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Military readiness a top priority DEFENSE SECRETARY Warrior, scholar leading Pentagon

LIFE AFTER ACTIVE DUTY Transitioning to civilian careers

FIGHTING SMARTER Game-changing innovations













GEN. JAMES MATTIS Defense secretary discusses emerging challenges


DOD OVERVIEW Departments tasked with protecting the country


MONEY MATTERS Congress approves $700 billion defense budget



MAKING HISTORY First Captain Simone Askew breaks barriers




HELPING HANDS DOD assists multiple regions hit hard by hurricanes


Members of the U.S. Army’s 173rd Airborne Brigade train in September in Pordenone, Italy.



ARMY U.S. commits more troops to Afghanistan in 2018


NAVY Senior leadership held accountable for major collisions


MARINE CORPS New opportunities, training options for female recruits


AIR FORCE Leaders brainstorm ways to address pilot shortage




58 This is a product of


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Russian President Vladimir Putin, right, and Syrian President Bashar Assad disccuss peace process.


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ON THE COVER Army regiment trains mind, body and machines in Greece. SGT. 1ST CLASS JASON EPPERSON/U.S. ARMY

Navy destroyer USS Oscar Austin transits the Atlantic. PETTY OFFICER 2ND CLASS RYAN UTAH KLEDZIK/U.S. NAVY

Air Force C-17 readies for combat

airlift operations in Qatar. TECH SGT. GREGORY BOOK/U.S. AIR FORCE

Marines hold team-building exercises with South Korea military. LANCE CPL. LARRY ANDERSON/U.S. MARINE CORPS

Defense Secretary James Mattis leads the charge. SGT. AMBER SMITH/U.S. ARMY




CUTTING EDGE DARPA developing, delivering high-tech solutions



SITUATIONAL AWARENESS Army keen on securing GPS data advancements



NORTH KOREA Experts questioning claim of nuclear missile range


STAR WARS DOD revisits space-based defense systems


RUSSIA Power players shifting strategy in Syria

61 64

NEXT-GEN TANKS Advances in 360-degree technology underway ISLAMIC STATE GROUP U.S. military considers pulling back in Syria


ABOUT-FACE Proposed transgender ban does not stop recruitment FIT TO SERVE Recruits drop pounds before enlisting HIRING OUR HEROES Swapping uniforms for civilian careers


SPOUSAL SUPPORT Government resources help open employment doors


RETAIL CRUNCH On-base stores compete for customers


MEDAL OF HONOR Vietnam medics saluted for valor, bravery GETTY IMAGES








Defense Secretary Mattis: U.S. military must be prepared to combat emerging conflicts


EFENSE SECRETARY JAMES MATTIS, 67, retired from the Marine Corps in 2013 after serving as the commander of the U.S. Central Command. President Donald Trump announced he was nominating the outspoken Mattis for defense secretary in December 2016, and a month later the Senate overwhelmingly confirmed his nomination. He is the second retired general to serve as defense secretary, the first being George C. Marshall in 1950-51 during the Korean War. Marshall was a much different figure than Mattis, having previously served as U.S. secretary of state and playing a key role in developing closer ties with Western Europe after World War II. For Mattis, Congress waived the law requiring military officials to wait seven years after leaving the service before serving as defense secretary, a civilian position. The

only previous exception to the law was for Marshall. Mattis has a reputation as a battle-hardened, tough-talking Marine who was entrusted with some of the most challenging commands in the U.S. military. In a tweet, Trump referred to Mattis by his nickname “Mad Dog” and described him as “A true General’s General!” At the Association of the United States Army annual meeting in October, Mattis’ opening address cited today’s international situation as “the most complex and demanding” he’d seen in more than four decades of service. Speaking to an audience of soldiers, veterans and defense industry executives, the secretary’s speech in Washington, D.C., referenced the persistent threat of Middle East terrorists, Russian aggression in Europe and North Korea’s provocations in the Pacific. Here is an excerpt from his speech:

In the Mideast, terrorists continue to conduct murder and mayhem, despite significant and accelerating losses. One state sponsor of terror in the Mideast cannot hide behind its nation-state status while in effect it is actually a destabilizing revolutionary regime. In Europe, for the first time since World War II, we’ve seen national borders changed by the force of arms, as one country proves willing to ignore international law, to exercise a veto authority over its neighbors’ rights to make decisions in the economic, diplomatic and security domain. In the Pacific, we’ve seen North Korean provocations threatening regional and even global peace, despite universal condemnation by the United Nations. So this is the reality that faces our Department of Defense and our likeminded allies, and we must have militaries fit for their purpose, fit for their time, in these days of emerging challenges. For these challenges include new domains of conflict, in space and cyberspace, and in ways that involve deniable attacks even on our democratic processes. Your Department of Defense is adapting because we do not want to be dominant, and at the same time irrelevant. And I offer this problem statement for what must guide our efforts: How do we maintain a safe and effective nuclear deterrent so these weapons are never used and our nonproliferation efforts can be recharged? Second, how (do we) maintain a decisive conventional force at the same time as that nuclear deterrent, one that will include space and cyberspace capability, to deter war or end it decisively if conflict occurs? And third, we must at the same time maintain an irregular capability so we can fight across the spectrum of conflict. This is our problem statement: How to maintain a safe and secure nuclear deterrent and maintain a decisive conventional force that can also fight irregular warfare. Our department has three lines of effort to address these issues: First, everything we do must contribute to the increased lethality of our military. We must never lose sight of the fact that we have no God-given right to victory on the battlefield. (Secretary of the Army Ryan) McCarthy and (Army Chief of Staff) Gen. Mark Milley are examining every personnel policy, our training time, our organization and more to ensure they contribute to make us the most lethal joint force in the world. Even as our competitive edge over our foes and adversaries decreases due to budgetary confusion in this town and the budget caps, I am among the majority in this country that believes our nation can CO N T I N U E D






Mattis visits Marines stationed at the U.S. Embassy in Kuwait in 2011. CHAD J. MCNEELEY/U.S. NAVY


Mattis talks with U.S. Army Lt. Gen. Stephen Townsend, the commander of Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve, during a flight in Baghdad on Aug. 22.

allies as well as building new coalitions as afford survival. And I want the Congress we work together to defend our values. back in the driver’s seat of budget And to our allies here in this room decisions, not in the spectator’s seat of today, I will tell you I had the honor of automatic cuts. I have great confidence in fighting many times for America. I never the U.S. Congress, but I have no confidence once fought in an all-American or solely in automatic, mathematical budget cuts. American formation. It Second line of effort: was always alongside We are following the allies. And I will just example of the Greatest Mattis has a tell you, from NATO in Generation coming Europe to the Pacific, the home from the tragedy reputation as a message to our allies is, of World War II and who battle-hardened, we are with you. looked around and said, Under Deputy Secre“What a crummy world. tough-talking tary of Defense (Patrick) But we’re part of it ... Marine who was Shanahan, our new whether or not we like deputy secretary and full it. And we’re going to do entrusted with of vigor — under him lies something about it.” most of the continuing And in that spirit, some of the most work for line of effort they built alliances and challenging comnumber three, and that partnerships. In the is the keen direction that same spirit today, we are mands in the U.S. he is helping to provide strengthening allimilitary. Secretary McCarthy and ances and building new his fellow appointees partnerships, whether to rework our business it be NATO, the counterpractices to gain full benefit from every ISIS (Islamic State group) coalition, the 39 dollar spent on defense. nations standing together in Afghanistan, We are taking aggressive action to or extending friend and partner bonds in reform the way we do business, and to gain the Indo-Pacific region. and to hold the trust of the Congress and Secretary of State (Rex) Tillerson’s the American people, that we are respondefeat-ISIS coalition is only one example sible stewards of the money allocated to of what this looks like in practice: Sixtyus, and that it translates directly, every nine nations banded together plus four dollar, into the defense of our country and international organizations — the Arab what we stand for. League and NATO, the European Union and In all of this, the Army’s importance is Interpol — all working in concert to defeat absolutely fundamental. ISIS. But we also stand with our traditional

During his 44-year Marine Corps career, James Mattis held several leadership positions. He led an infantry battalion in the Persian Gulf War in 1990-91 and commanded a task force that struck deep into Afghanistan after 9/11. In 2003, he led a division that raced across the desert toward Baghdad in the initial assault into Iraq. His call sign was “CHAOS” — a moniker he earned as a regimental commander in Twentynine Palms, Calif., that stands for the ‘Colonel Has An Outstanding Solution.’ On and off the battlefield, Mattis developed a reputation as a blunt speaker whose language sometimes hearkened to an earlier time, capturing the warrior mentality. He avoids military jargon such as “exit strategy” and instead speaks unabashedly about “victory,” “ferocity” and “slaughtering” the enemy. He sprinkles his talk with historic references, often reaching back to the ancient Romans and Greeks. When he was preparing his troops to head into Iraq, he cited an epitaph from Roman general Lucius Cornelius Sulla to explain counterinsurgency to his troops: “No better friend, no worse enemy.” “There was always a sense that we had to put things into words that would touch our troops’ hearts — not just their heads,” Mattis said in 2013 to USA TODAY. Speaking to newly minted infantry officers at the Marine base in Quantico, Va., several years ago, he described the affection that leaders feel for their troops and the need to maintain authority despite those emotions. He worked in references to the battles at Little Big Horn and Valley Forge. He left no room for doubt about the Marine’s role if they find themselves at war with America’s enemies. “You are to annihilate them,” he said. “You are to make them recoil back and say, ‘We don’t ever want to take on the U.S. Marines.’ ” Those who have worked with him say he is more than a battle commander. As head of U.S. Central Command, which oversees military operations in the Middle East, he traveled the region, cultivating ties with foreign military leaders and helping shape strategy in the area. “I know he has this reputation as a ‘war fighter,’ and it certainly is earned, but he really is a clear, precise strategic thinker, more so than any man I have ever worked for,” said Jim Howcroft, a retired Marine officer who served as Mattis’ intelligence officer during the Iraq invasion in 2003. Since retiring from the military, Mattis has lamented the lack of strategy in Washington. Testifying before Congress in 2015, he said the United States should “come out from our reactive crouch and take a firm, strategic stance in defense of our values.” In 2013, Mattis left his position as head of Central Command, which oversees combat operations in the Middle East, amid reports the White House squeezed him out. Asked about the reports at the time, Mattis said he provided the unvarnished truth to his civilian officials. “The idea that you should moderate it before you give it to them is not showing respect to your civilian leadership,” Mattis said at the time. — Jim Michaels and Lolita C. Baldor contributed to this story







Organizational structure of the U.S. armed forces KEY DOD COMPONENT Senior Leader Military Service

JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff


uDefense Advanced Research

uAfrica Command

Projects Agency

uCentral Command uEuropean Command

uDefense Commissary Agency

uNorthern Command

uDefense Contract Audit Agency

uPacific Command

uDefense Contract Management Agency*

uSouthern Command

The Joint Chiefs

The Joint Staff


uDefense Finance and Accounting Service

uSpecial Operations Command

uDefense Health Agency*

uStrategic Command

uDefense Information Systems Agency*

uTransportation Command

uDefense Intelligence Agency* uDefense Legal Services Agency

DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY Secretary of the Navy

DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Secretary of the Army


Headquarters Marine Corps Office of the Secretary of the Navy Office of the Chief of Naval Operations

Marine Corps

The Army Staff


uDefense Logistics Agency* uDefense POW/MIA Accounting Agency uDefense Security Cooperation Agency uDefense Security Service


uDefense Threat Reduction Agency* uMissile Defense Agency uNational Geospatial-Intelligence Agency* uNational Reconnaissance Office u National Security Agency Central

Security Service*

Office of the Secretary of the Army

uPentagon Force Protection Agency *Identified as a Combat Support Agency

DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE Secretary of the Air Force

The Air Staff

Office of the Secretary of the Air Force

Air Force

DOD FIELD ACTIVITIES (8) uDefense Media Activity uDefense Technical Information Center

OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE Deputy Secretary of Defense, Under Secretaries of Defense, Assistant Secretaries of Defense

uDefense Technology Security

Administration uDOD Education Activity uDOD Human Resources Activity uDOD Test Resource Management Center uOffice of Economic Adjustment uWashington Headquarters Services

Source: Department of Defense






BUDGET MATTERS Trump OKs $700 billion defense policy bill

2018 BUDGET BREAKDOWN The new measure includes a pay hike and an increase in weaponry and equipment.


BILLION for Pentagon operations


BILLION for wartime missions in the Middle East


The Associated Press


resident Donald Trump on Dec. 12 signed into law a sweeping defense policy bill that authorizes a $700 billion budget for the military, including additional spending on missile defense programs to counter North Korea’s growing nuclear weapons threat. But there’s a catch. The $700 billion budget won’t become reality until lawmakers agree to roll back a 2011 law that set strict limits on federal spending, including by the Defense Department — and they haven’t yet. The law caps 2018 defense spending at $549 billion. Before he signed the bill at the White House, Trump called on Congress to “finish the job” and eliminate the cap on defense spending. “I think it’s going to happen,” said the president, joined by Defense Secretary James Mattis, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Joseph Dunford and other senior military leaders. “We need our military. It’s got to be perfecto.” He urged Democrats in Congress to quit

threatening to shut down the government and “send clean funding and a clean funding bill to my desk that fully funds our great military. Protecting our country should always be a bipartisan issue, just like today’s legislation.” Many Republicans favor easing the caps for defense spending only. Democrats also want increases in other government spending. Trump released a lengthy statement after signing the bill in which he complained that multiple provisions amounted to congressional overreach that he argued infringed upon his executive authority. The 2018 defense bill allots about $634 billion for core Pentagon operations and nearly $66 billion for wartime missions in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and elsewhere. The policy bill would give U.S. troops a 2.4 percent pay raise, which is slightly higher than the wage increase the Pentagon had proposed. It also calls for 7,500 additional active-duty Army soldiers and 1,000 more National Guard and Army Reserve troops. The Navy would get 4,000 more active-duty sailors and 1,000 additional reservists. The Marine Corps will see an increase of 1,000

active-duty Marines, and the Air Force is due for 4,100 more active-duty airmen, 900 National Guardsmen and 800 reservists. The bill provides money for 90 F-35 Joint Strike Fighters, 20 more than Trump asked for, as well as 24 F/A-18 Super Hornet fighter jets,10 more than requested. The budget also includes three Littoral Combat Ships, two beyond the budget request. Trump’s 2018 request sought $603 billion for basic functions and $65 billion for overseas missions. The bill also covers the $1.2 billion Trump sought to allow the Defense Department to deploy an additional 3,500 U.S. troops to Afghanistan as part of the president’s new strategy for the country where the U.S. has been fighting since 2001. The defense legislation includes $12.3 billion for the Pentagon’s Missile Defense Agency and orders a more rapid buildup of the nation’s missile defense capabilities “as we continue our campaign to create maximum pressure on the vile dictatorship in North Korea,” Trump said. “We’re working very diligently on that, building up forces.” Trump said.

MILITARY PERSONNEL Including troops, sailors, airmen, Marines, National Guardsmen and reservists


FIGHTER JETS 90 F-35 Joint Strike Fighters and 24 F/A-18 Super Hornet fighter jets








MOMENT IN HISTORY Simone Askew breaks barriers as first African-American woman to lead West Point cadets


By Kristen A. Schmitt


AIL STRAIGHT AND EYES focused, Cadet Simone Askew marches across the field, poised and graceful as she leads her fellow cadets into formation. As the first African-American female to be selected first captain of the U.S. Military Academy’s Corps of Cadets, Askew’s appointment breaks gender and racial barriers and challenges the perception of what a modern military leader looks like. “It is an amazing opportunity and very

humbling that I get to represent the Corps in this way,” said Askew, who is the fifth woman in West Point’s history to hold the first captain role. Women made up 20 percent of West Point’s total enrollment in 2016 and 11 percent of its student body was African-American. The Army has been proactive in military recruitment and integration, but West Point still has work to do. Askew was introduced to the military early in life and embraced it without pause. As a child taking part in family camp with her mother and sister in West Virginia, she

participated in marching exercises, wielded toy guns and was instantly drawn to lead her youthful group through the woods. Her mother, Pamela Askew, who raised her daughters on her own after a divorce, remembers the two girls arguing over who was going to be commander of the group. “Simone told her sister, ‘You think it’s easy to be commander? I have to plan all of the activities, get everyone to follow me, get them to do what I say. It isn’t easy being commander.’ ” Later, two instances would foreshadow Askew’s ultimate decision to enroll at

the U.S. Military Academy. In elementary school, she attended an Army Navy football game and was enthralled with seeing the Navy midshipmen marching in formation onto the field. She said she turned to her mother and asked, “What does it take to lead that (the formation) one day?” That experience led her to start researching both West Point and the Naval Academy. Although she considered both, she decided on West Point after attending a women’s volleyball game there while she was still in high school. “We watched some of the girls warming





High-ranking female officers pave the way in commanding roles


MARINES Lt. Col. Lauren Edwards is the first female commander of the 8th Engineer Support Battalion at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, N.C. She is in charge of providing engineer support to II Marine Expeditionary Force. She received a Navy and Marine Corps commendation medal with a Combat “V” for her actions as a forward arming and refueling point team commander, Marine Wing Support Squadron 371, in Operation Iraqi Freedom.


NAVY Rear Adm. Babette “Bette” Bolivar serves as commander of the Navy Region Southeast. Bolivar is in charge of providing support and guidance for 18 installations within the Southeastern United States as well as the Caribbean. She has held a variety of leadership positions aboard multiple ships and is designated as a special operations officer (Explosive Ordnance Disposal/Diving and Salvage community).


