Sunday, August 21, 2011

Math Notebooks

Last school year I used math notebooks with my students. The notebooks are full of charts, examples, pictures, vocabulary, notes (of course), etc. I kept my own notebook, one for each class (in order to model). We filled them in together each time we wrote in it. I LOVE how they turned out. I actually kept them over the summer instead of sending them home with the kids (not because I loved them that much but because I wanted to make sure the notebooks actually made it to the 5th grade with the kids!) I plan on personally delivering the notebooks to my former students on the 2nd day of school. Below is what my notebook looked like; I didn't take pictures of the students' notebooks, but they look just like it (of course, with kid handwriting and drawings):

We MUST have a table of contents; helps us keep organized.

These Polygon cards are available in my TPT Store. I'll email a free copy for the first 5 people interested!!!

Vocabulary words are put in the back of the notebook, starting on the last page (and working toward the front).

The use of color in the notebooks is definitely encouraged! It helps the brain remember things! 

Frayer Model; the students actually came up with the facts/characteristics, examples and non-examples for each word so the students' work may not necessarily match mine (and that is A-okay!!!).


  1. I'd love a copy. Love all the goodies in your notebooks!

    [email protected]

  2. I LOVE THIS IDEA! I'm trying it already. I have an EIP classroom, and these could be a HUGE benefit for my kids! However, how do you monitor that only what you want goes in the notebook? I could have cried Friday when I saw a kid doo dahing in theirs! HELP!

    [email protected]

    1. I use the notebooks in my 3rd grade classroom. I made it VERY clear in my beginning of the year expectations that they were not to write, draw, tear out, manipulate, add to or take away from this notebook in any way. I never had a problem with them doing any of those things.

    2. Do you have a copy of the 3rd grade notebooks that you use? I would love to see what you do. Thanks.

  3. I forgot to tell you how much I appreciate all of your ideas! Thanks!

  4. I'd love a copy! These are AWESOME! I look forward to trying them with my 2nd graders!

    [email protected]

    Thank you!

    1. This is fabulous! I am going to start math notebooks next year and this is very helpful. Thanks for all your hard work. I would love copies.
      [email protected]

  5. Holy moly...spicy guacamole! This is AMAZING! I'd personally hang on to them too! WOW.

    Lisa Anderson
    [email protected]

  6. I love the vocabulary sheets! I am doing math journals for the first time this year and this is a big help!!!

  7. I'd love a copy of the geometry cards! Thanks for sharing about your math notebooks. We are starting ours tomorrow and I will use some of your ideas!


  8. This is an awesome post! I have kept notes for math and loved them, but never have tried the vocab. in that format. What a fantastic idea!! I am going to try this, thank you so much for sharing your inspiration!

  9. I just took a class on math notebooks through my district and I have to return with some great ideas that I have found online to share with others. So thank you so much for posting all of your wonderful ideas!

  10. I had planned to do the same thing this year. We are already working on our science ones.

    I absolutely love the way you did the vocab. flappy card things. Do you have that at your TPT store? The Frayer model? I so need that! :) Thanks so much for sharing this! LOVE LOVE LOVE it!

    Third Grade Meanderings

  11. These are great, and I am going to look into using these. If I don't get to it this year, since we've already started school and I'm on maternity leave, I'll for sure keep these in mind for next year!!

  12. Your notebooks look amazing. That is what I aspire mine to look like. I love all the tools you have used throughout the notebook. I would love copies of anything and everything from your notebook. Thanks for sharing and inspiring! ~Amanda @ The Teaching Thief

  13. Ahh! So excited to implement this math journal! Thank you for sharing!!

  14. I almost wish I was teaching math again...these notebooks are fantastic. What a treasure for those kids. I am saving this in case I ever go back to a regular class. Now...should I Live Binder, Scoopit, Pinterest, or One Note...I really need to get a handle on organizing. Thank you for sharing.
    The Write Handed Teacher

  15. These math notebooks are awesome! You have inspired me to try this with my 3rd graders this year. If you haven't already given away the 5 copies of the polygon cards, I'd love a copy.


