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Big/little deep neural network for ultra low power inference

Published: 04 October 2015 Publication History


Deep neural networks (DNNs) have recently proved their effectiveness in complex data analyses such as object/speech recognition. As their applications are being expanded to mobile devices, their energy efficiencies are becoming critical. In this paper, we propose a novel concept called big/LITTLE DNN (BL-DNN) which significantly reduces energy consumption required for DNN execution at a negligible loss of inference accuracy. The BL-DNN consists of a little DNN (consuming low energy) and a full-fledged big DNN. In order to reduce energy consumption, the BL-DNN aims at avoiding the execution of the big DNN whenever possible. The key idea for this goal is to execute the little DNN first for inference (without big DNN execution) and simply use its result as the final inference result as long as the result is estimated to be accurate. On the other hand, if the result from the little DNN is not considered to be accurate, the big DNN is executed to give the final inference result. This approach reduces the total energy consumption by obtaining the inference result only with the little, energy-efficient DNN in most cases, while maintaining the similar level of inference accuracy through selectively utilizing the big DNN execution. We present design-time and runtime methods to control the execution of big DNN under a trade-off between energy consumption and inference accuracy. Experiments with state-of-the-art DNNs for ImageNet and MNIST show that our proposed BL-DNN can offer up to 53.7% (ImageNet) and 94.1% (MNIST) reductions in energy consumption at a loss of 0.90% (ImageNet) and 0.12% (MNIST) in inference accuracy, respectively.


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  1. Big/little deep neural network for ultra low power inference



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    Published In

    cover image ACM Conferences
    CODES '15: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis
    October 2015
    242 pages



    IEEE Press

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    Published: 04 October 2015

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    1. deep neural network
    2. low power


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    October 4 - 9, 2015
    Amsterdam, The Netherlands

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