ARMY Brig. Gen. Irene Zoppi is the first Puerto Rican woman promoted to the general officer ranks in the U.S. Army Reserve. She serves as deputy commanding general for the 200th Military Police Command, the largest military police unit in the Department of Defense. Her 32year military career includes commander of the 203rd Military Intelligence Battalion (Technical Intelligence) at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland.

Askew participates in the annual Tunnel 2 Towers 5K Run & Walk in New York City in September. MICHELLE EBERHART/U.S. ARMY

“She’s the real deal because of who she is — Simone Askew — not because she’s a woman or African American.” — Col. Brian Reed

up,” said Pamela Askew, who attended the game with her daughter. “We could feel and sense their intensity, their drive and their leadership. It really had nothing to do with volleyball; you could just feel it. And I thought, ‘My kid is just like this.’” At that moment, Askew turned to her mother and said, “Mom, this is my first choice.”

TAKING COMMAND The 20-year-old cadet assumed her role as first captain Aug. 13, and will hold the position until she graduates in May

2018. She balances her coursework with the first captain duties, which include the overall command and control of roughly 4,400 cadets, as well as establishing and maintaining standards and discipline at the institution. She also acts as the public face of the academy at external events. While it can be challenging to juggle classes and a major leadership role, Askew’s approach is to stay focused. “One thing that I’ve learned is that CO N T I N U E D


AIR FORCE Stayce Harris is the first AfricanAmerican woman to become a lieutenant general in the U.S. Air Force, and she currently serves as the service’s inspector general, reporting to the secretary and chief of staff. Harris, a pilot with more than 2,500 flight hours, previously served as assistant vice chief of staff and director of the air staff at Air Force headquarters and has commanded the 22nd Air Force Reserve. — Kristen A. Schmitt





First Capt. Simone Askew earned another prestigious honor in November when she was one of 32 Americans awarded a Rhodes scholarship to study at Oxford University in England. the unit will take on the personality of the commander,” she said. “If you’re the person in charge, if you tend to be very reactive, the people that work around you will be stressed and reactionary as well. The key is to remain calm and cognizant that everyone around you is not only watching, but also adopting your habits and your tendencies. You can’t take that lightly.” First captains are selected based upon exceptional performance and potential across four pillars: academic, physical, military and character. “She’s a rock star,” said Col. Brian Reed, who serves as Askew’s mentor as well as Brigade Tactical Officer. His job is to coach

and teach her as the first captain, helping her develop leadership skills while also working through day-to-day assignments and issues. He is the first to point out that Askew, while making history, was selected for her abilities, not her race or gender. “It had everything to do with her leadership and who she is as a person, and I think that’s an important message,” Reed added. “She’s the real deal because of who she is — Simone Askew — not because she’s a woman or AfricanAmerican.” Reed believes that Askew will inspire others to pursue leadership roles and describes her leadership style as inspirational and compassionate as well

as collaborative. “She’ll seek out feedback from others before making a decision. She also empowers subordinates by giving as much decision-making authority as possible to the lower level.” “To pursue excellence, it’s important to remain humble at all times,” said Askew. “To always remind yourself that there are things you can improve on, there are ways you can help others and that there are ways that people can also help you. Don’t ever forget those three things, and I think you’ll be good to go.” The first captain appointment is often a harbinger of a successful Army career. “While she’s a phenomenal first captain, she’s going to be an even better

officer,” noted Reed. In November, Askew was named a Rhodes Scholar, one of 32 U.S. students to be awarded the prestigious scholarship for postgraduate studies at Oxford University. As for future goals, Askew maintains that whatever she decides to do, whether in a political capacity (she said would be “awesome”) or something else, she will make sure that there is a devotion to service that underscores her leadership. As for her place in West Point history? “I really look forward to when she’s completed this role and people say she was a great leader,” her mom said, “and not just that she was a great AfricanAmerican female leader.”








Big Pine Key, Florida

St. Martin


In wake of devastating hurricanes, military assists in multiple response efforts By USA TODAY staff


HREE DAYS AFTER HURRICANE Harvey made landfall on the Texas coast in late August, causing historic flooding in Houston, the DOD was staging troops, ships, supplies and vehicles to tackle the unfolding disaster, ready to assist when called upon. More than 6,000 active-duty troops supported 30 operations for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), joining 11,000 Texas National Guard personnel to conduct search-and-rescue missions, resident evacuations and hospital patient transports, according to

Houston, Texas






“The men and women of the Defense Department — military and civilian — were ready and acted with a great sense of urgency in responding to (hurricanes) Harvey, Irma and Maria.” — Robert Salesses, Department of Defense

federal agencies. These operations the Pentagon. included rescuing residents, clearing The Navy dispatched two ships — roads and waterways, providing fuel and the USS Kearsarge and the USS Oak Hill other vital supplies, evacuating patients — to the response. The U.S. Army Corps and providing medical care, according to of Engineers (USACE) sent 390 members Salesses. to assist in clearing ports, facilitating “DOD is well prepared and has navigation operations, installing forces and capabilities ready to act generators and restoring water services. immediately to sustain lives in the DOD dispatched 73 helicopters, three aftermath of disasters,” he said. C-130 aircraft, seven C-17s, two C-5s, “DOD ensures a high 100 high water vehicles and level of preparedness by eight pararescue teams to continually enhancing the region. It’s estimated integrated planning, that military personnel improving our training and saved nearly 3,000 lives conducting joint exercises — in addition to the more between our federal, state than 11,000 people and HURRICANE and local partners.” 1,384 pets fished out of the TIMELINE In Texas, this meant a floods by the Coast Guard massive response by U.S. and 3,801 people picked up HARVEY Northern Command and by the Texas Army and Air Landfall: Aug. 25 others that continued National Guards. Category 4 until early September. In But the ferocious storm Texas Florida and the Caribbean, was not an anomaly. The where the USS Kearsarge Harvey operations were and the USS Oak Hill the first of three massive sailed to join the USS hurricane response efforts IRMA Wasp as Hurricane Irma in less than a month’s time, Landfall: Sept. 10 approached, 8,000 Florida testing DOD’s abilities Category 4 National Guardsmen were to provide life-saving, Florida activated, and the carrier life-supporting operations. USS Abraham Lincoln also “The men and women of was dispatched. Army the Defense Department MARIA helicopters and Air Force — military and civilian — Landfall: Sept. 20 cargo planes supplied more were ready and acted with Category 4 than 14 million meals, a great sense of urgency in water, fuel and equipment responding to (hurricanes) Puerto Rico to the region following that Harvey, Irma and Maria,” Category 4 storm. Robert Salesses, deputy And in the U.S. Virgin assistant secretary Islands and Puerto Rico, the DOD of defense for homeland defense provided “critical support,” according to integration and defense support of civil Salesses. U.S. Transportation Command authorities (DSCA), told the Senate flew more than 2,800 flights for Homeland Security and Governmental hurricane operations through the end Affairs Committee on Oct. 31. of October, including more than 1,900 Across all storm operations, including flights to the Caribbean. the response to Harvey, Irma and Maria The Defense Logistics Agency in Texas, Florida, the U.S. Virgin Islands provided millions of gallons of fuel, and Puerto Rico, DOD performed more 850 generators, more than 100 million than 300 missions for FEMA and other


A Houston resident is rescued, top, by members of the Army National Guard and Texas National Guard after Hurricane Harvey pounded the city with winds of 75 mph at times and dumping a total of 27 trillion gallons of rain. Almost one month later, Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico, bottom, and parts of the Caribbean with rain and wind for nearly 30 hours.




HURRICANE HARVEY’S IMPACT The Category 4 storm made landfall three separate times in six days.

An estimated

3,000 LIVES SAVED by military personnel

More than


PEOPLE RESCUED by the Coast Guard from flood waters


PETS RESCUED by the Coast Guard from flooding


In the wake of Hurricane Maria, Puerto Rico National Guardsmen and U.S. Army 1st Special Forces Command prepare to deliver food and water to residents of Utuado, a neighborhood cut off from help for at least two weeks after the massive storm tore a destructive path across the island.

meals and millions of liters of water for the affected regions. The Army Corps of Engineers conducted flood mitigation operations and port surveys and provided power to critical facilities such as hospitals, fire stations and other municipal buildings in Puerto Rico. As of early December, a USACE team remained in Puerto Rico, continuing efforts to restore power and assess buildings for damage. In the U.S. Virgin Islands, National Guardsmen from across the country worked with local police to enforce curfews, direct traffic and patrol the streets in the wake of hurricanes Irma and Maria. The 940th Military Police Company of the 198th Military Police Battalion, Kentucky Army National Guard, from Walton, Ky., spent most of October in the area. “We’re glad things came together for us to

help the people of the Virgin Islands. Being a part of the team providing support is a proud moment,” said battalion commander Lt. Col. John Blackburn. Hurricane Maria was such a massive storm — 300 miles wide — that it entirely enveloped Puerto Rico, making landfall Sept. 20 and battering it with 155 mph winds and nearly 2 feet of rain. It destroyed much of the island’s electric grid, demolished an estimated 100,000 homes and buildings and 90 percent of the island’s infrastructure was damaged or destroyed. Medical facilities were especially hard hit on the island. In response, and on its first deployment for storm operations since Hurricane Matthew struck Haiti in October 2016, the military sent the USNS Comfort. The Navy’s East Coast

hospital ship spent almost two months off the coast of Puerto Rico, providing medical care to civilian patients in critical condition. For the first several weeks, this meant staying offshore while critically ill patients were flown out to the 894-foot vessel by helicopter. Comfort worked with the Puerto Rico Department of Health and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to provide care. According to DOD, sailors aboard the vessel treated 1,899 patients, performed 191 surgeries, provided 76,000 liters of oxygen and 10 tons of food and water. “The ship’s name Comfort was absolutely appropriate for what the crew was able to CO N T I N U E D


PEOPLE RESCUED by the Texas Army and Air National Guards

More than


MISSIONS PREFORMED by DOD in response to Harvey, Irma and Maria

Source: USA TODAY research



RESCUE & RECOVERY do, because we weren’t just there to President Donald Trump’s provide medical treatment, we were aministration had called the response (also) there to comfort the patients’ a “good news story,” prompting a families,” said Capt. Kevin Robinson, the protracted feud with San Juan Mayor ship’s mission commander. “We made Carmen Yulín Cruz that played out every effort to bring family member publicly. escorts aboard to provide comfort to the “When you’re drinking from a creek, patients as well as the family.” it’s not a good news story,” Cruz told After the ship was able to pull into CNN. “When you don’t have food for port, its crew began treating the a baby, it’s not a good news story. ... less-critical patients, including those Damn it, this is not a good news story. with issues related to the island’s poor This is a ‘people are dying’ story.” sanitation or those with During television injuries from hurricane appearances, the debris. Some children mayor wore a T-shirt had ongoing medical that read “Help Us We issues like asthma, Are Dying.” according to Dr. Chad In November, Puerto PUERTO RICO Lomas, a Pensacola Rico Gov. Ricardo Naval Hospital Rosselló asked the pediatrician. federal government GETTY IMAGES Two babies were for $94.4 billion in born on the ship during aid. In late October, the deployment, Trump signed a $36.5 including a baby girl billion emergency named Sara Victoria aid measure that Llull Rodriguiz, whose aimed to refill disaster name now adorns a accounts, provide Comfort lifeboat in her $5 billion in funding honor. to cash-strapped Lomas said that Puerto Rico and bail OF PUERTO RICO’S despite the conditions out the federal flood on their island home, insurance program. In INFRASTRUCTURE most of the children late November, several WAS DAMAGED OR he saw were in high senators, including DESTROYED spirits and very excited Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., to be on the Navy ship. and Elizabeth Warren, “Kids always tend to be D-Mass., proposed a pretty happy,” he said. $146 billion recovery The Comfort returned package for Puerto NEARLY to Naval Station Norfolk Rico and the U.S. Virgin on Nov. 20. Islands. Although the “Many are struggling response by the to get clean drinking U.S. military and water, and more than the National Guard 100,000 people have was widely praised, left Puerto Rico alone,” the overall effort — Sanders said at a press OF PUERTO RICO particularly in Puerto conference. “This is not HAD ELECTRICITY Rico — has faced acceptable, and we are (AS OF NOV. 28) criticism. In December, here today to tell the the island still faced people of Puerto Rico shortages of food, and tell the people of water, electricity, the Virgin Islands that transportation, cellular they are not forgotten, service and medical resources. they are not alone, and that we intend At times, hundreds of thousands of to do everything possible to rebuild households, particularly in San Juan those beautiful islands.” and other urban areas, have seen Salesses told Congress that lessons power restored, only to be plunged into from past storms have taught the DOD darkness again by a system failure. Two much about supporting civil authorities months after Maria struck the island, the during natural disasters. He added, Department of Energy reported Nov. 28 though, that efforts to evolve and that nearly 60 percent of Puerto Ricans improve “need to continue.” had electricity and that 59 out of 78 “It makes all the difference to our municipalities were partially energized citizens,” he said. or had access to energized facilities. As the electrical grid was being repaired, The Associated Press contributed to this residents relied on portable generators. story.

90% 60%


Transmission and distribution specialists, top, assigned to Company D, 249th Engineering Battalion, repair power lines on Oct. 19 in Rio Grande, Puerto Rico. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ South Atlantic Division officials survey a damaged area on Oct. 23 in Puerto Rico.









Gen. Mark Milley is on a mission to improve the Army’s readiness by ensuring its soldiers are physically fit and senior officers are mentally ready to lead. Milley addresses these topics and more in a Q&A with USA TODAY’s Gina Harkins.


You told members of Congress this summer that underfunding over the past decade has potentially left the Army outgunned and outdated on a future battlefield. What does the Army need to maintain its edge? MILLEY: The No. 1 thing the Army must have to remain competitive ... is predictable, sustainable and adequate funding. This allows us to invest in key capabilities for the future while maintaining readiness and the ability to meet current operational demands. With a predictable budget, we can continue to fund our six modernization priorities that will allow the Army to remain the premier ground-combat force: long-range precision fires; the NextGeneration Combat Vehicle; future vertical lift; the network; air and missile defense; and soldier lethality. These modernization priorities will allow the Army to remain ready for any potential adversary across the entire range of military operations and conflicts. You’ve said the Army needs as many as 74,000 more soldiers to deal with operational and training demands. What is the military doing to assess the size of Army it needs? The Army determines the size and composition of the force based on requirements listed in the National Defense Strategy. We have a comprehensive process we use to determine capabilities and capacities we will need from the total force — including active-duty, National Guard and Reserve troops — to meet that strategy. We arrive at an informed force structure recommendation and present our best military advice to senior leaders for final decision. When it comes to that future fight, what are some of the biggest threats soldiers could face, and how is the Army training, equipping and structuring the service for that kind of combat? For almost 250 years, the Army has been optimized for battle in rural terrain, (the) Northern Hemisphere and open spaces such as deserts. The future fight will likely require us to fight in highly dense, urban environments that will stress our organizations, systems and soldiers.

families and what are you doing to alleviate the demands? There is no question the Army’s been running hard for the last 16 years, and we consider dwell time (time spent in the same place) one of several key readiness issues we review frequently. Army families endure unique challenges from deployments, numerous separations for training and changes in duty stations during every phase of the soldier’s career. We closely monitor individual soldier’s and units’ deployment-to-dwell ratio. Our families are an incredible source of strength for our soldiers and make selfless contributions to support them and the nation. Programs that support the total force remain a top priority for the Army secretary and myself to ease the challenges of military life, foster life skills, strengthen resilience and promote a strong and ready Army.


Gen. Mark Milley cites the readiness of the Army as a top priority, as well as improving the overall health and well-being of his soldiers. We must optimize the force for this battlefield environment against a highly capable enemy that’s ideologically committed and equipped with some of the world’s most sophisticated weapons. In future combat, American troops will likely be contested across all domains — space, cyber, maritime, air and land — by opponents with advanced cyber (techniques), electronic warfare, long-range precision fire and advanced air and missile capabilities. In short, we will need a future Army that can fight guerillas and terrorists as well as near-peer competitors on highly lethal battlefields and highly complex terrain. We’ll accomplish this by emphasizing hard, rigorous, realistic and repetitive training. We’ll also see significant improvements in our virtual-training capabilities. Readiness is your top priority, but a recent study found that the Army has more obese soldiers than ever before. What are you doing to reduce the number of overweight troops? The individual soldier is our most important weapon system. For soldiers to be at peak readiness, they must be fit holistically — which means physically and

psychologically. We recognize the issue and are moving quickly to address it across the total force. The Army’s Holistic Health and Fitness initiative is an immersive program that is key to helping us attack health and fitness challenges across the force. It will improve overall health, prevent muscular-skeletal injuries and help injured soldiers rehabilitate and return to the force sooner. This is a generational shift in how the Army trains, develops and cares for our soldiers. My intent is to treat soldiers as soldier-athletes. We’ve initiated a new physical test (that) recruits must pass to enter the Army. It’s shown progress in its first 10 months, resulting in the attrition of 1,000 less trainees for physical fitness reasons during basic training. For those already in uniform, we’re emphasizing good sleep, healthy eating and rigorous physical training. We’re also developing a new physical fitness test that’s based on combat standards and will be more rigorous than the current physical fitness test. Not all soldiers are getting the desired time at home after deploying. What stressors does this place on Army

There’s a plan to help Army leaders better manage stress, schedule down time and offer avenues for more mentorship. Why is developing this type of program necessary in the senior ranks and what do you hope it will change? We have a very strong general officer corps, but we can make it stronger. I directed a study to find ways to do that. General officers are under significant stress and we haven’t adequately addressed health issues unique to senior leaders. There’s a direct link between an executive leader’s health, wellness and overall well-being to the decisions (he or she) makes. We’ve not taken advantage of the recent advances and best practices of senior-leader support and development commonly used in the commercial sector for executives. We’ve started adapting our programs to better prepare our generals for the future. Two quick examples include adopting best practices of executive health and stress management to include prevention, resilience, overall mental and physical fitness based on risk factors and programs to improve overall fitness and diet that result in better performance. (Another priority is) ensuring each general officer is encouraged to take at least 10 consecutive days of leave annually. This seems simple, but the general officer corps has the highest rate of lost leave of any rank in the Army. We can do better in a lot of areas, and these are just a few of the programs we will focus on.