    [email protected]

  16. AMAZING!!! That is the most beautiful math notebook I have ever seen! Thanks for setting the bar so high!!! :) I'm moving to 5th grade this year, and am doing Math for both sections. I'm going to try to do something as nice as yours! Thanks for sharing!
    Jodi ~ Buffalo, NY

  17. Have you used Dinah Zike's math book ideas in your notebooks? It would be a perfect go along!

    Off to get up Math Monday so you can post this there. ;)


  18. What a wonderful idea! Thanks so much for sharing.

  19. Your math notebooks are AMAZING! I can't wait to borrow your ideas for my math class! Thank you so much for sharing!

  20. Those are amazing! Such great tools and resources for the kids!
    Counting with Coffee

  21. I love the idea of making a math notebook with the kids! I am teaching 3rd grade math this year, and I think I am going to try this! I also like that you had one for each class. I love this because I know my 3 classes won't always be on the same thing every day.

  22. Wow thanks for sharing. I love these as they are easy to follow, remember and learn...well done!

  23. Love, love, love Math Journaling! One thing I did last year was have my students put the paper cd holders in their journal to hold their personal fraction pieces or paper pattern blocks or even paper base 10 blocks - they loved it, and I did not have to battle keeping up with each student's manipulatives :)

  24. Amazing!! I have done math notebooks before, but never this detailed. Great job! :)

  25. Is it too late for a polygon copy? I can't get your blog at school because they are blocked...:( So I am just now getting to my computer. Also, can you give me some specifics on how you set this up? I would LOVE to do something like this!!

  26. I have been using journals for a long time and never thought to create a table of contents in the front or glue foldables inside. Thanks for your great ideas!

  27. I really like this idea. Do you have a specific place where you print off all the great printables?

  28. I love, love LOVE this! I have been looking to put together a journal/math resource such as this and since school started today, I can start it from the beginning. I started lapbooking in Science last year, and this fits in very well for math. THANKS for sharing!

  29. I really like how you set up these notebooks. Is there anyway I can get copies of the pages you put in there? I love it!!

    [email protected]

  30. LOVE your math notebooks - this is an area of my math program I'm dedicated to working on this year. I'm going to use ideas from Dinah Zike's foldables (it looks like you have some foldables, too). I'm excited about starting my math journals this year!
    Runde's Room

  31. Just like all your followers, I love it! I hope you will consider posting the templates that you use at your TpT store. I'm deffinitely waiting for you to post them so I can make a purchase! :0)

  32. WOW!! I have always wanted to try math notebooks, but could never "visualize" how to do it. So great!!

    Will you be putting your templates in your TPT store? I'd love to get the ones you showed, because they are all things we teach!

    Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful ideas!!

  33. I love how you used the math notebook in your class. You have inspired me to use my math notebooks in a new way!


    Just another pb&j day

  34. This is the best idea that I think I have seen in a long time for math. I love all of your colorful ideas. I am going to have to borrow some of your wonderful ideas. Thanks for sharing.

  35. I was wanting to do a math notebook this year in my 4th grade classroom and I can't wait to get it started now. AWESOME Wish I had been one of the first 5 to comment.

  36. I love your ideas-- we do a VIP (Visual Instructional Plan) for our math notebooks, but we are looking for helping the students become more engaged with their notebooks! I would love any copies you could send and I would love to share our VIP's with you! Thanks!

    [email protected]

  37. Thank you so much for this wonderful idea! We do math notebooks in my school but this is one of my personal goals this year... I'm posting your link on my blog! Thanks again!!
    I'm a new follower! :)

  38. Where do you get all your resources? I love the number form web and the number reading page. I have started a notebook as well but don't have everything set up, I am "flying by the seat of my pants". If they are available in your TPT store let me know.

    [email protected]

  39. GREAT ideas! Thanks for sharing!!

  40. I went to a workshop this summer on foldables. I loved it!!! I am really liking your worksheets in the notebook. Do you have them available somewhere? Also, is there anyway that you could allow us to see more pictures of your amazing ideas from your notebook?

  41. What a great resource this makes for the kids! Love your ideas, and I'm off to check out your templates!

  42. LOVE the idea of sharing your journals! Such a great idea... I love my journals and I always hate to feel like they're getting old and boring. What grade do you teach?? Your material looks just like my 3rd grade curriculum :)

  43. What a gift you have! Thank you for sharing! PLEASE help me get started! Is it too late in the school year?? I appreciate any advice! Kathy

  44. I love love love this! I'm revamping my math notebooks, and this was just the jump start I needed!!
    Thanks for sharing!

