Showing posts with label space magic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label space magic. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

TRAILER: Doctor Strange brings magic to the Marvel Universe

For years--the better part of this decade--I've been DYING to see how Marvel would add the arcane elements of the Sorcerer Supreme to their cinematic universe. Doses of the scienc-y "magic" were dropped with the Thor movies and the Guardians of the Galaxy. The Avengers films had a pinch of that old Kirby Krackle, as well.

Strange even had a passing mention as a possible "threat" by SHIELD (we all know how that went!) In Captain America: Winter Soldier. The set up has been a loooong time coming.

And he's not just one of my favorites--he's long been one of Stan the Man's favorite characters.I was psyched way back in 2009 when Stan Lee said Strange was on Marvel Studios' radar to be made. I'm cannot properly communicate my elation at it finally happening!

By the look of this trailer Doctor Strange is gonna be serving up the MAIN COURSE! Finally we're going to experience the full-on comic book wonder that Marvel is famous for. I suppose instead of the Krackle, we'll be getting some "Ditko Dazzle!"

By the Eye of Agamotto, behold the psychedelic visions of Dr. Stephen Strange in this origin-focused teaser! Enjoy!

Doctor Strange hits US theaters November 4, 2016

More details:
If you're not up on your Strange lore, now's the time to dive in:

Images and video courtesy Marvel and Disney

Sunday, October 26, 2014

VIDEO: The ESA's "Ambition" sets imagination ablaze!

This could also go under the alternate title "Space Magic as Instructed by Littlefinger" or "The Most Awesome Thing I've Seen in Ages!". Both titles would be completely appropriate. But it's actually a short film by Tomek Baginksi, commissioned by the European Space Agency (ESA) to celebrate and highlight the importance of the Rosetta mission, to explore the origins of the solar system.

Look, it doesn't matter what it's really about. It's just freakin' awesome, so watch it already!


This is pretty much how I envision Geomancy would work, being a part of the space magic in Rad Astra. So you can see how I'd be excited!

P.S. Is it me, or would Aidan Gillen make for a fantastic Stephen Strange?


More about the Rosetta Mission to orbit and land on a comet.