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In Part I of this article, I explore the importance of introducing law students to tribal law and the culture of other local legal systems early and often. I assert that when the legal academy ignores the role that culture plays in the formation and understanding of our own legal system and the legal systems of other communities, we are ignoring the most basic and core aspects of society. By disregarding the role culture plays in legal systems, we are doing a disservice not only to our students, but also ultimately to the legal community and our clients. By failing to give our full attention to this critical aspect of our student's education, we are also failing to adhere to principles espoused in the Best Practices of Legal Education, which is to adequately prepare our students for the practice of law. Part II will identify key components of Best Practices that establish a framework for teaching culture in general and for teaching it alongside tribal law in particular. This section pays particular attention to establishing an institutional affirmation of the importance that culture plays in legal education; setting institutional goals for a program of instruction that includes teaching culture across the curriculum beginning in the first year of law school and throughout the entire course of legal study; and establishing an environment that supports faculty development for delivering instruction in teaching culture as part of course curriculum. Part III identifies a few teaching techniques they may be helpful to those interested in trying cultural education. These suggestions are tailored to the type of course being taught. I discuss whether particular techniques could be included in the doctrinal, survey/seminar, or clinical courses. Part III also provides examples from my own teaching manual, which I use to illustrate how we can customize existing exercises and ideas to integrate them into the curriculum.
Publication Title
Kansas Journal of Law and Public Policy
First Page
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Recommended Citation
Aliza Organick,
Tribal Law and Best Practices in Legal Education: Creating a New Path for the Study of Tribal Law,
Kansas Journal of Law and Public Policy
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