  45. This is a great notebook. I also teach fourth grade math and we use a notebook. I love the vocabulary section and the dates at the beginning. I will definitely use some of your ideas next year!

  46. I love the way that you put together your journal's. I don't suppose there's a way to get a copy of this...I would really like to implement this next year with my kids. I don't really know where to start, the vocabulary idea is great!

  47. WOW! This is such a GREAT idea-well organized and so helpful! I love all your great charts and ways to explain each concept!


  48. I am on Spring Break and feel so inspired to try this next year!! Thank you for posting pictures...I have never heard of math notebooks like this and am thankful I now have your example!! Like the rest, I would LOVE any copies of anything you used that could be emailed. Thank you! [email protected]

    1. Just wanted to let you know, I just read more of your posts and found all that is available on TPT! THANK YOU!! But if you have anything else to pass on, please email me!

  49. I would LOVE copies of anything that you are willing to share! I am definitely going to try this next year. Thanks for sharing. [email protected]

  50. This is amazing! I can't believe how organized it all it! I could really use something like this for my 3rd graders =) Anything you are willing to share would be greatly appreciated!

    [email protected]

  51. I would LOVE a copy if you are willing to share

  52. I love these ideas... As a special education teacher any and all tricks to remember math rules and formulas is very important....

    Would love more ideas.

    [email protected]

  53. WoW!!!!!WoW!!!!!! The math journal is awesome!!! Thanks
    for sharing!!! I always wanted to have a workable journal. I do use lap-books/mini offices. As always you are awesome!!!! Thanks so much!!! [email protected]

  54. I remember having a math and english notebook when I was in school - the memories! In September I will be teaching math after over a decade of not teaching the subject in a brand new division and grade! Do you have a master copy (photos)that you can share? [email protected]

  55. I love this as well. I use a math journal already for my advanced math class. We call it our "StudyGuide." However, I love some of the graphic organizers you use. How might I see others? I would love to get a head start over the summer on planning out next year's journals using some of your ideas!

    Thanks for sharing such creative ideas!

    Jana / 4th Grade Teacher
    [email protected]

  56. Love these notebooks. I would appreciate any copies of anything that you are willing to share!

    [email protected]

    Kevelle/Sixth Grade Math Teacher

  57. OMG.....These notebooks are unbelievably awesome...I will definitely do this with my kids next this idea

  58. I LOVE this Math idea!!! I can't wait to try it with my second graders next year!...Is there a way I could see more examples? I would really appreciate it! :)

    Angie :)
    [email protected]

  59. I would love a copy too! I am a first year teacher with 4th graders in the fall and think that this is fabulous idea that I would like to start.

    [email protected]

  60. My son did this in his 5th grade math class this year and it worked wonderfully! So much so, that I will be using it with my fourth graders next year! Great ideas and pictures!

  61. If I could get a copy too I'd love it!!!! I've already ordered the notebooks for the kids :-)


    [email protected]

  62. I would love a copy. Do you have an electronic copy of it? If so, could you send one to my email address? [email protected]


  63. I would love a copy of anything/all that you are willing to share.
    [email protected]

  64. Would love a copy of anything willing to share on the math notebooks..
    [email protected]

  65. I would love a copy also. Thank you do much for sharing!
    [email protected]

  66. I will be moving to 4th grade this year (from Kindergarten!) and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your ideas! I also would so love to have a copy of the things you include in your Math Notebooks if you are willing to share.
    You are so talented!
    [email protected]

  67. This is outstanding! I love everything about it and think it would be a huge help in my classroom. Can I please get a copy of the journal? [email protected]

  68. Your awesome! I would appreciate a copy of your math notebook items as well! My math journals need this organization!
    [email protected]

  69. This is a great idea!!! Could I get a copy of your math notebook items too? [email protected]

  70. Amazing ideas! if you would be so kind, I would love a copy of your math notebook items. Thank you so much for sharing.
    [email protected]

  71. I think these are absolutely amazing! I would love a copy of your math notebook. Thanks. [email protected]

  72. I would love a copy of your math notebook. My email is [email protected]
    Thank you

  73. My daughter struggles with Math and I would love a coy of your math notebook. My email is [email protected].

  74. Your Math Notebooks are awesome! I love the use of the graphic organizers and the general set-up of your notebooks. I would love to have a copy. Thank you for sharing! My email is [email protected]

  75. I am new to fouth grade and would love copies as well. Thanks for all your ideas! My email is [email protected]

  76. I would love to have a copy of your math notebook too. I am new to teaching 4th grade and need all of the help I can get. Thanks! My email is [email protected]

  77. I would love a copy of anything you are willing to share as well. I am looking forward to doing more math notebooking this year!