U.S. military footprint in Afghanistan could surge to 16,000 in 2018

Soldiers take part in the Allied Spirit VII training exercise in Grafenwoehr, Germany, in November. Troops from 13 nations participated. SPC. DUSTIN D. BIVEN/U.S. ARMY




A LOOK AT 2017 M18


The Army selected a replacement for its standard service pistol, awarding a 10-year, $580 million contract in January to Sig Sauer for the M17 and M18 handguns, which are based on Sig Sauer’s P320. The weapons will replace the Beretta M9 service pistol.


Advisers from Task Force Forge, a training, advising and assist unit, demonstrate how to clear a room during security operations training at the Regional Military Training Center in Helmand Province, Afghanistan, in March. The unit supports the NATO Resolute Support mission. The Associated Press


HE EXPECTED DEPLOYMENT OF hundreds more U.S. Army trainers to Afghanistan early next year could increase the total number of American forces there to almost 16,000, according to U.S. officials. At least 15,000 U.S. forces are in Afghanistan, after President Donald Trump decided to send about 3,800 troops to the country this fall to strengthen efforts to advise Afghan forces and conduct counterterrorism missions. All those additional troops are already in the country, U.S. defense officials said. The Army’s new security force assistance brigade is being built and trained at Fort Benning, Ga., and will head to Afghanistan early next year. Senior U.S. defense officials cited ongoing discussions about whether other American forces would leave when the training unit arrives or whether the trainers would add to the U.S. military footprint already there. The officials said Pentagon leaders, primarily Defense Secretary James Mattis, had initially set a tentative cap of about 15,000 troops in Afghanistan. But they said Mattis has made it clear he is committed to a force level based on military needs, not an arbitrary number. As a result, the officials said they believe

the trainers will add to the total number of U.S. troops in Afghanistan, and not come in as replacements. The officials weren’t authorized to publicly discuss the troop numbers and insisted on anonymity. Calculating the actual number of U.S. forces in Afghanistan has been difficult. While previously hesitant to go on record, the Pentagon in August acknowledged having about 11,000 American troops in the country. Under President Barack Obama, troops were capped at 8,400, but that limit was routinely exceeded. Commanders shuffled troops in and out, labeled many “temporary” and used other personnel accounting tactics to artificially keep the public count low. Trump has changed the policy, giving Mattis the authority to adjust troop levels based on military requirements and effectively eliminating the cap. Both Trump and Mattis have insisted repeatedly they don’t want to talk publicly about troop numbers in Afghanistan because they don’t want to give information to the enemy. The influx of U.S. trainers underscores the military’s renewed focus on building up Afghan forces so they can better fight the insurgents and take control of their country’s security. The goal is to reverse setbacks expe-

rienced by Afghan forces in recent years, as the Obama administration steadily reduced U.S. troop levels. At the same time, however, the U.S. has been pressing NATO allies to increase their troop commitments to Afghanistan to help train and advise the Afghan forces and bolster the U.S.-led counterterrorism fight against Taliban, al-Qaida, Islamic State group and other fighters. In addition to the U.S. forces, there are about 6,000 troops in Afghanistan from other NATO and partner nations. The NATO mission focuses on training Afghans, and not combat or counterterrorism operations. NATO defense ministers met in Brussels on Nov. 30 and came up short on aggreeing to allocate the more than 90 percent of military requirements mapped out by alliance commanders. Speaking to reporters after meetings with northern European leaders in Finland in early November, Mattis said he sent letters to some allies, asking them to increase their troop commitment in Afghanistan. “There was feedback from a number of nations, both formally and informally,” he said during the flight to Brussels. He added that some are increasing their numbers, while others are working through their government processes to get decisions.

Chelsea Manning, who served in the Army as Pfc. Bradley Manning and released a trove of THOS ROBINSON/GETTY IMAGES FOR THE NEW YORKER classified material to the website WikiLeaks in 2010, walked free May 17 from Fort Leavenworth Disciplinary Barracks, Kansas, after a pardon from President Barack Obama. The former soldier had served seven years of a 35-year sentence. uThe Trump administration announced a new strategy for Afghanistan in August; one month later, 2,200 soldiers from Fort Bragg, N.C., deployed, joining 1,500 soldiers sent there earlier in the year. More than half the troops were from the 82nd Airborne Division. uThe country learned that the U.S. military is in Niger after four Army soldiers were killed Oct. 4 in an ambush near the Niger-Mali border. Sgt. Jeremiah Johnson, Sgt. Bryan Black, Sgt. Dustin Wright and Sgt. La David Johnson died during what the DOD described as an “advise and assist mission” with Nigerian forces. uArmy Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl pleaded guilty Oct. 16 to abandoning his post in Afghanistan in 2009. He faced a maximum life sentence, but in November, a military judge reduced his rank to private, fined him $1,000 per month for 10 months and gave him a dishonorable discharge.







Adm. John Richardson has led the Navy through a challenging year of several major ship collisions, resulting in 17 deaths. He addressed these accidents and more in written responses to questions from USA TODAY’s Gina Harkins.


Two tragic collisions in the Pacific this year left 17 sailors dead. These incidents were in addition to a third ship running aground and a fourth ship colliding with a fishing boat. What is the Navy doing to prevent future mishaps? RICHARDSON: In response to the collisions of the guided-missile destroyers (USS) Fitzgerald and John S. McCain and a series of other incidents in 2017, we conducted a comprehensive review to identify any systemic causal and contributing factors as to why these incidents occurred. Based on the results, we’re taking immediate, intermediate and long-term actions to address the identified issues. The Navy is absolutely committed to doing everything possible to prevent a tragic loss like this again. A review of our Navy shows there are more than 100 ships and 64,000 sailors and Navy civilians forward-deployed. These ships are conducting their missions — some of them extremely difficult — effectively and professionally, protecting America from attack and promoting our interests and prosperity. We do much of this work with allies and partners, enhancing our combined capacity to contribute to maritime security and improve our lethality in warfighting at sea. This is what you expect of your Navy. This is why we exist. Sailors at sea can face long workweeks and sometimes don’t get enough sleep, which could affect their performance. What is the Navy doing to ensure sailors get enough time to rest? There’s no doubt that overworking a team, particularly over time, has an absolutely corrosive effect. Many parts of our Navy had already mandated a 24-hour circadian rhythm watch-standing rotation. The commander of surface forces just recently issued guidance to all ship commanders to implement schedules that ensure all sailors get sufficient rest. You said earlier this year that the Navy was under stress and stretched thin. What are the top challenges the Navy faces in meeting global demands, and what resources does the service need to take stress off sailors and their families? There is broad agreement that the cur-

Boeing and partner nations all diving into the problem. We’ve increased training to help our pilots recognize symptoms and take appropriate action to mitigate risk. We have not found the smoking gun yet, but this problem has my full attention and is the No. 1 priority in naval aviation. How is the Navy keeping up with its need for new ballistic missile submarines, jets and ships amid ongoing budget uncertainty? What are the Navy’s biggest challenges in that area? With respect to funding it, we have less control here than with putting the program together. Congress plays a crucial role in funding the future Navy, and as I, and many others, have testified, the lack of stable and predictable funding takes a tremendous toll on our ability to execute our programs. We’re committed to doing everything we can with the resources we get, to be absolutely judicious, to make sure that we are as effective as possible with those resources, that we are being as innovative and creative and accountable for those resources. But this resourcing issue is going to require vision and leadership by many.


Chief of Naval Operations Adm. John Richardson said the service is taking immediate action to address the tragic accidents that occurred in 2017. rent security environment is faster paced, more complex and increasingly competitive. Time is an unforgiving characteristic of that environment — things are moving faster, including our competitors. The fleet must be larger and more powerful, so we must rapidly increase the number and capability of platforms. We must get to a higher build rate from which we continue to work our way forward. We must arm those platforms with more effective, modernized payloads. We must make better use of sensor and communications apertures. And we must operate on networks that will degrade more gracefully and heal faster than those of our rivals. Most importantly, the future fleet must be on station as soon as possible. We need this more powerful fleet in the 2020s — not the 2040s. To do that, we must get more

capability out of what we already own and bring new technologies. Time is of the essence. The Navy had to ground some of its aircraft this year and review the oxygen systems after pilots were reporting problems midflight. What procedures have changed since then to keep pilots safe while they’re in the cockpit? There has been nothing we have asked of our naval aviators that they have not delivered on. Beyond the inherently risky environment they operate in, we’ve seen a rise of physiological episodes. We have the Navy and flight-medicine communities involved to ensure we are minimizing the physical danger to our pilots. We have members of the Air Force, Federal Aviation Administration, NASA, industry leaders,

You’ve written that the U.S. is facing a return to a “great power competition” for the first time in 25 years. How is the Navy maintaining its edge in that environment? You just have to read the papers to understand that reality. We’re competing on the international stage, but another place where we’re competing is for talented people. We have in the Navy right now the most talented, the most capable sailors we’ve ever had. I don’t say that to be a cheerleader. I say that because I have the data to back it up. I look at the new sailors’ scores, and they are the highest they’ve ever been. This is even more impressive when you think about the fact that these young men and women got out of school and had a lot of choices in front of them. They could have gone to a lot of different places, yet they came to the Navy. They raised their right hand and took an oath to support and defend the Constitution and welcomed the sacrifices, dedication, teamwork, culture and standards, and everything that comes with it. Our people are our advantage.






Navy: Host of failures contributed to collisions By Tom Vanden Brook


HE NAVY DETERMINED THAT two deadly crashes involving destroyers earlier this year could have been prevented, according to a report released Nov. 1. “Both of these accidents were preventable, and the respective investigations found multiple failures by watch standers that contributed to the incidents,” said Chief of Naval Operations Adm. John Richardson. “We must do better.” The report details the events that led

to the collision of USS Fitzgerald and ACX Crystal off the coast of Japan on June 17, and the crash of the USS John S. McCain and the merchant vessel Alnic MC on Aug. 21. Seventeen sailors died in the accidents. According to the report, the Fitzgerald crash resulted from small errors that accumulated and lack of adherence to sound navigational principles. The accident with the McCain occurred because of complacency and overconfidence. The Navy has been firing officers and senior enlisted sailors from the ships involved. Their leadership in the Seventh

Fleet based in Japan has also been held accountable. In September, Rear Adm. Charles Williams, commander of Combined Task Force 70, and Capt. Jeffrey Bennett, the commander of Destroyer Squadron 15, were relieved due to “a loss of confidence in their ability to command.” Prior to their firing, the Navy also relieved Vice Adm. Joseph Aucoin, who had commanded the Seventh Fleet at the time of the crashes. In August, the Navy fired the skipper of the Fitzgerald and two more sailors who made up the ship’s leadership team for losing “situational awareness.” That



THE BRANCH: NAVY collision in June killed seven sailors. The report assails the officers aboard the Fitzgerald for a host of failures leading up to the crash and its aftermath. It was the Fitzgerald, the report stated, that was responsible for avoiding collisions on the crowded seas off Japan. The Crystal was also obligated to avoid accidents. “In the 30 minutes leading up to the collision, neither Fitzgerald nor Crystal took such action to reduce the risk of collision until approximately one minute prior to the collision,” the report stated. By then it was too late. The Fitzgerald officer responsible for safely steering the ship “exhibited poor seamanship by failing to maneuver as required, failing to sound the danger signal and failing to attempt to contact Crystal on bridge to bridge radio,” according to the report, which placed much of the blame on the ship’s commander. It also included that there were widespread breakdowns. “The crew was unprepared for the situation in which they found themselves through a lack of preparation, ineffective command and control, and deficiencies in training and preparations for navigation,” the report concluded.


The mistakes that led to the Fitzgerald’s collision — including misreading radar, failing to wake the commanding officer, reacting too late — expose structural problems for the Navy, said Matthew Merighi, assistant director of the Fletcher Maritime Studies Program at Tufts University in Boston. To keep ships on patrol at sea, the Navy had required some crew members to work 100-hour weeks. Junior members of the Fitzgerald crew may have hesitated to wake the skipper from needed rest, Merighi noted. “There’s a root cause lying at the bottom of this,” he said. Critical errors by sailors in the busy seas of the Singapore straits, combined with lack of skill and training on McCain’s steering and propulsion systems, contributed to the collision that killed 10 sailors in August. For 68 critical seconds, the sailors steering the ship became confused and failed to coordinate their actions, according to the report. The result was a turn to the left that put the McCain on a collision course with the Alnic, a 600-foot oil and chemical tanker, according to the report. “No one on the bridge clearly understood the forces acting on the ship, nor did they understand the Alnic’s course and speed relative to John S. McCain during the confusion,” the report said. Bad luck, the busiest sea lane on the planet and a bare minute’s confusion combined to doom the McCain to its collision, said Rockford Weitz, director of the Fletcher Maritime Studies Program at

A LOOK AT 2017 uThe Navy decided in late December 2016 to reverse course on a decision to drop its enlisted ratings titles, which included such iconic titles as “boatswain’s mate” and “corpsman.” The service said the removal of the titles and subsequent uproar from sailors “detracted from accomplishing our major goals” of ratings modernization.


The USS Fitzgerald sits at Fleet Activities in Yokosuka, Japan, as crews continue to repair and assess damage sustained from its June 17 collision with a merchant vessel. Tufts University. “You have the perfect storm for an accident,” Weitz said. The Seventh Fleet has been stretched thin, he said. Budgets for training and maintenance haven’t kept pace. A tragic accident was nearly inevitable. “They just got bad luck that has revealed real challenges,” Weitz said.


In a separate, more comprehensive report, Navy leaders recommended a sweeping list of changes in sailor training, crew requirements and safety procedures to address systemic problems across the Pacific fleet that led to the two deadly ship collisions, according to The Associated Press. The report called for about 60 recommended improvements that include better training on seamanship, navigation and the use of ship equipment to more basic changes, such as increasing sleep and implementing stress management for sailors. Proposed changes focused on five main areas: fundamental skills, teamwork, operational safety, assessment procedures and culture. Specifically, the recommendations include beefing up qualification standards for sailors who stand watch — a key point of failure in the two deadly collisions. Others call for improved navigational skills and certifications for sailors, including better, more sophisticated training on radar, piloting, communications and other high-tech equipment. The report acknowledges the fast-paced operations in the Pacific region, where the Navy is faced with an aggressive China and a growing threat from North Korea’s

pursuit of nuclear weapons. And it notes that ongoing budget constraints make it difficult to meet the requirements in the very busy Pacific region. “The ability to supply forces to the full demand is — and will remain — limited,” the report said, adding that funding shortfalls for readiness across the Navy, “did have an impact in putting more pressure to meet increasing demand for Japan-based assets” without additional support from ships based in the United States. Faced with the increasing demands, there was less time for crew members to do needed training or certifications, the report said. It also noted that despite the growing pressure and pace of operations, there was a “can-do” culture that persisted, and commanders failed to listen to their teams and were unable or unwilling to say no, despite the risks. “Can-do should never mean must-do, so we must continue to encourage our commanders to accept the risks when the benefit to be gained is worth the potential risk of failure,” the report stated. A number of the recommendations point to fatigue and how the lack of sleep can lead to problems, particularly as sailors stand watch. “Sailors need to know when they must succumb to their own fatigue, be proactive about their fatigue management plan, and reach out to leadership,” the report said. It also suggested that a mentorship program be set up, assigning experienced commanding officers to help sailors develop leadership skills and focus on seamanship, navigation, team building and operational safety. Lolita Baldor contributed to this report.

uThe Navy continued to face off at sea with potential adversaries: in February, the destroyer USS Porter was buzzed by Russian aircraft; in July, the patrol boat USS Thunderbolt fired warning shots at an Iranian patrol boat threatening its security perimeter. Throughout the year, the Navy also sailed vessels near the disputed Paracel and Spratly islands in the South China Sea — what the Navy calls “freedom of navigation operations” that challenge China’s claim to the territories.


Richard Spencer was sworn in Aug. 3 as the 76th secretary of the Navy. The investment banker, a former Marine who flew the H-46 Sea Knight helicopter from 1976 to 1981, pledged in his confirmation hearing to build Navy and Marine Corps readiness. uResearch Vessel Petrel, a civilian research crew funded by billionaire Paul Allen, found the wreck of the USS Indianapolis on Aug. 19 in the Pacific, more than 18,000 feet below the surface. The World War II heavy cruiser, which had transported components of the atomic bomb used on Hiroshima, Japan, was struck by a torpedo July 30, 1945 — the Navy’s single worst loss at sea, with nearly 900 killed.







