Dev Patel

Dev Patel

Email: devapatel3 [at]

Welcome! I study development economics with a focus on the environment, gender, and education.

I am a Prize Fellow in Economics, History, and Politics at the Center for History and Economics at Harvard and a Postdoctoral Fellow at J-PAL at MIT. In 2026, I will start as an Assistant Professor in the Brown Department of Economics and Institute at Brown for Environment and Society. I received my Ph.D. in economics from Harvard in 2024.

Working Papers

A Rosetta Stone for Human Capital (Updated draft coming soon!)
(with Justin Sandefur)
Abstract | PDF | Coverage

[Online Interactive Guide: How to Measure Floods from Space]
Abstract | PDF | Coverage

Learning About a Warming World: Attention and Adaptation in Agriculture
Abstract | PDF | Survey Instruments | Coverage

What Jobs Come to Mind? Stereotypes About Fields of Study
(with John J. Conlon)
Abstract | PDF | Survey Instruments | Coverage


Texts Don't Nudge: An Adaptive Trial to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19 in India
(with Girija Bahety, Sebastian Bauhoff, and James Potter)
Journal of Development Economics, 2021
Abstract | PDF | Survey Instrument & Replication Materials

The New Era of Unconditional Convergence
(with Arvind Subramanian and Justin Sandefur)
Journal of Development Economics, 2021
Abstract | PDF | Replication Materials | Coverage


Syllabus for my 2021 course on the economics of gender inequality


Bangladesh Data Resources
Bangladesh Labor Force Survey 2016-17