    Thank you!
    [email protected]

  78. I'd be so grateful to get a copy of your math notebook and any other notebooks you can share. I teach 4th grade in a rural, Florida school with a wonderful diversity of students. Thank you/Gracias!
    [email protected]

  79. I would LOVE a copy of what you have done. If you could send me a copy as well I would be forever grateful-so will my students!! [email protected] or [email protected]

  80. Hi, I love this idea. I have been searching far and wide for this kind of hands on experience for my fourth graders. Is there anyway I could have a copy? Thank you. [email protected]

  81. I am a new teacher and would love to incorporate this amazing idea into my classroom. How do I go about getting started? Are all the templates located in one place at TPT store? I would be so grateful for any and all the information! [email protected]

  82. This is the best, most organized math notebook I have ever seen! I can't wait to begin making this with my kids next year. Much more efficient than what I have tried! Thank you.

  83. I would also love a copy of whatever you have to share.
    [email protected]

  84. Excellent, thorough idea! Love it and plan to re-vamp my math notebooks!

  85. This is so cool. Thanks for sharing.

  86. I wouldlove a copy of whatever you have to this idea so much...i am starting homeschooling this year...thank you

  87. Love the ideas in the journal...I do many hands on activities but keeping them all in one spot is great. Please send me copies of anything you are willing to share. [email protected]

    Thanks so much!! Can't wait to continue reading the blog!!

  88. Can you please send me a copy of this. I would love to use this in my third grade classroom. [email protected]

  89. I would LOVE a copy too! You did a fabulous job!!
    [email protected]

    THANK YOU!!!

  90. This is just what I need! Please send me a copy so I can use this in my classroom. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    [email protected]

  91. I would love a copy as well. I am teaching 7th grade math. Thank you so much! =) [email protected]

  92. I love this!! I'm going to attempt to use this in my classroom this year. Anything you can send me would be appreciated. [email protected]

  93. I would love to see more examples of pages of these notebooks. Also, do you have the kids do their pages in class or at home?

    [email protected]

  94. LOVE LOVE LOVE! I already have my students put together a Science notebook throughout the year but this Math notebook is wonderful!!! Would you email me some of the copies of things you are using in your notebooks??? PLEASE!!

    [email protected]
    THANK YOU!! Jennifer Harden

  95. This is amazing!!! Love love your creativity. I do notebooking with my students but yours goes above and beyond. Would you mind sharing a copy? Thank you!!!!

    [email protected]

  96. These look awesome. Is there any way I could get copies? I want to start notebooks this year and this would be awesome! Thanks ... these are amazing! Pam
    [email protected]

  97. I did these for my fifth grade math and science classes, including the vocab at the back. The only thing I did differently was I used composition notebooks, the ones with the black and white covers, and had them number the pages front/back. That way they could not tear the pages out withouthaving pages obviously missing and they seem to stand up to the wear and tear better than spiral notebooks

  98. I too would love a copy of your math notebook entries. I'm in my second year of teaching and my first year of teaching 4th grade :). These math notebooks are beautiful.
    Thanks for posting them.