You’ve said the Marines’ next battle could be incredibly violent and complex. How are you preparing Marines to fight that kind of war? NELLER: I just think if you look around the world and the capabilities being developed by nations that are potential adversaries, it makes for a very different fight than what we’ve had in the last 16 years. In preparation for a mission in Iraq or Afghanistan, you were probably focused on a stability, counterinsurgency (type) operation. You wanted to understand the culture and people (because) you were going to be out and about. Those are important skills because that type of operation is still going to be there. But that adversary didn’t have an air force or long-range precision fires and couldn’t contest us in the network or in space. Now we’re coming to where we were in the ’80s, when we were looking at more of a peer adversary in the Soviet Union. And that changes training. We don’t want to lose the skills we’ve developed, but we have to get back to doing more combined arms across all domains — not just land, sea and air, but also space, cyber and information. Marines are still deploying to Iraq and Afghanistan while responding to crises or training with partners. What’s the No. 1 challenge the service faces amid these global demands? Our readiness is probably the No. 1 thing. If we were at the highest possible state of readiness, we’d have enough time to train, and our gear would be in good shape. We’d have enough parts support for ground and air equipment and could better manage the amount of time people spend at home versus deployed. All of that is a little bit under stress right now because the world is what it is. We have the world that we have, not the world that we want. Our job is to go out there and try to set the conditions so that we can have the world that we want. It’s tough, and that’s what we spend a lot of time on every day. The Marine Corps now has its first-ever female infantry officer. What advice do you have for her, from one infantry officer to another? Learn your business and do your job. I’ve spoken to this officer and have every confidence that she’s going to be successful. She’s got to be the best she can be and be the most effective infantry officer she can be, and if she is, Marines will follow her, regardless of gender. Marine leaders have talked about possibly allowing tech-savvy troops to come in at higher ranks to fill in-demand jobs. Is that idea still on the table?


Gen. Robert Neller, the Marine Corps’ commandant since 2015, spoke with USA TODAY’s Gina Harkins about some of the major issues facing the service, including training, readiness and expanding opportunities for women.


Gen. Robert Neller acknowledges the battlefield has changed dramatically in recent years, both in terms of potential adversaries as well as the use of information and technology. We continue to talk about it. Right now, though, you’re still going to have to go to boot camp or Officer Candidates School to wear this uniform. We’re considering the same type of program for people with degrees in computer programing, computer science and cyber network defense that we have for someone who comes in with an aviation contract. We could put them through the training, and if they pass all the tests and get qualified, that’s when their time is going to start. We’ve got to get a return on investment. We can’t afford to have people come in, spend half their time training, get done and then leave.

You wrote in a USA TODAY op-ed that you intended to “fix this problem” after news broke that thousands of male Marines shared nude photos of their female colleagues online without permission. How is the Marine Corps combating gender bias in the ranks? I want to believe we’re in a better place. I really believe most male Marines get it. There’s always going to be a few that are not going to agree, but they’re going to have to conform to the rules. Like we did with post-Vietnam racial issues, we’re talking about it. It’s not going to go away. Some might say, “this will pass,” but I’m not going to let it pass.

There was an investigation, and we formed a task force led by the assistant commandant that still exists. We continue monitoring social media pages, informing commanders and talking about this with the Marines. Every Marine has to sign a statement saying they understand the rules for social media. Even before you become a Marine, you have to sign (the agreement) at your recruiting station. We want to make sure everybody understands the standards and what’s expected of them. The Marine Corps is adding new information warfare capabilities to its headquarters elements. What are some of the risks Marines face on that front and how will these information groups help combat them? Militaries have always used information as a weapon. Now, with social media and the internet, there are so many ways people can use information to deceive, mislead or affect opinion. We felt we needed to develop more capacity in this capability because it has an effect. Just like the firing of an artillery round, a rifle bullet or dropping of a bomb off a plane has an effect — information has an effect. It has an effect on your force, your homeland, your adversary and civilians who might be in the battlespace. We are increasing the number of Marines involved in this, whether it’s protecting or contesting the electromagnetic spectrum, protecting or operating within cyberspace or those involved with print, video and media. We had to have more people who were able to watch this. It’s operationally advantageous to be more involved and engaged in this space. It has been nearly a year since you released your “Seize the Initiative” message, which called on Marines to drink less, read more and train smarter. How has the response been? I think the response has been good. Marines are training hard and there’s great interest among the junior Marines — all Marines really — about getting more education. We’re making progress there. The “drink less” part is probably the most challenging. Culturally, not just in the Marine Corps, but the nation, it’s probably going to be the most difficult one to move the needle on. And I’m not saying don’t drink. They’re grown men and women, and I trust them. But I think everybody — generals to privates — needs to be reminded that if you work hard, stay focused and you’re willing to do a little more work and forgo things you know aren’t good for you, you’re probably going to be a more successful. It’s not a secret, and I think all leaders need to model the behavior first, and hopefully inspire others to find their better self.




INFANTRY SHAKEUP Marines mull adding females to male-only combat training


U.S. Marine Corps Pfc. Maria Daume, center, a mortarman assigned to Bravo Company, Infantry Training Battalion, School of Infantry-East, graduated March 23 from the Basic Mortarman course at Camp Geiger, N.C. The Marine Corps is under pressure to integrate male and female recruits throughout boot camp training.




A LOOK AT 2017

HE U.S. MARINE CORPS for the first time is eyeing a plan that would allow women to attend what has been male-only combat training in Southern California, as officials work to quash recurring problems with sexism and other inappropriate behavior among Marines, Marine Corps officials said. If approved by senior Marine leaders, the change could happen as soon as spring. And it could be the first step in a broader campaign to give male Marines, who do their initial training on the West Coast, the opportunity to work with female colleagues early in their career. Marine leaders are also considering allowing women to attend boot camp in San Diego, the officials said. Currently all women recruits go through boot camp at Parris Island, S.C., while male recruits go either there or to San Diego. The combat training comes after troops have finished boot camp, and is done both in South Carolina and at Camp Pendleton in Southern California, but women currently attend the course only on the East Coast. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity and were not authorized to publicly discuss the matter because final decisions have not been made.



The Marine Corps deployed 330 members to Norway in January for six months, the first time since World War II that foreign troops have been allowed to be stationed in the country. In June, the Norwegian government extended the invitation to stay in the strategically located country through 2018. The deployment aims to buttress defenses against Russia, which condemned the move.

CULTURE CHANGE Asked about the ongoing discussions, Gen. Glenn Walters, assistant commandant of the Marine Corps, said all options are being considered, and decisions will depend on the analysis, including logistics, personnel and cost benefits. If we’re going to change the culture of the Marine Corps, we need to change how we’re organized. Our recruit training is a component of that,” he said, adding that Marine leaders want to go after any “unconscious bias” that may exist in the Corps. Marine leaders have come under persistent criticism from members of Congress because the Corps is the only military service to separate men and women for portions of their boot camp. And only the Marine Corps allows half of its recruits to go through initial training without any female colleagues. Marines have argued that the separation from the men is needed so the women can become more physically competitive before joining their male counterparts. They also have argued that it gives the female Marines the support they need during their early weeks of boot camp. Women make up 8.4 percent of the Marine Corps, and that is the smallest percentage of all the armed services. But Marine Corps officials are now suggesting that training half of their recruits on the West Coast with no females in their units could be contributing to some of their disciplinary problems. Intermixing male


Pfc. Christina Fuentes Montenegro from Delta Company, Infantry Training Battalion, School of Infantry-East, trains in 2013 at Camp Geiger, N.C. She was one of three female Marines to be the first women to graduate infantry training with the battalion. and female Marines during training could foster better relations and greater respect over time, some have suggested. Over the last several years, Marine leaders have battled persistent accusations that the Corps is hostile to women. The Marines were the only service to formally request an exception when the Pentagon moved to allow women to serve in all combat jobs. That request was denied in late 2015 by then-Defense Secretary Ash Carter.

FALLOUT FROM SCANDAL More recently, the service was rocked by a nude-picture-sharing scandal in which Marines shared sexually explicit photos on various social media and other websites and included crude, derogatory and even violent comments about women. A task force led by the Naval Criminal Investigative Service launched an investigation after veteran-run online news site The War Horse broke the story. At least 33 Marines have faced punishment or administrative action in connection with the ongoing inquiry. Separately, five Marine lieutenant colonels were relieved of duty this year,

and two of those cases involved problematic behavior involving women.

BREAKING DOWN BARRIERS A Marine task force has been reviewing a range of options and changes for several months to try and reduce the problems. Earlier this year, Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Robert Neller told Congress that the service has been looking at the recruit training issue. But to date, no major changes have been made. Two female officers made Marine Corps history this year, becoming the first to join two ground combat arms fields: Second Lt. Mariah Klenke graduated from the Assault Amphibian Officers Course on Oct. 3 and was slated to serve as an Assault Amphibious Vehicle platoon commander. The week before, a female officer graduated from the Infantry Officers Course, becoming the first woman to serve as an infantry officer. The groundbreaking grunt has asked that she not be identified. Women have engaged in combat extensively in Iraq and Afghanistan. But until recently they were barred from combat arms jobs, such as infantry, tanks and artillery.

uThe first operational F-35B Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter squadron relocated to Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni, Japan, in January and began training for a deployment with the 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit and the amphibious assault ship USS Wasp by the end of the year. uA KC-130 crashed into a soybean field in Mississippi on July 10, killing all aboard. Fifteen Marines and one Navy sailor died in the service’s worst aviation accident since 2005. The plane, en route from Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point, N.C., to Yuma, Ariz., carried seven members of 2nd Marine Raider Battalion, the Marine Corps’ elite special operations unit. The cause of the crash remains under investigation. uOn Nov. 30, the Corps announced it is opening its first full-time recruiting station outside of the U. S. at Kleber Kaserne in Germany. The Marines are establishing the new station — located in an area with about 50,000 U.S. personnel and family members — in response to increased demand from potential enlistees. “Germany is kind of an untapped market for the Marines,” said Capt. Patrick Deane, executive officer of Recruiting Station Portsmouth, N.H.






AIR FORCE CHIEF OF STAFF Gen. David Goldfein addresses the ongoing campaigns in the Middle East and other issues that face the Air Force in written responses to questions from USA TODAY’s Gina Harkins.


The Air Force is about the same size it was when it became its own branch in 1947. What challenges does that pose amid global uncertainty? GOLDFEIN: The U.S. Air Force remains the finest in the world, but it’s too small to do all the nation asks of us — and I don’t see the demand for air and space power decreasing anytime soon. During (Operation) Desert Storm in the early 1990s, we had just shy of a million active, Guard and Reserve airmen (and) civilians. Today, we have just over 660,000. Back then, we deployed 34 fighter squadrons to the desert from a total of 134. Today, we have only 55 fighter squadrons. It’s a significantly smaller force while the world has become increasingly dangerous. In the next several years, we must first modernize both the intercontinental ballistic missile and bomber legs of the nuclear triad while upgrading the command and control network to ensure that on our worst day as a nation, the commander-in-chief is where he needs to be, when he needs to be there, while still connected to our forces in the field. We must also transition the space enterprise to a joint warfighting domain. The nation relies on space superiority just as we rely on air superiority. They must be planned for, resourced, fought for and won. These bills are coming due at the same time we must transition into fifth-generation fighters, a new tanker and a variety of other capabilities essential to joint success on the battlefield. Military leaders have warned that the next war could be a peer-to-peer fight. What are the biggest risks airmen face in that type of conflict and how is your service preparing? For 27 years, airmen have been fully engaged in the fight against violent extremism and instability in the Middle East. We never came home. As a result, we’re optimized to fight in a certain way — some muscles are in great shape, but others have atrophied. Since the Air Force can get to any region fastest — through the air — leaders expect airpower to be a halting force, stabilizing the enemy until follow-on forces arrive. Today, less than 50 percent of our


Gen. David Goldfein speaks to an airman in August at Al Asad Airbase in Iraq during a visit to witness the Air Force’s contribution to Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve, the global coalition to defeat the Islamic State group in Iraq and Syria. forces are fully prepared for their designed mission against a peer adversary. Make no mistake, if told to launch, we launch. And we’ll still win. But it’ll take much longer and fewer of us will come home. This is the cost of lower readiness. It’s what keeps me up at night. And it should be unacceptable to the nation to send its warriors into battle unprepared. We are in a full-court press to boost readiness and rebuild lost muscle-strength. However, if Congress is unable to move beyond across-the-board spending cuts and budget caps, I’ll once again ground squadrons, cease civilian hiring, stop moving forward on initiatives and further hollow out the force. It would be a disaster. I’m hoping Congress can get back in control and off autopilot. The Air Force has been fighting to retain its pilots, and some are only

spending a month at home for every month deployed. Are there any new efforts to relieve the stress on pilots? We don’t produce enough pilots to meet the demand of commercial, military and business aviation. It’s bigger than just the military. So we’re working with industry and Congress on creative solutions to increase production. We have an all-out effort to improve all aspects of service for our aircrew. We have a one-star general leading an aircrew-crisis task force that’s working to improve both retention and pilot production. We’re working a number of efforts to build more work-life balance into the careers of our aircrew. From reviewing exercises, deployments, staff tasking, how often we ask aircrew to move their families and excessive training requirements — everything is on the table. There’s a lot we can do to improve quality of service.

What’s the No. 1 challenge the Air Force faces in keeping up with its demands? As chief of staff of the Air Force, I have one primary obligation to the airmen I’m privileged to lead: We must never allow them to be sent in harm’s way without being properly organized, trained, equipped and led. That’s a moral obligation to me. At current budget levels and with the threat of Budget Control Act restrictions looming over us, I remain concerned. If we’re forced to operate under current defense spending caps, the Air Force would have to absorb a $15 billion budget cut in the last half of the year. That would halt plans to add airmen and Air Force civilians, erode readiness recovery, degrade infrastructure and prevent modernization efforts. Under the across-the-board spending cuts known as sequestration in 2013, the Air Force furloughed civilian employees, stood down a third of our fighter and bomber squadrons, cut 18 percent from weapons system sustainment and deferred all nonemergency maintenance and modernization projects. If we can’t find a way beyond sequestration, we’re going to stop flying, We’re going to ground squadrons just like we did the last time. Pilots will lose their currency and readiness numbers are going to absolutely tumble. We’re going to stop hiring civilians but we’re not going to keep civilians from retiring. The Air Force recently relaxed some of its recruiting standards, including the tattoo policy and rules about marijuana use. Why was it important to take another look at the policies previously barring people from service? We are in a war for talent in an increasingly competitive market. As a result, we continually review our accession standards to ensure we can bring in the creative, innovative and patriotic young men and women we need. The way we attract and then manage diverse talent has a direct impact on our ability to bring air and space power to bear on our enemies. I want any young man or woman reading this who’s contemplating a career in the Air Force to come join us. You’ll have the chance to work with people who will become like family to you. You’ll do amazing things with the greatest technology on the planet. And you’ll become a better you.




PILOT SHORTAGE Multiple problems contribute to ‘crisis’


By Tom Philpott


ITH AN AIR FORCE pilot shortage that has hit 2,000, and commercial airlines in a hiring boom, service leaders

are brainstorming ways to address a deepening crisis, including financial incentives and a host of administrative actions to improve quality of life for military aviators and their families. For the long term, the Air Force recognizes it has to widen its pilot

training pipeline by 25 percent to address stiffening nationwide competition. The Navy and Marine Corps also are taking steps to retain more experienced pilots. So far, those service branches haven’t seen the exodus of midcareer




A LOOK AT 2017


The U.S.-led coalition against the Islamic State group expanded its air combat operations in early 2017, increasing the number of bombs dropped on the group by about 50 percent. The expansion of airstrikes could “be attributed to the increased pace of operations in both Iraq and Syria as we target and destroy ISIS,” Air Forces Central Command spokesman Lt. Col. Damien Pickart said.


An F-16 Fighting Falcon pilot dons his helmet in February in preparation of a barnstorming performance for media in Houston. Amid a major pilot shortage, the Air Force is looking to bring more National Guard and Reserve pilots to active duty. pilots battering the Air Force, particularly its fighter aircraft community. The Air Force needed 3,781 active-duty fighter pilots by the end of September. It had fewer than 2,700. Its fighter pilot shortage grew by 200 career officers in the past year alone. “Within our pilot crisis we have multiple crises,” said Brig. Gen. Michael Koscheski, director of the Air Force Aircrew Crisis Task Force, which was established earlier this year to recommend actions to address aircrew shortages across active duty, Guard and Reserve forces. “We are concerned that the fighter pilot shortage is the canary in the coal mine,” Koscheski said. “We’re worried about a mobility pilot shortage with the airline (industry) hiring and the draw it has.” A majority of the 23,000 pilots the Air Force needs for its total force are flying air mobility missions. When not flying, these transport and tanker pilots are carrying a disproportionate load of aviation staff assignments (like working at the Pentagon) and training billets that fighter pilots can’t fill given their own acute shortage, Koscheski said. Aviation community managers are used to seeing pilot retention issues rise and fall based on various factors, including hires by commercial airlines, pace of military operations or the relative pull of private sector

aviation bonuses. But current Air Force pilot shortages are acute and expected to grow. A recent Congressional Research Service (CRS) report said that the sharp rise in airline hires reflects industry expansion to meet passenger demand. Fleets of commercial aircraft are expected to double in size over the next 20 years. In the past three years, major air carriers have been forced to raise pilot salaries by 20 percent to fill their cockpits. Meanwhile, a large percentage of airline pilots, possibly 40 percent, will reach mandatory retirement age of 65 in the next 10 years. Another factor is a 2010 law that toughened hiring standards for airlines and put a premium on the experience of military pilots. By the time they complete their initial 10-year service obligation out of flight school, military pilots typically have the 1,500 flight hours to qualify for an Airline Transport Pilot Certificate. “This is a unique period because (multiple) things have happened, all about the same time,” said Koscheski. “This also is a long-term problem, really a national pilot crisis. Airlines, especially regionals, are running short of pilots as well.” A shortage of instructor pilots is also a concern. Multiple factors drive Air Force pilot attrition, however, in exit surveys, pilots are citing cultural issues that affect their quality of life and their service time, including “dis-

satisfaction with excessive duties unrelated to flying and inability to maintain work-life balance,” the CRS report cited. The task force has proposed reducing administrative requirements on aircrews, reducing requirements for fighter pilots to fill 365-day deployments, reducing off-station exercises, cutting ancillary training and hiring contractors to handle some administrative duties. The Air Force also looks to increase training capacity with new squadrons, add incentives for instructor duty and engage with industry on cooperative solutions to mutual pilot shortages, the CRS notes. During a State of the Air Force media briefing in November, Gen. David Goldfein, Air Force Chief of Staff, said his service wants to retain every pilot it can as it builds capacity to produce more. The nation overall, he said, doesn’t produce enough aviators to meet demands of military, business and commercial aviation. The military, therefore, intends to work with industry to solve the crisis, he added. The long-term fix, said Koscheski, “is to grow our way out of this. And so, it’s going to take a while to get in place what we need to start producing more pilots.” — Tom Philpott has been writing his weekly syndicated news column Military Update since 1994.

