Insects & Integrated Pest Management

The Integrated Pest Management (or Entomology) Program offers many educational programs to the public for both youth and adults.  Below are links to upcoming events.  If you have an organization, club, or other group that would be interested in a presentation on an entomological (insect) related subject, please contact us!

Subscribe here to receive emails for upcoming classes and other events 

If you are looking for information on entomology youth programs and camps – click here!


Upcoming Educational Events


Youth Entomology Curriculum

Online Webinars


Bug Blog – want to know what “bugs” are big?  Updated regularly to keep you up to date!

Contact Molly Keck
Get answers to your pest and insect questions.

Molly Keck, Texas AgriLife Extension Program Specialist in Integrated Pest Management and Board Certified Entomologist.

Call: 210-631-0400   /   Email: [email protected]




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