    [email protected]

  99. I did a Math journal with my students last year, but yours is AMAZING!! I'd love a copy!! [email protected] THANKS!!

  100. I would also LOVE a copy of your math journal. I am a looping 5th/6th grade Math teacher. My email is [email protected]

    Thanks!! :)

  101. This math book is awesome! Would love a copy as well. [email protected]


  102. I love these journal ideas! I have a journal center and these would be great. I would love a copy of the entries! :) Thanks so much.
    [email protected]

    Thanks!! :)

  103. You have done an amazing job with your math notebook. I will be teaching 3rd grade math this year! I would love a copy of any templates you are willing to share! Thanks so much!
    [email protected]

  104. I too would love any templates you are willing to share. You have done a great job! Thank you, [email protected]

  105. I would love it if you shared these resources with me. This looks amazing! Thanks, [email protected]

  106. I would love to have a copy too! This is amazing. I am planning on starting math notebooks with my students this year!
    [email protected]

  107. I know some things about note booking, but not enough after looking at yours. This will be my first year to teach three rotations of 5th grade Math and will try to do our notebooks justice. So if you have any suggestions, please let me know. We start school August 6 and I would appreciate all the help I can get with anything you can send or share with me. Thank you in advance. You did a wonderful job!
    [email protected]

  108. I love these! Could I have a copy please!?!? I had the best of intentions with ours, but they sure as heck didn't come out like yours!

    [email protected]

  109. Love these Ideas. This is my 1st time teaching 3rd grade. Please send copies of anything that could be helpful. Thanks! [email protected]

  110. This is awesome!!! I would love a copy! Thanks
    [email protected]

  111. I love the math journals! I will be teaching Math for grades 2nd through 6th! YIKES~ I would love a copy of the journal and anything that might be helpful, this is my first year to teach Math; I have been teaching pre-k for three years; I feel very overwhelmed, but know I can do it with help like this and other great websites!
    Thank you for sharing your knowledge and expertise~

    Amy Kitchens
    [email protected]
    [email protected]

  112. I would also love a copy of anything you are willing to share with your math journals! I have done math journals in the past, but I love the idea of making them more interactive and adding the foldables into them. Great ideas!! Thank you for all you do! Lisa
    [email protected]

  113. I, too, would most appreciate a copy of templates or anything you are sharing concerning the math notebook. These examples sre GREAT! I know I want to improve my notebooks this year, but could not visualize what I wanted until I found your website.
    [email protected]

  114. Awesome ideas! Thanks so much for sharing! I would love a copy of your templates if you are sharing, or if you could point me in the direction that I could buy them. Thanks so much!

    [email protected]

  115. This is really awesome. I would also love a copy of your templates if possible. I am going to start math notebooks next year for my 5th grade class and your materials would really be helpful. Thank you!

    [email protected]

  116. You are a LIFE saver. I was sitting here, late at night, trying to plan for our new common core standards for my team, and things were getting cris-crossed in my brain. Your pictures gave me SUCH wonderful inspiration. THANK YOU!! :)

  117. This is exactly what I need for my 4th graders!! Thank you SO much! If it's not too much trouble, would you email me templates also? [email protected] ... thank you, thank you, thank you!

  118. This is awesome stuff! PLEASE email me the templates!!! [email protected] Thank you!!!!

  119. I am starting notebooks for the first time this year in math and science. I would love to see your ideas. My email is [email protected] THANK YOU!

  120. Can I download these items anywhere?? My email is [email protected]. I love the place value items!!!! Please and thank you!!!! Also, I just started teaching fourth this year and have fallen in love with your blog!! Great ideas!

  121. I love the way your notebooks look. I would love a copy of the templates. I teach 5th grade math. Thanks so much!!! You are awesome!!

    [email protected]

  122. Thank you so much for sharing all of your hard work, these are really awesome. I would love a copy!

    [email protected]

  123. Great idea! Can't wait to make this with my 4th graders. I would love a copy!

    [email protected]

  124. I would love a copy too! Thanks!!!! Thanks! [email protected]

  125. Wow! If you are still able to send copies, I'd love to have some too! Love your math journal - it's fantastic! [email protected]
    Thanks, Anngie

  126. Outstanding!!! I do the same for 3rd but am looping with my class to 4th for next year. Can you send copies please!! Thanks!

  127. I would love to have copies if you're willing to share. I have just started math notebook. I love the vocab in the back.

    [email protected]

  128. I would love a copy. It looks great. I have tried using a notebook before but the children always seemed to tear pages out. Putting a table of contents in the front makes sense.

  129. Do you send out copies? This is my first year teaching 3rd grade and this is exactly what I had in mind! This is pure brilliance :)

    [email protected]

  130. I love the concept! Please send me any information that is available... [email protected]... Thanks so much!!! :)

  131. Please send me also copies of your information that was used in your Math Notebook. [email protected] Thanks so very much!

