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Simulation—striving to reach its full potential (keynote address)
The Keynote Address will chronicle the development of the Decision Technologies Division (DTD) of the Electronic Data Systems Corporation (EDS), a wholly-owned subsidiary of General Motors Corporation. DTD is a large center of simulation expertise which ...
Introduction to discrete-event simulation
In this article, we introduce the reader to discrete-event simulation. The concepts of system and model, system state, entities, attributes and delays are defined in the general context of simulation. Using these concepts, event-scheduling, process-...
Combined continuous/discrete simulation: applications, techniques and tools
Beside from purely discrete event and/or continuous system simulations, there exists yet another simulation methodology that combines both classes of simulations into one. It is often possible to model one and the same system by use of completely ...
Modeling input processes
Computer models for various applications are closely scrutinized both from the standpoint of questioning the correctness of the underlying mathematical model with respect to the process it is attempting to model, and from the standpoint of verifying ...
Credibility assessment of simulation results
The purpose of this paper is to provide some guidelines for assessing the credibility of simulation results. The life cycle of a simulation study is characterized in terms of 10 phases, 10 processes, and 13 credibility assessment stages (CASs). The ...
Statistical design and analysis
After a general simulation model is built, coded, verified, and validated, it is used to learn about the system(s) under study, requiring careful prior design of the runs and appropriate analysis of their output. This paper surveys methods for effective ...
Optimization of stochastic systems
This paper gives a short survey of Monte Carlo algorithms for stochastic optimization. Both discrete and continuous parameter stochastic optimization are discussed, with emphasis on the analysis of convergence rate. Some future research directions for ...
Variance reduction methods
A computer simulation model is unusual in that the random error is under the total control of the experimenter. Variance reduction methods aim to take advantage of this to improve experimental accuracy. The fundamental ideas behind the most important of ...
But Mr. President—is it ethical?
A set of Ethical Guidelines for the Simulationist is presented in the form of his Responsibilities: to himself; his colleagues; his client; his profession, and to society. Because these guidelines, probably with some modification, may be adopted as the ...
Introduction to GPSS
This write-up provides summary information about the simulation modeling language GPSS. The class of problems to which GPSS applies especially well is described; commentary on the semantics and syntax of the language is offered, and an example is ...
SIMSCRIPT II.5 tutorial
This tutorial will present the highlights of the SIMSCRIPT II. 5 approach to building discrete event simulation models. The approach will be to construct a small example problem, implement the program in SIMSCRIPT II.5, and then to display the ...
SLAM II, including a material handling extension
SLAM II was the first simulation language which allowed a modeler to formulate a system description using process, event, or continuous world views or any combination of the three. Since its initial release in 1981, SLAM II has undergone continual ...
Introduction to SIMAN
This paper discusses the concepts and methods of simulating manufacturing systems using the SIMAN simulation language. SIMAN is a general purpose simulation language which incorporates special purpose features for modeling manufacturing systems. These ...
Modeling and simulation with INSIGHT
The INSIGHT simulation language describes systems in a quick, simple, and compact fashion using a network representation. This description can be entered and simulated using novel interactive facilities that relieve the user of needing to know specific ...
Simulation with activities using C.A.P.S/E.C.S.L (the British approach to discrete-event simulation)
This paper is designed to illustrate the British Approach to Simulation and how it would be used in conjunction with the CAPS/ECSL package. There are several features of this approach which are significantly different to the usual American approach, ...
Object-oriented simulation—Ada, C++, Simula
The object oriented design of simulations is based on the concept of abstract data types. An early mechanism for defining abstract types was incorporated in the Simula Language. Constructs were also included in Ada that support this view. C++ is a ...
The Smalltalk simulation environment
The Smalltalk language provides easy to use support for discrete event simulation. Smalltalk is an object oriented language which is descended from Simula. There is a set of Smalltalk classes which directly support simulation. A simulation of a ...
Hierarchical modular modeling/knowledge representation
This tutorial will emphasize concepts and methodology and will relate them to languages and software environments which are becoming available to support these concepts. We will show how high level specification of discrete event models with ...
Discrete event simulation in Pascal with SIMTOOLS
SIMTOOLS is an integrated collection of procedures and functions which allow one to write discrete event simulation programs in Pascal using the event view. Facilities are provided for generating random variates, creating and deleting entities, managing ...
Simulation in Pascal with micro PASSIM
The micro PASSIM package is designed to support combined simulation modeling in Pascal, including the coordinated sequencing of discrete events and the integration of continuous variables. The package features dynamic interaction through user and system ...
ModelMaster factory modeling system tutorial
This tutorial will describe the ModelMaster Factory Modeling System, a graphically-enhanced flexible modeling system used to simulate discrete manufacturing facilities. ModelMaster, a programming-free simulation package for IBM PC's and compatibles, is ...
XCELL: a cellular, graphical factory modelling system
XCELL is one of a growing number of new simulation tools that capitalize on the graphics capability of personal computers. It is a complete, self-contained, interactive system intended for use by non-programmers. Graphic representation is the ...
PCModel and PCModel/GAF—screen oriented modeling
The recent availability of relatively inexpensive personal computers has created a market for personal engineering software tools. One such tool designed for animating as well simulating manufacturing lines and process, called PCModel, is reviewed in ...
A tutorial on the SIMPLE_1 simulation environment
SIMPLE_1 is an integrated modeling environment for interactive simulation using the IBM PC, XT, AT and true compatibles. The system is composed of a full screen editor, file management routines, compiling and run time systems for processing models ...
A tutorial on SEE WHY and WITNESS
SEE WHY and WITNESS are companion products for visual interactive simulation. SEE WHY is a general purpose discrete event simulation system that offers special integrated features for graphical display and run time interaction. It also provides user ...
Integrated software for manufacturing simulation
A description of AutoSimulations' simulation tools is given. An example of an AutoMod model is included and a discussion of the integrated environment follows.
NETWORK II.5 tutorial
This tutorial will acquaint the reader with a powerful modelling tool which can dramatically reduce amount of time it takes to simulate a computer system. The NETWORK II.5 world view and the class of problems it addresses will be discussed. A summary of ...
CINEMA tutorial
CINEMA is a general purpose, microcomputer based, animation system designed to work with the SIMAN simulation language. A sophisticated yet easy to use graphical interface allows users with little or no programming skills to build highly detailed ...
Index Terms
- Proceedings of the 18th conference on Winter simulation
Acceptance Rates
Year | Submitted | Accepted | Rate |
WSC '18 | 260 | 183 | 70% |
WSC '15 | 296 | 202 | 68% |
WSC '14 | 320 | 205 | 64% |
WSC '12 | 384 | 189 | 49% |
WSC '11 | 270 | 203 | 75% |
WSC '10 | 281 | 184 | 65% |
WSC '09 | 256 | 137 | 54% |
WSC '08 | 304 | 249 | 82% |
WSC '07 | 244 | 152 | 62% |
WSC '06 | 252 | 177 | 70% |
WSC '05 | 316 | 209 | 66% |
WSC '04 | 171 | 144 | 84% |
WSC '03 | 189 | 128 | 68% |
WSC '02 | 185 | 166 | 90% |
WSC '01 | 155 | 111 | 72% |
WSC '99 | 206 | 139 | 67% |
WSC '98 | 216 | 164 | 76% |
WSC '97 | 191 | 121 | 63% |
WSC '96 | 187 | 128 | 68% |
WSC '95 | 183 | 122 | 67% |
WSC '94 | 209 | 100 | 48% |
Overall | 5,075 | 3,413 | 67% |