo, Kofi Annan Geneva Peace Address 2023

The Kofi Annan Way – Advocating for a fairer, more inclusive multilateral system

Kofi Annan

Promoting Kofi Annan’s Values

“I am convinced more than ever that any society that does not succeed in tapping into the energy and creativity of its youth will be left behind.”

Kofi Annan
Portrait of Kofi Annan

Kofi Annan was a Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Secretary-General of the United Nations between 1997 and 2006, and the founding chair of the Kofi Annan Foundation, which seeks to mobilise political will to overcome threats to peace, development and human rights.

Inclusion, diversity, gender equality, and sustainability are at the heart of everything we do.

We work to build a fairer and more peaceful world, where no one is left behind, democratic principles and the rule of law are upheld, and divides are bridged through dialogue and international cooperation.

Little girl smiling