  132. I have been looking for examples of notebooks like this! I wanted to start my Math notebooks this morning (first day of actual Math teaching for the year) and had yet to find any good exmaples...until I came across this blog before school! Keep them coming!

  133. Love this idea and would love to have a copy of anything you can or are willing to share. [email protected]

  134. I would love any freebies. I have a brand new 4th grade teacher this year and trying to figure out the best way to teach math. Thanks! [email protected]

  135. I would love to some of your templates!!!
    [email protected]

  136. I am new to 4th grade math and this looks very helpful for the students. Could u please send me a copy. Thank you!! [email protected]

  137. I can't wait to do this with my sons. I am not a teacher (per say) but I am a mom of 3 young boys. My oldest is just starting 3rd grade..I plan on making this with him, I know he will love it! and he's like me I love making things like this, we can never have enough material to look at..

  138. I do not know if you are sending copies of your template but if so I would love a copy! You are an inspiration!

    [email protected]

  139. Could you send me a copy of your Math notebook. Its great!!
    [email protected]

  140. I would love anything you are willing to share. I'm trying this out with my third graders this year.

    [email protected]

  141. I would love a copy of your math journal inserts. Love to try it...

    [email protected]

  142. Could I please have a copy of your math journal inserts? I think it would be something awesome to try in my classroom.

    Thanks in Advance!
    [email protected]

  143. I would love love a copy of your inserts? I didn't realize you sent them, you are fantastic! I have been stalking your blog for about 8 months and didn't know, yippy!!! That's why scrolling down helps :)
    My email is:
    [email protected]

    Thank you a million times!

  144. Love your math notebook! I'm new to fourth grade and I'm excited to use a math notebook this year. I would REALLY appreciate a copy of your templates.....anything you are willing to share would be greatly appreciated! My email is [email protected].
    Thank you so much!

  145. AWESOME!! These are great. Are you sharing any of your templates? If so, I would be forever grateful.
    [email protected]

  146. I am in my first year of teaching as a 4th Grade teacher! Can you please share some of your ideas with me too! =)

    [email protected]

  147. I would love copies of your Math Notebook, I am teaching second grade but will be moving up with my students next year to third grade. This looks great. [email protected]

  148. This is amazing! I'd love to use this in my class! If you have any other parts to share I'd love the help!

    [email protected]

  149. Hi, I just so happened to find you and your amazing notebooks, please, please, please, send me a copy. I know this would make a difference with my kids.
    [email protected]

  150. Hello; Im forever looking for ways to expose my dauther to note taking & to help her grasp her math (Shes a staright A student but math is her weakness at the moment)
    I went through your math notebook idea and I love it :)

    She is 9 and her and I are going to start making one this weekend with the work that she has brought home so far and the timing is perfect taking she has only been in school for 3 weeks :)

    Thank you for your amazing idea! Do you have any suggstions when it comes to putting one together?

  151. If you are indeed sharing, please add me to the list. We are just 1 week into the school year here in NY and I have just launched my Place Value unit. I would love any of the templates you have, specifically for Place Value.
    Many thanks, julie
    [email protected]

  152. Your ideas are incredible! I'm not sure if you're sharing or not, but if so I'd love a copy!


    [email protected]

  153. I ditto what Julie said and would love copies as well.


    [email protected]

  154. I would love a copy as well. This is a fantastic idea, and my students would love it! [email protected]

  155. This is a wonderful notebook. I think this will be key to helping my kids!!! Could I get a copy of anything you can easily share.

    4th/5th grade teacher
    [email protected]

  156. Are you sharing? I would love any copies you have to offer! I am new in 4th grade and would love any help!
    [email protected]

  157. Fantastic idea!!! A notebook like this would do wonders for my students. I really love your idea. Could I possibly get a copy.

