Tag Archives: Helping

Certificate renewing is pending (update & help)

Some of our community members (users) get a problem while they try to renew an existing certificate. The issue is: Certificate renewal is pending for days/weeks.

First of all, CAcert is not a service provider or a company, but a community. We are all in the same boat. We can only achieve our goals together, with your the cooperation of all of us (of all users=members).

One of our volunteer support engineers, a retired gentleman somewhere in Bohemia, wrote, after he watererd the flowers in the garden:
1. Many users use CAcert without any assurance. Until now, their CSRs were signed by Class 1 Root (–> serial # 1xxxxx) and their CSRs/renewals are stuck in a queue now.
2. These users know absolutely nothing about existence Class 1 & Class 3 Roots, as they don’t remember installing root(s), and when creating a new cert, they cannot see the choice Class 1/3, because with <50 assurance points (trust points) it isn’t displayed.
3. Many users do not know about the existence of Wiki, bugs, blog, CATS… websites. Our education possibly fails in this direction.

And from Alsace, a baker who is also CAcert volunteer writes after putting the children to bed: There is a lot of information and many tutorials are at the FAQ at https://wiki.cacert.org How to create a certificate can be found at: https://wiki.cacert.org/HowTo/ClientCertCreate/

Another help message was sent by a CAcert volunteer who works as a bus driver from his mobile phone during the short break at the terminus: To get assurance points, the easyest way is to meet with two (or three) experienced assurers who can then credit you with the assurance (trust) points you need (you need 50 and get 10-35 per assurer). When you are on cacert.org in your account, go to the Web Of Trust: https://www.cacert.org/wot.php?id=12 (here you can enter your town and search for assurers in the area) or: https://www.cacert.org/wot.php?id=1 (here you can click through to choose from about 6000 assurers worldwide).

Thank you very much to all our active community members who helps here and there and gives other community members a hand. Even very little help is helpfull. If e.g. each of the 6000 assurers from the assurer directory helps with something small for 10 minutes per month, that is already 1000 hours of work. That would solve (almost) all problems. Here is how you too can give your CAcert community a hand: https://wiki.cacert.org/engagement

And another volunteer from Sweden points out, that the issue will not go away till the interface is fixed, which is a work that has been started, but not finished. Furthermore, renewing old incorrectly signed certificates will never work again, as we have said we will not fix the broken code for that, as no certificates should ever have been signed that way. We can’t continue signing them incorrectly.

3. Advent: More volunteers active with CAcert


We at CAcert are well positioned in the current special circumstances in almost all cases. For us, home office is everyday life and the usual distances between our volunteers at work are not measured in centimetres or metres, but in kilometres.

Today, the third Sunday of Advent, we introduce the new support. At the moment, we are in the process of significantly expanding the support service. Currently, new volunteers are being trained and are helping to ensure that enquiries can be processed more quickly. In Cologne they are called Heinzelmännchen, in Sweden they are called Tomte – no matter what you want to call these people who help you in their spare time at CAcert, they are located in Western Europe, Central Europe, Latin America and soon also in Central Asia. They can be reached via the internet, where there is efficient protection against viruses.

We wish you all a peaceful Advent season. If you get bored because of closed leisure and cultural institutions, think of your CAcert community. For example, in the bug tracker there are many smaller and larger projects that you can take on and give the community a small gift at Christmas or New Year by solving a problem.


Wir bei CAcert sind in den aktuellen besonderen Umständen in fast allen Fällen gut aufgestellt. Bei uns ist Home Office Alltag und die üblichen Distanzen zwischen unseren Freiwilligen im Betrieb messen sich nicht in Zentimetern odern Metern, sondern in Kilometern. Am heutigen dritten Adventssonntag stellen wir euch den neuen Support vor. Im Moment sind daran, den Support deutlich auszubauen. Zur Zeit werden neue Freiwillige eingearbeitet und helfen mit, dass Anfragen schneller bearbeitet werden können. In Köln nennt man sie Heinzelmännchen, in Schweden heisst er Tomte – egal wie Sie diese Leute nennen wollen, die Ihnen in ihrer Freizeit bei CAcert weiterhelfen, sie sitzen in Westeuropa, Mitteleuropa, Lateinamerika und demnächst auch in Zentralasien. Erreichbar sind sie übers Internet, wo gegen Viren effizienter Schutz besteht.

Wir wünschen allen eine geruhsame Adventszeit. Sollten Ihnen wegen geschlossener Freizeit- und Kulturinstitutionen langweilig werden, denken Sie doch an Ihre CAcert-Gemeinschaft. Zum Beispiel im Bug-Tracker gibt es viele kleinere und grössere Projekte, denen Sie sich annehmen können und der Gemeinschaft auf Weihnachten oder Neujahr mit der Lösung eines Problems ein kleines Geschenk machen.


Pour l’instant, nous sommes en train d’élargir considérablement le service de soutien. Actuellement, de nouveaux volontaires sont formés et contribuent à garantir un traitement plus rapide des demandes.

Nous vous souhaitons à tous une saison de l’Avent paisible. Si vous vous ennuyez à cause de la fermeture des institutions culturelles et de loisirs, pensez à votre communauté de CAcert. Par exemple, dans le bug tracker il y a beaucoup de petits et grands projets que vous pouvez prendre en charge et offrir à la communauté un petit cadeau à Noël ou au Nouvel An en résolvant un problème.

Easter Egg Challenge 2011

Easter Egg
We’ve just started our this years Easter Egg Challenge … We’ve put a couple of patches on to our testserver CACERT1 for you, our fellow and our new Software testers. We’ve put light to heavy patches to the package so everybody is able to walk thru the testserver web pages and search our Easter Egg’s.
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