Grevillea myosodes McGill.
Common Name: Grevillea
Description: A resprouting, multi-stemmed, perennial shrub to 1.6 m. Indumentum of branchlets and leaves of ferruginous medifixed hairs and septate glandular hairs, leaves sometimes lacking glandular hairs. Leaves sessile or shortly petiolate; blades narrowly elliptic to elliptic, 90-170 mm long, 11-35 mm wide, L/W (2.5)6.5-9.5, coriaceous, entire, obscurely veined. Inflorescence terminal, branched, to 140 mm long. Perianth creamy yellow; separating into 4 free segments. Ovary shortly stipitate, glabrous; style cream to yellow, pollen presenter conical. Follicle oblong to +/- orbicular, 19-24 mm long. Seed oblong to orbicular, c. 18 mm long, 14 mm wide, wing c. 4 mm broad.
Similar Taxa: Superficially similar to Persoonia falcata and Grevillea mimosoides.
- Legend:
- Specimens
- Observations
- Cultivated
Introduced Status: Native to NT
Distribution Notes: Disjunct from western Arnhem Land to Litchfield NP and the Kimberley. Rare in the Darwin region.
Bioregion: Central Kimberley, Darwin Coastal, Northern Kimberley, Pine Creek, Victoria Bonaparte
Habitat: In open Eucalypt forest on lateritic and sandstone plateaus.
Ecological Attributes
Flowering: Apr.
Fruiting: Apr.- May
Other Attributes
Conservation Status (TPWCA): Near Threatened
NT Parks: Kakadu National Park, Litchfield National Park, Nitmiluk National Park
Flora Description Source: Flora of the Darwin Region
Taxonomic Literature: Cowie, I.D. & Stuckey, B.M. 2008, Threatened Plants on the Bradshaw Field Training Area, Final Report on 2007 Survey, Northern Territory Government.