Showing posts with label Justin Wright. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Justin Wright. Show all posts

Thursday, March 20, 2008

I Remember...

I found out Wednesday night. And this morning, this is what ended up on my sketch paper...

This was the circle of creativity and mayhem during the Pixar Internship/summer of 2006 (I’m off camera on the sofa; hence the vantage point).

I remember many scenes/conversations/situations like this... The intern room on the second floor east wing, all in an uproar about anything from films to music, to just about everything else that has happened on God's green earth (including Quest for Camelot.... Don't ask.) And in the middle of the chaos, Mark and Pete would storm in and regale us with guitar strums (I still recall those Bernard Hermann chromatic scales) and the telling of various stories - most consisting of poop and cockroach narratives (with some ghost stories to bookend the entire thing)…. We were lovin it.

So many other people and so many other memories there. Where does the time go?...

I never got a chance to take any photos, although I remember Val having a field day with her digital camera (never saw the pics though; I’d really dig having some copies). So, I had to take those pictures *here* (*points to cranium*). And I do this now, because there's a definite absence of that group as of Tuesday...

Colerase, copy paper, PS CS.

In memory of Justin Wright (1981-2008). *Salutes*