Former New Mexico Rep. Heather Wilson was sworn in May 16 as the 24th secretary of the Air Force. The Air Force Academy graduate, who U.S. AIR FORCE served in the Air Force from 1982 to 1989, had served as member of the House Armed Services and the House Intelligence committees while in Congress. uThe Air Force in September flew its X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle (OTV-5), on a clandestine mission for what is thought to be the fifth time. The fully robotic mini-shuttle hitched a ride aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 reusable rocket. The Air Force has remained mum on the purpose of the OTV’s missions. uThe F-35A Joint Strike Fighter made its first operational deployment to Europe in April for NATO exercises, with two aircraft taking part in training in Estonia. In November, 12 F-35As were scheduled to fly to Kadena Air Base in Okinawa, Japan, for a six-month deployment that marks the first of its kind for the region.












DARPA delivers on designs, technology of future

As the research arm of the U.S. military, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has initiatives underway on virtually every tech front, from weaponized drones to prosthetic limbs. Director Steven Walker talked to USA TODAY’s Adam Stone about the agency’s mission and some of its current cutting-edge projects.


What is DARPA’s overall mission? WALKER: DARPA’s mission is to conceive, develop and demonstrate breakthrough technologies for national security and to transition those technologies into working capabilities that enable new possibilities for war fighters. DARPA’s research is intended to (ensure) that the Department of Defense remains on the cutting edge of science and

technology. For nearly 60 years, DARPA has demonstrated time and again how thinking beyond the borders of what is widely considered possible can yield extraordinary results. In the military domain, DARPA made early and timely investments in ballistic missile defense, stealth aircraft technology, unmanned aerial vehicles and precision guidance. It also played a significant role in

developing the internet, designing the electronics that undergird the information revolution and making GPS as mobile and ubiquitous as it is today. What types of projects does this drive today? This drives a wide variety of projects throughout our six technical offices, from the Long Range Anti-Ship Missile (LRASM) program, which created a long-range survivable strike weapon, to a Mobile Analysis Platform to enable the rapid diagnosis of infectious diseases. Who determines your project pipeline? Projects at DARPA typically last for only a few years and are instigated by a relatively small number of program managers — CO N T I N U E D

Steven Walker, DARPA director




The Neural Engineering System Design program aims to enhance research capabilities in neurotechnology and offer support for new therapies to aid deficits in sight and hearing.

support to enabling a better understanding of where and how adversary forces are moving. For example, DARPA-developed software on Android tablets was transitioned directly to units in Afghanistan, drastically improving ground forces’ ability to coordinate air engagements, improve accuracy and reduce collateral damage and friendly fire losses. In the United States, these wireless communication and coordination tools are also being tested and adopted by emergency responders, including firefighters in the West and Southwest. Also, late last year, DARPA formally transitioned its Space Surveillance Telescope (SST) from an agency-led design and construction program to ownership and operation by U.S. Air Force Space Command (AFSPC), which has announced plans to operate the telescope in Australia jointly with the Australian government. That has implications beyond just the military, correct? Yes. SST has moved space situational awareness from seeing only a few large objects at a time through the equivalent of a drinking straw, to a “windshield” view with 10,000 objects at a time, each as small as a softball. SST can search an area larger than the continental United States in seconds and survey the entire geosynchronous belt within its field of view — one quarter of the sky — multiple times in one night. SST’s wide-open eye on the sky sees objects not just around the Earth but also in the solar system and universe beyond. NASA is already leveraging SST’s capabilities to see very faint objects in a wide field of view to help provide warning of asteroids and other near-Earth objects. SST has discovered 3,600 new asteroids and 69 near-Earth objects, including four that carry a (potential) risk of hitting Earth.

The Life Under Kinetic Evolution (LUKE) prosthetic arm, a DARPA project, is available to military service members and veterans with upper-limb loss. approximately 100 — who come from academia, industry, national laboratories and other parts of government. Stints typically last just a few years, a time limit that helps drive the agency’s signature sense of urgency. What are some of the cutting-edge projects you’re working on? One of our new programs, Mobile Force Protection, is working to further advancements in sensing and neutralization of small unmanned air systems. Another project, Video Synthetic Aperture Radar, has just demonstrated an extremely high-frequency, targeting sensor that can capture real-time video through cloudy skies, dust and other vision-obscuring conditions.

What forces are driving military technology these days? Economic forces have made onceproprietary products less expensive and more accessible. Off-the-shelf availability of weapons technology, biological and chemical threat capabilities ... represent a historic shift that raises the stakes for the United States. It drives home the point that advanced hardware alone is no longer a guarantee of military and economic success. The nation or nonstate player that makes the smartest and most strategic use of that hardware will dominate. How does DARPA’s work ultimately affect the war fighter? DARPA’s work impacts the war fighter in a variety of ways, from providing logistical

What are the looming issues for military technology? There are global social, economic and environmental trends that are affecting governments and populations worldwide. These include demographic shifts, such as population growth and urbanization in developing countries; the rise of violent extremism; resource imbalances and shortages, including especially those involving energy sources and fresh water; and the growing potential for fast-moving human and animal pandemics. These social, economic and geopolitical trends are being driven by enormously complex forces, but technology can be a part of the solution, helping to ensure that these trends do not undermine U.S. and international stability. Indeed, a number of achievements with roots in DARPA research are opening new avenues for counterbalancing these trends and advancing U.S. national security in the years ahead.


Vietnam veteran Fred Downs Jr. shakes hands using an innovative prosthetic arm developed by DEKA Research & Development Corp. and provided to the National Museum of Health and Medicine by DARPA in 2015.

DARPA LENDS A HAND AND AN ARM The work of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) benefits not only the military, but also civilian consumers. The agency’s speech recognition, touch-screen displays, accelerometers and wireless technologies are at the core of today’s smartphones and tablets, for example. Recently, DARPA and the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Md., collaborated to deliver the first two advanced Life Under Kinetic Evolution (LUKE) prosthetic arms for a new production line, made available to service members and veterans who are rehabilitating after suffering upper-limb loss. LUKE is also a reference to the limb with which Luke Skywalker was endowed in Star Wars: Episode V — The Empire Strikes Back. It’s very dexterous, with a simple, intuitive control system. “DARPA launched the Revolutionizing Prosthetics program with a radical goal: Gain U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval for an advanced electromechanical prosthetic upper limb,” said DARPA Director Steven Walker. “Less than eight years after the effort was launched, that dream of development and FDA approval became a reality.” — Adam Stone





TECHNOLOGY Soldiers use GPS to determine their position during a training exercise.



Army moves to ensure reliability, integrity of its PNT systems By Adam Stone


HEN AIR FORCE COL. Christopher Plamp was piloting Predator drone aircraft over Iraq and Afghanistan, he relied on GPS to tell him not just where to fly, but also where to fire the missiles. “I was sitting in Nevada, flying an aircraft thousands of miles away. Talk about needing certainty about your positioning!” said Plamp, who serves as interim CEO for the veterans’ advocacy group Hire Heroes USA. “GPS was the only

way to know where the Predator was.” The military relies heavily on GPS data for everything from directing troop patrols and managing tank and artillery operations to guiding missiles to intended targets. But GPS signals are vulnerable, susceptible to terrain conditions or enemy interference, and the Department of Defense is looking for ways to shore up military GPS capabilities. GPS makes up the core of what is known in the technology industry as PNT, or positioning, navigation and timing, a capability that the Army considers a top priority “to maintain and ... regain

overmatch to credibly deter and defeat near-peer adversaries,” Army Lt. Gens. John Murray and Joseph Anderson told a House Armed Services subcommittee in March.


The Army’s approach to safeguarding GPS falls under a broad initiative known as Assured PNT, or A-PNT, which aims to provide access to location data at any time it’s needed and ensure that the data is accurate. In late 2016, the Army conducted an eight-week test of anti-jamming tech-

nologies at Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland. Specialized antennae were among the tools used to test the capability to receive GPS signals in a contested environment, according to Army PNT deputy program manager Michael Trzeciak. “With the recent testing of anti-jam antenna capabilities, we’re one step closer to ensuring our soldiers have access to trusted GPS signals even when operating in contested environments,” Trzeciak said. But while anti-jamming tools help ensure that signals stay available, they don’t address the spoofing concerns many soldiers find worrisome. Spoofing is when an adversary broadcasts incorrect GPS signals or rebroadcasts real signals from a different place or time. It can lead to friendly fire casualties, explained Dan Grazier, a former Marine Corps tank officer. “If the troops are relying on GPS systems, they could very easily be set up for a fratricide incident. If somebody spoofs the signal, you can have an aircraft drop a bomb on your own forces instead of on the enemy,” Grazier said. “It’s a matter of understanding the sources of the information you are getting. You can receive a fake signal; you can be spoofed,” said John Del Colliano, PNT branch chief at the CommunicationsElectronics Research, Development and Engineering Center. While the world has become increasingly reliant on satellite data, GPS is just one of many different ways to determine location and direction. The Army is looking to combine multiple sensors as a cross-check to verify GPS data.


Hikers still rely on magnetic compass readings to get their bearings. One can also take a visual check of the landmarks around them, and there are inertial measurement units, which are made up of readings from sensors like gyroscopes and accelerometers. Military planners are looking to combine all these means, and others as well, to build a package of redundant sensors. The combination could replace GPS in case signal is lost, or it could be used to ensure GPS data is accurate. “You get integrity by comparing a diverse set of sensors. You compare your inertial data to your vision-aided sensor to your other sensors,” Del Colliano said. Army planners acknowledge there are technical challenges on the road to A-PNT. With GPS so deeply enmeshed across a wide breadth of military systems, A-PNT will require a thoughtful integration effort. “You have everything from tanks to helicopter to ground soldiers. There are a whole lot of systems out there,” Del Colliano said. “We need to find the right balance of need and cost, to make sure that everyone gets the protection they need.






President Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un routinely appear in South Korean broadcast news coverage. GETTY IMAGES

STRIKING DISTANCE Experts question North Korea’s nuclear missile claims

By Thomas Maresca


N NOV. 29, NORTH Korea declared it had achieved its goal of developing a nuclear-tipped missile that could strike the “whole mainland of the U.S.” Yet

some analysts called that boast premature. The isolated regime run by Kim Jong Un based its claim on a test of an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) that appeared capable of reaching 8,100 miles — the longest distance the North has achieved during years of development.

That puts Washington, D.C. — about 6,800 miles away — well within range. Still, analysts said the missile required many more tests to become accurate and reliable. Plus, they cast doubt that North Korea had mastered the complex technology required to arm a long-range missile



NORTH KOREA with a nuclear warhead. The South Korean government estimated that North Korea’s capital city Pyongyang is a year away from that accomplishment. In a government statement, North Korea described the ICBM it launched (a Hwasong-15) as the “greatest ICBM” and indicated that it could be fitted with a “super-large heavy nuclear warhead.” It noted the missile reached a height of 2,780 miles and covered a distance of 590 miles before splashing down in the Sea of Japan. If accurate, it would have a range of about 8,100 miles, according to calculations by David Wright, an expert at the Union of Concerned Scientists. Despite North Korea’s claims, Michael Elleman, a ballistic missile analyst for 38 North, a program of the U.S.-Korea Institute at Johns Hopkins University, said the launch showed that North Korea appeared to have only taken a “minor step forward” with its ICBM technology. “Many more tests are needed to establish the missile’s performance and reliability,” Elleman said, noting that the missile’s re-entry vehicle capability — technology KOREAN CENTRAL NEWS AGENCY/KOREA NEWS SERVICE VIA AP that is necessary to re-enter the atmoThis Nov. 29 image provided by the North Korean government claims to show leader Kim Jong Un, third from left, and what the governsphere and deliver a payload — is unclear. ment calls the Hwasong-15 intercontinental ballistic missile, in North Korea. He added that he believed a “viable ICBM capable of reaching the West Coast of the sanctions.” U.S. mainland is still a year away, though South Korea’s unification minister, Cho North Korea continues to progress.” Myoung-gyon, said that North Korea is Markus Schiller, a rocket analyst at ST not likely to complete its nuclear program Analytics, a Germany-based consulting until next year. He is head of a governfirm, wrote on Twitter that as “long as no Height ment department that information is available 2,780 miles establishes policy with that indicates something CITY DISTANCES FROM PYONGYANG, NORTH KOREA North Korea. else, this test can be seen Not to scale “We must stop a However, South as one more launch of Korea’s President Moon a known missile. Not a situation where Jae-in expressed concern paradigm shift.” Estimated North Korea that North Korea’s misChad O’Carroll, trajectory sile threat could force the managing director of miscalculates and distance U.S. to attack the North Seoul-based information 8,100 miles threatens us with even before it masters a and analysis firm Korea nuclear-tipped ICBM. “If Risk Group, said that nuclear weapons North Korea completes even if North Korea is a ballistic missile that claiming that the ICBM or where the U.S. could reach from one part of its nuclear San Francisco St. Louis Washington, D.C. considers a preDistance continent to another, missile program is now 5,600 miles 6,600 miles 6,800 miles 590 miles the situation can spiral complete, that may just emptive strike.” out of control,” Moon mean it is ready to begin — Moon Jae-in, said at an emergency mass production of the NUMBER OF MISSILES LAUNCHED UNDER KIM JONG UN South Korea president meeting in Seoul on Hwasong-15. It is not Nov. 29, according to his clear if it has mastered Intercontinental Ballistic Underground No underground office. “We must stop a the technology to ballistic missile missile nuclear test testing situation where North Korea miscalculates miniaturize a nuclear warhead. O’Carroll and threatens us with nuclear weapons noted that Pyongyang does not appear to 6 2012 or where the United States considers a have submarine-launched nuclear capabil8 2013 pre-emptive strike.” ity, which it has been working on. 18 2014 The Nov. 29 launch was the 16th test “If (North Korea) feels it is now confident 18 2015 this year, a record for North Korea. It enough to put the ICBM into deployment, 21 2016 came amid heightened rhetoric between it means future ICBM tests will likely be 24 Kim Jong Un 2017 President Donald Trump and Kim, with training drills rather than design tests,” each threatening to annihilate the other in O’Carroll added. “This means we may not Source: South Korea Joint Chiefs of Staff; Center for Strategic & response to a first strike. see further ICBM launches for an extended International Studies; Missile Defense Project; USA TODAY research ASSOCIATED PRESS period, and the North Koreans will thus hope for a subsequent relaxation of CO N T I N U E D

North Korea’s Hwasong-15 missile threat



NORTH KOREA Trump promised “additional major In late November, Trump designated sanctions” after the missile test. Following the North Korean government a state a phone call with Japanese Prime Minister sponsor of terrorism, decrying it a Shinzo Abe, the White House said both “murderous regime,” citing the death of leaders “reaffirmed their commitment to American college student Otto Warmbier combat the North Korean threat.” in June after he was arrested in North Trump also spoke with Moon and Korea in January 2016 and released just “reaffirmed their six days before his death. strong condemnation of Trump also referenced North Korea’s reckless North Korea’s support campaign to advance of the assassination of Trump has its nuclear and ballistic Kim’s half-brother, Kim designated the missile programs.” Jong Nam, a political rival The State Department who died after a nerve North Korean said it would step up agent attack at a Malaysia government a pressure on North airport in February. Korea that could include “In addition to state sponsor interdicting ships threatening the world of terrorism, carrying goods to and by nuclear devastation, from that country. North Korea has repeatdecrying it a On Dec. 4, hundreds edly supported acts of “murderous of American and South international terrorism, Korean military aircraft including assassinations regime.” began a massive drill on foreign soil,” Trump that involved 230 aircraft said. and about 12,000 service Trump is determined members. Six F-22 Raptors and 18 F-35 to thwart Kim’s nuclear ambitions, and Lightning II fighter jets were among the the North Korean leader appears equally aircraft taking part in the five-day Vigilant determined to keep his nuclear arsenal to Ace, an annual exercise in the Korean deter a U.S. attempt to overthrow him. Peninsula. The exercise was scheduled before North Korea launched the HwaDavid Jackson, Deirdre Shesgreen and Jane song-15 missile. Onyanga-Omara contributed to this story


A South Korean soldier stands next to loudspeakers near the border area between South Korea and North Korea in 2016.