    [email protected]

  158. I would love a copy of the things in your notebook. [email protected]

  159. WOW....I'm absolutely blown away. I too am new to fourth grade. I've started using math journals, but I wasn't sure where to exactly go with them. Your journal is amazing. I would LOVE if you would share a copy with me too! :)

    [email protected]

  160. I would absolutely love a copy. This looks amazing!!

    [email protected]

  161. I am trying to copy your idea with my second graders and planning on using the same notebooks next year when we move up to third. Thank you for sharing your ideas and stategies. [email protected]

  162. Janaye,

    I use Math Journals, and I LOVE your table of contents. I am going to have my 4th graders start that. I should have started it at the beginning of the year, but it will be great to start it now. Thanks for sharing your ideas. I will be back to visit your blog. =)

    Fabulous Finch Facts

  163. I would love a copy as well! I hope I'm not too late :)
    [email protected]

  164. Please I need a copy of these notebook pages! Would really appreciate it.

    [email protected]

  165. I just started using a math notebook with my 4th graders this year. I would love a copy of your notebook pages! Thanks so much.

    [email protected]

  166. I am new to fouth grade and would love copies as well. Thanks for all your ideas! :)
    [email protected]

  167. This is awesome! My district just adopted a new curriculum to follow the Iowa Core. Notebooks are a must. I'd love copies as well if you are willing to share!

    [email protected]

    Thank you!

  168. printable ged practice test free pre test online sources include state websites as well as platforms provided by well-meaning non-profit organizations . These offer preparatory courses as well as pre-tests and study guides. Most of the online resources are put together by academicians and experts in the exam components. The online modules that GED reviewers use are self-paced and interactive.

  169. May I have a copy please!! Thank you! This is a treasure! [email protected]

  170. These are amazing ideas! Just what I was looking for!! We started a new curriculum this year that uses a notebook and I have to send their work home every other day and therefore the students don't have examples in their workbooks. I have made a math wall, but individual math workbooks would be so much more effective! Thank you for getting me started :)

  171. I know this is an older post, but I would LOVE a copy too! Please and thank you :) I do reading strategy notebooks, and have wanted to do math notebooks...just haven't found a way that I like yet. Until now!

    [email protected]

  172. I teach Title I math and would love a copy of anything you would be willing to share! I love math journals and I am trying to improve on them each year. The interactive stuff gets them really excited and engaged!!!
    Thank you!

    [email protected]

  173. I love this!!!!! I would love to make them with my kids, could I also have a copy or pictures of your pages and/or web sites you printed the pages from?

    Thank you!
    [email protected]

  174. Same as every post- Love! I would also love a copy of anything you would share!! I am a 4th grade teacher who will be trying out notebooking and math centers next year-- I know, I'm late and taking on a lot! Thanks so much!

    [email protected]

  175. Same as every post too! I will be new to 4th grade and love the idea of this! I would anything you would be willing to share! Thank you so much in advance....anything for 4th grade would be amazing since I am new at it!

    [email protected]

  176. For my first year teaching I think this is a great start off tool.
    May I have a copy please?!?

    Bless you
    [email protected]

  177. I would love a copy as well. My email is [email protected]

  178. I would like a copy if you are sharing.

  179. Wonderful! This will be my first year teaching fourth grade and I would love a copy or some info. Thanks! Ashley @ [email protected]

  180. This is incredible. I am moving to third grade and would appreciate a copy if you are so inclined. Any ideas are helpful! ([email protected])

  181. I am teaching 4th grade math/science in August. I would like to do the interactive notebooks for both subject and after looking at what you have done I definetly want to do it, but do not know where to start. I appreciate any help you can give me. [email protected]. Thank you so much for posting and sharing

  182. This is GREAT!!! I teach 3rd Grade and planning on starting Math journals with my kids this year. I would love a copy of yours.
    [email protected]
    Thank you!!

  183. 2nd year teaching math/science, and would love to incorporate your ideas into my math journals.

    Anything you could forward would be absolutely appreciated...especially at 3:00a.m.

    [email protected]

    Thanks and have a great rest of your summer!


  184. This journal idea is fantastic!! Can you please send me a copy of some of the resources that you use? And can I please see some more pics of how you used the notebook?

    [email protected]

  185. I would do anything for a copy of this notebook! Or any of the graphic orgs you use! Thanks in advance!
    [email protected]

  186. Would love a copy or more ideas also! I teach 5th grade math! Thanks! [email protected]

  187. I love this idea! I'm going into a new grade this year and would love to incorporate an interactive notebook. I would love a copy of yours if you don't mind sharing! Enjoy the rest of your summer an have a great year!

    Thanks! [email protected]
