jmap -heap fails on Ubuntu with OpenJDK

Whenever I try to use `jmap -heap`, which is usually when I’m in a hurry as things are going weird, it fails with:

java.lang.RuntimeException: unknown CollectedHeap type : class sun.jvm.hotspot.gc_interface.CollectedHeap

Easily fixed by installing the OpenJDK debug symbols.

I’m currently using the openjdk-8 package, so I install the openjdk-8-dbg package. I install without its recommended packages, as it wants to install all kinds of stuff!

apt-get install –no-install-recommends openjdk-8-dbg

Now my jmap -heap works perfectly.

This was posted 3 years ago. It has 2 notes.
Charles Proxy now available on iOS

We are excited to announce that Charles Proxy is now available on iOS!

With the iOS version of Charles you can capture and inspect network requests and responses on your iOS device. You can view metadata, headers and bodies in the app, so you can finally debug your app’s networking issues without a computer.

Charles for iOS currently supports the following features:

  • Capture HTTP and HTTPS network traffic on your device
  • SSL Proxying so you can view your SSL / TLS requests in plain text
  • View requests and responses in the app, or share each request or a whole session to Charles on your desktop

Running Charles on your iOS device means you no longer need to fiddle with WiFi network proxy settings. It also means that you can capture and measure network traffic that goes over the Mobile / Cellular data network.

Measuring networking performance over Mobile data is especially important for your mobile apps (as that is how a lot of users experience your app), and it can reveal large or slow requests, as well as opportunities to increase perceived performance by parallelising network calls.

We are thrilled to be able to finally bring Charles to the App Store. If you’d like to know a bit more about the history of Charles, and particularly Charles on iOS, I gave a presentation to try! Swift Tokyo in March 2018 that you can watch on YouTube.

We plan to bring more of the features that you know and love from Charles on the desktop to the iOS version over the coming months, so watch this space for more announcements.

We hope you enjoy using Charles on iOS!

This was posted 6 years ago. It has 10 notes.
How do I download an iOS App (IPA) file to my Mac after iTunes 12.7 update?
This was posted 6 years ago. It has 0 notes.
How To Shrink Your Virtualbox VM And Free Up Space For Your Hard Disk - Make Tech Easier
This was posted 7 years ago. It has 0 notes.
Roadwarrior configuration for macOS 10.12, iOS 10 and Windows 10 using strongSwan and user certificates
This was posted 7 years ago. It has 0 notes.

GeoIP on PostgreSQL 9.5

This guide is for adding GeoIP functionality to PostgreSQL 9.5 (and earlier) using MaxMind’s GeoLite2 CSV files.

You can read about the MaxMind GeoIP2 CSV files, and download free versions. You’ll need the CSV files to continue.

I create two tables; geoip_blocks and geoip_locations to contain the data. I load the English country names, but you could choose the language you want when you populate the geoip_locations table. I have copied the relevant GeoLite2 CSV files into the /tmp directory in the example below, but you could read them from anywhere.

You can use the index support for cidr addresses built in to PostgreSQL 9.4 and later, but you get much better performance using ip4r instead.

I have examples of both approaches here:

This was posted 7 years ago. It has 0 notes.

AWS CloudFormation UserData for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

I use CloudFormation to create EC2 instances on AWS. I use this UserData script to install the CloudFormation scripts on the EC2 instance and then to run the init and signal steps.

       "UserData": {
         "Fn::Base64": {
           "Fn::Join": [
               ”#!/bin/bash -x\n",
               "apt-get update\n",
               "apt-get install -y python-pip\n",
               "pip install\n“,
               "cfn-init -v –resource <RESOURCE NAME CONTAINING INIT CFG>”,
               " –stack “,
                 "Ref”: “AWS::StackName”
               " –region “,
                 "Ref”: “AWS::Region”
               "cfn-signal -e $? –resource <RESOURCE NAME CONTAINING CREATION POLICY>“,
               ” –stack “,
                 "Ref”: “AWS::StackName”
               " –region “,
                 "Ref”: “AWS::Region”

You then need to add the CloudFormation init configuration to the resource named above. I put it in the instance resource, but I don’t think it has to be.

For example:

“Metadata”: {
       "AWS::CloudFormation::Init": {
         "config": {
          “packages”: {
          “apt”: {
          “awscli”: []

You can also add a CreationPolicy onto a resource; usually the instance or the auto-scaling group. Creation policies have replaced WaitConditions.

     "CreationPolicy": {
       "ResourceSignal": {
         "Timeout": “PT5M”

This was posted 7 years ago. It has 0 notes.

AWS VPC VPN Strongswan configuration

Create the VPN Connection in the VPC Management console on AWS, using static routing, then download the Generic configuration. The downloaded text file contains some values that you’ll need. There are two VPN configurations in it. I just hook up one on the server. Perhaps if you have two VPN servers you could set up one VPN on each.

These are the values of interest in the downloaded text file:

  • Pre-Shared Key
  • Outside IP Addresses
    • Customer Gateway
    • Virtual Private Gateway
  • Inside IP Addresses
    • Customer Gateway
    • Virtual Private Gateway

My server has an internal IP address, and sits behind a router, which has a public IP address. AWS VPC supports NAT-T so this is no problem. You just set “left” (below) to your internal IP and “leftid” (also below) to your public IP.

Here is the example /etc/ipsec.conf:

conn vpc
       left=<ip address of your server>
       leftid=<public ip address of your server>

conn vpc1
       right=<Outside IP Addresses: Virtual Private Gateway>
       leftsubnet=<your subnet>
       rightsubnet=<VPC subnet>

conn vpc1a
       right=<Outside IP Addresses: Virtual Private Gateway>
       leftsubnet=<Inside IP Addresses: Customer Gateway>
       rightsubnet=<Inside IP Addresses: Virtual Private Gateway>

Here is the example /etc/ipsec.secrets:

<Outside IP Addresses: Virtual Private Gateway> : PSK “<Pre-Shared Key>”

Then in your AWS VPC configuration edit the route table and add a static route for your internal subnet to the Virtual Gateway device.