Defector’s flight broadcast via loudspeakers By Thomas Maresca and Jim Michaels Four North Korean soldiers fired about 40 rounds at a comrade as he dashed across the border into South Korea on Nov. 13, hitting him five times. The shooting, the first in more than 30 years at the jointly controlled military border, was caught on video. A week later, North Korea reportedly had replaced all the border security guards who failed to prevent the escape, and men were seen digging a trench and planting trees to close gaps near the border. The 24-year-old soldier, who was only identified by his surname Oh, is recovering after undergoing surgery at a hospital south of Seoul. After the daring escape, South Korea began broadcasting news of the soldier’s defection on loudspeakers to his former colleagues across the border, South Korean media reported. The broadcasts, reported by the South’s Yonhap News Agency, are part of Seoul’s continuing campaign of psychological warfare against soldiers and others along the border in the North. The South’s military’s loudspeakers started blaring the news soon after Oh defected, Yonhap reported, citing unnamed military officials. The broadcasts described the defection “in great detail,” including how the soldier was chased, shot and rescued. North Korea’s actions during the defector’s escape violated the armistice agreement ending the 1950-53 Korean War because North Korean soldiers fired across and physically crossed the border in pursuit of the soldier, said U.S. Army Col. Chad Carroll, a spokesman for the United Nation’s Command. Nearly 30,000 North Koreans have reportedly fled to the South since the late 1990s. Most of them traveled through China to gain entry to South Korea, but only a few have defected crossing the 2.5-mile-wide demilitarized zone, which is lined with minefields and barbed wire fences.


Three F/A-18E Super Hornets fly in formation over the aircraft carriers USS Ronald Reagan, USS Theodore Roosevelt, USS Nimitz and their strike groups along with ships from the Republic of Korea Navy as they transit the Western Pacific. The groups were conducting operations in international waters as part of a three-carrier strike force exercise.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.





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U.S. re-examines space-based defense By Carmen Gentile


SCALATING TENSIONS BETWEEN THE United States and North Korea have raised concerns of potential nuclear conflict to heights not experienced since the end of the Cold War. That worry is prompting some U.S. military officials and experts to revisit a defense initiative first proposed decades ago when Washington and Moscow were engaged in a nuclear arms race — President Ronald Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), or Star Wars, as it was dubbed. The 21st-century vision of a space-based missile defense system isn’t quite the same as the one conceived in the 1980s, which wasn’t even within the realm of possibility, in terms of technology, when it was proposed. The original SDI included laser weaponry not yet invented and hundreds of ground-based combat centers working in sync with a vast array of satellites — also not feasible at the time — to detect and intercept enemy nuclear warheads. CO N T I N U E D






Sen. Dan Sullivan, R-Alaska, who serves on the Armed Services Committee, is a proponent of creating a more robust missile defense system to address nuclear threats facing the U.S. System (SBIRS), an ongoing effort to create But technological advances, such as a network of satellites in varying orbits space-based sensors for detecting launches, for missile detection, intelligence and have made possible some of Reagan’s battlespace awareness. ambitions for defense. The creation of SBIRS over decades of Sen. Dan Sullivan, R-Alaska, a member planning, and the scheduled addition of of the Senate Armed Services Committee, more satellites will partially achieve some is among those who believe the Pentagon of the ambitions of SDI, according to Air should create an array of satellite-based Force Gen. John Hyten, commander of U.S. sensors — an “unblinking eye” to watch for Strategic Command. incoming missiles that draws inspiration “The fact that I was working on that from the original Star Wars program. concept 30 years ago and we’re still not In May, the senator introduced a there today, tells you bipartisan bill to that we haven’t quite significantly boost figured out how to America’s ability to shoot do that,” Hyten said down rogue missiles “Most every facet during a speech in from North Korea or Iran, of the Reagan May at the Strategic by adding 28 groundDeterrent Coalition based interceptors for administration Symposium. midcourse defense. The concept is possible Hyten, whose Advancing America’s career in nuclear Missile Defense bill also now, but it would deterrence dates to calls for military studies just be really the late 1980s when that would determine he was the chief where up to 100 expensive.” system engineer for additional interceptors — Loren Thompson, the Air Force Space could be based around defense analyst Defense Programs the country. Office, said U.S. “There are parts of SDI missile detection is that have a new relevance likely to move into since the capabilities have space because “you can see the entire improved,” said Bryan Clark, a senior fellow planet from space. You can only see a at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary certain element of the planet from groundAssessments. based radar.” Those include a space-based early While detection is important, warning system on satellites that could space-based interception of a launched detect the heat signature from a launch missile remains the gold standard for any and track the movement of mobile missilecomprehensive system, Clark said. He launching systems, both capabilities that added that this could be realized in the are more feasible with today’s technology, next five to 10 years. though still not quite a reality. Even with the predicted advances, Several satellites in orbit are part of space-based interception won’t prove easy, the U.S. Air Force’s Space-Based Infrared


Amid heightened concerns over the threat posed by North Korea, the Air Force successfully launched a ground-based interceptor rocket from California’s Vandenberg Air Force Base in May. The rocket intercepted and destroyed a target missile in space. he added, and nuclear powers like North Korea and others may already be planning to foil interceptor missiles using relatively low-tech solutions like the deployment of dummies that would make it difficult to determine which projectiles to target. As defense officials and lawmakers grapple with worries about threats from North Korea, there’s also the muchdebated facet of any defense initiative: price. The astronomical cost of SDIs was an

impediment to their creation 30 years ago, and the same proves true today. “Most every facet of the Reagan administration concept is possible now, but it would just be really expensive,” said Loren Thompson, a defense analyst with the Lexington Institute. “On the other hand, one warhead over Los Angeles would cost (the U.S.) hundreds of billions of dollars” — not to mention end countless lives, he added grimly.






Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani, left, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin, center, and Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan hailed their trilateral talks on Nov. 22 in Sochi, Russia, as critical for restoring peace in war-torn Syria. MIKHAIL METZEL/AFP/GETTY IMAGES

POWER PLAYERS Russia’s military role in Syria may end soon

The Associated Press


N A NOVEMBER MEETING with Syrian President Bashar Assad, Russian President Vladimir Putin said recent successes in battling the Islamic State group in Syria have allowed for a shift in focus to a political settlement for the war-torn country. But while Putin also said that his military campaign in Syria is wrapping up, he gave no indication that Russia would scale down its military presence in Syria, further strengthening a decadeslong partnership between the countries.

Here are some key moments in Russia’s military campaign in Syria:


A series of defeats suffered by Assad’s army in 2015 left his government teetering on the brink of collapse, prompting the Kremlin to intervene militarily to protect its longtime ally. Weeks after Moscow signed a deal with the Syrian government on Aug. 26, 2015, to deploy its forces, the Russian military refurbished the Hemeimeem Air Base in Syria’s province of

Latakia to prepare it for hosting dozens of Russian warplanes. The transport, dubbed “the Syrian Express,” saw the delivery of thousands of tons of military equipment and supplies by sea and heavy-lift cargo planes. The following month, on Sept. 30, Moscow declared the launch of its air campaign in Syria, Russia’s first military action outside the former Soviet Union since its 1991 collapse. The Russian military campaign angered Syria’s neighbor Turkey, which has pushed for Assad’s ouster and backed Syrian opposition forces since the



RUSSIA Smoke rises from buildings May 22 after a reported airstrike on a rebel-held area in the southern Syrian city of Daraa.

The three power brokers — Russia, Turkey and Iran — negotiated a deal on socalled “de-escalation zones’’ in Syria, which has reduced hostilities. helped train and direct Syrian government troops, while Russian special forces conducted intelligence and coordinated airstrikes. Russia never reported how many troops it had in Syria, but turnout figures in voting from abroad in the September 2016 parliamentary elections indicated that Russian military personnel in the Arab nation at the time likely exceeded 4,300. As of June, Russia had lost 39 servicemen in Syria so far, according to official data. Russian news reports indicated that a number of contractors for private Russian security companies also have been killed in action, but their deaths have not been officially confirmed.



start of the Syrian Civil War in 2011. On Nov. 24, 2015, a Turkish fighter jet shot down a Russian warplane on the border with Syria. The plane’s pilot was killed by Turkey-backed Syrian opposition fighters as he parachuted from his jet, and a Russian marine was also killed during an operation to rescue the copilot. Turkey said the Russian plane violated its airspace, a claim that Moscow denied. Infuriated by Turkey’s action, which he described as a “stab in the back,” Putin unleashed an array of crippling economic sanctions, including a ban on Turkish produce, a freeze on employing Turkish businesses or citizens in Russia and an end to visa-free travel between the countries. The Russian military also quickly beefed up its air defenses in Syria with long-range S-400 missiles to force Turkey to back off.


In early 2016, Assad’s forces, relying on Russian air support, scored a major symbolic victory by taking the ancient town of Palmyra from the Islamic State group. Russian army engineers cleared the world-famous archaeological site of mines and celebrated the victory with a concert on-site by the

Russian Mariinsky Theatre Orchestra. In December 2016, the Syrian army again lost Palmyra to the Islamic State group, and it took Assad’s forces until March to recapture it. Also in December, the Syrian army recaptured the rebel-held eastern part of Aleppo. The city — Syria’s largest and once its commercial hub — had been carved up into government- and rebel-controlled parts since 2012. The fall of eastern Aleppo demoralized the rebels and deprived them of the largest urban area under their control. Assad’s victory followed ferocious battles, in which thousands died, and left the rebel enclave in ruins. After the fall, Russia deployed hundreds of military police to patrol the city’s eastern section. Under Russian air cover, Assad’s army and Iranian-backed militiamen also pushed into energyrich eastern Syria in November, driving the Islamic State group from its last strongholds, including the town of Boukamal.


While most attention had been on Russian airstrikes, Russia was also actively involved in ground operations. Senior Russian military officers

The Syrian war provided an arena for Russia’s military to test its new weapons in combat, including state-of-the art Kalibr cruise missiles launched by Russian strategic bombers, navy surface warships and submarines. The long-range precision-strike missiles have given a major boost to Russia’s military capability. In another first, Russia’s sole aircraft carrier, the Admiral Kuznetsov, sailed to the Eastern Mediterranean last fall to launch the first carrierborne combat missions in Russia’s navy history, during the months-long battle over Aleppo. Other weapons that made their combat debut in Syria included the Sukhoi Su-34 and Su-35 warplanes and the Mil Mi-28 and Kamov Ka-52 helicopter gunships.


Faced with massive damage from Russia’s economic sanctions, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan moved to mend ties, offering apologies for downing the Russian warplane. Putin responded by lifting many of Russia’s sanctions against the country and strongly backing Erdogan during a failed military coup in Turkey. Since then, the two leaders have held regular meetings and phone conversations to narrow their gap on Syria. Iran has joined Russia and Turkey in trying to negotiate a settlement. Together, Russia, Turkey and Iran have brokered several rounds of Syria peace talks in Kazakhstan’s capital, Astana. The meetings — separate from the United Nations-backed Syria peace talks in Geneva — brought the Syrian government and rebel groups face-to-face. The three powers also have negotiated a deal on so-called “de-escalation zones” in Syria, which have helped reduce hostilities and were welcomed by the U.N.






NEXT-GEN COMBAT TANK Army planning 360-degree situational awareness, hostile-fire-detection tools

By Adam Stone


AUL SCHARRE WAS SERVING as an Army Ranger in Iraq the first time he came face-to-face with an Abrams tank on the field. “All the traffic was parting. I looked up and saw this 70-ton tank bearing down right on me. I was on the same side as them, and even I thought it was pretty terrifying,” he recalled. “This is a serious piece of machinery.” As an analyst with the Center for a New American Security, a Washington, D.C., defense think tank, Scharre said the Abrams’ replacement (expected to debut in 2030)

will be more than just an armored vehicle. America’s next-generation tank will likely be an intelligent nerve center for a new kind of combat. “With the explosive growth in information technology, the Army can have more situational awareness than they’ve ever had before,” he said. The replacement for the Abrams already has the military drafting plans for the state-of-the-art armored vehicle. Their designs look a lot like what Scharre describes: A tank that not only packs an armor-plated punch, but also can CO N T I N U E D




TECHNOLOGY The next-generation combat vehicle is slated to be lighter weight, more mobile and allow for quicker deployment.

“When you start producing information at the sensor level, now you can use the power of the network to engage the enemy in new ways.” — Donald Reago, director of the Army’s Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate

gather and share critical battlefield data without putting soldiers in harm’s way.

SEEING ALL AROUND One of the great sticking points for a tank operator is visibility. “In a combat environment, the threat can come from any direction, and the traditional way to get situational intelligence is to stick your head out of the hatch and look around,” said Donald Reago, director of the Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate in the Army’s Communications-Electronics Research, Development and Engineering Center. Reago’s team wants to close that gap to give tank crews a 360-degree view of the battlefield using an array of networked sensors. These will need to pull in video imagery and other data and depict it in a way that is easily utilized by the crew. Today’s technology doesn’t come close. “Today’s sensors are like looking at the battlefield through a soda straw. It’s an accurate picture, but it’s very constrained,” Reago said. The future tank will offer a ready view of the action on all sides. This calls for hardware in various forms.


The Army wants to outfit the tank with cameras, of course, as well as night-vision and thermal sensors to pick up an enemy’s heat signature when the field is obscured by dust on the ground or clouds overhead. The tank crew will need sophisticated visors that can ingest this information. Troops need to be able to look around and literally see the exterior landscape, almost as if the tank wasn’t there. But they also need a degree of transparency, so that they can still see their comrades in the


close confines of the tank. What Reago most wants, though, is the computer intelligence to stitch together this future flow of data to give tank operators a fast and accurate way to understand what they are seeing. “When the sensors detect an object, I want to know that this is an enemy tank. Not just a military object, and not just anyone’s tank. We have to know that it is the enemy’s tank,” he said. In the future ground combat vehicle, that analysis will happen automatically and pass seamlessly into the operator’s field of view. “We are working on the algorithms to extract that information, to interpret those threats,” Reago said. “We want to embed that processing in the sensor so that the crew does not have to sift through some large volume of imagery to identify threats. That has to be done automatically.” Once processed, that situational intel can be readily shared with other tanks, troops on the ground and leadership at the command post.

Those algorithms will be the primary driver in whether these sensor enhancements are successful. All that data will have to be networked together, a fact that has some analysts waving a yellow flag. “Those networks are vulnerable to hacking. They are vulnerable to electronic attacks of various forms,” said Andrew Hunter, a senior fellow in the International Security Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.


Other questions also remain unanswered. How much information can a tank operator take in and still fight effectively? How might the nature of tank warfare change, if operators can in fact learn to master this great potential flow of situational data? Reago predicts big changes. “When you start producing information at the sensor level, now you can use the power of the network to engage the enemy in new ways,” he said. “A small force can act much larger once it has those resources available.”

NEXT-GEN ARMORED VEHICLE u20 percent lighter than the current model uEquipped with an array of sensors for day and night awareness and a mix of infrared and visible-light cameras uEmploy sophisticated algorithms to analyze battlefield data Source: U.S. Army







CHANGE IN COURSE U.S. shifting military strategies in Syria as fight against ISIS winds down


A Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) fighter patrols the Syrian city of Raqqa on Oct. 28, days after the U.S.-backed SDF took full control of the city from the Islamic State group. The Associated Press


HE U.S. MILITARY IS shifting its stance in Syria, Defense Secretary James Mattis said Dec. 1, as the program to arm the Kurdish opposition comes to a close and is replaced by increased support to local police and security forces. Mattis said the Pentagon is “changing the composition of our forces” in Syria to reflect the collapse of the Islamic State group (ISIS) there and a renewed emphasis on finding a diplomatic path to peace. Speaking to reporters on his plane at the start of a five-day trip to the Middle East in December, Mattis said the shift in U.S. forces will support the diplomatic process.

His comments came on the heels of the announcement the previous week that the U.S. would stop actively providing arms to Syrian Kurds, known as the YPG. Officials have acknowledged that the U.S. will likely begin taking back large military vehicles and heavy weapons from the Kurds, now that major combat operations to retake Raqqa from ISIS are over. It’s not clear, however, whether the move to provide arms has completely stopped already, or is in the process of ending. As part of the changing U.S. military role, an artillery unit of about 400 Marines is leaving Syria and taking their howitzers with them. Their exodus still leaves more than 1,000

U.S. troops in the country. Although the Pentagon will only publicly acknowledge about 500 U.S. forces in Syria, there were at least 1,700 there throughout much of the year as the battle for Raqqa raged on. “The YPG is armed and as the coalition stops operations, then obviously you don’t need that. You need security forces; you need police forces,” said Mattis. “That’s local forces. That’s people who make certain that ISIS doesn’t come back.” The U.S. program to arm the Kurds has been a sharply divisive issue with Turkey, which views them as terrorists because of their affiliation with outlawed Kurdish rebels who have waged a three-decade insurgency in Turkey. U.S. commanders have consistently

U.S. officials have been careful in their description of what exactly is happening, leaving open the possibility that some weapons, such as smaller arms, will remain with the Kurdish fighters in case ISIS tries to make a comeback.






