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SEsCPS '15: Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Software Engineering for Smart Cyber-Physical Systems
2015 Proceeding
  • IEEE Press
ICSE '15: 37th International Conference on Software Engineering Florence Italy May 16 - 24, 2015
16 May 2015
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Welcome to the 1st International Workshop on Software Engineering for Smart Cyber-Physical Systems (SEsCPS 2015) collocated with the 37th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2015) held in Firenze, Italy.

Recent advances in technology have dramatically raised the potential in the development of computational systems and created opportunities to further link systems together (creating systems of systems) with collaborative sensing and actuating capabilities. This opens the possibility of building Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) that can efficiently deal with adversities of their environment, be tolerant to threats, cope with emergent behavior and overall, by distributed collaboration, can provide a value which is larger than sum of value provided by individual parts. To emphasize such embedded intelligence, these modern CPS are called Smart CPS (sCPS).

sCPS heavily rely on software up to the point of becoming software-intensive systems. The software in sCPS is by far the most important and most complex constituent. This calls for systematic software engineering (SE) of sCPS, which is not only able to address individual SE challenges, but provides synergistic solutions that are resource efficient and respect the sCPS specifics such as mobility, limited connectivity, partially uncertain environment, etc.

SEsCPS workshop is one of the first events specifically addressing the software engineering for sCPS. It investigates challenges and specifics of software engineering (SE) for sCPS. It aims at deepening the understanding of SE for sCPS and at identifying promising solutions and their novel synergies.

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SESSION: Keynote
Modeling challenges for CPS systems
Page 1

Today's complex cyber-physical systems require the use of a variety of models to capture different aspects of these systems: physical models, software models, control models, and so on. A critical challenge is to ensure consistency and completeness of ...

WORKSHOP SESSION: Workshop papers
Accelerating regression testing for scaled self-driving cars with lightweight virtualization: a case study
Pages 2–7

Engineering software for smart cyber-physical systems (sCPS) challenges developers as they have to deal with uncertain and volatile stimuli data perceived by sensors. Regression testing of a sCPS is time-consuming on sequential execution. However, ...

Fault localization in embedded control system software
Pages 8–14

We describe an approach to automatically locating faulty statements in control code in embedded systems. Our approach uses the controller structure and examples of normal behavior in simulation to build structured probabilistic models that compactly ...

Verification and validation in cyber physical systems: research challenges and a way forward
Pages 15–18

It is widely held that debugging cyber-physical systems (CPS) is challenging; to date, empirical studies investigating research challenges in CPS verification and validation have not been done. As a result, the exact challenges facing CPS developers in ...

Continuous collaboration: a case study on the development of an adaptive cyber-physical system
Pages 19–25

The need to interact with complex environments that are often not well understood at design time makes the development of smart cyber-physical systems (sCPS) a challenging endeavor. We propose a set of practices and tools that support the design and ...

A model-based approach for the specification of a virtual power plant operating in open context
Pages 26–32

Nowadays, it's widely accepted that the paradigm of closed context systems has altered. As software systems in combination with physical systems, termed Cyber Physical Systems (CPSs) evolve to more and more complex structures to meet the continuously ...

An application conflict detection and resolution system for smart homes
Pages 33–39

One of the applications of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) is the Smart Homes. In Smart Homes, multiple apps operate the sensors and actuators to provide rich user experience in a living environment. Because actuators are entities that affect the ...

Taming heterogeneity and distribution in sCPS
Pages 40–43

Smart Cyber Physical Systems (sCPS) are composed by a highly heterogeneous interconnection of platforms and devices offering a wide diversity of capabilities ranging from cloud server with virtually unlimited resources down to microcontrollers with only ...

Versioning in cyber-physical production system engineering: best-practice and research agenda
Pages 44–47

The parallel engineering of cyber-physical production systems (CPPSs), an important type of sCPS, needs the collaboration of several engineering disciplines, which use a wide range of heterogeneous tools and data sources. Systems engineers and process ...

Collaborating multiple system instances of smart cyber-physical systems: a problem situation, solution idea, and remaining research challenges
Pages 48–51

In the engineering of smart cyber-physical systems (CPS), emphasis is given to dynamic networks of CPS collaborating to fulfill an overall purpose. In many cases, multiple instances of the same system type must collaborate at runtime to achieve the ...

Towards cyber-physical systems as services: the ASIP protocol
Pages 52–55

The development of Cyber-Physical Systems needs to address the heterogeneity of several components that interact to build a single application. In this paper we present a model to enable easy integration and interaction of micro-controllers. ...

  • Charles University
  • KU Leuven
  • Carnegie Mellon University
  • Technical University of Madrid
