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HWWS '02: Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH/EUROGRAPHICS conference on Graphics hardware
2002 Proceeding
  • Eurographics Association
  • Postfach 2926
  • Goslar
  • Germany
GH02: Graphics Hardware 2002 ( formerly known as HWWS ) Saarbrucken Germany September 1 - 2, 2002
01 September 2002
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This year Graphics Hardware is held in Saarbrucken, Germany just prior to the Eurographics 2002 conference. The workshop is the 17th Eurographics/SIGGRAPH workshop on graphics hardware.These proceedings contain the 14 papers presented at Graphics Hardware 2002 selected from a group of 32 submissions. The high quality of these submissions made the final acceptance decisions dificult. The papers cover a variety of topics ranging from new ones such as, varying approaches to ray tracing implementation, to traditional ones like texture mapping and volume rendering. Also the programmable nature of graphics hardware and the directions these new programmable architectures can take is addressed by shading and shader languages papers. Again presentations from industry on the latest developments are presented in the Hot3D track. The Hot3D presentations will be published separately.

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SESSION: Texture mapping
Adaptive texture maps
Pages 7–15

We introduce several new variants of hardware-based adaptive texture maps and present applications in two, three, and four dimensions. In particular, we discuss representations of images and volumes with locally adaptive resolution, lossless compression ...

Resample hardware for 3D graphics
Pages 17–26

Texture mapping is a core technology of current real-time 3D graphics systems. To avoid aliasing artifacts, the texture mapping resample process requires proper filtering. We present a new resample algorithm for two-pass forward texture mapping that is ...

SESSION: Ray tracing vs. scan conversion
SaarCOR: a hardware architecture for ray tracing
Pages 27–36

The ray tracing algorithmis well-known for its ability to generate high-quality images and its flexibility to support advanced rendering and lighting effects. Interactive ray tracing has been shown to work well on clusters of PCs and supercomputers but ...

The ray engine
Pages 37–46

Assisted by recent advances in programmable graphics hardware, fast rasterization-based techniques have made significant progress in photorealistic rendering, but still only render a subset of the effects possible with ray tracing. We are closing this ...

Comparing Reyes and OpenGL on a stream architecture
Pages 47–56

The OpenGL and Reyes rendering pipelines each render complex scenes from similar scene descriptions but differ in their internal pipeline organizations. While the OpenGL organization has dominated hardware architectures over the past twenty years, a ...

SESSION: Shading and shaders
Shader metaprogramming
Pages 57–68

Modern graphics accelerators have embedded programmable components in the form of vertex and fragment shading units. Current APIs permit specification of the programs for these components using an assembly-language level interface. Compilers for high-...

Efficient partitioning of fragment shaders for multipass rendering on programmable graphics hardware
Pages 69–78

Real-time programmable graphics hardware has resource constraints that prevent complex shaders from rendering in a single pass. One way to virtualize these resources is to partition shading computations into multiple passes, each of which satisfies the ...

Efficient rendering of spatial bi-directional reflectance distribution functions
Pages 79–88

We propose texture maps that contain at each texel all the parameters of a Lafortune representation BRDF as a compact, but quite general surface appearance representation. We describe a method for rendering such surfaces rapidly on current graphics ...

SESSION: Rendering and simulation
Low latency photon mapping using block hashing
Pages 89–99

For hardware accelerated rendering, photon mapping is especially useful for simulating caustic lighting effects on non-Lambertian surfaces. However, an efficient hardware algorithm for the computation of the k nearest neighbours to a sample point is ...

Interactive rendering of atmospheric scattering effects using graphics hardware
Pages 99–107

To create realistic images using computer graphics, an important element to consider is atmospheric scattering, that is, the phenomenon by which light is scattered by small particles in the air. This effect is the cause of the light beams produced by ...

Physically-based visual simulation on graphics hardware
Pages 109–118

In this paper, we present a method for real-time visual simulation of diverse dynamic phenomena using programmable graphics hardware. The simulations we implement use an extension of cellular automata known as the coupled map lattice (CML). CML ...

SESSION: Volume rendering
High-quality unstructured volume rendering on the PC platform
Pages 119–125

For the visualization of volume data the application of transfer functions is used widely. In this area the pre-integration technique allows high quality visualizations and the application of arbitrary transfer functions. For regular grids, this ...

Dependency graph scheduling in a volumetric ray tracing architecture
Pages 127–135

We propose a volumetric ray tracing PCI board which uses FPGA components and on chip memory. In a multiboard system a super volume (i.e., one that is larger than on-board memory) can be either distributed or shared. In a single board system it must be ...

VIZARD II: a reconfigurable interactive volume rendering system
Pages 137–146

This paper presents a reconfigurable, hardware accelerated, volume rendering system for high quality perspective ray casting. The volume rendering accelerator performs ray casting by calculating the path of the ray through the volume using a ...

  • The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center


Acceptance Rates

HWWS '02 Paper Acceptance Rate 14 of 32 submissions, 44%;
Overall Acceptance Rate 37 of 94 submissions, 39%
GH '08321134%
GH '07301240%
HWWS '02321444%