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Training low bitwidth convolutional neural network on RRAM

Published: 22 January 2018 Publication History


Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have achieved excellent performance on various artificial intelligence (AI) applications, while a higher demand on energy efficiency is required for future AI. Resistive Random-Access Memory (RRAM)-based computing system provides a promising solution to energy-efficient neural network training. However, it's difficult to support high-precision CNN in RRAM-based hardware systems. Firstly, multi-bit digital-analog interfaces will take up most energy overhead of the whole system. Secondly, it's difficult to write the RRAM to expected resistance states accurately; only low-precision numbers can be represented. To enable CNN training based on RRAM, we propose a low-bitwidth CNN training method, using low-bitwidth convolution outputs (CO), activations (A), weights (W) and gradients (G) to train CNN models based on RRAM. Furthermore, we design a system to implement the training algorithms. We explore the accuracy under different bitwidth combinations of (A,CO,W,G), and propose a practical tradeoff between accuracy and energy overhead. Our experiments demonstrate that the proposed system perform well on low-bitwidth CNN training tasks. For example, training LeNet-5 with 4-bit convolution outputs, 4-bit weights, 4-bit activations and 4-bit gradients on MNIST can still achieve 97.67% accuracy. Moreover, the proposed system can achieve 23.0X higher energy efficiency than GPU when processing the training task of LeNet-5, and 4.4X higher energy efficiency when processing the training task of ResNet-20.


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  1. Training low bitwidth convolutional neural network on RRAM



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