Showing posts with label Slobenia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Slobenia. Show all posts

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Vickers Tanks arrive in Slobenia!

Painted a company of 9 Vickers export tanks last week (T26a) - destined for the Slobenian front. The twin-MG turret platoon is shown below:

I'm not that impressed with the finish - the moral of the tale being, don't paint a company of Sci Fi mech armour then get carried away when you are tired and a bit slap happy with the brush.

Mind you, they are 15mm SDD models and a bit light on detail/crisp lines so can't beat myself up too much.

They're fine for the table just now, but I think I'll need to revisit them with a Polish style camo.


Sunday, 25 April 2010

mekanizksy cobbly hygineczy

The Slobenian Ministry of Interior Works and City Cleansing proudly displays it's new fleet of mekanizksy cobbly hygineczy vehicles.

Prince, Viceroy, Minister of Interior Works and City Cleansing, Mikhail Slobardjy claims that City Cleansing Department personnel can now be deployed swiftly to any part of Slobnik to deal with public health issues. Citizens can be proud that their taxes are going towards keeping the city's streets and drains clean.

To maintain the efficiency of the mekanizksy cobbly hygineczy fleet, the vehicles will receive an annual 'overhaul' during the two week summer period of potato picking and army manouvres.

Slob Nadarnisch

Monday, 29 March 2010

East of Prague....

Brorogrovia and Slobenia lie in the shadow of Translyvania, somewhere East of Prague. The year is somewhere around 1935-38. It is within this arena that the arms dealers of the world have turned their attention as fighing once again flares up in the disputed Dojiy Valley.

The Borogrovian army has a distinctly adrian helmet look to it (WW2 French & Belgians) and is equipped with Modern French tanks and Italian tankettes. Whilst Slobenia (WW2 Dutch/Romanian) with it's Vickers-Armstrong franchise has the best that the Zlotol can buy.