Syrian Kurds demonstrate Oct. 23 in Qamishli, Syria, against Iraqi forces operating in Kirkuk and call upon the international community to defend Kurdish regions in Iraq. argued that the battle-hardened Kurds were the most effective fighting force available. In a phone call in November with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, President Donald Trump said he’d “given clear instructions” that the Kurds will receive no more weapons, according to Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu. The White House confirmed the move in a vague statement about the phone call that said Trump had informed the Turk of “pending adjustments to the military support provided to our partners on the ground in Syria.” U.S. officials have been careful in their description of what exactly is happening, leaving open the possibility that some

weapons, such as smaller arms, will remain with the Kurdish fighters in case ISIS tries to make a comeback. Meanwhile, a senior Syrian Kurdish official said Washington would undermine the campaign against Islamic State militants and Americans would lose their place in the region’s fight against terrorism if they “turn their back” on their only ally in Syria — the Kurds. The comments by Ilham Ahmed, a member of the political arm of the U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), were in response to the White House statement. Ahmed said nothing in the U.S. statements specifically indicate the arms supply would stop, but she added that the “vague” phrasing appears aimed at appeasing

Turkey. The country sees the Syrian Kurdish fighters as an extension of its own insurgent group it labels “terrorists.” Such vague statements can be a doubleedged sword, Ahmed said in a series of text messages to The Associated Press from northern Syria on Nov. 28. The U.S. said it will maintain its “presence to fight Daesh and to reinforce stability in liberated areas.” This means, Ahmed said, the administration is “starting a new phase focused on stability and administration.” Daesh is the Arabic name for ISIS. “We can’t judge what the Americans are thinking,” Ahmed said. “But one thing is obviously clear, and that is if the Americans turn their back on their only partners (in

Syria), it means they will withdraw from the fight against Daesh in the Middle East.” “If they really decide to stop the support, this means they are giving a chance for Daesh to reappear and spread,” she added. U.S.-led coalition airstrikes are credited with fueling advances against ISIS by Iraqi and Syrian ground forces. Since the coalition’s campaign of airstrikes against ISIS was launched in August 2014, ISIS-held territory has been reduced to pockets of desert along the Iraq-Syria border. The Kurdish-led SDF is now believed to be in control of about 25 percent of Syria and they fear that a U.S. withdrawal may pit them against Syrian government troops and their allies, in the absence of a political agreement.









Court hands transgender troops a win by blocking president’s proposal to ban them from serving By Tom Vanden Brook EGINNING JAN. 1, THE Pentagon will accept transgender recruits, complying with a federal court order that overrules President Donald Trump’s pledge to ban them from the military. The White House and Pentagon confirmed Dec. 11 that the military will put in place policies that permit the services to accept new recruits. Those plans, formulated under President Barack Obama’s administration, were scheduled to take effect July 1, 2018. White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said the Pentagon would comply with federal court orders to accept new transgender troops. “As of right now, they’re simply complying with a court order and preparing to implement a previous policy to remain in compliance,” Sanders said. “The Department of Justice is currently reviewing the legal options to ensure that the president’s directive can be implemented.” The Defense Department delayed the implementation of the Obama-era plan, and Trump tweeted in late July that he wanted to ban transgender troops from serving. Those actions triggered court challenges by advocates for transgender troops, and courts have generally sided with them. U.S. District Judge Colleen KollarKotelly in Washington, D.C., found several factors that favored the plaintiffs, notably the unusual way Trump announced it and “the fact that the reasons given for them do not appear to be supported by any


facts, and the recent rejection of those reasons by the military itself.” In August, Trump ordered the Pentagon to reverse the Obama administration’s policy accepting new transgender troops, as well as those already in uniform. The order stated that the Pentagon had failed to prove that terminating the previous ban on transgender troops “would

“We are grateful that a federal judge has blocked this administration from discharging any qualified individuals because of their gender identity while these cases continue to make their way through the courts.” — Sarah Warbelow, Human Rights Campaign

hinder military effectiveness, lethality, disrupt unit cohesion or tax military resources.” In September, Defense Secretary James Mattis announced that the Pentagon would establish a new policy on transgender troops by Feb. 21, 2018. An expert panel and high-ranking Pentagon officials are crafting recommendations for Mattis

based on “appropriate evidence and information.” Until that deadline, Mattis issued interim guidance that included a ban on accepting new transgender enlisted recruits and officers. That ban now has been lifted, and the new policy is effective Jan 1. The services had been developing their policy for accepting new transgender troops for several months under the Obama administration. During Obama’s presidency, the Pentagon commissioned a study by the nonpartisan RAND Corp. to examine issues regarding transgender service in the military. RAND estimated that there are a few to several thousand transgender troops on the active-duty force of about 1.3 million. Treatment costs and effects on military readiness were deemed negligible. The annual price tag for the troops’ treatment, including counseling, hormone treatment and surgery, was estimated at between $2.4 million and $8.4 million, according to RAND. Advocates for transgender troops applauded the court’s move. “The immediate harm to our national defense and to the thousands of transgender people serving and wishing to serve their country must be stopped — and we are grateful that a federal judge has blocked this administration from discharging any qualified individuals because of their gender identity while these cases continue to make their way through the courts,” Sarah Warbelow, the Human Rights Campaign’s legal director, said in a statement.

PROPOSED BAN President Trump sent this series of tweets in July 2017, dictating new policies for the armed forces.

Donald J. Trump “After consultation with my Generals and military experts, please be advised that the United States Government will not accept or allow...” 7:55 A.M. - Jul 26, 2017

Donald J. Trump “...Transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military. Our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming...” 8:04 A.M. - Jul 26, 2017

Donald J. Trump “...victory and cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail. Thank you” 8:08 A.M. - Jul 26, 2017

Sara Sorcher contributed to this story. GETTY IMAGES







Recruits drop extra pounds to wear the uniform By Gina Harkins


HEN JACOB BEASLEY REACHED out to the Marine recruiter who visited his high school, the football player got some tough news: He needed to drop more than 100 pounds before he could enlist.

“I sat myself down and thought about how I was going to achieve what I wanted,” said Beasley, now a 20-year-old corporal with 9th Marine Corps District outside Chicago. At 5 feet 11 inches and 295 pounds, Beasley took a hard look at his diet, CO N T I N U E D






Army Spc. Stanley Jean, with 101st Combat Aviation Brigade, and Pvt. Antonio Fonville, with 4th Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division, serve breakfast at Fort Campbell, Ky.

swapping fast food and soda for veggies, chicken, rice and lots of water. He worked a couple miles from his home in Gilmer, Texas, and decided he’d start running to and from work every day. “For the first month, I definitely wanted to quit a couple times,” he said. A few states away, Justin Lahman was on a similar journey. He’d returned to his hometown of Lake Havasu City, Ariz., after getting injured playing college football. He dropped by his local Army recruiting office one day to see what it would take to become a soldier. “I understood their skepticism,” said Lahman, now a private with the Army’s 759th Military Police Battalion at Fort Carson, Colo. “They get people who need to lose 30 pounds and come back. Well, I had to lose (almost) 150 pounds before I could come back.”

Army Center for Initial Among potential Military Training. recruits, Beasley and “Soda was my “Something that is Lahman were not a potential existential anomalies. According to enemy. The first threat to our nation is the the Centers for Disease and hardest win ability to man the United Control and Prevention States military,” Frost (CDC), 71 percent of I had was cutting said. “In a generation people ages 17 to 24 in off soda.” down the road, that is a the U.S. would be unable big concern.” to join the military — Justin Lahman, Lahman always if they applied. Most Army private wanted to serve in law often it’s because they enforcement, so when can’t meet the Defense he returned home after Department’s physical college, his dad encouraged him to go on a tests, which can include timed runs, situps, ride-along with a local police officer. pullups or weightlifting challenges, or “The officer was brutally honest with me because they don’t have the education — I was in no physical condition to apply to required or have abused drugs. That’s a police department and (at 340 pounds) a national security issue, said Maj. Gen. probably would not meet the standards,” Malcolm Frost, commanding general of the

said Lahman, who stands at just over 6 feet. Hearing that “wasn’t fun.” He managed to shed 25 pounds on his own, but knew he’d need help to meet his goal weight of 210. Lahman enlisted the help of Tom Jeffree, a former high school teacher who co-owns a personal training studio called The Body Shop Gilbert, in developing a diet that replaced fast food and sugary drinks with healthy proteins and sparkling water. “Soda was my enemy,” Lahman said. “The first and hardest win I had was cutting off soda.” Lahman always enjoyed weightlifting but hated running, an activity he challenged himself to master. When he could barely make it a quarter mile on his first run, Lahman said he didn’t beat himself up. “My goal was to make that my new passion,” he














said. “I became obsessed with it.” After running his first full mile at 335 pounds, Lahman vowed to run a marathon six months later. He found the website for a local race, printed out the marathon logo and taped it to his bathroom mirror. “This is what I will do, and I will be the best at it,” he told himself. He continued lifting weights, running and dieting, and within 10 months had met his goal weight. He also ran that marathon before heading to Army basic training. Beasley lost most of his excess weight quickly, too. When he reached 190 pounds, he called his recruiter back and signed up for a physical training event for prospective Marines. But he

quickly realized he still had some work to do. “I had never done pullups pretty much ever in my life,” he said. “I think I only got two that day, and I was last in all the runs.” Beasley doubled down on his high-school football practices and, with the help of his coaches, tried new workouts. He lost another 30 pounds, reaching 160 before heading to boot camp in late 2015. Now at 180 pounds, Beasley trains with his unit and can crank out 18 pullups on any given day. Both service members take pride in what they accomplished to join the military. They say they didn’t realize it at the time, but they were building up the traits needed to be

a good soldier or Marine. “The things instilled in me in the Army are discipline, respect and loyalty,” Lahman said. “I had those things before I came here, and it gave me a reason to have immense pride.” And with about one in five children and adolescents facing obesity, according to the CDC, Beasley and Lahman encourage those who want to change their lifestyle to invest the time and effort it takes to meet their goals. “It just takes a lot of hard work,” Beasley said. “You might have those family members or recruiters trying to motivate you, but in the end, it’s all you — all you have is your own drive.”

The military’s largest branch is also the service with the widest waistlines — and Army leaders want to fix that with a new Holistic Health and Fitness program. When 17 percent of soldiers were classified as obese in 2015, Army officials wanted to change their service’s approach to wellness. The program, which focuses on the mind and the body, is still awaiting approval, but new fitness exams already are being tested, and healthier food options are rolling out at dining facilities. “We’ve learned a lot in the last 20 or 30 years about holistic fitness,” said Maj. Gen. Malcolm Frost, commanding general of the Army Center for Initial Military Training (CIMT). “We’re trying to create soldier athletes that can perform at a higher level and … dominate on the battlefield.” That starts with properly preparing soldiers for what’s ahead. In January, recruiters began administering the Occupational Physical Assessment Test. New recruits must successfully execute the standing long jump, seated power throw, strength deadlift and interval aerobic run. “You take an entrance exam before you go to college,” said Michael McGurk, director for research and analysis with the CIMT. “This is a test before you can start the Army.” Once in, soldiers need to be fit to deploy. The proposed Army Combat Readiness Test, a six-event assessment, measures that “deployability” and could eventually replace the fitness test soldiers have taken since the 1980s. Soldiers in Missouri, Virginia and Washington have tried the new six-event test, which includes dragging a 90-pound sled, pullup-like movements called leg tucks, a deadlift, a standing power throw, T-pushups and a 2-mile run. It’s designed to be difficult but not impossible, McGurk said. Also in the works are overhauled training facilities equipped to improve soldier fitness. The Army would start with its three largest installations — Fort Bragg, N.C.; Fort Hood, Texas; and Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Wash. — at a cost of $3 million each, Frost said. The Army spends much more than that treating soldiers’ injuries, McGurk said. If done right, this program would reduce injuries, he added. Soldiers are also seeing color-coded food choices in dining facilities: green for healthy, red for unhealthy and yellow for those in between. Servicemen and women may never completely give up junk food, McGurk said, but color coding makes it easier to create balanced meals. Holistic Health and Fitness would also help soldiers better manage the stress that comes along with military life. The Army spends a lot of money on gear, Frost said, and it needs to do the same for its people. “That’s kind of a fundamental disconnect in that we invest so much in our equipment, but we have not invested correspondingly, I think, in the individual soldier, which is the primary weapon system of the United States Army.” — Gina Harkins






Strategies for military personnel entering civilian workforce

By Adam Stone


ORMER AIR DEFENSE ARTILLERY officer Jeff Zanelotti knew his Army skills would not be a perfect fit when he applied for a print operations manager position with Broadridge Financial Solutions, a financial services technology company. “Coming out of the military, one of my biggest concerns was that anything I did would be an area where I had zero experience,” said Zanelotti, who retired in 2016 as a lieutenant colonel after a 20-year military career. “Whatever I did, I would be starting on the ground floor as a man in his early 40s.” His experience is common. People leaving the military are proven leaders. They

can organize and execute. They manage troops and supplies. At the same time, they may lack the specific skills needed on the civilian side. Not every hiring manager can look at an artillery officer and see a print operations manager. Those transitioning need to be thoughtful and strategic as they seek to swap the uniform for civvies.


Unemployment numbers among transitioning military personnel paint a picture of a population that sometimes struggles to find its place in the workforce. In 2011, in the depths of the recession, the unemployment rate for veterans who served on active duty at any time since September 2001 was 12.1 percent, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

“These companies have realized that when you hire a veteran, you not only get an individual of tremendous character, but you get someone who understands teamwork, who knows that the individual is subordinate to the good of the mission.” — Ross Brown, head of military and veterans affairs, JPMorgan Chase & Co.

Things have somewhat improved: Last year, the number dropped to 5.1 percent. But employers still see veterans struggle to find their place among the ranks of civilian workers. “They use military terminology that is not easily translated into civilian terminol-

ogy, so the person doing the hiring doesn’t get a real appreciation for what they have done. All those acronyms, the military verbiage and terminology — it can present a challenge,” said Ross Brown, head of CO N T I N U E D





THE TROOPS JPMorgan Chase & Co.’s military and veterans recruiting team members Patrick Groome and Brian Interdonato at a career event in Phoenix.

“After a while, I got wise and started reaching out to other veterans and mentors I had known, people who had been through this (job search) process.”

Jeff Zanelotti

— Jeff Zanelotti, senior operations manager at Broadridge Financial Solutions


military and veterans affairs at JPMorgan Chase & Co. In addition to hiring former military personnel, Brown also directs a JPMorgan Chase project known as the Veteran Jobs Mission ( Founded in 2011, the initiative initially brought together nearly a dozen employers dedicated to hiring 100,000 former military personnel by 2020. Since then, more than 230 private-sector companies have signed on and collectively hired more than

400,000 veterans and retirees, according to the coalition. “These companies have realized that when you hire a veteran, you not only get an individual of tremendous character, but you get someone who understands teamwork, who knows that the individual is subordinate to the good of the mission,” Brown said. “Veterans are used to working in teams; they are focused on accomplishing the mission.” AT&T is also thinking along those lines.

In 2013, the company committed to hiring 10,000 vets. It has since hired 14,000 and plans to hire 10,000 more by 2020. “It comes down to versatility,” said John Palmer, a senior vice president in human resources at AT&T. “Few veterans have ever served in just one capacity: They are asked to do multiple things; they train to do multiple things. That means we can hire veterans across all parts of our business. They are technical; they are great at sales and great at operations, and that is because

of the broad of breadth of experience they have gotten in the military.” Even with employers like these eager to seal the deal, personnel still may stumble while making the transition.