Check your security groups on your instances to make sure they allow connectivity from your internal subnet IPs. It can be useful to allow ICMP so you can test using ping.

Restart Strongswan:

service strongswan restart

Then try to bring up the VPN interface:

ipsec up vpc1

If all is going well you should see a successful connection result in a second or two. If not, something is wrong :-(

Try to connect to one of the servers in your VPC. If you can’t, check the security groups on them, or perhaps any firewall rules on your own machine.

Then bring up the vpc1a connection. This should result in the VPN showing as UP on the AWS VPC VPC Connection configuration page.

Once you’re happy, change “auto=add” to “auto=start” in /etc/ipsec.conf and restart Strongswan and the VPN would come up automatically.

This was posted 7 years ago. It has 0 notes.

Cocoapods and Swift 3

Cocoapods supports Swift 3 as of 1.1.0. Cocoapods sets the SWIFT_VERSION of the pod targets to match the SWIFT_VERSION set on your project. This is a pretty clever solution to Swift evolution, and you can read more about it in the Cocoapods 1.1.0 announcement blog.

Note the bold text on project in the previous paragraph. You need to set the SWIFT_VERSION Build Setting on your project, not just on your project’s targets.

This was posted 7 years ago. It has 0 notes.

Setup exim4 and DKIM

I have setup exim4 to sign outgoing email using DKIM, with the goal of improving deliverability. I have setup exim4 to handle multiple outgoing domains with different keys.

The key to use is chosen based on the domain name of the From header, not the envelope mail from. This is because I believe DKIM verification uses the From header (

I based my approach on instructions from, but they appeared to be either slightly incorrect or out of date.

Configure exim4

First you need to make up a DKIM selector. This is the part of the domain name that goes on the front of the DNS entry you’ll later make. I configure one DKIM selector for all of the domains, so I choose one that identifies the box or the entity that owns the box. If you set up DKIM for the same domain on another box with different keys, the selector is what identifies which keys to use.

Say you choose the selector “mydkim”.

If you have split configuration, edit /etc/exim4/conf.d/main/00_exim4-local_options and append the following to the end of that file. If you are not split, edit /etc/exim4/exim4.conf.template and insert the following after the MAIN CONFIGURATION title comment near the top of the file.

DKIM_DOMAIN = ${sg{${lc:${domain:$h_from:}}}{^www.}{}}
DKIM_FILE = /etc/exim4/dkim/$dkim_domain.pem

Run update-exim4.conf to update your configuration. Restart exim4 and check that you can still send email. I suggest sending email to another email account, not on your server. Check that /var/log/exim4/paniclog remains empty after successfully sending email.

Congratulations you’ve successfully setup exim4.

Exim4 will look in /etc/exim4/dkim/DOMAIN.pem for a private key to use to send email with a From address domain of DOMAIN.

Generate DKIM keys

Now you need to generate keys for exim4 to use. In the example below, replace “” with your domain name.

cd /etc/exim4/dkim
openssl genrsa -out 1024 -outform PEM
openssl rsa -in -out -pubout -outform PEM

Don’t send any email yet. Exim4 will start using this private key immediately, and it will sign your email. But you haven’t setup your DNS yet.

Add DKIM public key to your DNS

You need to add your DKIM public key to your domain’s DNS. This is how a remote server can lookup the public key to check the signature your server has added to your email.

Open the file generated above. 

Now if you send email to an email account not on your server, you should see a Dkim-Signature header in it. It will start with —–BEGIN PUBLIC KEY—– and end with —–END PUBLIC KEY—–. The line in between are your public key!

Create a new DNS record on your domain using the DKIM selector you chose above. In my example this is mydkim, so the record we add is for

The DNS record type is TXT. You should already have an SPF record of type TXT. If you don’t, google SPF records.

The value of the TXT record starts with:

v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=

Directly after the last =, paste each line of your public key with no new lines. So it all ends up on one line.

e.g. v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDAPUE4hEV7wSh7v9s/NrhbJu7k1/Jqr3Mt7pspT6o7c/Q+GFP1Ko7VA0I12RYB+PeFUE+3i3yu1fsmzGn92GdhKd2nObZbs06Rynm48yVPmzXV2pEptebfOTfAdsJh3rryB0HQnPx+H1gKww1/nUagYlUjktBL7sRDGdjNqTIxYwIDAQAB

Save that DNS record.

If you want to verify that it worked, try this command-line tool:

dig txt

Of course you probably need to wait for your DNS to update. If you know the primary DNS server for your domain, try querying that directly if you’re impatient.


Now exim4 is signing your email, and you’ve setup your domain, so it’s time to send a test email.

Send an email to [email protected] and in a few seconds you’ll receive an email back summarising the findings about your email. With luck you’ll have passed the DKIM check. If the DKIM check failed, scroll down to read why. If it is because the _domainkey subdomain we added doesn’t exist, perhaps you need to wait a little longer for the DNS to propagate. Check though that it reports the same subdomain that you added! This will confirm that you have set your DKIM selector correctly.

Now send an email to yourself on another email server, e.g. a gmail address. Check that the received email contains a Dkim-Signature header. That’s the magic bit.

Adding additional domains

When you want to add DKIM signing for additional domains, repeat the Generate DKIM keys, Add DKIM public keys to your DNS and Testing steps. You don’t need to configure exim4 anymore as it’s setup for as many domains as you like.

This was posted 7 years ago. It has 0 notes.