When Zanelotti began his job search, he took the conventional approach, peppering job boards with resumes in response to ads that sounded promising. But he had no real “in” — no connection to any of the companies or to the prospective hiring managers. “At that point, you are literally just another piece of paper in a pile. They don’t know you from anyone,” he said. A 1996 graduate of the U.S. Military Academy, he had never had to look for a job throughout his adult life, and it took some trial and error. Eventually, he gave up on the job boards and opted for a more personal approach. “After a while, I got wise and started reaching out to other veterans and mentors I had known, people who had been through this process. Once I started reaching out to people, I was able to streamline the process, to start applying to companies that looked like they were right for me,” he said. It was those former military comrades who helped him single out Broadridge Financial Solutions as the kind of place he’d want to work. Finding the right company was a priority for former Army Sgt. Vincent Wright. He left the service in 2015 and signed on as a business operations manager with JPMorgan Chase & Co., where he makes sure 15,000 bank machines are always up and running. “The first thing I was looking for was a company that understood both the challenges and the skill sets I bring to the table as a veteran,” he said. “I might not know anything about debits and credits per se, but Chase totally understood that. They were willing to teach me that while leveraging the things I am really good at, things like managing operations.” Once a veteran finds the right company, he or she still needs to tell the story, to share the events and anecdotes that make a resume come to life. “You need to be able to talk about specific leadership situations, the places where you have coordinated multiple projects or multiple teams,” Palmer said. “You need to articulate examples of how you have accomplished the goal and completed the mission. Those everyday activities for military personnel may be quite uncommon in the business world, and so you really need to spell those out.” This idea of telling stories resonates with many hiring managers. The military resume can be alternately bland or obscure, and CO N T I N U E D






CIVILIAN RANKS Advice for veterans looking to land their dream job In early 2017, retired Army Lt. Col. Frank Stanley stepped into a newly created role as head of veteran recruiting for commercial real estate brokerage Cushman & Wakefield. He’s watched veterans nail the job search and then make missteps. Here’s how he advises military job hunters looking to join the civilian ranks: What should be a veteran’s first step in the job search? Get clarity. Some of the things I ask veterans are: What would motivate you to wake up in the morning and go to work? Do you want to manage a portfolio of properties? Does it excite you to manage personnel? I don’t want to just give you a job, I want to give you a career — something that will keep you motivated and excited. How can veterans convey the depth of their experience? Tell stories. Many veterans have dealt with real-life situations and made life-and-death decisions at a moment’s notice. You need to explain that. The resume might say you had a platoon of 30 people. But what does that do for a civilian employer? It means you managed a budget, people and logistics. So you come prepared to tell those stories. ANDREW BURTON/GETTY IMAGES

Sgt. 1st Class Sam Kaestner, of the U.S. Army Band, works with a Toyota recruiter at a Hiring our Heroes job fair in 2014 in New York City. Some military veterans need help translating their skill set into terms civilian hiring managers can easily understand. those who make hiring decisions said it helps them when veterans and retirees can lay out in practical terms what exactly they did while in uniform. “I like vignettes,” said Steven Davis, global head of talent acquisition at Broadridge Financial Solutions. “A story helps me as a hiring manager to visualize what you were doing. I can see you in the moment, in action, and that helps me to understand what you did.” It helps, too, if the veteran can then connect that story back to its private-sector

equivalent: Show how managing a military supply chain aligns with similar duties on the civilian side. “While specific skills or tasks don’t necessarily translate, there are a lot of things that are very relevant to the corporate world, and vets need to draw those parallels,” Davis said. Former Army Capt. Lucas Hanson didn’t feel ready to tell that story when he first left the armed forces. He took a job but decided he wasn’t really sure what his post military career should look like. He decided to go for an MBA, using the Post-9/11 GI

Bill. Two years later, feeling more focused, he landed his present position as a planning and strategic operations manager with Cisco Systems Inc. It’s a career route he recommends for those who are still feeling their way. “If you don’t know what you want to do, take the time to go back to school and figure it out,” he said. “For the past six or eight years, I had been focused on other people, and this was two years when I could just focus on growing myself. That’s a big opportunity that the military gives you.”

What’s the biggest job-search mistake veterans make? Too often, a veteran takes the first job that is offered. They are looking for security; they want that paycheck, but in reality they also need to look at the environment of the company. They need to look at the opportunities for upward mobility. If they take the first job offered to them, they may be wasting their talents and capabilities. — Adam Stone






vetted carefully. “We’re creating a network with businesses that have made hiring spouses a commitment,” Mentzer said.

NOW HIRING SPOUSES Government program opens doors

Upward career trajectory can be challenging for anyone, but when your spouse is active-duty military, the climb can be fraught with anxiety and stress, especially when factoring in relocation, which can happen every two to three years. The Department of Defense (DOD) has been slow in recognizing the need to assist spouses (and by extension, the families) in finding employment opportunities. Between the military’s active-duty and Reserve components, spouses currently number 1 million — 100,000 new spouses enter the military community every year. While the DOD provided sporadic assistance to career-minded military spouses in the past, it wasn’t until 2011 that it launched an official program, the Military Spouse Employment Program (MSEP), to address the employment barriers some spouses face because of their mobile lifestyle. “Although this isn’t a new issue for military spouses, it’s a relatively new program for us,” said Eddy Mentzer, MSEP’s program director who knows the struggles firsthand. Mentzer is a military spouse, one of the 8 percent of men who can say that. His wife is an Army colonel, and although he has been able to maintain a rewarding career, it wasn’t always easy.

family as they separate from the “Every time we moved, I had to take a service,” he added. break in employment to find the next opportunity,” he said. “While I’ve been How MSEP works lucky, it presents a challenge.” MSEP is built around four main pillars Consider this: Among the 9,813 — career exploration; training, licensing military spouses who have been seeking and education; career readiness; and employment within the last month, 23 career connections. These services percent are unemployed, according to provide spouses with resume-writing a DOD survey. An even bigger issue, help, job-search strategies, mock job is underemployment, Mentzer said, interviews and networking meaning that spouses are opportunities at various in jobs that don’t maximize MSEP’s job portal stages of life. their skills or provide as hosts more than The program is part of much employment as they 130 Fortune 500 the DOD’s Spouse Educadesire. military-friendly tion and Career OpportuniFrom the military’s partner employers ties (SECO) initiative, which perspective, there are who have pledged provides access to career numerous reasons it is to recruit, hire, coaches and counselors wise to assist spouses promote and retain who help spouses create with career development. military spouses. action plans and set goals. The most important being If a spouse needs addithe readiness and haptional education or training, piness of troops. “Family the My Career Advancement Account readiness leads to mission readiness,” provides up to $4,000, or $2,000 a year said Mentzer. “We want our families for up to two years, to cover expenses, to be ready and happy, which impacts which can be especially beneficial for whether the service member stays in or entrepreneurial military spouses. leaves the military.” Also, there’s the career connection They’re also helping prepare these piece. Through the portal (myseco. spouses for post military life. “If we can, spouses give spouses the skill sets and education can search for available jobs with more and help them invest in employment than 360 employers, all of whom are now, it will make it easier for the military

Partner commitment Booz Allen Hamilton is one of those companies. “There’s a resilience among spouses that’s unique,” said Andrea Inserra, a senior vice president who chairs the firm’s veteran agenda. Booz Allen Hamilton not only looks to employ spouses, it also provides a free 12-week internship for spouses who have been out of the workforce. The internship allows them to test-drive their skills, even retool and advance them, and see whether they’re a fit for the company. Jobs through these partnerships run the gamut from part time, including seasonal opportunities, to full-time employment. Since its inception, more than 110,000 military spouses found employment through MSEP partners, according to Mentzer. He added that those numbers are undoubtedly underreported because tracking spouses isn’t always easy. Ironically, these programs are being underutilized by military spouses. “The majority don’t know these resources are available, and we hope to change that,” Mentzer said. He encourages military spouses to call the career counseling center, which can be accessed through Military One Source’s site ( Some of the company partners: uAT&T uAmazon uBank of America uBooz Allen Hamilton uCitibank uCVS Pharmacy uDell uGeico uGeneral Dynamics uHyatt uLowe’s uMicrosoft uStarbucks uThe Home Depot uUSAA uVerizon — Karen Asp







YOU’RE HIRED Looking for a job? If you’re leaving the military, companies are looking for your talents. Numerous businesses have military-friendly hiring policies. Three of the 10 that made’s rankings shared insight into their targeted recruiting programs for retiring military personnel.

22,600 employees worldwide

155,000 employees in 70 countries

15,000 employees worldwide

During its 103-year history, Booz Allen Hamilton has had its hand in military affairs, namely because the Department of Defense was among its first clients. “It’s a part of our heritage, and because of the clients we serve, it’s a natural assimilation for those who have already served to continue to serve,” said Andrea Inserra, a senior vice president who chairs the firm’s veterans agenda. This global company (based in McLean, Va.) of nearly 23,000 employees — 30 percent of whom are veterans — offers consulting, digital solutions, cyber solutions, analytics and engineering services to most of its clients, including defense agencies. Key areas for jobs focus on technology, security and data analytics. “The purpose of our company is empowering people to change the world,” Inserra said. Booz Allen Hamilton is deliberate and forward in recruiting military, especially at local base installations where transitions can be accomplished seamlessly. They reach out to people through recruiting fairs and the DOD’s Military Spouse Employment Program, and they also encourage job seekers to apply online.

Although DXC Technology is somewhat of a newcomer on the world stage — the company was established in April after the Virginia-based technology firm CSC merged with Hewlett Packard Enterprise’s services business — it’s made military outreach, recruiting and retention a priority. “We value the military community for its loyalty, diversity and strong work ethic,” said Marilyn Crouther, senior vice president and general manager for DXC U.S. Public Sector. She added that the two companies were already certified military-friendly employers for veterans and spouses before they joined forces. “These individuals bring a wealth of relevant skills and experience, along with critical security clearances that help meet our clients’ digital transformation needs.” Currently, 9 percent of DXC’s employees in the U. S. serving government and commercial clients have a military background, and in the U.S. public sector business, 19 percent of employees serving government clients have a military background. Careers opportunities are available worldwide, as DXC has a client base of almost 6,000 in more than 70 countries.

SAIC, a federal government contractor that provides leading integration services, is well-suited to help retiring military continue to serve. Ninety-five percent of SAIC’s projects include work for the federal government, meaning that employees are almost guaranteed to work on a military or federal contract. To attract these individuals, SAIC (headquartered in McLean, Va.) has a page on its website dedicated to transitioning military. Veterans make up 25 percent of SAIC’s workforce of roughly 15,000 employees. One tip? “The more you can tell us about your qualifications, no matter how much space on the application it takes, the better,” said Mark D’Ermes, SAIC’s vice president for talent acquisition. But that’s not the only way to get the company’s attention. SAIC, which interacts regularly with military bases, also has recruiters who attend job fairs and transition assistance programs. In addition, the company posts jobs on its website and has a strong LinkedIn presence, where it features job postings. — Karen Asp







Families shop at a customer appreciation case lot sale in 2016 at the Fort Lee, Va., commissary. The sales, which offer discounts up to 50 percent off, take place each spring and fall..



On-base stores respond to private-sector competition By Dan Friedell


T TURNS OUT, IT’S not that easy to entice active-duty military members to spend their dollars on base. With competition coming from both online and brick-andmortar stores, the current generation often chooses to spend their money outside the gates. It matters, however, where those in the military shop because profits from the stores, namely base exchanges, support many quality-of-life, or morale, recreation

and welfare, (MWR) programs on base. It is also important because both commissaries and exchanges, including the Army and Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES), the Navy Exchanges (NEX) and Marine Corps Exchanges (MCX), are now charged by Congress to operate more like for-profit businesses, which means they need as many eligible customers as possible to spend money inside the gates. In addition to uniforms, exchanges sell civilian clothing, home goods, food, laundry detergent, alcohol and other items.

Commissaries, which just celebrated their 150th birthday, are akin to traditional grocery stores, selling cornflakes, peanut butter, ice cream, fresh meat and produce. They previously sold products at cost, with a 5 percent surcharge to cover operating expenses. Now, Congress has limited its subsidies and asked commissaries to be managed more like mainstream stores. There are a host of advantages to spending money on a military base. For example, many purchases are tax-free and the items are typically less expensive.

(A recent audit by the Defense Commissary Agency, known as DeCA, found that prices for brand-name products, fresh meat and produce were on average roughly 20 percent lower than the same items at commercial grocery stores.) If that’s not enough, there are also intangibles: Shopping on-base is convenient for those living or working there, and the exchanges and commissaries provide a chance for soldiers and sailors to socialize. Plus, spending CO N T I N U E D





THE TROOPS money “at home” helps support military infrastructure and MWR programs that troops enjoy, from reduced price tickets for entertainment venues and bowling alleys to on-site daycare and restaurants. For the most part, current and former military members interviewed said they will always shop on base when it is just as easy as shopping off base. For example, retired Navy Capt. Kathleen Morrison was shopping in mid-October at the Navy Exchange at Naval Support Activity Bethesda, Md. (NSAB), home of Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. Morrison lives in Annapolis, about 40 miles away, but she was on base for an appointment, and with a two-hour break, she stopped at the exchange to buy Halloween candy and other household essentials. “This is part of the military life,” said Morrison, who retired 17 years ago after 30 years of service. “The money we spend goes back to the military family and that is important to me. It makes sense to stop by if we’re here.” Exchange shopping is part of military culture from the very beginning, as two sailors from different ends of the Naval command structure explained. Even though they are part of two different generations of sailors, both NSAB’s commanding officer Capt. Marvin Jones, who went through basic training 30 years ago, and Seaman E3 Henry McNamara, who joined the military three years ago, have fond memories of shopping at the exchange at Naval Station Great Lakes in Chicago during basic training. Jones remembers that buying a stereo system was at the top of his shopping list as soon as he had enough money. He said his first impression of the exchange was eye-opening, thinking: “Wow, this exists just for us?” McNamara, 22, said his first visit to the exchange was a social place where he could try out the newest video games during Xbox and PS4 demos. “It’s a cool place. It’s like a big department store, but a nicer department store.” He said he saved about $80 on a GoPro camera last year using the exchange’s price-match policy. But even with those advantages, it is increasingly difficult to keep military dollars on base, and it is a point of concern for those in charge of on-base shopping. DeCA public affairs officer Rick Brink said this is made even more difficult by the recent trend of military personnel choosing not to live in base housing. Eighty percent of military members who live within 5 miles of a base shop at a commissary. But as they get farther away, the likelihood of on-base shopping decreases. And in the last few years, almost 200,000 military families moved farther than 10 miles away from a military commissary, Brink noted. In larger cities, it’s often more convenient for enlisted personnel to shop at Safeway, Target and Best Buy. But even in remote

Navy Exchange Student Store in Great Lakes, Ill.

PRICE-MATCHING PERKS CAN ADD UP The Army and Air Force Exchange Service and Navy Exchange will match a local competitor’s everyday price, or advertised sales price in a current ad, if the difference is $10 or less. Marine Corps Exchanges will match a difference of $25 or less on the spot.

uAll three exchange systems match online site prices from Target, Amazon, Walmart, Best Buy, Sears, ToysRUs and BabiesRUs.

Fort Belvoir, Va., commissary’s grand opening in March

uItem to be matched must be identical and in stock at both the on-base store and the competitor’s store or website. uPrices will not be matched if they include a mail-in rebate as part of the discounted price. uIf a competitor advertises an item already purchased at an exchange for less within 14 days, and all of the other requirements are met, the exchanges will match the price. Source: Military exchanges


“The money we spend (on base) goes back to the military family and that is important to me. It makes sense to stop by if we’re here.” — Kathleen Morrison, retired Navy captain

areas like Fort Irwin, an hour’s drive northeast of Barstow, Calif., there’s an allure to getting time off base, and soldiers are happy to spend some of their money when they’re outside the gates. While the exchanges find it easier to compete, it is different for the commissaries. Chris Burns, DeCA’s executive director of business transformation, noted it was easier to keep military dollars at home in the early 2000s. “Fifteen years ago, about 70 percent of the members lived on base.

Now, that’s flip-flopped,” he said. “One of our challenges is to be competitive, and how we distinguish ourselves is critical.” While prices are generally good at commissaries, popular brand-name items can sometimes be more expensive on base. While the exchanges offer a price-match policy, commissaries sometimes have trouble competing with commercial grocery stores. Burns explained that the grocery industry often brings shoppers into their stores with “loss leaders” — items like

milk or eggs sold lower than the actual cost the retailer paid for the item. Although it is trying to implement “variable pricing,” DeCA is not always able to price items as low as a grocery store. Russ said DeCA is looking at making order-ahead shopping more accessible to military members who live off base. That efficient service, now available at only three installations, means military members could make their orders online and pick up their groceries curbside on base. The best news, however, for former military members who would still like to shop at exchanges came on Veterans Day. Beginning Nov. 11, honorably discharged vets were allowed to shop online at AAFES. There are about 13 million potential shoppers who meet that criteria, and that could mean close to $1 billion in annual sales, according to a 2014 proposal from the AAFES Board.








Medal of Honor recipient saved 10 soldiers


UNTOLD VALOR Vietnam medic receives Medal of Honor for secretive ‘Operation Tailwind’ mission

By Gregory Korte and Tom Vanden Brook


RESIDENT DONALD TRUMP PRESENTED the Medal of Honor on Oct. 23 to an Army medic who treated more than 60 wounded soldiers behind enemy lines during the Vietnam War. Capt. Gary Michael Rose spent four days in the jungles of Laos tending to the injured, even after he was wounded by shrapnel that pierced his foot. It was a sensitive mission, code-named

“Operation Tailwind,” shrouded in secrecy until 1998, when a nowdiscredited CNN report accused Rose’s unit of wrongdoing. Since then, a Pentagon investigation exonerated them, and the Medal of Honor provides further vindication of Rose’s valor in the 1970 mission. “For many years, the story of Mike’s heroism had gone untold,” Trump said. “But today, we gather to tell the world of his valor and proudly present him with our nation’s highest military honor.”

The medal, Trump said, “will enshrine him into the history of our nation.” Now 69 and retired in Alabama, Rose said he considers the honor “a collective medal.” “I want to accept this in honor of all the men and women who fought in that era,” he said. He said the service of that generation continues to this day: “All of the Vietnam veterans I know of continue to serve this country in all kinds of capacities.”

Capt. Gary Michael Rose was the second Medal of Honor recipient this year. On July 31, President Donald Trump awarded former Army medic James McCloughan, 71, of South Haven, Mich., the Medal of Honor for bravery displayed on a battlefield in Vietnam 48 years ago when he repeatedly risked his own life to save others. “We honor you, we salute you, and with God as your witness, we thank you for all that you have done for us,” Trump said. As a medic at the Battle of Nui Yon Hill in May 1969, McCloughan is credited with saving 10 members of his platoon, rushing back again and again onto the battlefield to rescue other soldiers despite his own injuries from a battle that lasted two days. Five of those he saved attended the ceremony. McCloughan was drafted into the Army at the age of 22 and was a private first class when the events occurred. He later returned to Michigan to become a teacher and coach. At the ceremony, he looked emotional after Trump clasped the award around his neck, saying, “Thank you,” to the president. “It was as if the strength and the pride of our whole nation were beating inside Jim’s heart,” Trump said as he described McCloughan’s repeated attempts to rescue the wounded. “He just kept on going.” — Todd Spangler





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